Lugres, who was at a loss for words for a moment, spoke in a calm voice.

“It’s a deception.”

What kind of place is the dungeon? A treasure trove of ancient relics. A dungeon has the ripple effect of shaking the entire empire just by discovering it.

But a dungeon suddenly appeared in a place not far from the territory?

“That doesn’t even sound funny.”

Lugres sat back in his chair. Why did Bjorn tell such a silly lie?

If you think about it, the answer came quickly.

‘Are you planning to drag me out of the castle?’

The dungeon has many dangerous traps, so it can’t be excavated with a small number. Even at the minimum, 300 people have to work hard for a month to see results.

The only exceptions are dungeons that have been weathered to such an extent that most of the traps and artifacts inside are destroyed. In other words, if a dungeon is discovered, it is common to dispatch a large army.

Bjorn must have been planning to pull out Lugres and spin it.

“Stupid bastard. If you want to use deception, you have to use it properly.”

A lie must at least be credible. In that sense, the rumors spread by Bjorn were pitiful.

The bluff was so loud that anyone could tell it was a lie.

“The fake dungeon news is over. There is no need to listen to such deception. Any other information?”

“Go, it’s not fake, sir.”

“This guy?”

Do you dare to question the lord’s judgment on the subject of a mere spy? Lugres glared at the spy with an annoyed face.

However, the spy continued to speak even as he swallowed nervously.

“It is a real dungeon. I saw it with my own two eyes.”


“When it was first discovered, it didn’t stop others from watching. I was also mixed at that time. It is not a fake that can be made in a day or two.”

After the full-scale excavation began, they were not allowed to approach, but they could still see the door and the dim interior from nearby.

The elaborate decoration of the door seemed impossible to reproduce in this era, and I couldn’t even guess what kind of metal was used for the surrounding structures.

“You can swear by my neck. It was real.”

“… … !”

At the words of the spy, his eyes widened as if they would tear. Rugress knows how much the spy in front of him cares about his life.

That guy took his own life. It is said that it is certain that there are ancient ruins in dungeons or whatever.

‘What crazy! It’s a real dungeon!?’

If dungeons really exist, the story is different. If only the relics could be fully excavated, the status of the family would change.

“Send more spies! Make sure you’re really in a dungeon!”

Rugres gave the order in a trembling voice. There is only one possibility, so I can’t move recklessly.

But if that’s a real dungeon. If it’s really a place where a treasure that can change the fate of a family is sleeping.

‘It’s outside the city, it’s Nabal, and you must eat first.’

Lugres’ eyes glistened with greed.

* * *

It’s been ten days since the dungeon excavation took place. Luke smiled at the people passing by in the distance.

“There are quite a lot of merchants I haven’t seen before.”

“Originally, when the weather clears up, trade will be active.”

It was Lawton who answered Luke’s words. Philip’s knight, who had once refused the position of chief of the peace.

Although this is not his hometown, he was quite a bright person about the situation here as he had been in the manor for a long time.

“Then, have there been as many peddlers as usual?”

“No, it has increased dramatically in the past few days.”

“Because it was recently, rumors must have only spread around the neighborhood.”

“Still, it will be enough to spread to the Beldine Territory.”

When I understood and answered, I burst out laughing. Contrary to the stiff and businesslike attitude, there was fun in exchanging conversations.

Actually, it seemed that the conversation itself was just an exchange of information.

“The list I was asking for?”

“Here he is.”

Lawton handed Luke the organized papers. What was written in the document was a list of outsiders who had recently visited the manor.

Some of them had prominent markings on them.

“Five are definitely spies, and there are seven more who are still in the suspicious stage.”

“great job.”

Even though he said it calmly, Luke admired it inwardly. It was written in detail, from the moving line to the recent move.

I just picked someone I could trust, but unexpectedly, he was someone with talent.

‘He’s a knight who can also take on the role of an administrator, but he’s a rare talent.’

Ignorant knights often cause problems by not being able to post-process after capturing a castle. In contrast, Lawton’s handling of the work was neat.

To the point where it wouldn’t be a problem to take part in an important base right now.

‘Even with such a talented person right in front of his nose, he’s a mediocre knight.’

I felt pitiful again for Philip, who was wallowing around in prison. Lawton, unaware of Luke’s thoughts, slightly lowered his head.

“Then I’ll go see you. I still have work to do.”

“Yes, good job.”

Watching Lawton disappear on horseback, Luke licked his lips. The more I look at it, the more I like it.

With Lawton out of sight, Luke took another look at the list he had been given earlier.

‘Is everyone escaping?’

At first glance, he looks like a peddler leaving after finishing his errands. However, if you look at the route, many of them came close to the dungeon.

Maybe he sneaked in at night to check it out and go. Since it has been confirmed that this is a real dungeon, he must be leaving.

“It took quite a while.”

It was only about 10 days, but it took a really long time considering how great the lure of the dungeon was.

That too will be over now. Rey opened the tent just as Luke burned the letter.

“Master, the work is complete.”


“Because you told me the location of the trap.”

“It’s pretty fast, though.”

Luke passed the tent and headed for the dungeon. Inside the dungeon, soldiers who had just finished dismantling traps were strewn about.

The stalactites exploded as if they had exploded. An ancient spear that spilled countless times. A corner of the wall that is half melted and flows like magma.

Luke looked around and murmured.

“It’s not even a fuss. It looks like even a dragon has run amok.”

“It almost makes me wonder if I’m actually dealing with a dragon.”

Bjorn, who was conducting the dismantling of the trap with Ray, stole his forehead. Even though it was quite cool inside the dungeon, his whole body was covered in sweat.

Bjorn sighed deeply and looked at the dismantled traps again.

