The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 231: The strange heroic spirit has increased again


   Alice Phil nodded nonchalantly, seemingly lacking in interest.

After    merged with the Holy Grail, Alice Phil’s hobbies were only about extinction and posting with cute girls or wives. There was no sense of welcome to this seemingly powerful judge.

  , the adjudicator has a serious face—well, to be honest, his face can only express seriousness.

  The adjudicator said: "My lord is the Holy Grail. As an adjudicator, I will try my best to correct everything and make a notarized ruling so that others will not destroy the Holy Grail..."

   "After all, are you here to help me?" Alice Phil interrupted directly.

"Although from the purpose of my purpose, I am here to ensure that the Holy Grail is not destroyed, and to allow the Holy Grail War to continue, and the final victor appears..." the adjudicator said: "But since you are the Holy Grail itself, you can also say that I am here. Help you."

   "That's fine." Alice Phil waved his hand: "As an adjudicator, do you have any special abilities... Uh, Black Cat Sheriff?"

   The standing humanoid black cat with a serious face who claims to be the black cat sergeant nodded seriously. It was wearing a black police uniform, and the cat looked very serious and upright.

   It's not too nonsense, and directly introduces the special abilities of being an arbiter.

  The ability is basically the same as that of the penguin on the side of Saki Yashin. The difference is that the Black Cat Sheriff does not need to consume any fatigue value, and he uses it more often than Penguin every day.

   "In that case, let's make sure where they are now." Alice Phil said, "I want to help Kirishu realize his dream. It won't work without him watching."


   The Black Cat Sheriff took out a remote-control-like thing, with only two buttons on it, one black and one red. He pressed the red button, and a rapid ticking sound suddenly sounded. Vaguely you can see waves of ripples spreading out in all directions with it as the center.

   These ripples directly ignored the walls and other obstacles, and passed through these things.

   "By the way, as an arbiter, you can know all the heroes that exist now?" Alice Phil asked.

   Sheriff Black Cat nodded solemnly: "Of course. There are seven existing heroes, the knight of the sword, the knight of the bow, and four heroes that I can't judge the job agency."

   "There is no way to judge the job agency, does it mean that Kraton and Creator are the others? They are indeed unknown, but why is there one more? Who is the other one?" Alice Phil showed a curious expression on her face.

   Among the seven existing heroes. There are six she knows. Gilgamesh, the hero king of the bow knight, must have found a new owner. After resurrecting the native Yanfeng Qili, Alice Phil and the others discovered that he was no longer the owner. There is such a judgment.

  Who will the mysterious seventh heroic spirit be?

   "I don't know. I have no way to determine his employment." Black Cat Sheriff said, "Well, I did feel the breath of heroic spirits nearby."

   "It's not Saber, right?" Alice Phil asked.

   "Of course not, there are a lot of heroic breaths." Black Cat Sheriff said.

   "Make sure of their location." Alice Phil said: "Just make sure of the Creator. She is a very dangerous hero."

Among these heroic spirits, Craton and the others, as well as the powerful hero King Alice Phil, are not too worried. Only the girl who seems harmless to humans and animals-Muhua Saki Yaxin, Alice Phil is right from the heart It's a bit daunting.

   This heroic spirit really started his hand, but it was quite ruthless and neat. In this regard, it can be said that it is no less than Eimiya Keiji.

   Alice Phil clearly remembered that night, the magical red rose aimed at her heart with great accuracy.

   The hand holding the gun did not tremble at all, and there was no hesitation in his movements.

   In addition to the moment that Creator killed the magician and then planned the army of heroes, the conquer king and the record of killing the berserkers were dead. Among the seven heroes, the five of them were already dead. It can be said that she ended three of them with one hero.

  Even in the process, Alice Phil did not figure out how much strength the hero had moved in it, and what his true strength really was, Alice Phil really had no way of judging it.

   Such dangerous heroes have become enemies, and of course they must be listed as key defense targets.

   "Which Creator is?" Black Cat Sheriff asked.

   If it is a hero of a normal job agency, it can of course judge which one, the heroes of different job agencies will show completely different auras in the arbiter's induction.

   For example, when Altoria was feeling, her breath would condense into the appearance of a sword, but now the sword is stained with a layer of black. The Golden Shining Bow Knight is a large group of dazzling gold.

   "What kind of breath do you feel. Can you show it to us?" Alice Phil asked.

   "Yes." The Black Cat Sergeant pressed the red button again, and the next moment a virtual screen appeared in front of it, projecting various patterns like a holographic projection, each pattern corresponding to one of the heroes.

   The dazzling local tyrant Golden Cyclone and the swords dipped in ink are needless to say Golden Shining and Altoria.

