The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 196 Ch195 Miraculous Craftsmanship

Chapter 196 Ch.195 Incredible workmanship

In addition to the "coordinates" of Golden Island, Roland also took away a "mission notice" - Enid said that after Christmas, he and Fernandez might have to go to Bristol.

According to the local church, some people have seen "angels" in the city.

Attached to the letter was a pure white feather, two or three fingers long. After verification by the church and the Inquisition, it was indeed from an ‘angel’.


This is for Roland...

Another piece of knowledge that I haven’t learned yet.

Angels are summoned creatures.

Different from alien species.

Summoning creatures is legal.

They belong to the gods, to the rules, to the ways, to the churches.

Ritualists who believe in different crown gods control the summoning rituals of their respective paths.

Such as the Holy Cross.

The summoned creature of "Path of Judgment" is an active "holy flame".

There are two ways to "wisdom".

The "meditator" is the lamp trace, and the "skillful craftsman" is the vapor spirit.

As for the angel——

This representative holy creature comes from the summoning ceremony of the "Path of Mercy".

That is, as described in the Book of Eden, having white wings is a blessing that can only be seen by those who are pious, noble, and kind.

The summoned creature will obey the ritualist's command for the duration of its existence.

But such rituals usually come at a high price.

According to Enid, the materials used in the ritual of summoning angels were the ‘hearts of the pious’ and ‘the tail feathers of seven white swans who were born in the same year and died at the same time’.

All in all, troublesome and demanding.

Generally speaking, when a ritualist performs a summoning ritual, they are basically preparing for the next battle.

Other than that, it’s the festival.

For example, in the annual "consecration ceremony" of the Holy Cross, contemporary saints summon angels under the witness of bishops and devout monks.

But this is not what Roland needs to consider right now.

Enid hands him a mask.

It records the coordinates of Golden Island.

"You better be careful."


Did Miss Nina mention Golden Island in her memory?


"I suggest you first think about what you can give."

"There are many people on Golden Island who collect knowledge all year round, and you can even exchange it with the organizer - think about it, everyone has to pay a 'secret' as a ticket every time they participate."

"Even if most of them are meaningless, as an organizer, how much have we mastered over the years?"


Since you said that, you must have some good suggestions.

"Veal steak a week and lobster pie a week."


The last time we dined at Randolph's, Wrench fell in love with the 'potato and lobster pie'.

The sweet and crisp lobster meat is wrapped in mashed potatoes and topped with anchovy sauce and lemon juice. If you don’t like mashed potatoes, you can eat it directly with mayonnaise.


Fortunately I got a salary increase.


make a deal.

"There are many things in Su Yue's memory that can be exchanged as 'secrets'. I will tell you when the time comes. By the way, you can find a woman named 'Helen Hawkins'."


Helen Hawkins?

"She belongs to the homeless camp and works as a broker - as long as there is an exchange of knowledge or secrets of equal value, you may be able to get what you want from her."


This is also what Miss Nina remembers...

"That's right."

Roland had nothing to prepare.

Falling asleep was as easy for him as an ironic wrench.

After returning to the drug store, Roland greeted his uncle on the sofa and quickly went up to the second floor.

Put the mask under your pillow.


Waiting for the waves to send him to sleep.


The reason why Golden Island is called ‘Island’ is precisely because outside ritualists need to ‘take a boat’ to enter.

Before Roland opened his eyes again, he first heard the sound of waves hitting the rocks.

The creaking ship was rocked by the waves.

No chart, rudder or sail is required, not even wind.

The footless wooden boat seemed to know where its destination was. It followed the ebb and flow of the tide and slowly shuttled through the reef jungle under the night.

In the silent ocean, there were only the sounds of waves and breathing. Roland was shrouded in darkness, and his eyes were lit up by the white flames in his sight - they could not penetrate the black fog on the bow of the ship, like an endless nightmare. , I don’t know which hell the dreamer will be taken to.

He couldn't grasp the time in the dream, and he didn't know when every minute and every second passed - but there was no day here, and the ship was rocked by the waves like a baby for at least a whole night or more.

The salty smell became stronger and stronger, and one night followed another.

Instinct makes people particularly sharp in the dark, especially when passing through those obscure black fogs.

It's like lifting layers of black cloth covers and falling into a crowded cage.

Until it hits the rocks.

The wooden boat made a "bang" sound, vibrating, and rustling gravel.

It wasn't until this moment that the black fog in front of his eyes suddenly dissipated.

——It was a huge stone city built on the mountain.

The gray ridge only appeared for a brief moment and disappeared into layers of black mist.

There was a faint firelight in front of the wooden boat.

Someone stood on the shore holding an oil lamp and raised it in front of Roland's eyes from a distance. It seemed that he was already used to these people's "sluggishness".

"I presume this is your first time at Golden Island, sir or madam."

"Sir or Madam?" Roland helped the boat, but found that the wooden boat seemed to be nailed to the rocks or the beach, and it stopped shaking at all.

"Oh, it turns out to be a gentleman." The lantern holder walked towards him. Hearing Roland speak, he confirmed the gender - of course, this also made him guess that Roland was indeed a 'novice' who came to Golden Island for the first time.

He retracted the light and raised his arms.

"Come on, sir, I'll help you."

He was casual and talked like a friend.

Roland took hold of the palm stretched out from the darkness, used his arm to use his strength, and stepped off the wooden boat at once.

Look back again.

Only black fog and tidal waves.

The wooden boat disappeared.

"You don't need a boat, do you?"

Obviously, Roland's actions were in line with what a 'novice' should do. The lantern holder laughed heartily: "You come by boat, but you don't need to rely on it to leave. Do you remember how you wake up every time you fall into a dream? ?”

"I guess you haven't noticed."

He held the lantern high by his side, letting the flickering light illuminate his face.

It is a white mask without sadness or joy.

This reminded Roland of 'Dancer'.

Then I remembered that mask.

Strange objects.

Heart hurts.

"Every new person who lands on the island has a chance to decide their identity. Sir, before entering the city, you should still feel the 'mystery' - make a face, and then give a name that you like or hate."

said the lantern-bearer.

"Give me another secret as the ticket."

Since Enid had previously explained the general process, Roland had thought it through early.

"Hammerhead," he said.


Lamplighter: ...

"I bet he's never heard of such a stupid name."


This makes it easier for people to remember.

"Using 'this will make it easier for people to remember' as an excuse to cover up someone's stupidity in naming."


I originally wanted to call him Sledgehammer, but it sounded fierce.

"I must remind you, sir." The lantern holder was silent for a while: "...the name will be recorded in the identity book along with your 'face' - that is to say, no accident, you cannot change it before being expelled. ”

Can't change until evicted?

"So... sledgehammer?"

The man with the lantern was silent even longer than before.

"The hammer head is 'special' enough, sir." He put on the oil lamp and said in a very soft voice, "Nature is really amazing, isn't it?"

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