The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 227: Mission difficulty increased

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"Miscellaneous ~ repair!!"

With Jin Shining's anger-no, with her yelling, the smiley face that was once full of mockery naturally disappeared, but now it looks like a medieval COS golden retriever wearing golden female armor. , Yelling.


After the black mud and the Holy Grail Possessed Alice Feil left, Saki Yashin didn't know when he had flashed back to the neighborhood, looking around the messy battlefield, and let out a puzzled voice.

After shouting the last sentence of "Miscellaneous Repair" Jin Shining stood there blankly, did not speak, did not pay attention to Muhua Saki Yashin and others, probably still digesting the fact that she was suddenly motherhood.

"Is there something wrong?" Eimiya Kiritsugu walked over slowly. If it wasn't for Saki Yashin who took this guy to hide first, the man who was already injured might have died, or would have Become Ai Li's puppet.

"There are no corpses, blood, or broken pieces. Those people were taken away." Muhuasaki Yaxin said, and there was no trace of blood or other corpses on the ground under her feet.

Under the powerful aftermath of Jin Shining and Atoria’s battle, Yanfeng Qili and the others may not be able to carry it down even if they are not dead, let alone become corpses that will not resist, it is inevitable to be torn to the bones. .

But no matter what the bones are, there will be scenes that make people look nauseous and all kinds of mosaics... the scene can't be "so clean".

The only explanation is that Alice Phil took away with their bodies. As for the reason for taking it away.

Muhua Saki Yaxin could also guess it. After all, she remembered that the black mud of the Holy Grail in the original book filled the heart of Yanfeng Kiri, allowing him to survive, and survived until the fifth battle of the Holy Grail ten years later.

So, Alice Phil will save those people?

Thinking of this, Muhua Saki Yaxin turned her head and looked at Jin Shining and said, "Hey~ Jin Shining!"

"..." Jin Shining gave Muhua Saki Yaxin a furiously, she was probably deeply hit by the motherhood, and finally she didn't say anything like "Miscellaneous repair! I am not qualified to look directly at the king".

"Alice Phil took away the perverted priest Yanfeng Qili, who is your current master. If nothing happens, he will be resurrected in a short time, and then you will become one of his dogs." Hanasaki Yaxin said casually.

Jin Shining turned around, walked to Muhua Saki Yexin, and looked straight at his face: "From the beginning, I feel that your breath is very strange! Who are you and what do you mean by that? Do you want to die?"

"It means literally, you don't understand it." Muhua Saki Yaxin said casually, looking down at the shiny gold armor, hehe smiled and said: "Hey~ don't you want revenge, just forget it? "

A halo appeared behind Jin Shining, and the lock of the sky appeared instantly, like a poisonous snake around Muhua Saki Yaxin's body, after a few laps, the sharp tip reached behind Muhua Saki Yaxin, yes. Accurate this heart position.

As long as Jin Shining has a thought, the lock of the day can instantly tighten and completely trap Muhua Saki Yexin, and then! Pierced her heart!

"Eh~ I have this stuff too."

Facing Jin Shining’s threat, Muhua Saki Yaxin raised his left hand unhurriedly, a silver-white chain did not know when it appeared, and the tip of the chain did not know when it had reached the armor on Jin Shining’s chest. , Constantly transforming between reality and fiction.

"Huh! You used the Sky Lock, what else can stop my fist?"

Craton's voice came from behind the glittering gold, with red light in his eyes and amazing energy fluctuations, the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted into a "?", his expression was arrogant and arrogant!

In response, Jin Shining frowned and glanced at Kraton on the back. From the previous battle, she naturally knew that the power of this strange hero was simply terrifying!

That huge force could actually smash treasures with bare hands. This kind of power reminded him of Hercules.

And this guy's speed is also terrifying, if there is no lock of heaven, even if he wears this golden armor, he will not be able to withstand a few punches!

Seeing Jin Shining's face, Muhua Saki Yaxin smiled casually: "How about, are you interested in cooperating with me? From now on, our purpose should be the same, of course. , If you don’t mind being motherly or like this look, then forget it.”

"Cooperation?" Jin Shining sneered, and she was about to say, "What qualifications do you guys have to cooperate with me?" But when I thought of Craton just now and the Nami who drove the Thunder, and the mysterious **** in front of me Guy, plus that Uchiha Kirito seems to be on their side!