“I’ve heard of the dungeon’s notoriety, but I never imagined it would be to this extent.”

The soldiers trembled as if they agreed to Bjorn’s words. It was a trap made with various magic added in ancient times, so it was different from normal traps.

Like a sword suddenly flying out of empty space. Like the flames that can melt rocks.

It even exploded right in front of my eyes, blowing people away.

“Still, I told you all the trap locations.”

“Yes, thanks to your lord’s notification, there were no deaths.”

“Are there any seriously injured?”

“Fortunately, there was none. Thanks to Lord Ray for blocking it.”

It is said that without Ray, there would have been serious injuries. It’s like this even though I’ve been told all the traps.

But Luke couldn’t say anything even when he saw it. I knew the horrors of this dungeon well.

‘Because this is one of the best dungeons in terms of difficulty.’

Even ancient dragons with wisdom and power beyond humans died coveting treasure in this dungeon. What about humans?

After taking a breath, Bjorn said as if he had finally remembered.

“Come to think of it, how did you know there was a dungeon here?”

“I heard that my maternal grandfather found it while hunting.”

“It is a strange coincidence. Didn’t you tell someone else?”

“Who are you going to tell this dangerous information to?”

Bjorn shut his mouth at Luke’s words. Luke’s maternal grandfather, who was said to have been a mediocre hunter. Reporting the discovery of a dungeon?

If it worked out, you would have been rewarded for giving the information, but in the worst case, you could have been killed by silence.

“Keuhum, you must have been a wise man.”

“He was like that.”

“But my father would have compensated. I’m sure.”

Luke suppressed laughter at the sight of Bjorn speaking in a snarky voice. Come to think of it, when my maternal grandfather lived, the lord around here must have been Bjorn’s father.

However, even if he went back to the past, his maternal grandfather would not have known about the dungeon. Because it was all lies.

‘Actually, it’s a dungeon that the barbarian king will find in the next few years.’

Luke learned about the dungeon after the king of the barbarians wiped out everything in the dungeon. Nom hid the existence of the dungeon while excavating.

Later, after the work was finished, he announced his attack in all directions, and the chatterbox heard the sound and flocked to the empty dungeon.

It was because I wanted to see if there was a single nugget of gold that I passed by without finding it.

‘I was one of those goofballs too.’

Still, Luke had his own vision. In case another dungeon was discovered, he investigated the trap to see if it would be helpful.

Thanks to that, I was able to figure out the location of the traps in the beginning and the principle of some traps. It wasn’t anything I was expecting the most, though.

“What is the progress?”

“I don’t know exactly, but it seems that 20% has progressed even if I set it as a minimum.”

Bjorn’s face came to mind. Isn’t that also a dungeon? A treasure trove that changes the power structure of the region once fully excavated.

But why are you moving so fast?

“If done well, the trap can be dismantled within two months.”

“No, sorry, but it ends here.”


From noble mtl dot com

Luke grinned at those who tilted their heads.

“The work is over here. Let’s all go back to the manor.”

Everyone in the vicinity looked at Luke with disgusted faces. why the hell

* * *

All of Lugres’ spies sent similar replies.

– Certainly a dungeon made in ancient times.

-Currently mobilizing soldiers to attack the dungeon.

– The attack speed is very fast and smooth.

Hearing all the reports, Lugres’ hands trembled. It’s good that a great treasure has appeared nearby.

But to think that the treasure would end up in Bjorn’s hands.

‘There is no more time to hesitate!’

Lugres summoned his henchman, Brian, and gave orders.

“Leave your troops and go to the dungeon right now! The relic must never be taken away by Bjorn!”

“yes! dismissal!”

Brian, a knight with a stocky physique and a shaggy beard, answered while lowering his head. The number of soldiers given was considerable.

It was because the Viscount Beldine had half of the current forces. Considering Lugres’ personality, it was an unconventional move.

‘That’s why he considers this matter very important.’

In other words, it was also said that if he failed, Brian would lose his trust as his confidant. Brian urged the soldiers and rode on.

“Run! We must drive them out and secure ownership of the dungeon!”


The soldiers were also very nervous and prepared to fight. Even the unlearned village kid knows the importance of dungeons.

It will definitely be a fierce battle. It was when everyone was swallowing saliva and arrived near the dungeon.

“scout! How many enemies do you have?”

“Oh, no.”

“What? No way!”

“It’s real! There isn’t even one! I left everything behind!”

Brian, who did not believe the report, rode closer. Then he saw a really empty dungeon.

Tents and flints were rolling around, as if they had left in a hurry.

“Huh, you really left.”

Could it be that they were frightened after hearing the information that they were coming? It was the most plausible conclusion, but somehow it didn’t make sense.

‘I’m not that kind of person.’

At least the Bjorn that Brian remembered was a man who chose to fight and die. But you’re leaving without regret.

Feeling embarrassed, Brian shouted at the soldiers.

“Place soldiers around and be vigilant! It might be their trick!”

It might be a tactic of pretending to leave for now, then attacking at night when you’re not paying attention. Brian was on full alert just in case.

A day passed like that, then two days passed. To the dismay, the departed troops did not return.

“They must be scared.”

Brian laughed in relief. No matter how brave he is, he has been exiled to a village for a long time.

The time has come to let go of that courage.

“Reduce the vigilance to a minimum and set up barracks. Let the dungeon raid begin!”

Urging the soldiers, Brian moved quickly. If the battle was gone, the rest of the time was invested in the attack.

It was a strategy that Bjorn easily accomplished even with a small number of troops. It wouldn’t be difficult if there were so many soldiers. When a month has passed since I thought so.

– I beg of you, please let the military down. This dungeon is hell… … .

Brian was writing a letter to his lord with his eyes darkened.

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