The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 120 Ch119 Tomb

Chapter 120 Ch.119 Tomb

"Everyone must die."

The souvenirs that symbolize this saying - cut the deceased's hair, collect it in a pendant or inlay it in a ring, seal it in a mask, or use paintings and sculptures to convey thoughts.

However, after the emergence of cameras in the past two years, taking photos with the deceased has become a popular practice.

Although it is expensive.

Roland didn't know whether Mingsi Chloe's family would leave photos, but Orlando Wilson...

There would be a group of men and women who were not real relatives, pinching their noses and taking photos with his corpse.

"You are in a good mood today."


Of course.


When I think of Orlando Wilson's wealth being eaten and dismembered by a group of vultures like his rotting corpse, and think of Chloe's wailing before his death, his future reputation...



"I beg you not to laugh at the funeral."


I'll try.

The funeral was held in the suburbs of London.

It seems that Chloe's family paid for it, invited church monks to preside over it, hired black horses, and a special hearse. Including pallbearers, coffin bearers, professional mourners, photographers who took photos on the spot, and servants who distributed memorials.

Funerals need to be decent enough.

The better Chloe's family did in this regard, the more the Wilson family's stinginess was exposed - on a cold winter day, the Wilson family's "relatives" actually wore single clothes, led children, or carried hand-woven cake baskets:

They were filled with cheap goods.

When Roland and Randolph got off the carriage, many people had gathered in the cemetery.

Many people glanced at the carriage and glanced at Randolph's face a few times.


It froze on Roland's face.

A young man in black clothes walked through the winding stone road in the dense forest.


Someone said.

The young man lowered his eyes of rare color, and some hair was scattered on the side of his face.

He was thin and tall, and when he stood beside the stone statue, his dark windbreaker and lazy black hair tied into a tail were blown by the winter wind.

"Who is he?"

Someone asked.

The ladies in black crepe skirts all stared at his cold and bright eyes, sweeping his shoulders, chest and waist, straight black trousers without pleats and spotless leather shoes.

After a circle, they returned to his face again.

"Who is he?"

More people asked.

They whispered, either to their companions or to servants.

Most people had never heard of Roland's name, and a few guessed his identity based on his appearance and rumors in the circle.

"... Roland Collins, a policeman."

"The policeman of the church."

Especially the latter sentence, which disappointed many ladies.

Their actions seemed to have been agreed upon: they reluctantly followed Roland's eyeballs, turned their heads, and slightly rotated their heels.

Until he walked into the crowd, his eyes were lost and he sighed.

"Why isn't he a nobleman?" a certain lady sighed, which was also the inner thoughts of all the unmarried ladies present: "Even if he is a businessman with a clean family background and rich businessmen..."

However, the identity of "church police" can only stop these unmarried ladies.

It can't stop the ladies who have been married but have a bad life (or whose husbands have died).

They were excited, but their words were evasive. They all pulled their friends and went around to find out Roland's identity - so, a grand guessing game, accompanied by obscene jokes, echoed over the cold cemetery in winter.

Some people even started to order the servants to spread blankets on the weeds, pour tea, and take out cakes while chatting...

They continued to talk about the golden-eyed gentleman while eating.

Roland knew nothing about this.

He followed Randolph, half-supported by the accompanying male servant all the way deeper.

Leave your name on a black leather list - Randolph wrote it for you.

During this time, Roland also found many men and women in uniform black robes:

Unlike church or police uniforms, theirs were longer, and the fashionable pendants hanging around their waists were almost all made of bones. Each of them wore a hideous bone mask, a large hood, and on the fingers exposed from the cuffs - the index finger, a ring made of silver, inlaid with white, bone-like stones.

Strange dress.

"Gravekeepers of the Ring of Eternal Silence."


They are not ritualists.

"Of course, most of them are not even apprentices. According to that stupid big guy, if you choose to join the Ring of Eternal Silence and happen to have no connections, then you will probably be like them."

Three years.

One year of collecting bones, one year of guarding graves, and after the silent ceremony of the winter festival, those who stand out are qualified to become silent people.

Three years.

The knowledge of apprentices will be opened.

- Actually, this is the best.

