The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 225: Near the end

Muhua Saki stared at Lancelot, who was rushing from behind, with her small hand supporting her chin, lost in thought.

Sure enough, this ordinary person with almost no perceptual ability will always encounter unexpected surprises.

Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't expect that she would chase the wrong person, but she also blamed the two of them for having a big fight.

I saw that Lancelot hadn't even approached, he immediately took out a rifle and pulled the trigger at Altria!


The sound of continuous gunfire came out, and Altoria leaped quickly and left the original place, avoiding the pouring bullets.

Seeing the magic pattern on that rifle, Muhua Sakiya had Lancelot's special ability or treasure in his mind.

"The knight doesn't die with bare hands?"

This is a bug-level skill. Any weapon can be completely driven by simple contact. Even the treasures in the treasure of the king can be directly seized, and the knowledge of controlling weapons can be obtained almost instantaneously, and there is even a magic bonus.

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly became interested. With a wave of her small hand, a silver-white chain stretched out into eight segments and pierced into the wall next to it like a sharp sword. Then, with a light pull, the chain suddenly cut a large amount. Block walls!

Muhua Saki Yaxin circled this big rock with a chain, and slammed it directly at Lancelot, who was really firing!


Lancelot seemed to avoid it and was directly pressed to the ground by a large wall.

Muhua Saki Yaxin turned his head to Altriya and said: "You should go there to play gold glitter, let me deal with it here."

Altria looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin and said, "I can deal with him."

"You don't want to deal with him right away." Muhuasaki Yaxin said, and walked towards Lancelot.

"What's the meaning?"

Altria froze for a moment, then heard a crisp sound of the armor landing, and turned his head to take a look.

I saw a berserker in a black armor not far away. The helmet that had been hiding his face was broken and fell to the ground, revealing a face that was distorted and faintly visible in the madness. .

Altria's eyes widened. Although this face was affected by the madness of the madness level, it was already a little shaky, but how could she not recognize it? How could she not recognize the owner of this face-Lancelot.

One of the twelve knights of the round table in front of her is a great knight known as the "Knight on the Lake" and the "Knight's Flower".

According to historical introduction, this knight of the round table named Lancelot has an unclear relationship with the wife of King Arthur in history. Of course, it is said that the two people are very pure and platonic love affairs, but they have feelings for each other but they do not love each other. Slap.

But Lancelot was still in a frantic situation for the queen at one time-wait, maybe it was because the relationship between the two was too pure that caused Lancelot to become ill, and was finally interned with the job of a berserker. Tong Yan Ye summoned.

But these are all historical events, and King Arthur in this world is a girl, and a very beautiful girl.

Judging from the fact that the tip of the sword in Altria's current hand was completely hanging down, it almost fell directly to the ground.

The person who has an unclear Plato relationship with Lancelot should not be her wife who doesn't know whether it exists, but it is more likely Altria herself.

"No wonder the Knights of the Round Table are about to collapse..." Seeing Altoria's reaction like seeing an old lover.

Muhua Saki Yaxin secretly said in her heart, tugging a finger, and the helmet that fell on the ground flew up and fell into his hand.

Naturally, this helmet cannot be smashed by a single brick wall, and it is also impossible for the berserkers to drop it on their own. Instead, it was pierced and pulled down by the silver chain of Yaxin Muhana... Lancelot had no reason to resist.

I don't know why this guy suddenly took off his helmet. Is it possible to tell the old lover?

But Muhua Saki Yashin was obviously wrong.

Taking off his helmet, Lancelot, who had successfully hit Altolia, quickly accelerated, hitting Altolia, who was still in a daze, and knocked it into the air.

Altoria rolled on the ground a few times, struggling to support his body with the sword of vows of victory, still looking at Lancelot with a little loss.

This is the case of the so-called "battered body and mind". Although in accordance with the development of the plot, Altria will eventually kill Lancelot with a sword, but the drama of being ravaged before this is unavoidable.

