-Be self-sufficient until you hunt the dragon.

Ragnar’s declaration that puzzled some nobles and candidates. But when you think about it, it was also a natural thing to say.

What epic hero had an attendant on hand to catch a monster in peace? Rather, most of them went through all sorts of hardships just to get there.

Self-sufficiency in the snowfield area was not even considered an axis of hardship. Although the two candidates, who were accustomed to a too comfortable life, were open to hardships.

‘I’m not.’

Luke rolled a sharp stone in his hand. He had just picked up an appropriately sized stone from the ground and ground it into an arrowhead shape.

It was a hastily made item, but it was sharp enough to be used as an arrowhead. At that time, in the corner of Luke’s eye, he saw a small wriggle.


nettle liquid.

Luke threw the stone without hesitation. After awakening, the stone thrown by the strength beyond human strength flew like a bullet.


-Pretty dear!

One of the animals collapsed with the sound of a pig picking. He couldn’t even escape because his vitals had been pierced with orthodoxy.

“Is this pork for breakfast?”

Luke may have evolved in a snowy environment, and he dragged a white wild boar slightly bigger than a dog. I was very familiar with everything from dismantling to removing internal organs and deboning.

“It reminds me of the old days.”

Luke has been used to this since his days as a cabin hunter. To be honest, even if he hadn’t awakened his lineage, he was confident of surviving in the middle of the snowfield.

Needless to say, now that I have gained strength. Luke pulled out his magic sword and placed the dismembered piece of meat on top of it.



At the same time as the command, the magic sword lit up a flame. The flame, which can be freely adjusted, quickly cooked the meat to a golden brown inside.

Seasoned with the spices he had prepared in advance, Luke tore the meat apart. For eating out, it tasted pretty good.

‘The control of the flame dragon sword has no results at all.’

It’s been five days since we left for the Hydra’s habitat. In the meantime, many monsters blocked Luke’s path.

There were frost trolls as before, as well as four-legged beasts and huge raptor-type monsters. And with one swing of the sword, all of them were cut to pieces.

“I’ll try to do something only when the opponent endures even a little bit.”

A lament came out of nowhere. It’s only once or twice to enjoy it with overwhelming power. After repeating this situation over and over again, I felt bored.

‘But I can’t swing it while looking at the wall.’

Swordsmanship is a law that has meaning for each form. If there is a big difference in weight class, attack with one expression, and if there is a counterattack, use two expressions to block it.

Of course, it was necessary to experience the actual battle and learn it in the body. Luke also knew that fact, so he dared to look for monsters.

‘It’s only like this that I’m going to have my first real battle with the Flame Dragon Sword as a Hydra.’

I wasn’t afraid. However, for some reason, a feeling of uneasiness settled in a corner of his heart. It’s not like I’m to blame. A superhuman sixth sense possessed by all ancient bloodlines.

That sixth sense was warning Luke.



Luke suppressed the dragon’s blood that squirmed in his veins. it must be dangerous It was a fact I knew right away. I even thought about running away.

No matter how important your plan is, it’s not as important as your life.

‘So calm down. They say they’ll run away.’

Luke murmured inwardly as if admonishing the blood that kept warning him. But the warnings did not stop. Until the day Luke arrives at the Hydra’s habitat.

* * *

“This might get sick… … .”

another week after that. Luke, who had finally reached his destination, spat out a curse. Because of the sloppiness of the map, I had been wandering around for almost three days.

If Luke had not been accustomed to wandering and lodging, he would have run out of strength long ago.

‘But somehow he arrived.’

Looking at the characteristic topography of the surroundings, it was impossible to be wrong this time. That was when Luke sighed in relief and took a step forward.

– Kyaaagh!

“… … !”

A roar ripped through the air in all directions. Luke looked in that direction, startled by the vibration that shook his body.

‘A flame dragon?’

Those gigantic wings and spewing flames. And the unique appearance of a dragon. Although it was the first time seeing it with the naked eye, Luke knew right away.

Among all dragons, except for some, the most dangerous category is the Yeom Dragon. Wasn’t the dragon that Ragnar said he would catch?

‘But why is Yeomryong here?’

According to the map, this is the Hydra’s habitat. But it’s a yeomryong.

‘I can’t believe these were mislabeled by mistake… … .’

While Luke frowned and complained. Something wriggling beneath the flame dragon came up quickly. At first glance, they look like tentacles.

However, Luke’s enhanced vision was able to immediately recognize its identity.

‘The dragon’s head.’

Not just one, but several heads that stretched like snakes. There is only one such dragon. Hydra, a dragon that is weak to dragons and possesses deadly poison.