There are also bad ones.

For example, those whose rituals failed.

"People without qualifications are not welcome anywhere."

"Roland, don't forget one thing: from the beginning to the end, who is the one who is craving - is it the sect that is begging mortals?"


On the contrary.


Mortals crave mystery, and mystery chooses the best.

"Most people with qualifications or ambitions will choose to join large sects - this means more salary, more rare knowledge, more powerful background, and more abundant resources."


To be honest, I haven't seen so many people in the Inquisition... Logically speaking, shouldn't the Holy Cross be the best choice?

Flame paused.

"You also said it, it's the Holy Cross."

"The Tribunal and the Church...are not the same thing."

Roland was thoughtful.

Mingsi Chloe's tomb was built in an unusually grand manner. It was the cleanest and best-located place in the entire cemetery: there were no weeds or gravel, and there were no neighbors of different status - of course, to get the "list of eternal sleepers", first of all, one's identity must comply with the regulations of the cemetery. At the same time, in order to avoid disputes, the person in charge of the cemetery would also ask the opinions of the "neighbors'" families.

This kind of people will never live with workers in steel plants and textile factories.

This was the case in life and in death.

They never met, did not eat or drink at the same table, and never even spoke a word - but these two types of people from different worlds lived closely together.

The poor believed that their good life came from the big guys.

And the big guys...

Oh, they thought so too.

"It's so beautiful. I can't believe that this is just a cemetery." Roland looked at the stone building outlined by the flames and whispered.

To put it bluntly, it was built like a small single-story Gothic palace.

The entire tomb is made of stone bricks and is ivory-colored. The four sides are carved with elegant patterns with small arcs, from the lower side of the wall to the arch. The lines are smooth and the textures are clear. The entrance to the tomb was first painted with black pointed iron bars, and then the door--

Due to the current trend of tomb robbing, this has become a must-do-although no one will come to this kind of cemetery to steal.

In addition, there are stone sculptures on both sides of the tomb.

One belongs to the Holy Cross, and the other is carved into a long-beaked bird wearing a mask.

Roland has seen it in a book.

It is said that some believers in the Ring of Eternal Silence have seen a bird wearing a bone mask in the Sleeping World, in the Winter Tomb, the resting place of the Lord of the White Crown of the Wasteland.

They said that it was the incarnation of the Lord of the White Crown of the Wasteland.

Bone White Pigeon.

"This stone sculpture is not cheap."



The finger is not the stone sculpture itself.

——Not everyone can erect a bone dove statue next to a grave.

This means that someone in the Chloe family paid a large sum of money to the Ring of Eternal Silence.

A very large sum.

Correspondingly, the Ring of Eternal Silence will also protect Minth Chloe's grave - they will regularly clean the area around the grave, sweeping fallen leaves, frost, snow or mud to keep the grave clean and tidy, and at the end of each month, someone will pray and comfort Minth Chloe's suffering soul (this was guessed correctly by them).

Grave robbers would never dare to come to such a cemetery to steal.

There are people guarding here all year round.


If I die, I will not be buried here.

I remember that Yam said before:

After her death, if she can lie in a coffin and sleep peacefully, it will be a great blessing.

Because with the introduction of the "Anatomy Act", the bodies of people who died in shelters, poorhouses, and prisons will be donated to medical and teaching institutions.

As for whether it is "free of charge", it depends on how the directors negotiate the price with those people.

Anyway, the family of the deceased won't get a penny.

Roland still remembers it clearly.

Yam told him very seriously at that time:

No matter how poor you are, when you grow up, you must pay the funeral club fees every week.

To prevent the body from being torn into pieces by the butchers with knives after death, and then thrown to wild dogs or scattered into the river at will.

That's right.

But so far, he has not paid a penny to that club...

I heard that it is also the property of the Ring of Eternal Silence.





Where will you go after I die?

"Go clubbing."


"Stupid, of course I died with you."


Shouldn't you run into someone else's head?

"...I didn't realize that you even liked the minotaur."

Roland: ...



"I mean, do you want me to run into someone else's head?"


Of course not, I just want you to live.

"Don't think that a nice word will make me forget that you ate vegetables all day yesterday."

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