The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 242: Weird cage

"Speaking of negative points, get rid of it."

Su Mo waved his hand, still responding directly.

The woman was not angry, and continued to ask: "Then I take off the mask, do you still think I'm pretty?"

"I never thought you were pretty." Su Mo said, "You are pushing the topic forcibly."

"Then I'll take it off." The woman ignored Su Mo's answer, and proceeded with the scenario as usual. She stretched out her hand and started to take off her mask.

I have to say that the posture of stretching out his hand to lift his hair and slightly deflecting his head is indeed a bit attractive. However, when ordinary people saw the face she had taken off the mask, the thoughts that had just risen in their hearts would definitely disappear in an instant.

Under the mask is a face with beautiful features, but there are two horrible cracks on both sides of the little cherry mouth.

The whole "urban rift girl" is the protagonist in the legend of Sakurajima.

"Do you still think I'm pretty like this?"

The woman opened her mouth and said, without the cover of a mask, the hoarse sound from the broken bellows was like a wooden saw crazily sawing in a person's head.

At the same time, the things on the ground that had been in the dark just now were also clearly seen by Su Mo.

It was a corpse, and its chest was almost completely hollowed out.

At this time, the woman in front of her opened her mouth, and the gap next to her also expanded at the same time, getting bigger and bigger. In a blink of an eye, her entire head was almost covered by that terrifying mouth, directly facing Su Mo's head. Bit over.

If he was bitten this time, it is estimated that he could swallow Su Mo's entire head directly.

But will Su Mo bit her? of course not.

Facing this big mouth, Su Mo backed away a few steps, avoiding her bite—not because of fear, but because this guy was too long to affect his appetite, so Su Mo could blast this guy's head with a punch.

But when the time comes, flesh and blood will splash... Su Mo's clothes can automatically "dust-proof", but his face and hair can't achieve the same dust-proof effect as clothes.

After stepping back a few steps and pulling a distance away, Su Mo took out a pistol from his arms—he was also a man of Tang Tianping level in name at all, and there was no problem with a gun or something.

The black aura lingered in the hand, forming an armor, and Su Mo showed a knight-like ability to not die with bare hands, and red lines appeared on the black pistol.

One hand opened the safety, pulled the trigger, and a gunshot sounded.

The bullet turned into a red streamer and pierced the slit woman's head, leaving a deep bullet hole in the wall behind.

This ability is called the magical version of weapon proficiency, and to some extent it is another version where the knight does not die with unarmed hands.

The term "weapon proficiency" is also very interesting. The concept of weapons is defined by Su Mo, so using this ability can "weaponize" almost anything for proficient control, but there are restrictions.

For example, the more complex and large things are, the more magic and physical strength they need to consume.

Moreover, because his ability is not as strong as a knight that does not die with unarmed hands, he can directly enhance the "weapon" into a treasure. The effect of his ability is only to give some less lethal "weapons" an attack power. BUFF.

After the pistol in Su Mo's hand has been strengthened, the power of the bullet shot will naturally increase, and it also has an enchanting effect that can cause damage to ghosts.

However, this powerful bullet didn't seem to cause fatal damage to the rip woman.

The powerful impact made the woman leaned back and fell directly to the ground. There was also a blood hole in her head, but within half a second, she stood up again, opened her mouth and turned towards Su Mo again. Rushed over.

Before rushing out a few steps, Su Mo's feet were firmly printed on the woman's lower abdomen. The woman's body flew upside down, hanging on the wall like a painting, and slowly sliding down. .

"It doesn't seem to be easy to kill."

Su Mo secretly said in his heart that with the kick just now, he had already used a lot of strength, let alone a soft human body, even a stone was directly kicked and exploded.

And this slit girl, instead of being killed by one kick, she continued to wobble and stood up again, and rushed towards Su Mo again.


On one side of his body, the bite of the cleavage woman easily flashed, and Su Mo looked at the protagonist of this urban legend coldly.

For the next minute, Su Mo and the slit woman circled in this room.

"The strength is the level of ordinary people, the speed is slightly faster, and the vitality is very strong, even if the hands and feet are broken, it will not affect the movement, unless it is a crushing injury, similar to a zombie. The source of power is temporarily unknown..."

Seeing that the hand and foot joints were completely crushed to powder, Su Mo calmly analyzed in his heart, "There is no such thing as the heart. Although the head is pierced, it does not affect the movement. Next …Try to cut off the head if you can kill it."

The fingers flicked a few times, and a few black mists turned into a rope, wrapped around the slit woman’s neck. The rough rope was like a sharp thin thread with powerful cutting performance. He turned and pulled it. The woman's head was cut and dropped to the ground.

