The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 139 Ch138 Holy Flame

Chapter 139 Ch.138 Holy Flame

"Many executors have expressed dissatisfaction due to the 'inaction' of Lady Enid Jutia - we are clearly judging evil, why are we obstructed by the secular world?"

"But how can we accuse a high ring, a chief judge?"

"We can't really expect her to go to war with the Council of Truth, the Blue Blood Nobles, the Monastery - or even the entire Holy Cross."

"We don't even know where the enemy comes from."

Fernandez sighed.

"So, after the incident of Keshihai, gradually..."

Gradually, the way the executors handle cases has changed.

They are no longer tough, their eyes can distinguish people, and their words are polite and courteous.

Learn to protect yourself.

Just like what the crow said.

It was 'taught' by Enid Jutia.

Inaction is more terrible than anything else.

"Why do you stay in the Tribunal?" Roland suddenly asked, "A four-ring ritualist can be treated with courtesy wherever he goes."

Fernandez lowered his eyes: "Lord Enid saved my life."

"No matter what the Tribunal does."

"I am willing to go to the end with it."

In fact, Fernandez still has a lot to say to Roland.

'I don't know where the enemy is.'

This sentence is not entirely correct.

At the same time, this is also where he can understand Lord Enid better than the crow-he is not like a crow.

He has no complaints.

Because Lord Enid has to face more than just the Truth Council.

-The Council just wants the Tribunal to be "obedient" and to hand over some of the confiscated secrets, remains, and valuable materials. At the same time, as a dog who "does dirty work", he will be controlled by the Council.

The church and the monastery don't care about these.

They just want to take back the authority of the Tribunal, take back the "judgment", and take the right to burn for themselves.

The Ring of Eternal Silence and the Great Whirlpool are happy to see this.

The demise of the Inquisition means the contraction of the Holy Cross, which is conducive to their spreading of doctrine.

This is especially true for the blue-blooded nobles and the wealthy merchants who believe in the Lady of Bustle and Bustle.

Because compared to the detectives of the Inspectorate, it is obvious that these remaining executives are more difficult to deal with - who would like a "policeman" who burns people alive at any time?

As for the Cradle of Flesh and Blood...

Of course, they hope that the hounds chasing them will have their throats cut and be hung on hooks to bleed.

This is the situation of the Inquisition.

A lot of troubles that cannot be sorted out, and a lot of "enemies" who hope they will collapse.

If it weren't for Lord Enid's friendship with some people, including those who speak for the Inquisition within the blue-blooded nobles and the National Parliament - their days would be even more difficult.

Lord Enid has made efforts for this.

So, he doesn't like the attitude of the crow towards the adults.

He knows nothing.

A dirty guy who plays ghosts.

On the other side, Roland felt a great pressure coming at him just by hearing this.

The Inquisition…

“It’s not a good situation, is it?” Fernandez saw Roland’s heavy heart and forced a smile:

“The church is not harmonious. On the contrary, the relationship between us is complicated. Some people love us, and some people hate us. If it weren’t for Lady Enid being in the Eighth Ring, we would have ceased to exist long ago. But at the same time, Lady Enid is just ‘one’ Eighth Ring.”

Enid Jutia is like a gun with only one bullet.

No one wants to take the bullet and leave benefits for others.

Although they know that there is only one bullet in the gun.


The one who takes the bullet…

Please let – Cradle of Flesh and Blood come on stage?

Cradle of Flesh and Blood is not stupid either.

"Lady Enid is very smart, she knows these people. The higher the level, the more afraid they are of death. Unless they reach a certain level, they will never dare to turn against each other easily. So, she won over some, persuaded some, and took out some benefits - we have seized a lot of good things from the cultists and aliens."

"At the same time, we never choose sides."

"We only focus on cults and aliens, and rarely get involved in politics and the interests of noble merchants, so they have no reason to trouble us."


But recently.

He didn't know what happened to Lady Enid recently.

Once they stood by the queen's side, they would inevitably lose the support of some people - after entering the vortex, some conflicts would have no room for easing.

It would be sharp, life and death.

There would also be a large number of people leaving.

They were not many in number.

At the training ground, Fernandez and Crow asked Enid about this.

Enid's answer was simple.

'Can we be neutral forever? '

'In a war, the first to be eliminated are the neutrals. ’


But ah.

Lord Enid, why didn’t you decide earlier?

If it had been earlier, Keshihai… and those brothers and sisters…

maybe they wouldn’t have left.

