The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 232 Ch231 Isaac Brown's Friend

Chapter 232 Ch.231 Isaac Brown’s Friends

"Teacher, regarding Mr. Depp's surgery..."

The assistant stood to one side holding a clipboard.

At his desk, Isaac Brown was immersed in filling out the surgery documents. In a few days, a special operation that may mean a breakthrough in the era will be performed in his clinic.

He needs to be 100 percent alert.

I can't drink too much lately.

Just...a few shots of whiskey.

"Kevin Depp's 'that' part needs some strong support. There is no doubt that steel is the hardest object in the world. If this operation is successful, I can guarantee that before he dies, he will be the only place that is not bent or soft." that is--"

Isaac Brown paused his pen and raised his head: "Don't forget to ask them to go to church in advance to pray to the Father of All Things."

If the operation is successful, it means that his skills are superb and his idea is bold and feasible; if the operation fails, it can only be said...

It’s a pity that the Father of All has not blessed you.

‘You are not religious enough’.

——For the silver flute excision technique he invented and performed on women, failure was no big deal.

After all, it can still be used where it should be used.

But Kevin Depp is male and has a different structure.

Even though he was an insignificant person, if something went wrong, he still had to find a reasonable excuse.

"I asked you to buy it, did you buy it?"

The assistant first turned around, glanced at the closed door, and then replied in a low voice: "...a fifteen-year-old black boy, teacher."

"That's good."

Isaac Brown nodded.

He had tried this 'implantation' method on other patients, and it did work in the short term. But within a few days, the thing became necrotic and fell off like rotten ham, causing the patient to become feverish and fall into a coma.

He died soon after.

This time, he planned to use new materials and try them on young people with stronger vitality a few days in advance.

Steel forged by fire.

Paired with powerful flesh and blood.

The perfect combination.

"...Perhaps, human flesh and blood and that cold metal shouldn't be mixed together?"

The assistant muttered quietly.

"What did you say?"

Isaac Brown stared: "What did you say?"

The male assistant hesitated and lowered his head.

"It seems that you need to learn to distinguish," Brown knocked on the table: "Distinguish which reputations are real and which ones are created by people, and are miraculous created by cunning and clever people who do not live up to their reputation."

"Like... you know who I'm talking about."

The assistant said nothing.

he knows.

He was able to question this today because he recently read an article of Edward Snowden's views in a newspaper.

This 'Snow Doctor', who is as famous as Isaac Brown, is contrary to Isaac Brown in every aspect.

For example, his teacher, Mr. Brown, believed that all diseased parts of the patient should be removed——

Edward Snow believed that amputation was not necessary for some conditions, as it was an irreversible act.

This is not only likely to have nothing to do with the illness, but will also harm the body and psychology of the ladies and gentlemen.

It is the butcher who has the temerity to use the saw, not the healer.

'You'd better care for these seriously ill people like a house cat, and say the same to them when they wail in pain. ’

Isaac Brown once targeted Snow in newspapers and published extensive objections to his theories, believing that he was the real "bloody butcher".

The two people were tit for tat, and it was very lively for a while.

But most of the people who read newspapers were not doctors. They were only interested in tangible results: and in terms of results, Isaac Brown was clearly better.

Those women who had a silver flute resection were indeed no longer hysterical.

The crazy ones become dull, the irritable ones become gentle.

They began to stop worrying about trivial matters, and spent the whole day sitting in front of the window sill like a finely crafted work of art, staring at the curtains rolled up by the breeze, and watching the lush green flowers and plants outside the window and the jumping birds on the branches.

This usually lasted all afternoon until the servants had prepared dinner.

The effect is great.

What about Edward Snow?

The 'hand-cranked multi-layer tremor device' he invented can indeed alleviate the disease, but it will become particularly troublesome later: for example, some women bought the tremor device home and used it day and night, so that The husband was left out.

For example, using the hand crank caused deeper symptoms...

There are all kinds of things like this, each has its own troubles, and it is indeed not as concise and obvious as Isaac Brown's effect.


Mr. Brown has also performed more miraculous methods: such as arm resection, thigh resection, etc.

These ultra-fast cutting techniques, which can even be counted by humans, have won him praise far beyond that of Edward Snow.

Some even say that he was one of the best surgeons of his time: less than one in ten patients died at his hands.

It was like being possessed by the benefactor in an instant.

Knock knock.

There was a knock on the door.

"Mr. Brown, there is a man named Mason Lyle who said he has made an appointment with you."

asked the outsider.

"Of course, invite him in."

Soon, after the assistant left, a straight, gray-haired middle-aged man walked in.

He took off his coat early, wearing a neat bright blue suit, a silver pocket watch chain, and his wrinkle-free trousers and shiny leather shoes indicated that he was not only a decent man, but also a very high-profile decent man.

His tone of voice when greeting was different from that of ordinary people, quite like the style on the stage, blowing in like a gust of wind, revealing a playful smile - since he was indeed handsome, this expression on the face of a middle-aged man was not abrupt.

Besides, Isaac Brown knew what kind of person this was, he was just like that.

"My dear friend, many years ago, I told you that you would be able to do something extraordinary!"

Mason Lyle was so enthusiastic that he didn't care whether the greeting was appropriate or not. He moved his chair away, unbuttoned his clothes and sat down with a bright smile:

"Look, I became the owner of a circus, and you? You suddenly became a famous doctor!"

Isaac Brown scratched the back of his hand irritably, suppressing the growing restlessness in his heart: "I'm busy, Mason."

"We are all busy, Isaac. For our own glorious future, we have to win wars one after another on our respective battlefields like soldiers, and defeat enemies one after another..."

He kept on reciting the aria, and Isaac had to remain silent at this time.

"…If I say I'm good, then you're great or awesome—I can't wait to announce to the gentlemen and ladies that Mason Lyle has such a promising friend!"

"Ah, being able to stay away from the hustle and bustle for a while is an unspeakable luxury for both of us now, isn't it?"

Isaac rubbed his face vigorously.

"Mason, let's cut to the chase, okay?"

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