The Count’s anxiety soon dissipated. Consternation replaced anxiety as negotiations progressed. After hearing all the conditions, the count muttered in a daze.

“Are you really going to negotiate on these terms?”

“Don’t you like it?”

“no! Absolutely no!”

Seeing the grand duke’s eyes, the count shook his head coldly. I do not like it? It was the other way around. It was the best condition you could hope for in this situation.

‘Trading by giving away part of the monster-infested forest.’

With trembling eyes, the count stared at the agreement the elf was holding out. What was written was as the Grand Duke had said earlier.

Due to the misfortune of this incident, the Count gives up part of his territory. Instead, you don’t have to return the magic tools you’ve taken so far.

All of this is an accident caused by a lack of communication, so to prevent this, the count and the grand duke open a formal trade route.

‘This is better than the technology I first asked for.’

No matter how magical tool skills are, it takes a year to master them. Perhaps, when the Count was alive, all he could do was print out poor things.

Despite knowing that fact, the Count wanted technology because it was a means to continuously create profits.

However, if you can trade formally, if you can get several times the benefits of brokerage trade without having to learn the difficult skills.

It was several times more profitable than selling crude magic tools.

“Hmm, not bad. I don’t think there’s anything else to add.”

“Then let’s sign and declare right here.”


Pretending to be calm, the Count accepted the words. After the signed agreement was exchanged, the Archduke shouted loudly.

“Here, now, an agreement has been made between me, Archduke Arathion, and Valdemar Herning, lord of men. You will be the witnesses of this oath!”

A booming voice echoed through the walls of the castle. It was a voice that could be heard by everyone from the commander on top of the castle wall to the soldiers waiting below.

As everyone listened intently, the Grand Duke recited the contents of the agreement in turn.

“… Since all these problems are due to lack of communication, both sides will open trade routes with each other so that nothing will happen again! I, Archduke Arathion, agree!”

The Grand Duke cut off his speech and looked at the Count. The Count turned back toward the wall and shouted.

“I, Valdemar Herning, agree! From now on, the two of us swear to abide by the pact!”


Unlike the quiet elves, cheers erupted in the castle. I thought I was going to die, but it didn’t end very well.

In particular, it was the best result for the sons of each family and the count. It was when the Count, who smiled happily, was about to return after saying goodbye.

“One, before that, I have one thing to finish!”

“… … ?”

The Count blinked and looked back. what? Isn’t this the end of the agreement?

“Regardless of the agreement between the two races, I speak as one elf! I, Arathion, challenge Valdemar Herning to a duel!”

“… … !”

The Count’s eyes widened at the unexpected sound.

* * *

I thought it was strange. In the eyes of the elves, what the Count had done would not be enough even if they were torn to pieces.

They kidnapped and held hostages, used that as an excuse to tear off magic tools until they were on the verge of bankruptcy, and cut off the princess’s tongue and tendons to make her a slave.

It would be a lie if there were no lumps left. The Count gritted his teeth and looked at the Archduke.

‘Damn it, I thought it was too easy.’

I didn’t understand it when I saw the agreement presented by the Grand Duke, but the Count made his own predictions.

Either you don’t love your daughter as much as you think, or there are circumstances so important that you have to ignore her pain.

But no. The Archduke had neither forgotten nor intended to bury it. I just endured to prepare this place.

“I am not forcing! Only challenge to solve the core of the two of us! Back off if you don’t want to! Return to your comfortable castle and observe our pact!”

If you’re scared, run away to your office and go to prepare a trade route. The Count snorted at the provocation. Are you calling that a provocation?

‘Do you think I can’t do it?’

There was no reason to accept that duel unless you were crazy. The Count was not an elf who sacrificed his life out of arrogance and pride.

He is a wise person who makes rational decisions by weighing the gains and losses. It would have been a huge mistake if the Archduke had demanded the elves’ ideas from humans.

“Again! If you do not accept the duel, go back! One, if you accept it, come before me! What are you going to do!”

“I am… … !”

It was the moment the Count opened his mouth to reject it. Someone next to him gave a puck and slapped the horse on the butt of the Count.

– Hee hee hee!


The horse cried out and trudged forward. The Count quickly took hold of the reins, but the horse finally went and stood in front of the Archduke.

The contemplative Count looked at the Archduke. The Archduke smiled with his deadly eyes.

“As expected, you are a man of honor, Valdemar Herning! You accept a duel!”

“Oh no! It’s not… … !”


Luke’s loud cry interrupted the Count’s words. Luke shouted as he turned his back and looked up at the top of the castle wall.

“Since the Count has accepted the duel, this is a fair fight! Even if someone loses their lives, the agreement will be honored and there will be no war!”

“… … !”

The Count looked at Luke with a contemplative face. Could it be that he just kicked the horse’s butt!?

‘no! Who wants to refute his words!’

The count, looking left and right, hesitated. Nearby are Luke, Ray, and Bruno. There was not a single knight of the count.

Ray and Bruno calmly received the count’s gaze. What do you mean? Seeing that gaze, the Count shuddered.

‘It’s a trap!’

Where did the trap come from? Ever since that guy took the princess hostage? Or was he appeased after being caught?

No, it didn’t matter now. I had to somehow deny the duel and go back. My honor would fall to the ground and look ugly, but it was better than dying.

“no! This… … !”

“His Excellency has entered a duel!”

However, the Count’s determination was buried by the voice he heard from the top of the castle wall.