Lancelot's expression was cold, and there was a trace of madness in his eyes. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and the whole body was still filled with black energy, overflowing with madness.

"I've said it, leave this guy to me to deal with, you can kill the glittering gold." Muhua Saki Yaxin took two steps, stood between Altria and the Berserker, and stuffed the helmet full of cracks. To Altoria.

"Take it, it can be missed at home in the future."


"You are King Arthur, why is it like a girl who has just lost love, staying here as a lost soul."

Hearing Muhua Saki Yaxin's complaints, Altolia woke up like a dream and stood up abruptly. Although he didn't have the high fighting spirit just now, it was not the appearance of the broken-hearted little girl who was going to die a second.

"Where are they." Altoria clenched the Sword of Oath of Victory again.

"I don't know, but..." Muhuasaki Yaxin was halfway talking, but was interrupted by a loud noise coming from the southwest.

"However, they must have a lot of movement when they fight." Muhuasaki Yaxin said. The noise made by these two people is not small at all. Almost half of the city's people can be awakened by the explosion.

"..." Altolia was speechless for a while, put his helmet on the ground, took a deep look at Lancelot, and then firmly shook his head and said: "Creator, if you can, don't let him die in pain."

"Your request is really serious. It's clear that my team is not friendly. Is there any benefit? If it is good, I will agree to you..."

Muhua Saki Yaxin said, her body flashed, avoiding the berserker's fist.

"Hehehe~ Are you angry? No, you just can’t fight~"

Muhua Saki Yashin lightly avoided Lancelot's continuous boxing, then stepped back a few steps in succession, distanced himself from the Berserker, and molested him.

After the distance was opened, Muhua Saki Yaxin raised his left hand, and opened his five fingers upwards, and a huge magic circle suddenly unfolded from the palm of his hand!

As a sacred breath spread, Muhua Saki Yexin saw a divine bird with its huge holy white wings wide open.

With a crisp call from the divine bird, a strong storm suddenly arose!


Lancelot wasn't afraid at all, squeezing a word from between his teeth, his body suddenly exploded, and he was completely plunged into a frenzied state. Perhaps there was also the reason why Altria had left him ruthlessly.

Lancelot after the madness was amazing, and his combat power skyrocketed, rushing directly at the **** bird like a reckless man!

Upon seeing this, the divine bird directly incited the white holy wings and stirred up a gust of wind!

The gust of wind was so fierce that the tiles on the ground were lifted, and Lancelot was instantly swept back by the gust of wind!

However, he was not discouraged, stood up and rushed over again!

"Sure enough, to deal with such a mad dog berserker, it's better to let the summoned beast fight a dozen."

Muhua Saki, who retreated to the distance, saw with great interest the divine bird ravaging Lancelot.

In fact, the silver-white chain just now is magic, and this sacred bird is also magic.

This is a summoning magic she has learned in this world. This divine bird is actually a kind of envoy. It is called Saint Nalav bird and belongs to the divine beast, and its strength can be described as very strong.

Now summoned, Muhua Saki Yashin is just wondering why this monster was extinct?

After the summoning, Muhua Saki Yaxin felt that this monster was quite beautiful.

It can be said that she used Lancelot to experiment with magic.

The current Muhua Saki Yashin did not use her previous power to fight at all, but purely used the power of the world, all kinds of magic and magic.

And the berserker Lancelot's mind, who had fallen into madness, had become straight, and he didn't have any idea of ​​"catching the thief first," or other than killing Muhuasaki Yaxin.

It's just that he fights with the **** bird more frantically, and the more you fight, the more violent the aura on his body becomes.


With a roar that was hardly human, but more like a roar from a beast, Lancelot hit the ground with a punch, like a small earthquake.

Cracks appeared on the ground, and the rolling ups and downs like waves spread out in all directions centered on Lancelot.

The powerful force came surging, directly blasting the divine bird to stand unsteadily. The house not far away shook and almost collapsed directly.

Immediately after that, there was the sound of gunshots, and I didn't know where Lancelot took out a Gatling six-barreled machine gun and started shooting directly.