   As for the other five. One of them is constantly changing this form, one is the fiery sun, another is [S], and the other is the pattern of a giant of steel. According to Alice Phil's understanding, this must be one of the other chaotic heroes, Clatton.

   The other three, one is a pair of blood-red eyes, which have a unique pattern, which looks cold and gloomy.

   is a pattern like a weather forecast, the clouds thunder, and the clouds will be windy for a while.

   One looks like a cloud and fog, but in the fog, I can see a gold coin with a $ symbol faintly.

   The last one is more special, there is no special shape, no color, or at first glance, you can see infinite colors, but you can't see any colors when you look closely, just like a chaos.

   "Which location do you want to determine?" Captain Dragonfly asked.

   Alice Phil hesitated between the mouth and the chaos, and finally the chaos of unknown depth.

   Since she came into contact with Creator, she hasn't figured out what power the girl has, as if everything is in chaos, there is nothing.

   To be honest, she is absolutely skeptical about the fact that Creator said she is the goddess of creation.

   Not to mention that the gods of the past can only exist in the imaginary space in the fantasy. If the real gods are temporary, the two major restraints that maintain the world will not be ignored.

   In short, she firmly believes that this chaos is very likely to be the Creator!

   "Well... Hey, this heroic spirit can't detect the location." The Black Cat Sheriff's voice seemed a little puzzled, and only a moment later said, "Is this heroic spirit also the arbiter?"

   "Don't care what this hero is, if this one doesn't work, then another one." Alice Phil interrupted the Black Cat Sheriff's heart to explore the truth.

   "For this..."

   The Black Cat Sheriff showed that it was not the penguin who did not see the rabbits and scatter the eagles, and completely executed Alice Phil's orders.

   "He is nearby!"

   Black Cat Sheriff’s surprised voice reached Alice Phil’s ears.


   Alice Phil stood up immediately, and the ordinary suit in front of Altria disappeared immediately, replaced with a black armor, and also had a black and red vow of victory sword in his hand.

   At this moment, there was a loud noise behind the two.

   There is a big hole in the wall of the house, and there is a tall figure of Craton appearing in the smoke, making a hearty voice: "Madam, I have come to take refuge in you."

   There were several loud noises after the sound, and the big hole was almost occupied by half of the wall, causing the church-like house to tremble twice.

   "Clarton, are you really here to help me? I'm so happy." Alice Phil stretched out her hand to cover her cheek and said with a smile, "But are you not afraid of being jealous like this?"

After   , there was a loud noise, and this fairly solid house collapsed.


   Craton, who was still some distance away from the house, choked at this sentence, and suddenly didn't know what to say.

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin behind him didn’t care about Kraton. He directly called Lancelot and hundreds of Heroic Legions to attack the house, threw them and smashed them, intending to give the whole house directly. Demolished!

   After understanding the penguin's role, Muhua Saki Yaxin and the others certainly won't delay too long. They directly used the penguin's abilities to determine the position of Altoria, and after saying hello, they were ready to attack.

   The rudeness of the method made Weimiya Kiritugu, who had been hiding in the dark as usual, speechless for a while. If you say yes, first try to observe, do you call it temptation and observation?

   After all, there is his own wife in the house, even the ruthless Eimiya Kirishu could not completely abandon all feelings and treat her as a mortal opponent.

   Otherwise, in Fuyuki City, it has become a hell, and blasting a house under the situation of blockade is nothing at all.

   You must know that in the peaceful city of Fuyuki, Kiritugu Eomiya dared to bomb the hotel directly.

   "Will this visit be too rough?" Muhua Saki Yaxin and Klatton's headsets heard the voice of Keiji Eomiya.

   "Is it rude?" Craton said with a grin: "This is already considered light, and there are more rude things."

   "It doesn't matter, rough temptation is also temptation." Muhuasaki Yaxin said casually.

As for the Jin Shining beside Muhua Saki Yashin, although she did not hear what Eumiya Kiritugu said, she also judged the central idea based on the "pre and post", and immediately sneered: "What kind of temptation is needed, this king is serious. This simple war can be ended."

   In fact, this idea more or less also exists in Klatton's mind.

  Although Alice Phil is the Holy Grail itself, she failed to kill them and these heroes in the first time. Instead, she chose to leave first to reflect that she was not as strong as she imagined.

   at least is not as powerful as the holy grail that can realize all wishes in the legend.

   In that case, why not be more direct? It’s not good for people from the Magic Association and the Templar Church to come out after delaying.

   In addition, the magic power of the Holy Grail comes from the extraction of the veins of Fuyuki City. Now Fuyuki City is full of walking "corpses", and the magic power is related to the vitality in a sense.

   If Alice Phil uses any means to extract the vitality of those people into magic power, things will definitely be more troublesome.