Thinking about it this way, these few people don't seem to be weak, and if they are regarded as subordinates, it would not be considered as insulting to her.

Yes, in Jin Shining’s eyes, there are basically two types of people in this world, one is qualified to be her ministers, the second is people who are not even qualified to be her ministers, and the second Species still occupy the majority.

Being recognized or allowed to be a minister is Jin Shining's greatest compliment.

"Heh..." With a haughty laugh, Jin Shining put away the lock of the sky and looked at Kiritugu Umiya: "Come on, I hope you are more interesting than Tosaka Tokimi."

With the two heroes in front of her, one master, Jin Shining naturally thought that she was about to sign a new contract with Kirishu Eomiya.

"It's not him, you signed a contract with me." Muhua Saki Yaxin said with a grin.

"You?" Jin Shining was taken aback for a moment.

"Who said that the hero can't become the master of the hero?" Muhuasaki Yaxin said, "Signing a contract with me, no matter if something goes wrong with the Holy Grail, or something happens, you don't have to be afraid of returning because of the death of the master. Unless I am no longer in this world, you can always survive in this world."

The connection between Eimiya Kiritugu and Altria has been severed now, but there is some connection with Muhua Saki Yaxin.

Now the Holy Grail and Alice Phil are in a very strange state, and God knows if they will continue to provide the magic power of the heroic spirits in this world.

If Muhua Saki Yashin, Kraton, Nami, and Jin Shining all need magic power from Uemiya Kiritugu, this man might be sucked into a man in the next second, and he will be exhausted like Ma Tong Yanye. Death.

Now the Holy Grail War has become a mess, and no one knows how the next plot will go. As a native, Saki Yashin is also the master of Saki Yashin. Of course, Saki Yashin cannot let him die.

Although it doesn't matter if you hang up, it's less fun after all.

Therefore, Jin Shining and Saki Yashin are the best choice to sign a contract. Even if Alice Phil cuts off the magic by that time, Saki Yashin can let Jin Shining stay in this world and become her own. A big help (actress).

At the end of the perfect curtain call, she would let Jin Shining leave again.

Well, it's a perfect plan. The only question is whether Jin Xingyan is willing or not.

There is not much time left for Jin Shining to think. After Yanfeng Qili is resurrected, she will be controlled by Lingshu for a period of time, or she will just hang up.

Jin Shining didn't care so much about death, but as a proud king, she couldn't fight back after being mothered, and she couldn't bear it when she finally left in disgrace.

Jin Shining, there is actually no choice, unless she gives up the pride in her heart.

As for signing the contract, it is a heroic spirit after all. In Jin Shining's eyes, it is not a big deal. It will not produce any humiliation of being enslaved. Otherwise, she would not sign a contract with Yanfeng Qili and become his servant.

Looking at the enchantment pattern of the two chains intertwined on the back of her hand, Muhua Saki Yaxin glanced at Jin Shining with a strange look, as if she was wondering if she was truly mothered...

"Do you dare?" Jin Shining glared at Muhua Saki Yaxin, as if she had sensed Muhua Saki Yaxin's hidden evil intentions.

"Ahem, let's talk about it later, let's take a rest now."

After all, it's just the beginning of cooperation, Muhua Saki Yaxin still doesn't want to be so arrogant, it won't be fun if Jin Shining turns her face immediately.

Too many things happened this night, which made people dizzy, and most people couldn't even react at all. Now Alice Phil and the others don't know where they are going, and they are not in a hurry to find them.

Kihana Saki Yashin thought it would be better to take a break, at least, Kiritugu Eomiya, who was injured by the glittering gold and has been supported until now, definitely needs a good rest.

The next day, Jin Shining appeared as a nouveau riche with a big gold chain on her neck and a gold bracelet on her hand. If it weren’t for her, she’s now beautiful and noble, so she just went out in this dress. Will definitely be despised.

Now... Jin Shining's appearance will only reap envy and obsessive eyes.

Holding the wine glass and gently shaking the red wine inside, Jin Shining sits on the luxurious golden seat, with Erlang's legs tilted, revealing a pair of long, white legs, looking a little proudly aside, lying on the sofa. , Muhua Saki, who was eating potato chips without an image, said: "As far as the quality of life is concerned, this king agrees! But your image is simply a loss of identity!"

