The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 160 Ch159 Mr. Diamond

Chapter 160 Ch.159 Mr. Diamond

The narrow corridor was filled with an unpleasant smell.

After dark, some people washed bloodstained clothes here, some people held cigarettes in their mouths, stared at the buttocks of those women, and their mouths were dirty.

There were also twos whispering to each other, while they were calculating and looking at the passers-by hurriedly passing by on the street.

Rose stepped on the moonlight and turned around and went into the corridor.

Suddenly, whistles were heard everywhere.

"Hey, buttocks!"

"Shut up, 'bird'." Rose spit at him and raised her middle finger: "You want me to sneak into your room in the middle of the night and cut off your thing that is not very clear to begin with? Listen to me, keep it, at least it proves that you have it."

A burst of laughter.

The scolded man did not take it as an offense, straightened his felt hat, held the cigarette between his fingers and pointed at Rose, and then pointed at his buttocks.

"Five shillings, let me come once, how about that?"

"Save it to buy a coffin for your mother."

Rose sneered, and when she passed him, she hit his ribs hard with her elbow, making the man unable to say anything except the sound of inhaling.

She greeted a few familiar men, walked all the way to the end of the corridor, turned right at the fork, and turned into a narrower alley.

Gradually, there were fewer men and more women.

Some had just come back from work, still wearing dresses; some were wearing suits and hats, with their hair tied up and carrying canes; some were holding lanterns to guide these "ghosts" who returned at night, and some were counting the stolen goods and settling accounts in the houses beside the alley by the light.

This is the Elephant Gang.

A gang that has just come to London and is rampant.

"Are you back?"

A woman greeted her.

"Rest today." Rose nodded and passed by.

Facing eyes of awe or longing, she stopped in front of a two-story building at the end of the alley.

She went forward and knocked on the door.

A woman opened the door for her and welcomed her in.

In the innermost room on the second floor.

There were no candles.

A tall figure stood in front of the window, smoking a cigar, overlooking the entire alley.

A bloody woman fell at its feet, her face had been smashed - blood dripped along the figure's fist and was sucked into the buds by the roses on the soft carpet.

"I'm sorry, sir..." Her intermittent wails were painful and shrill.

However, the person in front of the window only puffed out smoke.


The woman who opened the door for Rose came in with three servants, pulled her legs and dragged her out.


Rose carefully avoided the bloodstains, and the moonlight faintly illuminated the outline of the person by the window.

It was at least six feet tall.

The shoulders were very broad and the arms were thick.

"You're lucky you didn't die at that party." It said.

The deep voice hit the wall and echoed in the house.


Rose bit her lip: "... I went to find my sisters."

The tall shadow didn't speak.

"But I didn't find them at the party," Miss Snitch knew that she would not end well today, so she was honest: "Sir, I don't know who you are doing business with - but that party, I heard, was a cultist's nest. Did you know?"

Her test was not responded to.

But it was also an answer.

"... That was a cultist's nest! Sir! You know, right?"

Rose's heart beat fast, and even her voice began to tremble: "You said that we can do it by ourselves -"

The black shadow suddenly turned around, and every step was heavy.

It came in front of Rose.

Snap -

A slap made her stagger.

Blood immediately came out of her mouth.

Rose shivered, but didn't dare to do anything. She lowered her head and stood there.

Until the lights were turned on.

Mr. Diamond took a few steps back, leaned against the table, and stared at Rose quietly.

No, it should be: Ms. Diamond.

The brown-haired woman had a square face with sharp edges and a high nose bridge, which was extremely tall and strong.

When she stared down at Rose, it was as if a giant leaned over and fierce pressure came over her.

On each finger of her right hand, she wore a sharp, bloody diamond ring, but she whipped Rose with her left hand.

"Who gave you the right to question my decision?"


"Who saved you?"

