Mu Changying returned to the Rong Mansion, and went straight into the kitchen without saying a word.

She was wearing a pink and tender strawberry apron, her hair was tied into Nezha's head, and the broken hair on her forehead was pinned with a strawberry hairpin.

"Today, I will make a stewed pigeon with Dangshen and Angelica for A Yuan!"

"Little pigeon, for my kiss husband, I have to eat you."

"I know you're wronged, so I won't waste a little bit of meat on you when I eat it later."

Mu Changying picked up the pigeons around them, and stroked its white feathers with her little hands.

The touch is soft and creamy, and it is particularly comfortable. She half-squinted her eyes in enjoyment, and the corners of her mouth raised a soft smile.

"Hey, I'm sorry~"

As soon as the words fell, Mu Changying picked up a sharp kitchen knife and cut the pigeon's artery.

One exerted too much force, and bright red blood splashed onto her white and tender face.

The originally pure face suddenly became enchanting, like the Manzhu Shahua who grew up on the other side of Huangquan.


The pigeon's head fell to the ground and rolled all the way to the door of the kitchen.

"Madam, don't think too much. If you have something to discuss, come out of the kitchen!"

Butler Sun heard the maid say that the lady was busy in the kitchen, and rushed in in a hurry.

He didn't forget that Mrs. is a master of bombing houses, and if one doesn't pay attention to the kitchen, it will collapse suddenly.

"If you bump into each other, how can I explain it to the second master?"

Butler Sun didn't feel bad about the kitchen, but what if the kitchen collapsed and the wife didn't have time to run out?

He raised his head, and when he saw the blood on Mu Changying's face, his old eyes darkened and he almost fainted.

I'm dying, I'm dying, my wife is actually hurt...

"Second Master, it's all my fault for not stopping Mrs. I'm sorry!" Butler Sun held his head in his hands and burst into tears.

Mu Changying put down the kitchen knife and put the killed pigeon into boiling water to scald its hair.

Her delicate and tender face was wrinkled into a ball, like a soft glutinous rice cake, and her slender little finger without a trace of fat pointed to his feet.

"Butler Sun, I will be very careful not to hurt myself."

" stepped on the pigeon's head."

The girl's expression was innocent, her voice was delicate, and she bit her lip to give a kind reminder.

Butler Sun lowered his head, saw a pool of blood under his feet, and quickly moved his feet away.

The little pigeon's head was trampled flat, and the flesh was blurred, but in the blood red, the small black eyes were particularly eye-catching.

"Ah ah ah... sin, sin... Buddha, please spare my old man."

His mind was in a mess, he immediately folded his hands and bowed, and left the kitchen as if running for his life.

"Did I remind you wrongly? He doesn't have nightmares at night, does he?"

"Let someone go to see the housekeeper in a while, but don't scare out the high blood pressure."

Mu Changying squeezed the nose wings on both sides to the middle, and the cuteness of the wrinkled nose pierced the heart.

She lowered her head and put her eyes in the basin, the pigeons were almost burnt.

The left hand scooped it out, pinched it in the hand, and the right hand began to pluck the hair rapidly. Within ten minutes, the hair was completely plucked, revealing smooth tender meat.

The internal organs of the pigeons were removed and washed, and the whole pigeons were put into a pot to blanch. When the water boiled, the white foam dispersed. She immediately took out the pigeons and put them in a casserole with clean water.

"Well... Now put some Codonopsis, Angelica and red dates and you're done."

After Mu Changying closed the lid, she clapped her little hands with a happy smile on her face.

With her top culinary skills, the medicated meals made are definitely first-class.

"This is the care of love, and A Yuan will definitely like it."

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