"Cut, I am the God of Creation. I don't care about my identity or identity. This is just a constraint on a concept you mortals impose on things. I won't care about mortal evaluations!" Hanasaki Yaxin responded indifferently.

"Hmph! That being the case, why did you, the creator of the world, come to this world! You still have to eat mortal food and watch the meaningless spiritual entertainment products created by humans!" Jin Shining replied sharply, from After knowing Muhuasaki Yaxin's identity, his hostility towards Muhuasaki Yaxin became even more serious.

Moreover, he has doubts about Muhua Saki Yaxin's identity as a creation god!

Muhua Saki Yaxin finished a packet of potato chips, and then threw the garbage bag into the trash can with fascination. She looked back at Jin Shining and suddenly asked, "Hey, I'm suddenly a little strange, how does your character like this match? People become friends?"

"This king never needs friends." Jin Shining's answer is as arrogant as her character.

"Enkidu?" Muhua Sakiya said a name without even thinking about it.

Jin Shining's face changed a little, and then she smiled proudly: "Well, this is the only friend I recognize. He and you are not the same kind of people. You seem to be familiar with the things in the human world. Do you often come to this world?"

Speaking of which, Jin Shining has always been suspicious of Muhua Saki Yaxin's identity, so she also wants to test out some of her intelligence.

Is the status of a **** downgraded to a heroic spirit?

It always feels impossible!

Moreover, she always felt that this mysterious heroic spirit seemed to know a lot of things.

"Yes." Muhua Saki Yaxin took a sip of Coke and said casually.

"Then what identity did you use when you came into this world?" Jin Shining said with a sharp look in her eyes.

After all, Muhua Saki Yexin's breath made her feel strange and conspicuous.

That kind of aura is not the kind of domineering and arrogant of Craton, nor the powerful personality and boldness of the king of conquer, nor the feeling of Altria's king carrying his dreams and moving forward lonely and heavy.

Muhua Saki Yexin brought Jin Shining the kind of special design that was very similar to her own, the kind of pride that was taken for granted, and she was indifferent and careless about most things in her bones.

The only difference is that Jin Shining expresses this temperament unscrupulously, often making herself like an irritable secondary disease.

Muhua Saki Yaxin is half-revealed and cynical outside, and the occasional statements and behaviors will be more prominent.

Muhua Saki turned her head away, and smiled at Jin Shining and said: "Huh~Do you want to check my information? How straightforward to speak?"

Jin Shining raised her head slightly, from the perspective of looking at people with her chin, she proudly said: "Why? Can't you say it?"

"That's not the case. I was born into this world with a lot of identities, such as..."

Muhua Saki smiled ambiguously at Jin Shining: "The landlady who can't leave the house, only when collecting rent, those mortals can see my great and glorious figure!

Or maybe it was a high school student who was a well-known singer at school. At that time, my reputation spread all over the world.

Or the Demon Hunter, the Sealer of the Demon God, the founder of the Deed of Death Without the Last Dimension Organization, the owner of the Eye of Death..."


Jin Shining coldly interrupted Muhua Saki Yashin's talk, and looked at this guy with indifference.

She intends to take back what she had just thought, this person is nothing like her!

A little, all, no, like!

"Huh! Really a boring guy! When I didn't ask..."

Jin Shining drank the red wine, showing an expression of enjoyment, her face rose with a faint blush, and her beautiful face immediately exuded amazing charm.

Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't care either, she just kept looking at the glittering gold and smiled slightly.

She suddenly felt that Jin Shining's state is really good-looking, or let her keep it?

At this time, the door of the room was knocked twice, Nami quietly pointed the probe, looking at the peaceful Muhua Saki Yaxin and Jin Shining, and whispered: "Um, there is a combat meeting."

"Oh? Eomiya Kirishu is awake?" Muhuasaki Yaxin stood up and asked directly when he opened the door.

"Yeah." The dead face of Eimiya Kirisu appeared from behind Nami, turned his head slightly, and motioned for Muhua Saki Yaxin and Jin Shining to follow him.

"Go, go, work." Muhua Saki Yexin said with a lively girl beckoning to Jin Shining.