The growing mouth closed instantly, turning into the terrible wound at the beginning.

And the body of the slit woman turned into a puddle of gray powder at the moment the head was cut off.


Su Mo approached and squatted down to look at the woman's head. Suddenly, this quiet head jumped suddenly, and the crack expanded and turned into a big mouth, biting towards Su Mo.

With a wave of Su Mo's right hand, it turned into a black afterimage, a whistling sound of breaking through the air came, and the back of his armoured hand was drawn on his head.

That head was like a watermelon being smashed to the ground, and it exploded in an instant.

Su Mo retreated, but his cheeks were still inevitably stained with a few drops of blood. The clothes on his body were not affected in any way, and they were still dark black.

"If your strength exceeds a certain limit, you will die. The key is the head... But the ordinary ‘fatal injury’ has no effect." Su Mo took another look at the room and stepped out.

The reason why she didn't directly kill the slit girl was because Su Mo clearly remembered the number 1158 on the iron door outside the room. If this number is not made by a boring person at random, it proves that there are at least 1,157 similar rooms in this place, which may contain such monsters.

The gloomy enclosed and suppressed walkway, as well as the closed iron door, undoubtedly did not say that this place was a cell in which monsters were being held.

"Did someone build it, or is this cell a world?"

"This time there are still so-called X fluctuations, but it does not give me the feeling of huge vitality. It seems that X fluctuations are not only caused by huge vitality."

"But these are not important, the important thing is how to get back to Earth..."

After all, he is no longer the powerful one in the Trial Space. The space ability is so expensive. When he returns to this world, he does not have the remaining points to exchange for the space ability of her predecessor.

Is it possible that you are trapped in a strange space again?

Su Mo held his head, very irritable.

He felt that he should find a mage or something to get rid of some bad luck for himself, but would there really be such a mage now? When it was changed to a hundred years ago, maybe there will be a few bad luck. Master, now...

Think of a way to go out first.

At the same time, Muhana Saki Yashin, wearing an elegant white skirt, is holding her hands behind her back, hopping around in the aisles in this space like shopping.

No, it's not so much shopping, it's better to go shopping in the park, with curious eyes looking at the weird "things" in the rooms and cages, as if looking at some cherished animals.

At this time, Muhua Saki Yashin saw a big octopus with eyeballs all over his body and even the tentacles.

She blinked immediately, and the two big red and blue jewel-like eyes met the big octopus's super dense eyeballs that could see madmen.

After the pair went up, the big octopus was shocked immediately, his whole body shook, and then as if he was autistic, he slowly turned his head, facing the corner, thinking about it.

It seems that the big octopus's eyes cannot be closed.

Muhua Saki Yaxin slightly slowed down, and looked at the top of the corridor, it was a rusty ceiling wall that seemed to be old.

"This space? scp? Well, it doesn't look like... It seems that not only the main **** space, but also other things have entered the arena, so it feels like this everyday world has only become delicious.

However, thinking about the special position in the daily world and the magical specialization contained in the world, it seems that it is understandable to be spied on. "

"Well, this is troublesome. Should I just clean the house or build an amusement park to play?"

"Or, let's go shopping first, there seems to be an interesting guy who has also broken in."

As he said, Muhua Saki Yaxin turned his head and looked in one direction, with the corners of his mouth cocked slightly.

"I want you to be the protagonist once, don't die too fast."

On the other side, Su Mo just walked out of the room, still thinking about all the messy things like how to get back.

While thinking about it, he hurried back along the original path, and there was only one aisle anyway, so he didn't have to worry about getting lost.

After running for about a few minutes, there was a very rapid sound of footsteps in front of him, and several people from Dao Xiu broke into Su Mo's line of sight.

Immediately afterwards, a voice with a trace of caution, which made people want to answer and care after hearing it, reached Su Mo's ears: "Do you have a sister?"

"This is the thing you said about being a sister?" Su Mo asked.

Lin Yun saw Su Mo and immediately shouted: "Don't answer her! Don't answer!"

The three of them have heard this question several times. If they don't answer it, they won't be entangled... to be precise, they won't be entangled immediately.

It's just that every time this monster speaks, people will involuntarily want to answer her questions, and it is almost the limit to be able to resist it once. However, Lin Yun seemed to be able to restrain the desire to answer because she was a woman, and she could also shout to Su Mo.

The other two people, Shima Xiu and the uncle cameraman, if they opened their closed mouths, they would find that their mouths were full of blood. This was because they bit their tongues and prevented them from answering this question.

"Tsk, this thing is really a nightmare for sister control."

Several people rushed past Su Mo, and Su Mo also saw the gothic loli that gradually appeared in the darkness.