Bullets were pouring on the walls, on the ground, and rubble splashed everywhere.

Upon seeing this, Muhua Saki Yexin immediately summoned several ancient beasts as envoys, forming a meat shield and blocking them in front of him, blocking those bullets.

Fortunately, Lancelot didn't have many bullets for the Gatling six-barreled machine gun, and the magic power supply could not keep up with the consumption. After a while, the rotation stopped! He dropped the Gatling six-barreled machine gun and picked up the telegraph pole that had just fallen down.

The ink-like black instantly wrapped the telegraph pole, and the red twisted pattern began to spread. The knight did not die with his bare hands, and directly demonized the telegraph pole into a treasure.

When the berserkers were looking for weapons again, Muhua Saki Yashin once again summoned a large number of envoys to cover Lancelot.

This time, Muhua Saki was planning to play a "popular tactic" to see if Lancelot could stand up to this unreasonable and unfair group fight.

"This is the real battle method for summoning magicians, ah, it's really good." Muhua Saki Yashin likes this kind of warfare method, and feels that it's good to use summoning magicians as his own means of fighting. Watch the play aside.

Especially when dealing with berserkers like Lancelot, most of them are enemies with no brains. When confronted with this kind of crowd tactics, they will know how to be reckless. It can be said that this is the nemesis of the mad heroes.

If Lancelot was not summoned as a madman, then he might have rushed out of the envoy by virtue of his strength.

Then, he would directly look for Muhua Saki Yaxin Gang directly, but because of the madness, his IQ was deprived, and only a simple combat consciousness would keep entangled with the servitor.

Muhua Saki Yexin summoned a big tiger to sit on it as a chair, with his cheek in his small hand, looking bored at Lancelot who was beaten up.

About ten o'clock, although Lancelot killed some monsters, he still couldn't get out. If this continues, he will even cool down directly.

However, after two minutes...

three minutes…

Lancelot stood firm, although he was half-dead, but he was not dead...

"It's too slow, it's dwindling..."

Muhua Saki Yaxin was also a little unhappy, stood up and made a fist with Lancelot's left hand.

All I heard was that there were bursts of unpleasant "squeaks" on the surrounding buildings, and many rubble fell on the ground.

It can be seen that there are a large number of small chains spreading between Muhana Saki's left hand and the buildings on both sides, and the other end does not know when it has been entangled with Lancelot's limbs, following Muhana's The action instantly tightened.

The berserker's violent movements suddenly stiffened, and the envoys around him took the opportunity to spread their teeth and dance their claws, each using its grasping or sharp teeth to attack!

"Hmm! Roar!"

A depressed growl came from the Berserker's mouth, and the buildings next to him began to tremble. Had it not been for the better quality of buildings in Fuyuki City, it might have collapsed at this moment.

However, even if Kihana Saki Yaxin "tied" the frenzied Lancelot to these buildings, and suppressed the opponent through the environment, it would only take a few seconds.

After all, it’s not that the weight of those houses and buildings is placed on the berserkers. The small chains divided by the holy white chains are sharp in themselves. Although they are specially entangled together to reduce the sharpness, under the strong power of the berserkers, cut Shattering the concrete is still not a big problem.

However, what Muhuasaki Yaxin needs is just the gap of these few seconds.

Just as the berserkers roared and completely "pulled" the crumbling house nearby into a pile of ruins, a red spear, about two meters long, struck a cold light in the night.

The gun blade pierced through and was lying on the Berserker for the time being, not so much as restraining him from moving, but rather as the envoy who blocked his sight, and pierced the armor on the Berserker's chest.

The sturdy armor was cut directly by the gun blade like butter under the gun blade, and it couldn't stop the slightest. The long spear came out through the body, and the red gun-blade gun body looked as if it had been contaminated with blood.

The magic-breaking red rose, the treasure of the unlucky spearman Di Lu Muduo, comes with the ability to neutralize magic defense, which can be said to be the "treasure killer" of all defense treasures.