   In fact, Kiritugu Enomiya doubted that Alice Phil was doing just that.

   Ai Li, who is one with the Holy Grail, is not the innocent and lovely wife.

   "Oh, Creator, you are all here, you don't look like you are here to take refuge in me."

   Alice Phil's voice came from among the ruins, and then, in the blink of an eye, a part of the collapsed ruins was turned into fragments by a few sword lights, and Alice Phil and others appeared.

   Altoria stood in front of him, blocking most of Alice Phil's body, Alice Phil only slightly tilted half of his deliberately exposed face facing Muhua Saki Yaxin.

   On the left side of Alice Phil, there is a strange black cat standing with his arms folded, standing like a human, wearing a police uniform with a serious expression.

   On the other side of Alice Phil, there was a man with blue body, blue armor and blue hair, but he was holding a red spear in his hand.

   There is another man with his upper body bare, his whole body dark, one arm is as thin as an adult's thigh, his eyes are red, his hair frantically resembling a lion, exuding a violent atmosphere, and a tall man like a giant.

   Except for the black cat, the identities of these two heroes are clearly revealed.

   Behind Alice Phil, the perverted priest Yanfeng Kirei put away the one in his hand that looked a bit sloppy, but it was actually quite difficult to use. It was not so much a weapon as a black key of a status symbol.

   As for Tosaka Aoi, who has little combat effectiveness, he should have been sent to other places by Alice Phil.

   "Zhongxing is holding the moon." Craton shook his head and said.

   Jin Shining sneered disdainfully, the two that suddenly appeared, needless to say, must be heroes.

   As for their master, judging from the curse on the back of Yanfeng Qili's hand, it is this perverted priest.

   Unknown berserker and spear knight. To Jin Shining, these two heroic spirits are rubbish.

   "What kind of dress is this? It feels so cool." Muhua Saki Yaxin looked at Altria and couldn't help but exclaimed with little stars in her eyes.

   Now Altoria looks different from the way it was after darkening that night. Although his body is still the black armor, but... the thin waist, collarbone, shoulders are completely exposed, and they are not covered by the armor at all, only the chest part is covered.

   Instead, there are huge ferocious arm armors on both hands, and the group armors underneath have also changed. The front and back split directly, revealing two white thighs and black shorts.

This armor completely surpassed the heavy armor after the initial blackening in terms of aesthetics, but in terms of defense power-Muhua Saki Yashin felt that the magical red rose should not perform its special function at all. The possibility is gone.

   Is it possible that this is a special way to confront the enemy? In a fundamental sense, it directly abolished the demon-breaking effect of Demon-breaking Red Rose.

   After admiring Altoria's new look, Muhua Saki Yaxin turned his head slightly and cast his gaze on another hero, a standing humanoid black cat.

   "What's the situation with this black cat?" Seeing that hero, Saki Kihana recalled the animation played a long time ago, telling the story of a black cat detective and solving the case.

   It is a very classic animation, but Saki Yashin Kihana hasn't watched it very much, just knows the character of Sheriff Black Cat.

   And the black cat standing next to Alice Phil is exactly the same as the black cat sheriff in Saki Yashin's memory.

   As for the other two berserkers, Hercules, and the knight of the gun, Cuchurin, who should have appeared in the fifth battle of the Holy Grail, they were temporarily ignored by Saki Yashin.

   I saw the Black Cat Sheriff stepping out and standing in front, making an extreme second-degree posture, while singing: "Aha~Aha~ Black Cat Sheriff!"

   "I am the Black Cat Sheriff, the adjudicator of this Holy Grail War, and will preside over this Holy Grail War fairly and justly!"

   But just after the Black Cat Sheriff’s words were said, there was a roar of ghouls behind him, and several ghouls approached!

   There are many ghouls in the city of Fuyuki now, although there are not many nearby. But the sound of the collapsed house was enough to attract ghouls a few miles away.

   After the vanguard ran nearby, they immediately found the aura of the Black Cat Sergeant and the group of people, as well as the noisy sound source, exerting a sporting ability that they could not reach in their lifetime, and rushed over!

   However, none of the heroic spirits were concerned about the arrival of the ghoul.

   "Heh, there is a funny little animal." Jin Shining chuckled lightly and expressed her opinion. A golden halo appeared in the night sky behind him, and the King's Treasure was activated, and a large number of treasures appeared to emerge from the surface of the water. Appears domineering and dazzling.

   "Long live Lord Shenhao!"

   The penguin didn't know when it got out, and wagged its tail at Jin Shining's feet.

   "Are the adjudicators really look like this? It feels weird, but it's also quite interesting." Muhua Sakiya had a faint smile on his lips.

