The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 135 Ch134 A willful child

Chapter 135 Ch.134 Wayward Child

The reason Enid chose Fernandez's 'Golden Pound Snow Mountain' was because the time here was not far different from the speed of the waking world, so she would not have to stay with Roland for months or years.

The two people soon woke up from the bed.

Also, he doesn't sleep well.

He wrapped his arms around her.

She curled up like a child in Roland's arms.

The next moment Roland opened his eyes, she also opened her eyes.

Brown eyes.

Roland felt that he was staring at a piece of pine-colored triangular maple that had fallen on the lake.

"Welcome back," Enid said softly.

She bent her arms, raised her rough palms, and carefully touched Roland's face with her fingertips.

Unknowingly, the face transformed from a boy into a man.

She looked at the familiar face.

But I didn't find what I wanted in that piece of gold.

Enid used her index finger to press a small pit on Roland's cheek, smiled, and stood up.

"This is what dreaming is, Roland."

she says.

"Dreamers cannot be awakened from the outside world. Dying in a dream is no different from dying in the waking world - even the latter is a little better."

"Whether it's one ring or nine rings."

"Except for a few rare objects and secret organs, almost no one has a way to escape from dreams. Explorers can only try their best to survive in the dream until they wake up."

She smoothed her sleep-tangled hair and turned back.

"The dense forest where you often appear is the 'source point' - it is a safe place for you. Other ritualists also have their own 'source point'."

"The ritualist starts from the 'source point', or relies on the 'anchor' and 'coordinates' to explore the unknown dreamland. "

"Do you have any questions?"

Roland blinked: "Your skirt is sliding to the other side."


"It's so white."



"Don't let me see you, you stingy guy. I'm not a male."


How do you...have a gender?

The flames jumped a few times.

"Well, it's Su Yue's decision."

It's a reasonable answer.

But Roland always had an intuition that this guy was not telling the truth to him.


Because the two of them went to bed too early, it was still late at night when they woke up.

Enid cut some cold butter to go with the bread and warmed it on the stone slab of the fireplace.

The two baskets of fruit at home have gone bad.

But there is coffee and half of yesterday's roast chicken.

Fortunately it's winter.

"I'm not much of a 'lady,' Roland. At least I'm much rougher than the ones you've seen." Enid pinched the bread and took a small bite.

This is the first time Roland has seen her not 'dignified'——

More realism.

"You also know that for people like us, it's hard to maintain those etiquettes. I only agree with the small part that I can do, and at the same time, I hate the majority of things that I can't do."

When these words came out of Enid's mouth, Roland felt that 'it was the etiquette that had the problem, not her'.

"This is a bias."

"The absolute tendency to love someone."


I do not know what you're talking about.

"Ha ha."

"How are you feeling today?" Enid asked as she ate.

"Very white."


You're not done yet, are you?

"Those who admit defeat shut up."


In fact, for Roland, the only feeling he felt when dreaming was fear.

It was an uncontrolled fear.

He couldn't choose when to leave, and he didn't know what would happen next.

He didn't like the feeling of not being in control.

"The 'golden pound avalanche' is just the most common distortion."

"You haven't seen it yet, a sea of ​​human heads."

The Lord Judge has an absolutely profound understanding of 'human fantasy': "If you don't become an "explorer", you don't have to dream often - you know? Some ritual practitioners seldom dream during their lives. They join a certain sect or organization and serve it in exchange for ritual items for rising to the ring. "

"They don't ask for rare objects, they don't want secret information, and they aren't even curious about the world of sleep."

“Everything is provided by the organization.”

"They just have to obey."

"Then, stop at a certain point."

"There were quite a few in the Inquisition."

Enid held the bread and asked in an incomprehensible tone: "...can such a person be considered a ritualist?"

"Forget it." Roland was silent and replied: "The person who masters the "secret" is the ritualist. "

Enid lowered her eyes and said nothing.

Ritualists are human and of course have fears.

But never let fear hold you back.


Who would give up real power?

Without mastering power, you cannot master destiny.

"Some people just want to live." Roland was not speaking for anyone.

Although becoming a ritualist means extraordinary power.

Also means gold pound.

But not everyone wants and is qualified to pursue immortality—not everyone can endure bad words and glares all day long, and then turn a blind eye to the temptations that are at their fingertips.

Just like those executives who apply for ‘relocation’.

“You spend half your life and get nothing.”

——He thought again of those wandering or unqualified ritualists mentioned by Fernandez...even apprentices.

Lingering outside the door.

It would be extremely painful for a person without talent to accidentally glimpse an unattainable dream.

The more he wanted, the more painful it was.

"What about you?"

Enid suddenly asked.


"Do you want to pursue immortality?" There was an inexplicable emotion in the woman's eyes: "Climb up, four rings, five rings - until the tenth ring, become an immortal, you can live for a long time, and even have the power to distort the world."

Roland asked himself this question once.

The answer at that time was: he was satisfied with his current life.

But now, the answer to the question has changed.

"I have to go to the Seventh Ring at least." Roland smiled: "At least I have to go to the Seventh Ring, to see the world of high-ring ritualists."

Enid didn't ask why it was the 'Seventh Ring', her eyes flickered slightly: "That's not easy... But I believe you, Roland. Because there is fire in your eyes."


