The Bernstein family was abuzz with Luke’s talk. It is surprising that Count Leonard, who was like a symbol of sincerity, made a child outside.

But to call the bastard inside and declare it as his own child.

“Oh my God, at first I thought it was just a rumor.”

“As expected, the lord couldn’t help it when he was in his prime.”

Most of them ended up as just gossip about the count’s old love affair. However, some of them also talked about sensitive topics.

“Then do we now have another young boy to serve?”

How will you treat Luke, who has been recognized as your child? The situation was complicated to treat as just the count’s new child.

“What are you doing, Bocchan? Even so, it’s only half of commoners’ blood.”

“I’ve worked in other aristocratic families too, and bastards are all treated that way.”

“It’s best to just ignore it if you don’t want to show disapproval to the madam for going too close.”

The conclusions of the servants were mostly similar. Half of them were commoners like them, so it was too much to cringe.

I don’t know if there will be any gains from flirting, but the risk of being stamped by the countess is rather high.

In addition, the treatment of bastards in other noble families was not very good. Then there was only one conclusion.

“Let’s ignore it in moderation and live like a non-existent person.”

“That’s good. You wouldn’t have the right to punish us anyway.”

“Honestly, being a commoner and being the boss makes me feel bad.”

The servants tried to end the conversation by flirting. But the old servant who had heard the conversation before clicked his tongue.

“Tsk tsk. Young people went crazy because they wanted to die.”

“No, old man. Why are you swearing all of a sudden?”

“Did you guys not hear what the lord said? He said he wouldn’t let you go if you treat him carelessly.”

“yes? Really?”

“That’s right! I don’t know, but if you guys act like that, your hair will fly off?”

“Ah, no way…”

When they first heard the story of the old servant, the servants did not believe it. You say you do that for a bastard?

Isn’t it too much to say that he is Count Leonard? It was more credible to think that the old servant had misunderstood.

It was after Gordon’s announcement that the doubts were completely dispelled.

“I think there are a lot of guys who have no idea how to treat the new boy.”

“That, that’s…”

“done. All I have to say is to serve the same as the other youngsters. If you disrespect him, I will not forgive you.”

The servants looked at each other in amazement. So, do you really mean to be treated as a loser rather than a bastard?

Looking at the confused servants, Gordon added another word.

“I’ll tell you just in case, but don’t think it will end like a whip. The only crimes against nobility are hanging and beheading.”


The servants’ faces turned blue. If Gordon, the Count’s closest aide, says this, then it means that the Count intends.

I got goosebumps at the thought that I might have run away. Naturally, the attitude of the servants towards Luke became very polite afterwards.

“Today’s clothes are comfortable to wear. You did a good job serving.”

“thank you!”

“But it hurts a little when I comb my hair…”

“Yo, forgive me! Please forgive me!”

“Did I even try to eat you?”

Hearing Gordon’s warning, the servants were wary of every gesture they made when dealing with Luke.

I was careful about everything because I didn’t know the character of the young master who came from outside. Even if it was something insignificant, it could have been a big deal if Luke was offended.

Apart from the behavior of the servants, there were also some changes on the side of the Knights. The cause was Roderick.

“I saw it with my own two eyes. The brave figure of the young master!”

Roderick informed the knights of his adventure. The knights were admiring at first, but as the story continued, their expressions became ambiguous.

“As soon as he got on his horse, he ran like a master, caught a troll with three arrows, and all the mercenaries obeyed his orders? Really?”

“I have never spoken a lie! Are you suspecting me now?”

“It’s not like that, but it’s too…”

“Then check with Sir Gaiden. You brought the young master with me!”

At Roderick’s words, the knights were dubious and asked Gaiden.

“Sir Guyden, did you really do that, Bocchan?”

“exactly. Everything Lord Roderick says is true.”

Gaiden agreed, feeling the sensation of chewing beef. I hated to bring the bastard up, but the problem was Roderick.

If he lied here, Roderick would reveal the filth he had committed during the troll incident.

“Huh, then you’re a really great person.”

When Gaiden agreed, the knights burst into admiration. Roderick, who doesn’t lie, but has a tendency to be extravagant.

On the contrary, Guy is a thorough realist, so even if he lies, he doesn’t exaggerate his words.

It was said that if the testimony of these two people matched, it was the truth.

“It’s like listening to the boyhood of a hero.”

“I thought it was a story that could only come out of a fairy tale…”

“Your Excellency didn’t recognize that extraordinaryness, did you?”

The knights understood Luke’s special treatment in a different way. I can see the buds that will one day become a hero, so he cares for me so much.

At the same time, the knights treated Luke with a little respect.

If you are a knight, shouldn’t you give respect to those who have honor and courage?

It’s been a week since Luke came to the Bernstein Mansion. The attitude of those around him was no different from dealing with the deficit.


Within a week, the Count called Luke back into his office. In the office, as before, the Count and Helena were together.

Luke, wondering what was going on, blinked his eyes at the earl’s words.

“Did you say etiquette education?”

“Yes. Now that you are a noble, shouldn’t you learn the etiquette of a noble?”

Unlike commoners, who tend to overlook every detail if they are moderately polite, aristocrats are really picky about etiquette.

This is because each of them is a means of showing difference and status from the common people.

From table etiquette and simple greetings to formal manners.