"Hurry up." Lin Yun paused and shouted at Su Mo, while the cameraman Uncle and Dao Xiu rushed over without hesitation. If it hadn't been for the sharp pain in the tongue that kept reminding them, they would have answered.

Regardless of whether the answer is "yes" or "no", it will be a wrong answer.

In other words, there is no correct answer at all.

"If there is more of this stuff, the German Orthopedics Department will definitely go bankrupt. No one will be interrupted because of pushing a girl again. Well, I don't have much interest in my sister... Would you like to be my daughter?"

Faced with the problem, Su Mo raised a rather indiscriminate rhetorical question.

If it weren't for the current depressive environment and the situation is very urgent, Lin Yun would want to open the man's head to see how the structure is different from that of a normal person.

However, the "sister" who was clearly motionless in the darkness not far away did not have Lin Yun's thoughts, but insisted on asking, "Do you have a sister?"

Su Mo noticed that you just now have become you, that is to say... the other two have run away.

Su Mo expressed his approval for this kind of dead dao friend, not dead and poor dao behavior, anyhow it made him less burdensome by two, which is very good.

"It seems that you don't have a sister anymore, then I will be your sister." Su Mo did not answer, the monster girl said directly, helping Su Mo make a decision.

"It turns out that you will be entangled if you don't answer." Lin Yun secretly said in her heart, unable to help but look to the other side.

In just a few words of dialogue, Shima Xiu and the uncle cameraman have run away, and they are being chased by a monster who has no way to infer from common sense. They have exploded with great potential in a short period of time, and the speed is fast. Hurry up to catch up with those athletes.

On this side, the monster girl approached Su Mo step by step, opened her arms, and was about to hug Su Mo like she did for the first time.

Su Mo stretched out his hand and pressed it on top of the monster girl's head with unparalleled accuracy.

The so-called one inch long and one inch strong, Su Mo's arm obviously exceeds the length of the monster girl's arm, so when Su Mo's arm is straight, no matter how the monster girl waved her arm, she couldn't touch Su Mo's. body.


Lin Yun noticed something wrong. When the monster girl got close to a certain distance and made some actions, all of them would be filled with great fear, and it would be difficult to make any more actions, just like the legendary one. Like a ghost press, you can only passively accept everything.

Now Lin Yun felt her hands and feet stiff, and she could hardly take any steps.

However, why is this officer Su Mosu still moving freely, with a carefree expression of a hand to block the approach of the monster, a gesture of amusing a child.

"What?" Su Mo turned his head and asked.

Although Lin Yun has no mobility, there is nothing wrong with her speech. She immediately asked, "Why are you not affected?"

"Probably because I am not afraid?" Su Mo guessed.

The slit girl just now, as well as the monster girl in front of her, seemed to be the "protagonists" in those urban horror legends. According to Su Mo's many years of reading novels and watching movies and TV shows, the source of similar monster power should be fear and fear of these negative emotions.

But Su Mo didn't feel scared at all, and facing such a monster was no different from facing ordinary people.

As for why Su Mo was not afraid—he was a man who ate human souls, if his deeds turned into some urban legend, he would be the most terrifying legend, the most terrifying monster.

Fear of this emotion has not appeared in Su Mo for many, many, many years.

"Brother, don't you like me?"

After waving her hand for a few times, unable to get close to Su Mo, the monster girl said, her voice contained distressing emotions, but it turned into endless violence in the next second.

She stretched out one hand, grabbed it on her other hand, and scratched her sleeve directly, leaving a few deep bone wounds on her arm, and black and red blood came out directly from it. .

"My brother doesn't like me! My brother doesn't like me!"

The mouth kept mumbling, and a twist of malicious malice radiated from him.

Lin Yun rolled her eyes and fell directly to the ground, staring at the monster in front of her in horror, water stains spread out from under her ass.

Su Mo turned his head and glanced at Lin Yun, then turned his gaze back.

As usual, but Su Mo's turn around this time is enough to make Lin Yun feel ashamed and angered, but now, all her mind is filled with fear and fear, close to the degree of collapse, naturally, she doesn't care about Su Mo's gaze. NS.

If you can survive, what is such a small thing, if you can't survive, what is the meaning of all this? Is it dignified to die?

The violent aura from the monster girl in front of her almost turned into a substantive wave toward Su Mo.

Su Mo raised his eyebrows slightly, the one in front of him was much stronger than the slit woman.

"It seems to rely on swallowing humans to increase strength?" Su Mo had a thought in his mind.

The slit girl was discovered by Su Mo in a closed room, and the corpse did not know where it came from. The monster girl in front of her had already "eaten" several people, and her strengths were naturally different.

