The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 200 Ch199 Dream Eater

Chapter 200 Ch.199 Dream Eater

When Helen Hawkins thought that this snake-like summoned creature was going to make a useless attack and she was ready to fight back - it curled up and showed its forearm-long fangs in the empty space.

She heard a shattering sound like glass.


Very crisp.

Suddenly, her temples, which should have been painless, felt as if they were filled with ice flow on the top of the snow, freezing her whole body.


Bitten to pieces.

The corner of her cave was like a candy chewed by a greedy child, stretched out into countless irregular edges and fragments: it was swallowed by the giant white snake.

It gnawed away one after another, directly causing spiderweb-like cracks to quickly develop in this supposedly stable place.

Click, click.

Have a great time.

The white snake grew longer and longer, holding Helen Hawkins in its head and tail.

In the blink of an eye, there was a 'shattered' void all around her - black mist billowing, and from time to time, strange cries of men or women, children or wild beasts could be heard.

The neighing was short and sharp, and occasionally turned into a long and gentle call; like soldiers on the border who missed their families singing together at night, or like a patient who vomited after being fed feces and water and kept wailing.

All kinds of sounds, all kinds of strange noises.

It was as if there were countless swollen and lively throats stacked in the deep void, and under the command of the multi-headed and bearded creatures in the darkness, they all played a long song with multiple voices.

She saw the vast mystery in the depth.

That's seven rings, eight rings... no...

A huge power that no nine or ten-ring ritualist can possess or control!

They were tumbling restlessly, like a naughty boy using a stick to tease a parrot in a birdcage and then bumping around in disorder, spreading around.

That is the world outside the stable dream.

It was a chaotic, turbulent bottomless black sea.

Helen Hawkins' fear came too late. Late, she was so absorbed in the scenery that viewers may never see in their lifetime that she forgot about her own situation - or maybe she couldn't do anything in the first place.

Her feet, calves, thighs and waist gradually fell into the rolling debris and black mist, and fell into the deep darkness beyond the dream.

With Jin Dao no longer protecting her, a ritual practitioner who sneaked into the dreamland lost her stable foothold.

She was like tinfoil rolled over by an iron roller.

Become flat and neat.

Smooth as a mirror.

She was compressed from a three-dimensional one into a flat one.

She was sent into the broken black mist by the gentle breeze, and was torn to pieces by countless invisible hands vying for the first place.

Candle burped.


Higher than the cave, if you don't want to go far, you have to hold the strange raised rocks with your bare hands, bite them with your feet, use your arms and thighs to climb up little by little.

This is not difficult for a ritualist who has completed the "Sword of Judgment" ritual.

Roland hid in the cracks in the rocks and the thin mist, silently watching the group of ritualists at his feet.

They carried oil lamps and were in a panic, cursing.

They seemed to be waiting for each other, and took out the shiny crystals that Roland also had from their pockets, and arranged them into a multi-angular ritual formation.

"Sorry, Roland."


for what?

"For Helen Hawkins. I didn't expect such a thing to happen. In Su Yue's memory, Helen Hawkins should be..."

"It's a 'character' that is easy to talk to. It seems that reality is different from..."


Actually, I'm not very happy with what you said, Wrench.

The flames languished, like young flames on a candle that was about to go out.


I won't apologize to myself, and you won't apologize to yourself.


Our lives are connected, we...


Shouldn't it be one?

"...You want to use this mouth on Su Yue in another history. With a few words, she can take off her clothes and lie down."



Anyway this is nothing to apologize for.


Besides, don't we also get an important secret.

The black-haired young man's windbreaker swelled, and his long hair hanging behind him gradually merged into a pair of fuzzy black wings.

In this dangerous and cold rugged place, a pair of golden figures silently observed the rustling ceremony under their feet.



"I don't know, Su Yue didn't give me any memory of this."


Now it's a bit troublesome.


If 'fantasy' is related to a certain prophecy...

"I guess the prophecy didn't say anything good, otherwise she wouldn't be so excited."


If so, I wouldn't be able to 'actively' collect the Ring-raising Ceremony.

The thick white scales lay at Roland's feet and yawned.

She raised her head and looked at her father's increasingly sad face, then lowered her head silently and rubbed his ankle with her head.

'Father? ’

"I get sleepy even when I'm full, little candle." Roland knelt down, looked at her tenderly, and reached out to her.

So, the python climbed up his arm along the wrist.

It's like a narrow, elongated glass tube is indented, getting smaller and smaller.

After a few breaths, she returned to her original shape, and the white porcelain bracelet was coiled around Roland's wrist again.

While Roland was giving her a reward: a small hypnotic massage, he was discussing with Wrench.


It’s not easy to figure out that so-called ‘prophecy’.


What's more important right now is that I have to find a way to buy the Ring Ascension Ceremony here.

" about becoming 'Helen Hawkins'?"

"I mean, you may find someone you trust enough to use the guise of a broker to collect some non-Crown God rituals - by the way, also collect what you really want."


good idea.


I can do it myself.

"To be honest, I don't recommend that you come to a place like this again - you heard what the woman said just now."

Helen Hawkins is just three rings.

A three-ringed person with an occult organ and access to some kind of magical object or 'prophecy' made by the ritualist - and that Mr. Jeffrey Banks.

Anyone should be able to imagine the danger behind it.

Wrench didn't want Roland to commit suicide before he arrived at the High Ring.

Anyway... try your best... don't do it.

"She is a 'dry bone', but it is not necessarily related to the Ring of Eternal Silence."


Are there any records of 'prophecy' and 'fantasy' in Miss Nina's memory?




"...Okay, yes. But it's not what you should think about now. It is a strange object - as long as the user asks a question, it can answer it..."

"To a certain extent, this can be considered a 'prophecy'."


Any questions?

"As long as you pay enough."

"I mean, 'enough'."

Roland was silent for a moment.


Let’s talk about Helen Hawkins.


Is there an ‘Enid’ behind her?

"I don't have the background to complete this character in my memory... but at least he is an important figure."

"So I don't recommend that you come to Golden Island again - if next time, the watcher asks: Have you seen Helen Hawkins, killed her in some way, or witnessed her death with your own eyes..."

"Jane Dao can't lie."

"If you avoid talking about it, what will be the consequences?"

The unfolding ceremony not far from his feet looked more like the ritualists working together to create a stone wall - or rather, melting this huge mountain into stone water, guiding the liquid to flow and cover it. Those broken and chaotic wounds.

When the ceremony was over, the liquefied stone became rigid like cooled magma, firmly sealing the space that had been torn by the candle.

Just the whole golden island...

Just a small piece missing.

Roland retreated silently and disappeared from the gap between the two boulders.


I agree with you.


But at least I can take advantage of tonight.

"Of course, remember to order a little 'giveaway'."

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