The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 162 Ch161 Noti Golden Lamp

Chapter 162 Ch.161 Nuoti Golden Lamp

Nuotikin Lamp is a great place.

If you have enough money and are not here to make money, then it is a great place to relax.

Here you can see:

A leper who died from drinking water;

a prostitute with three arms;

Black, brown, yellow, all kinds of gringos;

The brave man who sticks his head into the lion's mouth and kisses its tongue;

a support group for tooth-assisted childbirth;

A four-foot dwarf swallowing a six-foot javelin;

In addition, if you want to see and enjoy something normal, we can also prepare it for you.

But who doesn’t have some new and weird hobbies?

Nuoti Golden Light exists just for you and is always ready to provide you with thoughtful and considerate services.

We are absolutely private and absolutely professional.

This is not the first time for Annie to come to this place.

She greeted the waiter skillfully, said a number, and then was led downstairs - down to the special private room enjoyed by distinguished people.

Here, the person she was waiting for arrived early.

It is about two thousand square feet in size, with teak boards on the walls and dark gray marble at the feet.

The lampshades of gas lamps and oil lamps were made of gold and silver and embedded with jewels - the light would pass through the gems and emit the color of the corresponding jewels.

Sofas, hollow-carved tables and chairs—almost every detail of the decoration is engraved with a strange symbol.

A vortex that spirals outward.

Some of the drinks and exquisite pastries on the table had been used, and the gentlemen on the sofa were chatting animatedly.

They took off their coats, unbuttoned their collars, held cigars or cigarettes, held wine glasses, and talked eloquently about national affairs and maritime business. There was a moment of silence in the room as Annie entered - and then, laughter.

"Look, my show is here."

The waiter bowed toward the room, exited the room, and closed the door.

"Come on, Mr. Diamond, how long have we not seen each other... Ten days? Fifteen days? The older we get, the less time we can remember. I always feel like summer has turned into winter in the blink of an eye. "

In addition to the two gentlemen next to each other on the sofa, there was another person standing not far from the sofa, staring at Anne quietly: long burgundy curly hair, dark brown eyes.

The same hair color as the old man she was talking to.

"Mr. Heyman."

Anne bowed.

"Don't be so formal, Annie." Marvolo Heyman smiled and waved his hand for her to take a seat. “Louis, pour her a glass of wine.”

The old gentleman also has red curly hair.

But shallower and shorter.

He was dressed neatly and had many wrinkles on his face. Judging from the smile on his face and the tone of his voice, he must be a very kind man.

However, Anne knew who he was.

"It's thirteen days, Mr. Heyman." After thanking Anne, she carefully took the wine glass but did not sit down.

Only then did she have time to look at the other person on the sofa - the person who had been talking to Marvolo before she came.

A thin man with blond hair and a slightly sharp face.

There's a little more purple in the blue eyes.

"This is my friend, Taylor, the famous owner of Golden Smoke. You should have heard of it, right?" Heyman smiled and joked: "Your girls don't visit you less, right?"

Annie twitched her lips and didn't answer.

"You're too tall, Diamond." Old Heyman leaned casually on the sofa and swayed the wine glass: "Let's talk in a way that is comfortable for each other, okay?"

Annie squeezed the cold glass.

Under Randolph Taylor's surprised gaze, he held up his skirt with one hand and slowly...

Kneeling in front of Marvolo Heyman.

"Look, our communication is much smoother this way."

Old Heyman smiled and raised his glass to Anne from afar, taking a sip of his own. He turned his head and said to Randolph: "...I still hope you can give it more consideration. We are a large group and we are very happy to make friends with outstanding, talented and high-moral gentlemen like you."

"Although you don't have noble blood flowing in your body, you still have the opportunity to obtain it——"

The old man said unhurriedly: "Your descendants will have a higher starting point. What about your descendants? Have you considered the continuation of the family? We only accept those who are qualified. This invitation is really uncommon."

Randolph Taylor bowed his lower body with a smile, and said respectfully: "This is my honor, Mr. Hyman. The Taylor family is insignificant, and I didn't expect to win the favor of you and the blue-blooded gentlemen..."

Old Heyman shrugged and joked with a wink: "...Oh, I think their daughters need a good husband, and those who have sons need a role model and a good brother."

Randolph was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "This is the most beautiful compliment I have heard in recent years."

"I can never tell lies to an outstanding young man." Old Heyman looked at Randolph kindly, his deep eyes flashing:

"The situation of the Gray Party among the blue-blood nobles is not good. These brothers who have the same noble blood as me were deceived by lies by a young and ignorant woman. They are trying to open up the so-called 'new world' without any rules." Freedom', even willing to bow down and speak for those who are not on the stage."

"I don't say that you have to choose a party. It's not too important. However, a gentleman with a promising future like you should at least 'formally join' the blue-blood nobles and become one of us - rather than just relying on A blue-blood low-ranking member and a gray member serve as shareholders to maintain our relationship."

"Why don't you join in person?"

Randolph listened quietly, then sighed.

"You know, Mr. Heyman."

"I'm just 'Little Taylor', not the real owner of the golden smoke."

"I agree with the invitation of the blue-blooded gentlemen, and it's my honor - but my father, Bellos Taylor, has different ideas."

Randolph Taylor bent his legs, pinched the glass in his hand, and shook the wine.

"You want a son, how to convince his stubborn father? If I really get close to the blue-blooded gentlemen, I'm afraid I won't be able to fulfill my promise to you later."

Old Heyman narrowed his eyes and smiled more: "It seems that your father is a little prejudiced against us."

Randolph sighed for the second time.

"If there were shareholders of the Taylor family, there would be no members of the blue-blooded nobles, Mr. Heyman. Even if he is a gray party, he is a blue-blooded noble, isn't he?"

The man looked directly into Marvolo Heyman's eyes, very sincerely: "I promise you, I will try my best to convince my father when I go back - but I also need the help of the blue-blooded gentlemen."

"Oh?" Old Heyman made a listening gesture.

"The Inquisition."

Randolph sighed for the third time.

"Recently, those black crows came to the door." He looked worried, with lingering depression between his eyebrows: "... They are also interested in Golden Smoke and Taylor. You know, these cold-blooded monsters who burn people at will are unreasonable. They especially said that if Taylor made friends with the enemies of the Inquisition..."

The smile on Old Heyman's face gradually disappeared.

He had two pieces of loose face meat hanging down, and his drooping eyelids made it difficult to see the anger flashing in his eyes.

"…The Tribunal is full of enemies, and they dare to say it." Old Heyman looked solemn: "What do you think?"

Taylor hesitated: "I don't know the conflict between the Tribunal and the blue-blooded gentlemen, but it seems that they have no say in my shareholder, the member of the blue-blooded nobles - I dare not offend these people, Mr. Heyman, if you invite me, maybe I can talk to the highest person in the Tribunal first...?"

Old Heyman pondered for a moment: "I will consider it."

He put down the wine glass.

Randolph Taylor understood and put down the glass, and then talked about what he had seen recently and the interesting things between women. After about three or five topics, he said goodbye.

Soon, there were only three people left in the room.

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