This is the second magic of Muhua Saki Yashin experiment-projection magic!

Muhua Saki Yashin stood in front of the berserker, holding the gun in one hand, and drew it to the back.

The berserker is not tall, but his body, which is full of pressure because of his armor, shook a little, and knelt to the ground with a clear voice.

With a wave of his hand, the surrounding envoys retreated, Muhua Saki Yashin came to the berserker's front.

The berserker reluctantly raised his head, his face that was once like a beast seemed to loosen a bit, and from the agile eyes, he seemed to be regaining his sanity.

If at this moment, Altoria in front of him, the two people may have complained to each other, recalling the past or something.

But now Lancelot is facing Muhua Saki Yashin.

Muhua Saki Yaxin smiled: "Don't worry, I will tell Altria, you died very bravely, and very fast!"

After speaking, without any hesitation or delay, a black void appeared behind Muhua Saki Yexin, and he swallowed Lancelot with "one bite".

Then, the black hole shrank rapidly and turned into a card with a frenzied Lancelot look on the front.

Muhua Saki Yaxin smiled sweetly, holding the card, "Hmm~ I collected another card~"

Thinking, Muhua Saki Yexin looked at the red spear on the ground. She picked it up and stabbed it a few times randomly. After passing a few cold rays in the dark night, she looked at the red rose in the hand.

Muhua Saki Yashin tilted his head: "Well~ Is this a super enhanced version of projection magic? It turned into a real treasure directly."

Thinking about it, Muhua Saki Yaxin seemed to realize something suddenly looked towards the sky.

At a certain moment, she seemed to see two loli, flattering her unconditionally as if to please the owner.

Muhua Saki Yexin shook his head: "What's the point of this? A gift?"

After thinking about it, Muhua Saki Yaxin's little hand flashed a black light, and the demon-breaking red rose suddenly shrank and turned into a card.


【Equipment Card】

The Devil's Red Rose

Grade: b

Kind: Treasure for people

Attack distance: 2~4

Maximum catch: 1 person

A long spear that can negate magical defenses.

The defense composed of magic power can't exert any effect on the red rose that breaks the magic. Secondly, the magic enhancements and additional effects added to the weapon will also be completely eliminated under the attack of this gun. It can be said to be the "treasure killer" of all defensive treasures.


Muhua Saki Yaxin squeezed the card and smiled: "It just happens to be used as an equipment card. After all, there are character cards, so how can you lose the equipment card?"

Putting the cards away, Muhua Saki Yaxin raised her head and looked at the roaring area of ​​the sky in the distance.

"It seems that the fight was quite intense..."

Perhaps it was because everyone felt that it was the last battle, and they fought very unrestrainedly, and didn't care about being discovered by the citizens.

Tonight’s Fuyuki City is destined to be unstable. The explosions are so dense that they resemble carnival fireworks. Of course, the excitement is just the excitement of certain people, and most people are frightened by the sound of the silent night. By the time, they doubted whether the Third World War had begun.

The phone call of the Metropolitan Police Department has not stopped since Jin Shining and Uchiha Kirito started the battle.

"Called back again." Looking at the direction of the voice, it was very close to Tosaka Tokimi's residence.

This is also a normal phenomenon, Muhua Saki Yashin has already sensed that the huge magical powers underground in Fuyuki City are gathering, rushing in that direction, which means that the Holy Grail is about to come.

The Holy Grail War has reached this point. The magician spirit died in the hands of Muhua Saki, the assassin hero was killed by the King of Conqueror, the King of Conquer died in Clarton, the lancer committed suicide, and the berserker Lancelot was turned into the hands of Muhua Saki. If the card is lost, it can be said to be dead.

A total of five heroic spirits have already died, Muhua Saki Yaxin and the others are not counted as the chaotic or self-reliant heroic spirits, and there are two heroic spirits Jin Shining and Altria remaining.

Although the rules have always said that only a group of masters and followers will be left, the Holy Grail will appear.

