The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 14: Miss Sweet Cake with Green Eyes

Chapter 14 Ch.14 Green-Eyed Sweet Cake Lady

Before going to the station, Enid took Roland to the workhouse to say goodbye.

Receiving them were Director Abner and James Jones.

The female worker looked very haggard, but she still smiled happily when she saw Roland.

This ill-fated child finally found mercy from the gods.

"Yes, yes, you are right! We can only take a small amount of credit for being able to teach Roland, a little... little gentleman..."

The fat director pinched out a slender slit with two fingers, which was as narrow as his eyes: "The rest all come from his status. You know, no matter where the children of nobles live, they are still nobles; how do you educate the sons of criminals? , I also wish I could steal something.”

With a shy belly, he welcomed people into the mysterious office and pulled out the chair respectfully.

Roland had never seen him like this.

"Would you like some wine or a cup of black tea?"

Enid didn't show that much expression when facing other people.

She glanced at Abner indifferently, without even taking off her gloves, and waved it in front of the man in an extremely rude manner, "We don't have time to stay here for too long, Mr. Abner, just forget about all the etiquette."

"Yes! Of course! You are His agent. These hypocritical and absurd troubles are too inappropriate to delay your time even for a little bit..."

Enid: "I brought Roland here to meet James Jones and say goodbye to his friends. Director Abner, if you are not busy -"

"I'm not busy! Apart from taking care of the children, comforting the crying women, helping the men, and teaching them how to do their work beautifully and quickly, all I have to do is go home and think about how to make people in the workhouse better. People have become more diligent and hardworking - I'm not busy at all! Madam! I'm not at all -"

Roland could sense that Enid was growing impatient.

She simply stood up and made a 'please' gesture to the fat director who was still stuck in the chair.

Too lazy to say a word more.

So, Abner 'escorted' them all the way to Yam's room.

Along the way, he often used his squeaking leather shoes to 'sweep' the floor: any dirt that stood in front of Enid and Roland, or the pliers or wooden sticks that fell on the ground, were all swept away with all his strength. Abner rushed up and swept him far away.

He is like a fat but extremely nimble loyal dog.

Until the destination, Mr. Loyal Dog is ready to leave with that smiling face.

But Roland stopped him.

"Mr. Abner." He let Enid go in first and stayed at the door. "I want to ask you something."

The director was no longer arrogant as usual, and his tone was definitely cordial.

"Of course! No matter where you go, you are still my child. Roland, tell me, what help do you want from me?" He patted his chest and said he was sure.

Roland tapped his cane and approached Abner step by step.

The side face is close.

The sound was as light as the wind passing through the corridor.

"I heard that my father put a five-soverin in the letter he sent, but you only gave me half a crown. Is that true, Mr. Abner?"

Abner almost jumped.

He glanced into the crack of the door in horror, hunched his neck and waved his hands: "It's not that much at all! Roland! You are framing me!"

"Indeed." Roland nodded, playfully stepped back, and said hesitantly: "...Maybe I should ask Ms. Enid for advice. She might be able to tell -"

Abner grabbed him and interrupted quickly: "Five pounds! Five pounds is five pounds! No problem!"

Roland curled his lips, slowly took the coin he handed over, and rubbed it in his hand.

Then he suddenly said:

"This money is for Ms. Enid. She bought a lot of things for me today. I have to repay her in some way..."

Before Roland could finish speaking, the coins in his hand were quickly pinched away.

Replaced with another one.

It's heavy, and the back seems to be carved like a curtain.

"Oh, thank you for your generosity, Mr. Abner."

Roland turned around and entered the house, leaving Mr. Loyal Dog barking alone outside the door.

Inside, James Jones was bowing and thanking Enid: she had heard that old Collins was a madman who set the house on fire and almost took her little Roland with him.

If the executive officer hadn't happened to pass by and save Roland...

"This is what we should do, Mrs. Jones." Enid's eyes kept moving on Yam and Roland, "I also have to thank you for taking care of him for so many years. With eye disease, it is difficult to live here. I'm sorry. I’m too talkative, where is your husband?”