Enid didn't explain much, and said softly: "Just like what you saw in the eyes of the Supreme Lady before."

"Although I hate her very much, I have to say that she is one of the few people I have met with a 'strong flame'."

When Victoria was mentioned, Roland always felt that he had messed up: "Maybe you don't have to agree..."

Enid looked at the serious young man in front of him, watching him worry about himself and the chief judge of the Tribunal..., worried about his boss and guide, and worried about the lady who had slept with him...

She now likes this house where she rarely lives.


Roland found that someone's gaze on him began to become direct again.

"Mr. Roland, my dear executive officer," Enid laughed: "Do you really think that a one-ring ritualist can drag me, an eight-ring "Holy Flame", into the quagmire? Of course not. This is my choice, and it is also the choice I made for these executives who are willing to stay - the choice they... want."

"You are just an opportunity."

"We always have to choose a side."

"With the Tribunal as the center: Buckingham Palace is on our right, and the Parliament of Truth is on the left."

"So, I choose Victoria on the right."

Roland: ...?

What does this have to do with left and right?

He didn't believe that such an important decision was made by Enid as a joke.

"My brother once said something to me..."

She thought about it, chuckled twice, and didn't say anything more.

"You become a ring, and no one can help you in the future." She told Roland that the Tribunal only has the "Holy Flame", but Roland is embarking on a road that has never appeared before.

He needs to explore it himself.

That is - keep dreaming.

No one could tell him what the ring-up ceremony was.

What was needed.

"If you want to move up, you have to take risks. You don't know how difficult it is - like fishing for a coin in the sea. Many ritualists who are not on the path of the Crown God cannot find the key to promotion in their lifetime."

"It's not that they can't complete the ceremony."

"But they don't know where the ceremony that can make them ascend is?"

How many times do you have to enter the sleep world to find the knowledge that belongs to your own path?

"The sleep world will only be more dangerous than what you encountered today. You can consider it for a year, or ten years, or even until you die. I won't give you any advice, everything is your own choice, Roland."

The sleep world...

Roland suddenly thought of a question.

One that he had always ignored.

The sleep world is composed of human subconsciousness, fantasy, and obsession.

So, how many people's fantasies and subconsciousness...

How many people.

Is it enough to form a "dream"?

Is there a standard for this?

Enid gave a negative answer to his question.

"It has nothing to do with the number of people, Roland."

"It depends on the choice of the sleep world."

Enid said: "There is a saying in the mysterious world. They believe that the sleep world has consciousness."

"It will choose what it likes."

Having consciousness...

Choosing what it likes?

"Is it possible?"

"It's just a guess with a high probability, Roland." The lady lowered her eyes: "Have you never thought about why some books are banned?"

Of course Roland has thought about this.

For example, why is Cherry Chloe's twenty-pound "Bloodthirsty Demon" a banned book?

For example, when I was a child, why are there so many versions of the "monster" stories that Yam Jones told me?

What impact will they have?

Human fantasy, sleep world, alien species.

Some things are self-evident.

"...All major sects have an unspoken rule: we don't completely ban these books, but we will never allow them to spread without restraint." Enid said.

"We create 'aliens' and 'dreams' through the fantasies of mortals, and maintain a certain degree of restraint to avoid proliferation while obtaining what we want..."


The woman put down the piece of bread with a few small crescents bitten in it and looked at Roland:

"This is of no benefit to mortals, it is purely for our own benefit."

"If necessary, we will also have people write new stories in person... Of course, the power of the 'creatures' in the story cannot exceed a certain scale, otherwise, it will be like waste paper."

Roland thought for a while: "What is the result?"

"The result is not very good."

Enid sighed.

"Sometimes we succeed, sometimes we fail."

"Sometimes a story loved by thousands of people has no effect; sometimes, this story is only read by two people, and before it is spread... we find similar aliens."

"Sometimes, what is born is consistent with our description; and sometimes, it is completely opposite, or completely unrelated."

"Just like the sleep world itself, it is disordered and chaotic."

Enid's research on "Dream Science" is not deep, and she herself is not a scholar who has deeply cultivated this art.

What she said to Roland is all she knows.

"That's why I said that 'the sleep world has consciousness' is a high probability... guess - believe me, before I told you this, countless people have spent countless years studying it."

"But they only got one result."

"'No rules'."

"There is no rule for the birth of aliens and dreams. We can't find any matching features between them."

"That's why there is such a theory: Maybe the sleep world has its own consciousness. ”

“It’s like a willful child…”

“It willfully chooses what it likes and ignores what it doesn’t like.”

“We can only think so.”

Roland rubbed his fingers subconsciously, always feeling that something was wrong.

Or something was overlooked by himself…


The sleeping world has ‘consciousness’.

Suppose, it will be like a child, making choices without any rules.


As Enid just said: If you are ‘lucky’ enough, if you are ‘favored’ enough, the fantasy of one or two people…

will also form a dream…or a different…

and so on.

Wait a minute.



“I know what you are going to say.”

“But Roland, if there is really a willful child, and it also favors Su Yue’s story.”

“And your destination is the seventh ring, or above the seventh ring…”

“Isn’t this a good thing for you?”

Roland pursed his lips, looked at the swaying flames in his eyes, and recalled the intermittent voices in his ears during those gray but colorful days.

A world of wonders and beauty.


You're right, wrench.

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