Mu Changying walked into the cloakroom and skillfully bypassed other areas to the evening dress column.

Seeing Fu Jiaojiao's appearance as if she was facing a great enemy, a slight smile appeared on her brows.

"Little Jiaojiao, why are you so nervous? Could it be that I will eat you?"

Fu Jiaojiao blushed brightly and said in a small voice, "No... I was just worried about being discovered..."

This blushing attribute made Mu Changying's mood even more cheerful, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

Seeing the person coming, the little Gu worm's body frantically moved, "Squeaky..."

The girl in front of her is petite and exquisite, and her face is simple and deceptive, but it clearly remembers that she is a heinous villain.

If it wasn't for her, how could it be locked in this **** glass bottle?

"Tsk... I almost forgot, there is still a little thing like you."

Mu Changying put the dinner plate in her hand aside, squatted down and poked the glass bottle with her small hand.

"If you make any more noise, I'll put you in the pot~"

She rested her cheek with her left hand, and there was no trace of a joke on her soft and tender face.

The small force made the glass bottle roll a few times, and the little Gu worm felt a whirlwind.

It was dumbfounded in its head, and its green eyes were filled with confusion.

Mu Changying raised her eyebrows and snorted lightly, "How stupid."

The person who raises Gu only cultivates its ability but forgets to add IQ to it.

No matter how powerful it is, it is useless. After all, IQ is a hard injury, and there is no cure.

She pouted, got up and put the sushi in front of the small fish tank.

Mu Changying's attitude changed to a gentle drizzle, "Is Xiao Jiaojiao starving? Big sister feeds you."

The aroma filled the air, Fu Jiaojiao sniffed, and saliva was almost drooling from her lips.

This sushi is so delicious. She had eaten it when she lived with Zheng Zheng before, and it was delicious.

"Thank you, Sister Fairy."

Fu Jiaojiao lay on the fish tank with her small hands, and the blue fish's tail swayed.


The relationship between the two people made the little Gu worm on one side even more confused.

After rolling its eyes for a few times, a flash of light flashed in its mind, and its weak tentacles suddenly stood tall.

Little Gu worm stared furiously, "Squeaky..."

Damn, damn, is this woman discriminating?

Mu Changying glanced at it, and slowly handed a small piece of sushi to Fu Jiaojiao's lips, "Well... I won't be able to stare at you anymore~"

Doesn't this little thing like drinking human blood? It doesn't need to eat sushi at all.

Fu Jiaojiao nibbled at the sushi, "Sister Fairy, why don't you... just give it a little bit?"

After all, this little Gu worm stayed under the same roof with her for so long, she couldn't bear to eat alone.

Mu Changying pointed her finger at the little mermaid's head, "It's not hungry, Jiaojiao can eat by herself."

Hearing the fairy sister's words, Fu Jiaojiao looked at the little worm and ate sushi obediently.

Well, what Sister Fairy said must be true.

"So cute~"

Seeing that she no longer insisted, Mu Changying's pupils glowed with soft light.

Such a lovely person really wants to stay by her side, after all, she has never raised a rare creature like a mermaid.

Hey, what a pity, this little girl belongs to Fu Huaizheng...

Little Gu worm: "..."

It was useless to shout for a while, it closed its mouth decisively and rested.

Only a pair of eyes still stared at Mu Changying fiercely.

Too much, this vicious girl is too much!

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