But the plot that Muhua Saki Yashin knew, whether it was the fourth battle of the Holy Grail or the fifth battle ten years later, it seemed that the Holy Grail appeared without death to this extent.

Now that the Holy Grail is about to come, it is not a strange thing.

Now that the Holy Grail is about to fall, Jin Shining and others naturally move towards that side while fighting.

"Sparkling gold's staying power is really good. In other words, is his magic power supply really okay?" Muhua Saki Yaxin looked at the spectacular scene of the golden treasure rain flying around in the sky, a little curious.

The sparkling new owner Yanfeng Kirei died in the hands of Muhua Saki Yexin. According to the truth, this heroic spirit should have disappeared long ago.

But Jin Shining itself has free action a+. Like a magician who does not rely on Ryunosuke's magical power, it can still exist in this world for a period of time even if the lord dies.

As for the supply of magic power, there should also be many treasures that can be used as a source of magic power to supply magic power among the many treasures of Jin Shining.

And now, judging from the bursts of unscrupulous noises, Jin Shining is obviously angry because Yanfeng Qili was killed. He has already shot without hesitation, and it is estimated that he is almost out of the star of the world. NS.

Seeing that a somewhat inexplicable halo appeared in Tosaka Tokimi's mansion, it is estimated that the Holy Grail had already appeared, and Yaxin Muhuasaki accelerated his pace.

And the roar from the front has also ceased. Perhaps Jin Shining has decided the victory or defeat, or perhaps they temporarily stopped fighting and aimed at the Holy Grail that had already appeared.

Kuka Saki Yashin, who was rushing forward, suddenly stopped. She stood still and did not move on. Starting from her feet, they turned into dots of light and dissipated in the air—not death, but her Who was summoned away.

This is also the first time that Saki Yashin has experienced the feeling of being called.

The place where Kawasaki Yashin reappeared was the residence of Tosaka Tosaka who had just left.

Speaking of it, Tosaka Tokimi was really unlucky, and he was stabbed to death by his disciple Yanfeng Kirei.

His home was demolished and flattened by Jin Shining and them directly.

The only thing to be thankful for is that Mika Saki Yashin killed the magician in advance, and did not let his daughter come to risk the danger. Now Tosaka Rin should be staying elsewhere, and he did not come to Fuyuki City for a big adventure.

The situation of the mansion where Tosaka Tokito was demolished was very different from when Kika Saki Yashin left.

There were a lot more people and more dead bodies.

When Kihana Saki Yashin left, there were only two corpses—the pair of masters and disciples, Kirei Yanbong and Tosaka Tomi. Muhua Saki Yexin's hands.

And now, next to Tosaka Tokimi’s unrecognizable corpse, there is another man with white hair. You don’t need to see his face clearly. Just by looking at the clothes and the iconic white hair, you know that this guy is a spare tire. The spare tire in China + the most tragic Ma Tong Yan Ye in the four wars.

In addition to the corpse, there were also a few more people present. Eimiya Kiritugu was right by Saki Yashin's side. The cold expression on his face became even colder, and the suffocating icy smell exuded from the whole body, feeling this The guy seems to be able to die in the next second, and it even feels like he has never lived.

There are two people not far in front of them, one of them is a cute wife, and the other...Although Saki Yashin has never seen her, she fell into the corpses of two men In the middle, looking at the absence of godless eyes, it is no surprise that this woman is the secret lover Tosaka Aoi, the wife of Tosaka Toshimi, who makes Ma Tongyan's night soul dream.

Time retreated back to the time when Yashin Kihana left the Tosaka Tosaka Toshiro mansion not long.

Jian Tong Yanye limped and dragged his broken body to here.

He was fooled by Uemiya Kirishu to go with Tosaka Tosaka. Just after a head-on defeat, he almost died and met a perverted priest by chance, and was rescued by him. Then the perverted priest wanted to join forces with him to participate in the Holy Grail War.

However, he refused, after all, he had promised Saki Yaxin to withdraw from the Holy Grail War.