"It's a bit troublesome."

Su Mo secretly said in his heart.

Such a monster, even if a few more, will not pose any threat to him, but the number of 1158 means that this place has at least thousands of similar or even stronger monsters. Moreover, these monsters do not have the so-called "soul" or "life force" at all, and are more like a polymer of pure negative emotions, which can't be swallowed by his ability.

In this way, if these many monsters broke out in riots, it was afraid that he would not survive.

And if these things go to the earth, it will undoubtedly be a huge disaster.

The monster girl madly grasped with one hand on the other, and had already grabbed a scary wound with deep bones. When most people saw this scene, they would have been scared and almost collapsed, just like Lin Yun.

But Su Mo is obviously not in this list. He retracted his hand on the monster girl's forehead slightly, pressed his thumb on the index finger, and flicked his finger.

There was a crisp sound, the monster girl's head suddenly fell back, the back of her head almost stuck to her back, and her neck was completely broken.

"Brother, I really don't like me."

However, this kind of injury was obviously not enough to kill the monster girl, with endless resentment, she slowly said this sentence, and her body retreated towards the back little by little, and gradually disappeared into the darkness behind her.

"Then I don't like my brother anymore." With these words, the monster girl was completely swallowed by darkness.

Su Mo lost her figure in his sight, it almost turned into substance, and the suffocating breath of resentment slowly disappeared at the same time.

"She's gone?" Lin Yun asked with a trembling voice.

"Yeah." Su Mo nodded, "I'm gone for the time being."

"Then we are safe?" Lin Yun asked.

"How can it be safe? It's still in this ghost place." Su Mo yawned and said lazily, without showing any sense of crisis at all.

"Then what shall we do?" Lin Yun hugged her knees and buried her head in her arms, as if she was asking Su Mo, and she seemed to be talking to herself.

"You should be happy," Su Mo said.

"Happy?" Lin Yun looked up abruptly, her expression a little excited.

Su Mo nodded: "Of course, you should be happy that you look good. At least it looks very pleasing to the eye. This makes me not mind taking you with you. If you are a man who pulls your feet, it will be self-defeating and self-seeking. "

This world looks at the face, and Su Mo can't avoid the vulgar—he also looks at the face.

"Okay, let's go. If you don't go anymore, you will lose it." Su Mo stretched out a hand to Lin Yunling who was still sitting on the ground.

"Lost?" Lin Yun was taken aback for a moment.

"Of course it is to follow that monster, it is a local at any rate-no, it is a local monster, maybe it can take us to find an exit or return to the earth." Su Mo said.

Su Mo didn't kill the monster just now, of course he was not playing, but he demonized a small stone and threw it into the monster's clothes. There is a sense between the demonized weapon and Su Mo, even if it is let go for a period of time, as long as the effect of the demonization does not disappear, the feeling will still exist.

Of course, the demonization effect will gradually disappear after taking it off. Before that, the little stone was like a small tracker to Su Mo.

"You mean we might go back?" Lin Yun grabbed Su Mo's hand and stood up. After saying this, she took another two steps back.

As her emotions gradually recovered, she found the mess in her lower body.

"It's just possible."

Su Mo said, UU reading www. took a step forward and walked in the direction where he came from the beginning. Speaking of it, if there is really only a simple narrow aisle, Su Mo's move just now doesn't make much sense.

It's just that the length of this aisle is obviously a bit abnormal. From the point of view of its size, this aisle is also for human beings of similar size to walk. That being the case, it is obviously not a normal phenomenon that there is no change in the footsteps for several hours, and there may be hidden doors or something.

At least the room where Su Mo saw the Rift Girl was after he turned back.

In Su Mo's feeling, the monster girl's speed was not fast, and it was a little faster than a normal person's walking speed. She was swaying not far in front of her, and she didn't know what she was doing.

Could it be that Su Mo's rejection was really sad?

But judging from other people's descriptions, this is a ruthless character who feeds **** to people, and it should not be so easy to get sad.

Suddenly, during Su Mo's induction, the monster girl stopped, and then began to turn back and walk in their direction.

"What's wrong?" Lin Yun asked when Su Mo stopped.

"She's back." Su Mo said.

Following Su Mo's words, a sound of metal dragging across the ground reached his ears.

The monster girl's figure appeared in the darkness again. The difference from the previous one was that she held a huge hammer in her hand, and the black hammerhead, which was much larger than her head, made a mark on the ground.

"Brother, is it because this woman doesn't like me?"

"Sure enough, all the women around my brother should die!"

With a violent voice, that slender arm swung a sledgehammer in an absolutely abnormal posture, and slammed it on Lin Yun's head next to Su Mo!

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