Mr. Diamond's voice was as thick and heavy as her body: "Have you forgotten? If it weren't for me, you should be in bed now, instead of running around freely in a suit or long skirt, and you can come back and tell me with confidence after stealing the invitation and breaking into my client's party without permission - I did something wrong?"

"Rose, you... want to sit in my seat?"

Rose hung her head and shook it twice, but didn't speak.

"What did you promise me before joining?"

Mr. Diamond said.

"You obey my orders."

"I will give you a new life."

"Tell me, Lillian Rose Vansittart - did I give you a new life?"

Tears fell on the carpet and fell at Rose's feet.

The girl raised her head with red eyes.

"You gave it to me."

The strong woman nodded slightly, the veins on her neck like vines: "So, did you obey my orders?"

Rose gritted her teeth: "...but that's about twenty sisters--"

"You just need to answer my questions." She said calmly: "Did you obey my orders?"

"Yes, or no?"

Rose was angered by this calm questioning, her face flushed, her green eyes like a hungry and ferocious wolf in the middle of the night: "I won't pretend to know nothing. Then, I'll watch them... being sent to the butcher shop by you!"

The woman looked normal, her eyes swept across a certain place: "You want to fight me? Rose?"

Rose clenched her fists, and the sharp blade that quietly appeared between her fingers cut her own skin and flesh.

Dripping drops of blood fell on the roses on the carpet.

"You promised!"

"You promised to let them live a stable life without being bullied!"

"You promised!"

"Just like you promised me, you promised them too!"

Rose was shaking with excitement.

She couldn't believe that the person who had broken the darkness for her was still doing things that dragged people into the darkness.

"How could you treat them like this?!"

She couldn't believe it, but she couldn't help but believe it.

"I don't know... I don't know how much they will suffer before they die... When they are full of hope..." Rose shook her wrist, and then the bloody blade fell silently, cutting off Rose's head.

She covered her face, her voice muffled.

"When they are full of hope... think..."

"Think that their painful life will finally usher in happiness..."

"I actually thought... I actually thought..."

The room was so quiet that it seemed as if there was only one person.

Rose slowly raised her head.

Her face was covered with blood.

"I actually thought you were hope, Annie."

The woman called Annie looked quietly at the wolf cub in front of her who was baring its teeth at her, turned around and pushed open the wooden box on the table, took out a cigar, held it in her mouth, and lit it.

Then, she took out a square handkerchief from her chest and threw it to Rose.

The woman's posture of inhaling the smoke was even rougher than that of the man.

Soon, fog rose in the room, covering a pair of fierce eyes.

"We are not a charity organization, Lillian Rose Vansittart."

Her voice was deep, and her mellow and low voice, like a piano, flowed over her ankles like water soaked by the sun, calming Rose's chest that was fluctuating.

She paused for a moment, took a puff of the cigar, pursed her thick lips and turned them, and spit out the smoke that had been chewed by her tongue and teeth.

"People who are good for nothing also have a final use."

She said.

"I am the leader of the Elephant Gang, and I have to be responsible for the future of the Elephant Gang."

Rose rubbed her swollen face and whispered back: "We can hurt anyone, Annie. Anyone, whether male or female, whether infant or old - but we should not attack our own people..."

Annie stopped talking.

Rose clutched the handkerchief, gritted her teeth, and stepped over the carpet in two steps, passing through the hazy moon veil.

She came to the woman and looked up at the face that was shrouded in smoke and became increasingly unclear.

She held Annie's rough big hands with her hands hanging down.

The sharp diamond ring hurt her.

But she still held it tightly.


She said.

"My sister, my mother, the one who saved me from the darkness." The two hard emeralds were softened by warm tears: "It's time for us to stop, right?"

"We have money and territory. We don't have to wander around the alleys in the cold winter, beg, or pray for someone's mercy."

"We don't have to pursue more."

"You haven't seen real power," Anne raised the corners of her mouth and showed a cold smile: "This world is bigger than you think, Rose."

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