But unexpectedly, the perverted priest kidnapped Ying directly to threaten Yan Ye and force him to reach a cooperation agreement.

After that, the Berserker suddenly broke in and captured Alice Phil.

And there is another reason why Jian Tong Yanye helped Yanfeng Qili to do this, that is, to meet Tosaka Toshimi again, as to whether he is going to fight again, it is not clear.

Because, when Ma Tong Yan Ye came, what he saw was the corpse of Tosaka Tokichen and Yanfeng Kirei, and there was also Alice Phil who was in extremely bad condition and could barely move.

Fortunately, only Tosaka Tokio was in the eyes of Ma Tong Yan, who directly ignored Alice Phil, went to the corpse of Tosaka Tokio, and confirmed that Tosaka Tokio was dead, and Ma Tong Yan had a twisted heart. It becomes even more abnormal.

From the very beginning, he decided to take part in the Holy Grail War. He worked so hard and self-mutilated to this extent. He obtained the magic power he had done. In addition to saving Sakura, his only purpose was to avenge Tosaka Tokimi, and then told him It's not that "magic is everything".

Then, Tosaka Tokichen died... At this time, Ma Tong Yanye's mood was about the same as that of carrying a sea of ​​blood and deep hatred, hiding in the deep mountain and old forest for decades, and found that the enemy was old and dead after his magical power came out of the mountain.

With Tong Yanye's temperament at this moment, naturally, he was not tenacious, so he collapsed and began to whip Tosaka Toshimi's corpse madly.

The main process involves taking the gravel to have a negative close contact with Tosaka Tokimi's face, and other processes are too **** and brutal, and they are all described as mosaics, so they are not described.

The whip corpse was happy, but Tosaka Aoi appeared, and when he saw the scene, he was confused on the spot.

After the ignorance, the misunderstanding was that Tosaka Aoi who killed Tosaka Tokimi by Ma Tong Yan Ye began to quarrel with Ma Tong Yan Ye... Any normal person would also misunderstand, don’t blame her, who is Jian Tong Yan Ye Also whip the corpse.

Ma Tong Yanye, who was misunderstood by his beloved, was completely mad, and he moved his hand madly and almost strangled Tosaka Aoi directly, only to suddenly wake up amidst Alice Phil's shout.

Seeing Aoi Tosaka who was almost killed by himself, Ma Tong Yanye chose to commit suicide, fully supplying his magic power to the Berserker, and he died of exhaustion.

And at this time, it happened that Muhua Saki Yashin confronted the Berserker, and the Berserker broke out with a punch to the ground. However, this was useless, and the Berserker was still dead in the hands of Muhua Saki Yaxin.

When the love triangle comparable to Qiong Yao's drama finally ended because of the deaths of two people, Kirishu Eomiya was late.

This man first went to meet the dying Jiu U Maimi who was beaten by Lancelot for the last time, let the woman die peacefully in his arms, and then went back to here again.

And now, Eumiya Kirisugu, who exuded deathly silence all over his body, said to Muhua Saki Yashin, "Kill her."

"Huh? Who to kill?" Muhua Sakiya was stunned for a moment. The man summoned himself to kill, and to kill the woman who had no power to restrain the chicken, Tosaka Aoi.

Can't you do it yourself?

Eimiya Kiritsugu seemed to be in a heavy heart. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and raised his finger to a position.

"Kill... she..."

The sound seems to contain sorrow and pain, but it has to be!

Kika Saki Yashin looked in the direction of Eomiya Kiriji's fingers, turned her head to look at Eomiya Kiriji's eyes, and then turned back. After several times, Kika Saki Yashin frowned and said, "You are sure that there is no Head caught by the door?"

Following the direction of Eomiya Kiriji's finger, what Kika Saki Yashin saw was not the Aoi Tosaka he had thought at first, but Alice Phil who was a little closer to them next to Aoi Tosaka!

How did the original plot develop?

Muhuasaki was stunned for a moment.

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