“Praise for great courage! Blessings on your sword! Praise everyone!”

“… … !?”

Stunned, the Count looked up. The count’s face crumpled when he saw the person who was shouting loudly.

* * *

“What are you doing!? Come on, stop rooting for Your Excellency!”

The children of the nobles looked at Leone with absurd eyes, and the soldiers were also in a slightly bewildered state.

The three people, including the Count, were too close to the wall. Of course, I was able to see enough of the count’s appearance.

‘I think he left by mistake.’

‘Didn’t Sir Luke hit the horse’s butt from the side?’

However, Leon put an iron plate on his face. I had to somehow push it here and create a cheering atmosphere.

Leon opened his eyes and glared at the soldiers he had brought.

“What are you doing! I mean shout! hurry!”

“Hooray! Long live His Excellency the Count!”

“May the glory of victory be upon you, Your Excellency!”

What will the soldiers do? It is the order of the Lion they serve. Even though I felt unsure, I quickly started cheering.

“Glory to the Count! Victory in the duel!”

“Glory to the Count! Victory in the duel!”

As Leon continued to shout slogans, 30 soldiers followed suit. With each cry followed, slogans spread little by little.

Troops from other families were no exception. Due to the psychology of the crowd, I unknowingly followed the slogan and sang.

‘Uh, what is it? Can I just shout like this?’

‘Or I’ll stop. Let’s follow it.’

The slogans that caught up like wildfire at once echoed throughout the castle. The count trembled. What the hell is this all about?

Let’s say that is the case with the Winslow family. But why don’t those from other families block that cry?

‘Could it be that everyone is in the same tube!?’

Ominous thoughts ran through my mind. Actually, it wasn’t one pass. The other family members were just mesmerized.

‘what is this? Why is this all of a sudden?’

‘Should I dry it? But if His Excellency really accepted the duel… … .’

Uncertain circumstances made the decision difficult. In particular, I kept hesitating because I thought it was someone else’s business, not my family’s.

As soon as there were signs that the duel would be concluded, the count desperately denied it and shouted.

“no! I mean no! This is a mistake!”

– Glory to the Count! Victory in the duel!

– Glory to the Count! Victory in the duel!

The count’s cry was drowned out by the soldiers’ slogans. The Grand Duke approached behind the Count, who was trying to escape somehow.

“Now, let’s start slowly. You took too long.”

“Wait, wait!”

“Don’t be ugly and die here.”

The Grand Duke let out his true intentions and ran. The count put his hand on the sword in contemplation.

It wasn’t that he lacked confidence in his own sword. However, he is old, and it has been a while since he suffered a life-and-death battle.

More than anything, compared to the author called ‘The Grand Duke of the Sword’, it was only a shabby level.

“I, I will not draw my sword! Are you trying to cut down an unarmed man!”

“Then it’s a sword fight. It’s the way I like it.”

The last struggle ended in vain. The Archduke did not draw his weapon and rode his horse to the count.

When viewed from a distance, it would appear to be a swordsmanship match to decide the winner with a single blow. The Count reached for the sword and gnashed his teeth.

“sh*t! These damn bastards! What a deal!”

“Shut up.”

At the same time as swearing, the swords of the Count and the Grand Duke were drawn. A flashing sword light shone, and the count’s head flew into the sky.

From noble mtl dot com

Right before he lost consciousness, the flying Count’s neck caught Luke in his eyes. Luke was smiling the brightest.

* * *

When he first heard of Luke’s scheme, the Archduke was taken aback.

– You want me to call you to a duel and kill you? By force?

-Yes, it’s okay to just kill for a just cause, whether it’s reckless or not.

-What kind of bullsh*t are you talking about? It’s a hasty plan that can’t even be called a ruse!

– That’s what it says.

right. A hasty plan that cannot even be called a ruse. Just creating an atmosphere for a duel so that they can’t escape, and then slitting their throats is enough.

– But this plan worked surprisingly well.


-Try it. I will take all responsibility.

The Count has no heirs. There is not even a vassal who can be called a second person. All vassals were equal before the lord himself.

A structure that shows an obsession with power to the point of fanaticism. When the person was fine, there would have been no problem with this deformed structure.

But there was one thing the count overlooked.

‘That there is no one to make a judgment on his behalf if he loses the right to command.’

Orders are also the law of those who have held power. No matter how loyal you are, if you have never given an order before, you have no choice but to hesitate.

I don’t know how to judge. And now that the count was dead, there was only one person who could give orders.


Ray spoke in an emotionless voice to the quiet castle.

“My father passed away, so now I will take over the county. He died fighting a fair duel, so this is not something to hold grudge against.”

Everyone fell silent at Ray’s words. It wasn’t that they had nothing to say in return, it was because they didn’t know how the situation was going.

In the meantime, Ray continued his story.

“I will collect the remains of my father and invite the grand duke to the castle. With this, our grudge is gone, and we want to pay our respects to the man who was my father’s rival.”

It’s bullsh*t. Since when did the count become the grand duke’s rival? Also, where is the resentment that Ray, who came in as an adopted daughter a few days ago, feels?

But no one objected. The Count designated the successor, and unless Ray himself killed the Count, he was the legitimate successor.

“Open the gates.”

“Yes, yes!”

At Ray’s command, the castle gate was opened simply. There was no one who could shout no and rally the opposing forces.

I was just following orders. Just like the Count did when he was alive.

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