"Don't order this king, and... (What work is like this king is a laborer Jin Shining put down the wine glass in discomfort, but stood up anyway.

Several people left the hotel in two cars, and Kirituji, Klaton and Kirito Uchiha drove in the same car and led the way.

And Jin Shining had another one with Muhua Saki Yaxin and Nami. Jin Shining sat in the back seat with an expression of "this car can barely let this king sit".

"Do you have any plans?" Jin Shining suddenly asked, looking at the receding scenery outside the window.

"I don't know," Muhuasaki Yaxin said. The Holy Grail War has developed to this level, and her "Foresight Prophet" has completely lost its effect, although she doesn't care.

"Let's ask Eomiya Kirisu later, he is a local compared to us."

Of course Eimiya Kirishu is not from Fuyuki City, but he is a magician killer. He has been in this world for so long, even if he put aside the Einzbern family, he still has his own connections and channels.

To Muhuasaki Yaxin and the others, he is a complete local.

It's a pity that Kirei Kenmine and Tosaka Tokichen are a bit more "local" than Kirito Eomiya. If Alice Phil can really bring them back to life, it is definitely not good news for Kirito Eomiya.

"I hope you don't let this king down, this king doesn't want his collaborators to be a bunch of trash." Jin Shining said.

The two cars passed through Fuyuki City and came to a warehouse near a wharf. Kiritsu Eomiya opened the door and got out of the car, came to a remote warehouse, and opened the warehouse.

"Here will be our stronghold from now on," Eimiya Kiritugu said.

In front of me, there was an interior look similar to that of a slightly more advanced RV, which was much larger, and the extra part was used to stack some weapons and other high-tech tools of this era.

The innermost is a bunk bed similar to a student dormitory.

The degree of shabbyness, not to mention, was compared with the luxurious mansion of Tosaka Tokimi, even the small hotels in Fuyuki City.

"Are you planning to let this king live in such a place?" Jin Shining was unhappy to see such a place.


Fortunately, Eimiya Kirisu shook his head with a dead face: "This is just my place of residence. You have other things to do. Come in first."

A few people walked into the warehouse, and Weimiya Kiritugu closed the door and turned on the dim light above his head. He didn’t know where he came from.

Where the wires are pulled over.

"I was hurt by this king, and I can act freely the next day, and you are not bad." Jin Shining praised Eimiya Kiritugu in her own way.

Putting it on ordinary people, being so "praised" is definitely going to be a fight. But the current Eomiya Kiritugu was already desperate, and he didn't react at all to the glittering praise. He just walked to the table and opened a map of Fuyuki City.

"Let's take a look." Eimiya Kiritugu said.

"Me?" Jin Shining saw Muhua Saki Yashin and Klatton didn't respond, and realized that Eimiya Kiritugu was talking to herself.

Eomiya Kirisu nodded.

"What is this king doing with this kind of thing." Jin Shining fully demonstrated what is called lip service and body integrity, saying no, the body did pass by obediently, and looked at it with interest.

"These places." Kiritsugu Uemiya took out a pen and drew circles on the ground. "These are the strongholds that Alice Phil knows. It's best to stay away from—"

"Eimiya Kiritugu? Can you tell me first, what the **** are you going to do after the Holy Grail merges with Eri?" Muhua Saki Yaxin interrupted Eumiya Kiritugu's words.

He remembered that this guy's dream was world peace. Now that his wife and the Holy Grail are one body, isn't it more helpful to realize this dream?

Why did it feel like an enemy all at once?

"It should be to destroy the world, at least to kill most of the people in the world," said Keiji Uemiya. "The Holy Grail does not know why the holy grail will achieve willingness in a malicious way, so we have to destroy it."

"Oh~ That's interesting." Muhua Saki Yexin said with interest.

Sure enough, after the plot went wild, the difficulty of the task would increase a lot, and she didn't expect that it would directly increase to the extent of destroying the world, and suddenly became taller. This span was a bit large, but it was just what she wanted.

It will be more perfect when the curtain call is like this.

"We don't know how love... the Holy Grail will destroy the world, nor where they are right now. These things are installed on the communication tower in Fuyuki City, and we can get all the information we want." Si took out some small boxes that were probably used for information interception and put them on the table.