‘Then why are you fighting the flame dragon?’

It doesn’t even seem to be pushed too far. No, rather, the flame dragon was flying in the sky and avoiding the head of the hydra. As if getting caught is the end.

Why is Yeomryong, who has an advantage in terms of characteristics, desperately avoiding Hydra? Luke soon found out.

“This crazy, what’s so big?”

Unbeknownst to me, the twins came out. It wasn’t poison that gave Hydra the upper hand against the Flame Dragon. It is a pure physical using the difference in physique.

When the hydra stepped up to the high ground to snatch the flame dragon, its large size was clearly visible. Even at first glance, the size of the head was more than twice that of the Yeom Dragon.

‘If I get bitten by that thing, it’s going to end in one blow.’

– aaah!

The sight of Yeomryong howling felt pitiful. Even if he tried to escape by flying, the hydra’s persistent attack did not let go of the yeomryong.

Yeomryong, pushed to the limit, used a trump card.

Fuhua ah.


dragon’s breath. A fearful flame that melts even refined weapons and armor. And instead of secreting venom from its skin, the hydra was a scaleless dragon.

If you get hit by the breath, even with that physique difference, the wounds won’t be trivial.


“… … !?”

The hydra let out a roar as if mocking Luke for making such a prediction. Even though he was clearly being hit by the flames, he did not budge.

Rather, one of the heads snatched the Yeomryong, whose wings had slowed down due to the breath.

– Kwaaah!

Yeomryong stopped his breath and let out a scream. I tried to flap my wings with all my might to get out, but it was useless.

The huge head pulled the flame dragon down, and the remaining head attacked the body. With a horrifying destructive sound, the flame dragon was torn to pieces.

“… … .”

After returning, Luke swallowed dry saliva for the first time. I decided not to ignore the warnings of my sixth sense coming from my body any longer.

‘I can’t win this.’

It’s not just about looking at size. How the hell did they evolve? They are immune to fire, and they have nine heads that should normally be seven at most.

that’s a mutation The worst mutant that has evolved to be terribly powerful. Even if it’s an ordinary dragon, it’s going to be a dog school, but it’s a fight with such a special entity?

‘It’s perfect for rummaging.’

Luke knew how to look at the situation objectively. The margin I had so far was because I believed in the possibility.

Against a monster like that, it wasn’t a situation to relax and sleep.

“Damn it, I can’t help it.”

Even if the Northern Throne were to be dealt with otherwise, this place must be withdrawn. No matter how great it is, it is not more important than life. At that time, the hydra stared at Luke.


‘… Are you looking here?’

I can’t really pinpoint Luke from such a long distance. Even if you see it, the distance is considerable. It will take a long time just to catch up.

In the meantime, it is enough to leisurely run away with the awakened physical ability. The moment you think so and try to turn your back.



Luke swallowed the wind. My eyes flashed, and the hydra was approaching right in front of me.

“Innate spell ability!?”

A magical ability that only a small percentage of creatures are born with. Regardless of his intelligence, he handles his abilities more freely than most wizards.

Depending on the type, there are some that are not very dangerous. However, the hydra’s spells were the worst.

“Teleportation is such a dog… !”

– Kyaaa!

There was no time to complain. The nine heads of the hydra flew at Luke from all sides. Luke gritted his teeth and pulled out the demonic sword from his waist.

* * *

Kwak, bang, bang.


Luke cursed and rolled on the ground. Doesn’t that guy’s head hurt? It continues to run even after planting its head into the ground until it sinks into the ground.

– Kyaaagh!

‘I don’t have time to swing my sword!’

With a frustrated expression, Luke rolled on the ground again. If he had five heads, he would have managed to swing his sword somehow.

If it was six or seven, I would have drawn it with a clumsy swing. But nine. The nine-headed wave attack didn’t even give me time to catch my breath.

‘It’s fortunate that the poison doesn’t work, though.’

The hydra didn’t just try to bite with its teeth. Sometimes they spit venom or exhaled poison smoke. Fortunately, the poison didn’t work as Luke thought.

The problem is that Hydra was also aware of that fact. If he spits out the poison just one more time, he’ll have time to swing his sword, but he’ll just do physical attacks.


“Damn it!”

Luke bit his lip and rolled on the ground again. It shouldn’t be like this. I had to swing my sword even if I was prepared to get hit.

And the opportunity came.

– Kyaaagh!

bang, bang, bang

The three hydra heads rushed at Luke all at once, as if the medicine had risen. Luke barely avoided the attack, and had time to wield it briefly.

