The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 306: What does it mean to take a bunch of bad stuff?

The man's scrutinizing eyes caused turbulent waves to rise between Rong Luyuan's eyebrows.


With a light sound, the chopsticks in his hand were broken, and a chopstick mark appeared in his palm.

"My wife, are you satisfied with what you see?"

Yingbao is also something this old man can keep an eye on? Are his eyes not wanting?

The curvature of the corners of his mouth was cold, and his whole body was filled with a deep cold breath, making him feel like he was in a polar glacier.

"Second Master, I have no intention of offending Madam Rong."

Gu Zhan woke up with a blow to the head, and quickly closed his eyes.

His eyes were pure, and his face was calm, as if he really didn't do anything wrong.

Gu Zhan acted frankly and honestly, but the twists and turns in his heart had already gone back and forth.

This newly promoted Mrs. Rong seems to be really favored by the second master.

"Second Master, Madam Rong, this time I'm here to apologize for the incompetent daughter."

"Qing Qian is still young and acts recklessly. If there is any offense, I hope you two have more Haihan."

After Gu Zhan finished speaking, he took out a set of picture books from his bag and put them on the dining table.

Mu Changying's eyes were full of mockery, and a small smile overflowed from her throat, "You're still young..."

Gu Qingqian is the same age as she is, so she is too embarrassed to take out such a lame rhetoric?

This old man usually has a very good face, but today he put down his body to apologize, although there is no difference on the face, but he doesn't know how angry he is.

She put down her chopsticks, picked up the picture book with her little hand, opened it, and looked at it slowly.

Seeing the image of the jewelry above, her slender and tender fingers caressed them gently, and the bottom of her lowered eyes was a dead silence.

She had invaded and destroyed the Gu's Group's database, and the original design draft of this batch of jewelry no longer existed.

These finished picture books look very similar to her drawings, but there are obvious flaws in many details.

She closed the album with a snap, with a slight anger on her brows, "Patriarch Gu, what do you mean by bringing a batch of inferior products? Are you trying to humiliate me?"

"I think your sincere apology is false, and your intentional humiliation is true!"

The girl's expression was indifferent, her voice was cold, and the atmosphere in the hall suddenly dropped to freezing point.

"Mrs. Rong, this is our Gu Group's upcoming VIP customer exclusive jewelry."

Gu Zhan was questioned sharply, and the anger in his heart rose, but he did not dare to show it blatantly because of the interests of various parties.

However, his eyes could not hide a little bit of ignorance.

"Patriarch Gu... Are you expressing dissatisfaction with my wife?"

Did this man forget where he was?

Rong Luyuan's face was covered with haze, and the white part of his eyes was stained with scary red blood.

The jewels he gave to Yingbao are countless, all of them are from the hands of famous families, and they are luxurious and luxurious.

What kind of rare object has she not seen? Since it is said that the Gu Group's products are inferior products, they must be inferior products.

Gu Zhan's face was like a pig's liver: "Second Master, I am not at all dissatisfied with Madam Rong!"

Seeing his embarrassed expression and suppressing his anger, Rong Shichu couldn't bear it anymore, stood up with a snort, and defended with a firm expression on his face.

"Dad, there must be some misunderstanding here. I believe that what Uncle Gu brought out is not an inferior product!"

He clearly remembered that Yun'er drew these jewelry designs herself.

For these design drawings, she stayed up all night for a long time, and she was a lot haggard.

Rong Luyuan sneered for a moment, his sharp eyes fell on Rong Shichu's body, "Nizi, get off!"

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