Even if you come from an aristocratic family that naturally learns pretty much everything, it takes months to learn all manners.

“Of course, it’s not just about learning etiquette. I must learn something else.”

Nobility does not receive special treatment just because they have inherited blood. Complex manners, swordsmanship, horseback riding, archery, chess, rhetoric, theology, and so on.

Only after learning all the knowledge needed to become a nobleman over several years will he be reborn as a true nobleman.

In that sense, Luke, who had just become a nobleman, needed an education.

“Unfortunately, I couldn’t find another teacher right away. Fortunately, for etiquette education, there was someone around me who was the right person.”

“Which one are you?”

“This is Mrs. Martina. He is famous in the social world as a good manners teacher.”

The Count did not add any further explanation. It must have been a name that Luke, who lived as a commoner not long ago, had never heard of.

“I hear you stopped by our estate while visiting an acquaintance’s condolences. Since I am acquainted with his wife, he readily agreed to my unreasonable request.”

“My eldest mother?”

Helena’s eyes twitched for a moment at the word “great mother.” But soon he smiled as if he had never done that before.

“Now that we have become a family, we have to learn how to behave without being ashamed of the family name. Would it be okay if we saved our connections for such an important matter?”

“That’s right. Thank you very much.”

At Helena’s words, the Count expressed his gratitude with a happy expression. Luke also bowed deeply, following the count.

“I am truly grateful to my aunt for her consideration. I will live up to expectations and become a son worthy of Bernstein’s name.”

“Yes, Mrs. Martina is a wonderful person, so I hope you will learn hard.”

‘Perhaps that’s the case.’

At the voice that feigned kindness, Luke snorted inwardly. I had heard a lot about Mrs. Martina before returning.

It is true that he is famous as a etiquette teacher, but I heard that he teaches harshly as much as he produces good results.

It was clear that he had deliberately chosen a Sangvis instructor and put him in as his teacher.

‘Perhaps other teachers are like this.’

There are so many subjects to learn, but there is no way it can be finished with just one etiquette. I’m sure you’re still looking for a teacher with a similar disposition.

‘Well, it’s a useless effort.’

I didn’t even have to prepare for the tricks I did this time. Even if you just stay still, it will only increase Luke’s reputation.

Luke hid his smile and waited for the etiquette training to come.


Two days later, Mrs. Martina came to see Luke after preparing for the training.

“Nice to meet you, Luke. My name is Martina.”

The dignified middle-aged lady greeted with a soft smile. Her skill was evident in her impeccable formality.

Luke bowed his head in the utmost respect, although it didn’t match his manners.

“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Martina. This is Luke Bernstein. Please forgive me for breaking the etiquette because I didn’t learn properly.”

“Oh my goodness.”

Martina gave a slightly surprised expression at Luke’s greeting. Although it goes against the etiquette, isn’t it polite and courteous greeting?

It was an attitude that showed respect itself, the most basic of etiquette.

“I heard that you never learned it, but looking at Luke-sama, you seem to be able to learn it easily.”

“It is overrated. Please lead me well.”

“I do my best. Let’s learn the most basic table etiquette first.”

Martina pointed to the table prepared in consultation with the Count. There were already some food and many kinds of utensils.

As Luke sat down at the table, Mrs. Martina raised the horsewhip that was hanging beside her.

“As I said beforehand, I have been given the right to corporal punishment by my wife and the Count. If you make a mistake, I will use it mercilessly, so keep that in mind.”

In other words, if you take the wrong turn, that horsewhip will fly into the back of your hand. The posture of holding it seemed very familiar, as if it was often used when teaching other children of nobles.

Luke nodded gently.

“All right. If you show immaturity, be willing to punish me.”

“great. Then, first take the tableware in your hand…”


Helena covered her mouth with a fan and suppressed a laugh. It is a class that even children born into noble families suffer from.

For Luke, who had lived as a commoner until now, it would feel many times more difficult.

‘I’m sure he’s holding back the sound of crying by now.’

Madame Martina is very harsh when she teaches, but it is not because of her own desire for honor or malice.

It’s just because of her personality that demands perfection.

It probably includes good intentions to give students perfect teaching.

‘That’s why I can’t protest.’

Rather, if the educator had malice, Luke would report to the Count without delay and replace the teacher.

However, what if a teacher who makes people suffer only with good intentions without malice?

When I talk to the count, I only reflect on him as a weak and pitiful figure.

Then there are only two options left. Did you learn it through hardship, or give up after enduring a pitiful look?

‘Choose what you like.’

From noble mtl dot com

If you choose the former, you’ll suffer from corporal punishment for a long time, and if you choose the latter, you won’t be able to escape the words, ‘As expected, commoners can’t help it’.

At that time, someone approached Helena.

“Oh, Mrs. Helena.”

“Mrs. Martina!”

Helena stood up in admiration at Martina’s appearance after class. I wanted to hear the results of the class as soon as possible.

“How about this? Is Luke doing well in class?”

“Um, that’s…”

Madame Martina paused for a moment, unable to find anything to say. I knew it. There’s no way that half-ass could easily follow the manners of an aristocrat.

The smile on Helena’s lips grew wider.

“It’s okay, so tell me honestly. Are you too immature?”

“No, just the opposite.”


“Luke-sama is absolutely perfect. None of the children I have taught have learned so quickly.”


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