   Judging by the speech of the Black Cat Sheriff, it is definitely a heroic adjudicator like Penguin.


   The berserker let out a roar like a roar, and ran directly toward Muhua Saki Yaxin and Jin Shining, and launched an attack first.

   All the ghouls that had gathered on the way were hit and flew. This berserker ran like a tank on the street, no one can stop it.

   "The crazy dog ​​didn't make this king happy, I hope you can do it." Jin Shining raised her hand slightly, and the treasure behind turned into a streamer and shot the berserker away.

   In a blink of an eye, the Berserker was pierced into the body by several treasures. Those spear-like treasures directly penetrated the Berserker's body, making him look like a hedgehog. But the difference is that the thorns of this "hedgehog" grow in front of you instead of behind.

   But even so, the Berserker's pace did not stop at all, even the rhythm did not change, and it accelerated crazily in a short time.

   Shining gold eyes narrowed. The contemptuous smile on that beautiful face finally disappeared, and countless treasures appeared, sweeping toward the Berserker like rain.

   There was a loud noise, not just a berserker. Even the street ground around the Berserker was covered by the attack of the King’s Treasure, and debris was flying up.


   It's just that even the attack that was as terrifying as the rain of swords could not stop the berserker's footsteps, followed by an angry roar. Almost all the berserkers pierced by treasures across the province rushed out of the smoke and dust, and then blasted out with a punch.

   A figure flew upside down, smashed the house behind like a cannonball, and flew for nearly a hundred meters, leaving a terrible mark on the ground before stopping.

The shiny golden hair fluttered for a while before it stopped. Even if the terrible fist didn't hit her, the fist wind swept the neighborhood like a gust of wind, and the penguin at his feet was directly inlaid not far behind. On the wall, it looks very funny.

   Yes, the target of the Berserker's attack is not Shining Gold. It was Saki Yashin beside her, who flew out like a cannonball just now, and the person who caused a lot of "environmental damage" was not Shiny, but Saki Yashin...Lancelot who used it as a shield.

   Bassaka fisted against the King’s Treasure’s attack and blasted the berserker of Muhua Saki Yaxin, but he was also hit hard, with countless treasures pierced through his body.

After    blasted out the shocking, violent, and shocking punch, a hot white gas came out of his mouth, and his tall body was half-kneeled on the ground, motionless like a sculpture.

   But anyone with a little eye can tell that the Berserker Basaka did not die, but was recovering with a little bit of difficulty.

   "Miscellaneous repair!"

   Jin Shining squeezed out two words from between the teeth. The long golden hair rose automatically without wind, and the halo behind him instantly covered the entire night sky, as if a big screen could be seen in the entire Winterwood City.

   The King’s Treasures are fully activated, even if those treasures have not yet come out. The pressure brought has changed lancer Qiukulin's expression.

   Jin Shining didn't know why she suddenly became so angry, probably because the first target of the Berserker's attack was not her noble king, but her master.

   In a sense, this is simply a contempt for Jin Shining!

"Yes, that's why I am so angry. That guy's life and death has nothing to do with me, even if it is my lord. I can continue to kill this bunch of waste after she dies." Jin Shining secretly said in her heart, a lot His treasures emerged.

   To control such a huge number of treasures at the same time is not a simple matter for Jin Shining.


   At this moment, with a loud noise, a huge cat's claw fell from the sky, and a wave of ripples spread out, and the ghouls gathered around fell directly under the invisible wave of ripples.

   It is strange to say that this ripple has no effect on the buildings and the heroic spirits at all.

"The majesty of the Black Cat Sheriff does not allow This Holy Grail war will be judged by me. The game of justice begins!" The Black Cat Sheriff’s voice sounded again, and it fell directly from the sky. A column linking horizontal bars on the field of a boxing match.

   The columns fell on the ground, and three rays of light appeared in the middle to link them, directly dividing the chaotic battlefield.

"Huh?" Jin Shining let out a slight suspicion. Her treasure of the king originally locked all enemies, but at the moment when the so-called "justice game unfolds", Jin Shining lost the sense of other people. .

   It's like that thing separates him from everyone's space.

   "What the fuck!" Craton also frowned and cursed. He hates the magic of these rules, so it simply cuts him off! There is no way to continue to lock Alice Phil and the others. It is obvious that these people are only more than 20 meters away from him. He rushed over to one person and gave him a punch.

   And the only thing he can lock on now is the guy Jin Shining.

   "Haha." Yanfeng Qili laughed twice: "It's a pleasant split."

Although the Black Cat Sheriff said that he would make a fair referee, he is after all the heroic spirit of Alice Phil, the Holy Grail. For him, the chaotic entrants such as Yaxin Muhua are the saboteurs of the Holy Grail War. Cleared out in the first time.


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