‘It’s an opportunity!’

Rook, who quickly took a stance, swung the sword of the flame dragon sword. At the same time, the startled hydra threw its head back, but it was already within range of the shockwave.


-Kie eh eh eh!

Long oblique lines appeared on the two huge heads. Although it couldn’t penetrate all the way, the wound was so great that both of its heads became incapacitated.

“it’s okay!”

Luke called for joy. It means that the number of attacks will decrease if the number of heads is reduced. Luke will get more opportunities to attack, and Hydra will gradually be at a disadvantage.

But Luke’s hopes were soon dashed.

Chi profit.


It was beyond absurd now. What does it mean to have innate spell abilities, that huge body, and even regenerative abilities after going through a mutation?

“A little bit… … !”



The enraged hydra’s head approached again. There was no chance to escape this time. Luke reflexively held the magic sword in front of him.

If it had been a bite, he would have been chewed to death, but this attack was close to hitting him with a hard head. Even so, the result was not light.

From noble mtl dot com



A moan leaked from Luke’s mouth, stuck on the floor. The air rushed out of my lungs with pain like a broken spine.

If it were a normal person, the bones of the whole body would have been crushed and died. Hydra did not stop attacking in a situation where he could not even stand up properly due to the pain.

– bang, bang, bang, bang.


The nine heads continued to beat Luke. Instead of biting it with its teeth, it seemed like it was trying to kill it by crushing its entire body.

Inversely proportional to the pain, the mind gradually became stupefied. Are you dying? in a place like this? One absurdly ridiculous misfortune?

The resentment didn’t last long.


“… … !”

At the same time as the hydra’s head hit the body all at once, Luke calmed down.

* * *

Luke stared blankly in front of his eyes. There was no pain. There was no hydra. There was only darkness in the world.

‘… Is it dead?’

Did you blow your second chance like this? And does that mean there is no third chance? So, is this the underworld?

I heard all sorts of crazy thoughts. Around the time Luke collapsed in pitch-black darkness. Suddenly the world has changed.


‘Snow field?’

Pure whiteness covered the world. It is not the northern snowfield. A place that is now gone. For some reason, Luke knew that.

What was in the snowy field was the dragon’s corpse. However, the appearance of a dragon was nothing compared to a hydra or a flame dragon.


Its scales seemed to have been carved out of jewels, and its appearance was dignified, like the symbol of a perfect predator. For some reason, the dragon had been horribly torn to pieces.

And someone knelt down in front of the corpse and wept.


He was such a young boy. The boy with dark brown hair and purple eyes embraced the dragon’s corpse while weeping endlessly.

They were parents and children. Humans are children of dragons. Even though I thought it was ridiculous, I whispered in my head that it was natural.

And once again the scenery changed.

“Save me, please save me!”

The dragon was howling. A beautiful appearance like the dragon I just saw. The dragon spoke human language and begged for its life.

“It was not our decision alone! Everyone agreed! I just followed the decision of my countrymen! So please!”

Fuhua ah.

The afterword didn’t follow. Someone raised a sword and destroyed the dragon’s head. The sight of the shockwave shaving off his hair was like nothing Luke had ever seen.

“Kill the dragon.”

It was an embarrassingly cold word. Luke inadvertently took a step back. Then, something caught on my foot.

Unknowingly, Luke looked back and opened his mouth.

‘The dragon’s corpse.’

not one ten? twenty? Or more? Numerous dragons were corpses and were building a mountain. All of those dragons were incredibly strong.

They felt a power in their hearts that was incomparable to the hydras they fought earlier.

“Kill the dragon.”

Luke turned his head forward again. A young man with dark brown hair and purple eyes. There was endless hatred burning in those eyes.

“Kill the dragon.”

“Kill the dragon?”

Unknowingly, Luke copied the man’s words. At the same time, my heart thumped loudly. The heart, blood, and every vein were pulsating.

“Kill the dragon.”

The man repeated. Each time, something within him was changing. It felt like the man’s anger could be grasped. The flowing blood resonated with the man.

“Kill the dragon.”

“Yo, the dragon… … .”

“Kill the dragon!”

“Kill the dragon… … .”

Gradually, the figure of the man disappeared. The surrounding scenery also disappeared. Only the man’s resentment echoed in Luke’s ears like an echo.

kill the dragon kill the dragon kill the dragon Luke said, holding on to his slender self in the distance of his mind.

“I will kill the dragon.”

Knock, the voice stopped. Luke said as the world fell silent.

“Give me the strength to kill the dragon.”

The eponymous Leonic.

With the last word, the world collapsed.

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