Yam lowered his eyes.

"I understand. Then the church will take Roland away. His uncle is in London. I think he should be able to raise the child well."

Yam was happy for Roland.

From the perspective of female workers, going anywhere is better than staying here.

What's more, it's a bustling center.

"You are a man now, Roland. You must understand the truth." While Enid turned around to look at the room, Yam pulled Roland into his arms and whispered into his ear: "Executive Officer of Holy Cross Church It’s awesome, you know?”

Roland remained silent, took out the coin he just got from his pocket, and put it into Yam's hand.

Yam glanced at it, a little surprised, and wanted to refuse.

Roland smiled and shook his head.

The female worker couldn't say anything.

She hugged Roland, her throat was tight and she was choking.

Roland hugged Yam hard, and then let go of her.

This time I say goodbye, I don’t know how long it will be before we meet again.

"Thank you for your care over the years, Mrs. James Jones."

"Remember to write to me, little one."

"I will."

The amber in his eyes stared at the words floating like candlelight.

"Yam Jones in tears"


When they arrived at the parking place of the carriage, there was a small episode.

The mayor with a cheerful face had already led people to wait here.

Enid asked Roland to stay where he was, and went up to meet the priests to chat not far away.

At this moment, a small stone hit Roland's heel.

A familiar style.

Then, he heard a familiar voice.

"Pretty face, hey! This way-"

Roland knew who it was.

He silently observed the priest not far away and moved his feet slightly. Go around the carriage and stick to the blue brick wall along the street - Rose is waiting at the corner.

She probably has 'work' again today. The puffed-up cream skirt and layered frieze collar make her as interesting as a doll stuck on a pastry.

Roland suppressed a smile and inadvertently glanced at her playful curly hair and green eyes that were shining cunningly.

She was also looking at Roland.

"You are really..."

The woman didn't know where to start boasting. She thought about it for a long time, and finally uttered one word stiffly:

"So handsome."

Roland couldn't hold it in and burst out laughing.

She became angry: "Don't be so stupid! These are terms used by high-ranking people!"

"Angry evil thoughts cake"


There is no normal description.

"It's spread all over town!"

Just as he was thinking about it, the girl in front of him had already started her endless chatter, "Your father is old and dim, almost half crazy, and he actually set the house on fire! Hey, how did you survive?"

Roland wanted to laugh a little when he saw her being curious while also controlling her vigorous and active body to maintain balance.

"They said you were saved by a passing Executor...I guess it was those black crows?"

"Enid, the name of the person who saved me is Enid." Roland tapped his cane.

"Oh, you really look like a big shot now, you are so impressive."

Rose covered her mouth and chuckled, turning left and right, swaying her skirt, "Old Collins has a lot of inheritance, right?"

Roland guessed what she meant and sighed softly, "I didn't leave any money. Miss, I am penniless and only have this set of clothes. Besides, do you still need me some money?"

"Hey, who do you think I am!"

The woman with short curly hair spoke louder.

She tapped her foot, and the hem of her skirt swam up and down like a jellyfish. A few coins were conjured up from nowhere and pressed hard into Roland's hand.

"I never attack my friends!"

"Are we friends now?" Roland tilted his head and blinked.

As soon as he said this, he 'saw' the cake in front of him and had the urge to take off again.

So, he had to collect the money and extend his hand: "Then we have to get to know each other again: Roland, Roland Collins. Roland Collins who is going to London."

"...We will go there sooner or later. This place is too small and the business won't be big."

The woman mumbled a few words, her green eyes as smart as a little fox that ran away if it couldn't watch.

"Who did you learn this etiquette from? It's too 'fashionable'..."

She looked at Roland's beautiful but empty eyes, sighed slightly, and shook his hand gently:

"Okay, I'm Rose, you pretty little girl who learned bad etiquette somewhere."

"Lillian Rose Vansittart."

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