
Mu Changying's waist was buckled, and a cold look appeared on her soft little face.

The surrounding air suddenly dropped, making people feel as if they were in an extremely cold glacier.

Yi Qinghan hugged the target tightly and suddenly felt something was wrong.

Strange, how did Xun lose weight after going out?

"Brother Han, do you want your pig's trotters to be chopped off?"

Li Nanxun's eyes narrowed slightly, and the cool light was extremely sharp, as if to stare out a hole in the opponent's back.

Can his sister also be hugged by this guy?

He strode forward, grabbed Yi Qinghan's tie and dragged him to the side.

"Hey, Xun, Xun, what are you doing!"

Yi Qinghan was dragged away, with a confused look on his face, waving his hands to resist.

Although things on the Internet are very noisy, but Xun won't be in a state of insanity, right?

"Um...what? Of course I'm stuffing you in the trash can~"

Mu Changying stood at the door, smilingly watching the scene in front of her.

A dark glow of enamel appeared in her eyes, and her little hand lightly patted the dust that didn't exist on her body.

"Damn it, isn't it true? We have been working together for a year anyway, you wouldn't do this to my agent, would you?"

Yi Qinghan's mouth could not be closed in surprise, a sadness rose from his heart, and he struggled and resisted with anger.

This woman does what Xun says, is this the power of the wind in her ears?

"Stay away from her next time, or I'll chop off your trotters and throw them in the trash."

Li Nanxun dragged the person to the position of the green trash can, with obvious evil spirits all over his body.

He let go of his big hand, Yi Qinghan got out of his claws, swallowed his saliva, and patted his beating heart.


Mom, I almost went to be company with a pile of garbage just now.

"Yiyi, let's go and take a bath."

Li Nanxun stepped forward, saw her frown slightly, and quickly clasped her little hand with her big palm and walked into the house.

"Well, I listened to the third brother." Mu Changying nodded again and again, like a chicken pecking at rice.

She frowned slightly, and her steps became much lighter.

Although it's really nothing to hug, but if A Yuan knows about this, it will definitely overturn the vinegar jar.

At that time, the unfortunate will be her.

When I woke up, my back was sore and my legs were shaking.


Looking at Mu Changying's back, Yi Qinghan, who was standing beside the trash can, murmured in a daze.

"Strange, this woman looks a little familiar, have I seen it somewhere?"

After thinking for a long time and finding nothing, he simply stopped wasting brain cells.



The decoration of this room is pink and tender, and at first glance, it is for girls in blooming seasons.

There is also a wardrobe next to it, which is gently opened to contain seasonal women's clothes.

From long-sleeved short-sleeved to dresses and trousers, everything looks well prepared.

A warm light appeared in Mu Changying's eyes, "Third brother...Yiyi really likes the gifts you prepared, whether it's a sports car or a room..."

She may have recognized these brothers with a dispensable attitude at first.

But after getting along, they found that they were especially competent as brothers.

The warmth of home and the care of her relatives, all of which made her slowly open her heart to accept them little by little.

After visiting the room, Mu Changying locked the door and closed the curtains.

Pacing to the bathroom inside, the shower was turned on, and small raindrops fell down.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Her skin was white, tender and delicate, like an egg that had just been peeled off, so tender that she could squeeze out water.

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