The lady replied to him like she did in the office before:

‘I want to maintain the “existence” of the Tribunal. ’

So what now——

‘Now, I have waited for what I want. ’

‘I don’t have to worry about it anymore. ’

‘Do what I should do, and do what you should do. Fernandez. ’

Wait for…

what you want?

The priest was not uncomfortable with Enid's slightly 'willful' speech - in his opinion, without Enid's protection, he, and many people who had been saved by Lord Enid, would not have lived so well.

They don't even survive.

He accepted the choices of his colleagues who left, but he himself would never leave the Inquisition.

No one is allowed to slander her.


This kid…

He stared directly at Roland, which made him tremble.


"Did you and Lady Enid know each other before?"

Fernandez was suspicious.

He always felt that the 'wait and wait' in Lady Enid's words...

"Me? I only lived in the workhouse in the past. You shouldn't know that very well."

Roland shook his head.

Fernandez himself could not accept his conjecture. Seeing Roland's objection, he stopped thinking about it: "I think, apart from your talent, the presiding judge will not have anything else for you..."

Cuddle up and take a nap to fall asleep...

Probably, it’s not considered ‘something else’.

Roland turned his face slightly.

"In short, the situation of the Inquisition is not good. Roland Collins, I do not ask you to be like me and sink with this ship just because you repay the favor of saving your life. But I want to remind you that once you make a choice, you will never Can't look back."

"This is not a joke on you," he said with more warning: "If you have an idea, you can choose to 'transfer' as soon as possible. I think Lord Enid will approve it."

"Does this still need approval?"

"Of course. Although you can also 'break away' directly, if Lady Enid reports apostasy, the breakaway will be in trouble later." Fernandez scratched his head irritably: "...My Lord is always like this, she never If you try to stop someone from leaving, you will be given an extra half month’s salary.”

Roland was silent for a moment.

"My choice is the same as yours, Fernandez."

Lady Enid saved his life.


I hugged them all...

"You are as stupid and naive as a virgin who has never experienced anything."

"Oh, I shouldn't have used 'like'."

Roland ignored him.

"Since Keshihai left, the Tribunal has never acted the same as before..." Fernandez said with emotion.

To be honest, he was happy.

He could not have imagined that one day, Lady Enid would really be willing to change.

Although he didn't know why.

It's definitely not because of Roland, right?

"Um... Keshihai, is he still alive?"

"Of course." Fernandez said: "He led a group of executives who recognized his extreme ideas to leave and established "Holy Flame" - just like what he did before, anyone involved with the cult must all Burned. "

"He is a mortal sinner and a heretic. The enemy of all decent ritualists."

"But precisely because of this, the relationship between the church and us has eased a lot."

“They need the Inquisition to fight against the cult, and they need the Inquisition to fight against the Holy Flame. There was a sarcastic look in Fernandez's eyes: "We have to thank Keshihai." "

Roland: "I really heard a lot of secrets today."

"You will know if you stay there for a long time. In fact, this is not a secret."

Fernandez said.

"This was what the Inquisition was like when I joined."

"Smart people should apply for transfer if they can't stay for long; those who have crazy faith in the Benevolent One and the Holy Flame are willing to stay here and sword for Him."

"Some executioners like Keshihai offended someone or killed someone. They either went to court, or they became criminals and escaped, or they died somewhere one day."

"So, Roland."

"That day, I asked you to go upstairs because I wanted to take a look..."

"In the face of arrogance, in the mouth of insult."

Fernandez's eyes burned:

"Will you be me or Keshihai?"

"He is a cat with a sprained leg who jumped from the second floor."

Roland glanced at the flames and raised his eyebrows slightly: "I can't do anything, Fernandez."

"Of course you can." Fernandez looked past Roland and stared at the shining cross on the wall. "You can give Kate Pacetti some advice. I will intercede for you. Lady Enid may... We will also help you deal with any subsequent troubles.”

"You can even kill Kate Pacetti, kill all the servants present. And if you have the means, you can kill the baron: Philip Chandson."

"Kill everyone who disrespects you."

"this is nothing."

"But Roland."

"Even cultists can't kill everyone."

"do you understand?"

Not only does Lady Enid value him, but Fernandez himself also likes Roland, a venomous little bastard with a painful past - so he doesn't want Roland to become Keshihai.

"I see."

Roland nodded.

But I don't need to kill everyone, Fernandez.

Except those who deserve to die.

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