"However, this matter can be handed over to me." Keishi Weimiya continued. He can summon the Heroic Legion to collect intelligence with a card, and the risk is almost zero.

With that said, Kirisu Eomiya threw out a few cards and turned into a few heroic spirits. After receiving the order, they picked up the things on the table directly, and they disappeared after giving a military salute to Kiritu Eomiya. NS.

"What is this?" Jin Shining was a little surprised. She didn't expect Weimiya Kirishu to have this method of summoning heroic soldiers.

"It's just a small trick."

"Huh~" Jin Shining disdain to continue to ask.

Kiritsu Eomiya didn’t even intend to explain. He uncovered the headset and the micro communicator from the side. Klatton and Saki Yashin, both of them expertly took them, and Jin Shining naturally refused. The reason was “Yes. Affect the beauty of this king".

"Judging from the situation last night, even the Holy Grail cannot destroy the world overnight. We need to take time. Now that they are in a dark place, we should not expose them. Wait slowly to see who has insufficient patience. Let us show our feet first. And flaws." Kirishu Weimiya continued.

"This king will not hide his head and show his tail like an underground mouse." Jin Shining snorted coldly.

This made Eimiya Kiritugu suddenly understand how Tosaka Tosaka feels these days.


However, he had also expected that Jin Shining, the hero king, was really not easy to serve.

He took a deep breath, and said in a somewhat irresistible voice: "I will not restrict any of your actions."

"Are you using this king as bait?" Jin Shining is proud but not stupid.

The others were hiding, and she was the only one who appeared swaggeringly, not what the bait was.

"With your strength, it shouldn't be a decoy, but a deterrent and a warning." What Eimiya Kirisu said with a dead face was particularly convincing.

At least Jin Shining was very helpful after hearing it, and she nodded slightly: "You have a foresight."

"This arrogant attribute is too obvious. Could it be the relationship of being mothered?" Muhua Saki Yexin looked at Jin Shining twice. From the morning to the present performance, Jin Shining seems to be more than just being mothered. Now, even the personality has begun to change...thinking about it with extreme horror.

"What if they are hiding? Shall we play peekaboo?" Kraton said in a deep voice, standing aside with his arms folded.

"They won't stay in hiding forever." Kirishu Uemiya calmly analyzed: "You are still there. The Holy Grail should be in a state of incomplete completion, just because of unknown reasons, or because Alice Phil's relationship can always be in this world. Continue to appear. If you want to complete it completely, I think the hero king will definitely be one of the goals."

"In addition, the movement you made last night was a bit too big. The Einzbern family has asked me about the situation many times, and I fooled it over, but it must not last long. I think, in a few days, magic The association should be involved in this matter, UU reading and the church."

"Magic Association." Muhua Saki Yexin said with a bored expression, this thing should belong to the organization of the "Grail World" background of the Holy Grail War. Although it was a background wall-like thing in the Holy Grail War, it was not even a soy sauce.

But in fact it should be a relatively high-end and powerful organization.

It is a pity that in the memory of Muhua Sakiya's heart, she has only watched two animations of Fate Night, and she has no idea about the complex worldview derived from it.

Whatever Eimiya Kiritugu said.

"What is the Magic Association?" Jin Shining said displeasedly, quite dissatisfied with those who might suddenly spoil the situation.

"They should be our help," Weimiya Kirisugu said uncertainly.

The people of the Magic Association, are they righteous people, but a group of people who are the latest in magic research, who are indifferent to most things. Only when magic is made public will it come out to stop it. For example, now that the Holy Grail is about to destroy the world, the Magic Association should take action if there is a big trouble.

But it is only possible.

However, as one of the two major forces, the Templar Church has a relatively high probability of taking action. This time the overseer of the Holy Grail is also the cheater Yan Feng Rizheng, and his son Yan Feng Qili himself belongs to the eighth church in the Templar Church. The secret trail will be.

Keiji Eomiya was going to continue to say something, the small radio on the side suddenly made a sound, and a bit of interrupted news was broadcast. The content of the news was very simple. It was probably a biting incident occurred somewhere in Fuyuki City—biting is nothing. A cat and a dog, or some other people.

Listening to the nervous tone of the reporter on the radio and some roars and screams, the scene did not seem to be under control.

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