The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 211 Ch210 The Homeless Thief

Chapter 211 Ch.210 The Homeless Burglar

After Miss Burglar was caught by Roland, a newsboy came to the door two days later.

She brought a message and asked Roland to meet her at a pub.

A small pub near the South District.

There was a two-month boxing match there recently. Many people bought a glass of beer and watched for an hour.

There was a fire in the pub, the waitress was not too old, and the men were happy to go there after work.

To be honest, if he hadn't completed the "Sword of Judgment", Roland didn't know if he could squeeze into this pub.

There were too many people.

"You should find a quiet place!"

Roland put the finger-long ticket into his pocket, mixed in the crowd, was pushed and shoved, and occasionally listened to the cheers or scolding of the people - on the small wooden ring in the center of the pub, two men were punching each other.

He just bought a ticket from the young man at the door for three pence, and the name of one of the boxers was marked on it.

If he guessed right, he would win twelve pence.

"Let's go up and talk!"

Rose leaned over Roland's ear and shouted, pulling him through the crowd without saying anything.

There were two men guarding the stairs, and those who went up had to pay a fee that most workers were reluctant to pay.

Rose took out two coins and slapped them on the man's hand, dragging Roland with her without looking back.

"I'm homeless now! I want to spend money like those masters! Spend as much as you can!"

She shouted, and after returning to the stairs twice, the second floor was obviously much quieter - although the howling of drunkards downstairs could still be heard...

At least it was not crowded here, and there was not so much sweat smell.

"My uncle always feels like there is a piece of rotten meat under his armpit... It seemed like there were countless uncles around just now."

Roland rubbed his nose and joked casually.

Rose quietly lowered her head and sniffed at her collar.

She had decided to spend all the money on her today.

Now think about it...

Can you keep some to buy soap and perfume?

There are also waiters on the second floor, but fewer than on the first floor. Rose ordered beer and fries. There were empty wooden tables and chairs, and she could sit anywhere.

"I left the Elephant Gang."

She lay on the table, took out a cigarette from somewhere, and put it in her mouth, but didn't light it.

"I'm homeless, pretty face."

They sat at the edge, and could see the two men fighting on the ring through the wooden fence.


The beer and fries came.

Rose originally just wanted to see the cat and chat casually, so that she wouldn't think about the gang and Annie for a while.

But when she asked Roland what he was busy with recently, and the other party gave the answer of "baby"...

She began to remain silent.

"Haven't you heard? Many babies have been stolen recently. This case is not a small one."

Roland held the glass and looked at the man who kept dodging on the first floor of the ring.

He swung his right fist and hit his opponent's side, causing a cheer.

The skills were clumsy, but the duel was exciting enough.

Rose said in a muffled voice: "...You are investigating, right?"


"Then...who could have done it?"


"It must be cultists?"

Roland thought for a moment: "It could also be me."


"You——" She reached out to pinch Roland's face, but he grabbed her wrist——The long white soft rope raised its head, glanced at it, and then drooped its head lazily.

Rose's eyes widened and she exclaimed: "Oh my God! Yes, it was that day, that day from the egg——"

"It was her." Roland let the little candle climb onto his palm and picked her up: "Her name is Little Candle, remember? You gave her the name."

Rose stared at the white snake in his palm without blinking, wanting to reach out and touch it.

The snake was reluctant, and perfunctorily rubbed her fingers with its head, then turned around and crawled back to Roland's wrist and coiled up.

Rose: ...

"She doesn't like me, Roland."

"She's sleepy."

"Don't talk nonsense, how can a snake be sleepy."

"Snakes can be sleepy," Roland looked at Rose and said seriously: "Snakes can be sleepy, just like my uncle can do backflips."

Rose laughed like a deflated balloon--

"Roland Collins!"


"I don't believe it!"

"Which one do you not believe?"

"None of them!"

"Then you must be wrong. My uncle can do backflips."

Rose couldn't stop laughing when she thought of the fat pharmacy owner doing backflips.

The girl with bruises on her face laughed in the noisy pub.

The second round started downstairs.

The two men stepped back onto the ring.

Roland took a sip of beer and asked softly: "Are you feeling better now?"

Rose was stunned and lowered her eyes.

Roland didn't know what happened to Rose, and he didn't have to know. He just told Rose that if he was really homeless, his uncle might lack a pair of hands that could skillfully sort medicinal herbs, or a clever salesperson.

"But your uncle doesn't actually need it." Rose lifted her hair, held her chin and stared at Roland: "You don't... want to support me with your salary, do you?"

Roland blinked: "Salary?"


"What salary?"

Rose: ...

Roland raised his eyebrows: "It's good to provide food and drink, Miss Homeless, you shouldn't ask for too much now."

Rose wanted to punch him.

There are obviously many words in this sentence.

Is the focus on salary?

"I don't need your help." Rose curled her lips, "I have a lot of money, saved over the years."

"I thought you would leave the money behind when you left the Elephant Gang." Roland casually glanced at the fight on the boxing ring downstairs, and found a few thieves mixed in the crowd. "Isn't it like this for all gangs?"

Roland had seen some small gangs.

It's easy to join, but it's hard to leave.

The Elephant Gang is no exception.

Rose must have paid a great price for leaving the Elephant Gang.

"...I did leave all the money behind."

She said.

Roland hummed: "So, who beat you."

The winner will be decided on the ring.

"...Someone who once loved me."

Rose touched the swollen bruises on her face, and her heart was empty.

She escaped.

That night, she was tied up and locked in the wooden house.

She originally thought that Anne only wanted to trap her and would not continue to hurt her - but when she overheard the conversation of the women outside the door, saying that Anne had decided to sell her to the Notty Golden Lamp in two days...

She cut the rope with a blade at night and cut their tongues at the same time.

She escaped and could never go back.

Everything Rose had done over the years was inseparable from the Elephant Gang. Suddenly leaving, it was as if she had lost her support and even the world became strange.

She didn't know where, how, and how she should live.

"Pretty face."


"... I'm a little scared."


A boxer fell to the ground.

Some people shouted happily, while others shook their heads and cursed.

Roland tore the ticket into pieces with a gloomy face and threw it into the empty wine glass.

Get up.

"Follow me."


"Follow me."

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