The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 24 Ch24 Brief interrogation

Chapter 24 Ch.24 Brief interrogation


"Ro, Roland..."


"Fifteen, sixteen, or seventeen..."


The man opposite slammed the table hard, and the pen with a gold cap fell from the paper bag, rolled to the other side of the table, and was pinched by a slender hand.

The woman rubbed her temples and made a comforting sound.

"He's just a kid, Sean."

"He is a deformed monster from the East End." A man named Sean has black hair similar to Roland's. It is turned around his head, exposing the dazzling top of his skull; his eyes are slender and his eyebrows are short and thick. ,tall and big.

"A blind man, your mother must have done something with a dog to give birth to a person like you. Boy, the Holy Father will never show mercy to you——"

He wanted to say some more dirty words, but was stopped by the woman next to him.

"Let me ask you, child." She held the pen and took out the record book from the man's hand, "You don't know your actual age, do you?"

"Yes, ma'am."

Roland shrank his neck, his beautiful face and shining eyes.

There were tears on her face.

The kid was terrified.

The woman thought and rolled her eyes at the man beside her.

"Roland Collins, future performing artist."


Shut up.

Roland pursed his lips and told everything that happened that night——

What he heard, imagined...


He guessed that Mr. Mester should duel with that ghost.

His black trench coat made a hunting sound, and the limbs under the trench coat were full of power like a tiger and a leopard - he and the thing fought in close quarters and fought bloody battles. Both sides were hit by the other, leaving scars on their bodies.

Mr. Mestre protected him.

Also killed the enemy.

He is a hero.

Die without regrets.

Under the guidance of the woman Tan's gentle words, Roland outlined what happened at night.

"...You are a brave child." The woman seemed a little sad. "It's a pity that Mestre didn't have time to explain clearly the location of his potion. Otherwise...I wouldn't have lost this teammate. It's not your fault, Collins." ”

The male police detective was furious.

"For such a monster—"

There are many monsters in this world, including blind, lame, or poor people. They were born without the care of the Father of All Things.

Roland listened to him roaring in the room, and an unopened bottle of ink fell on him.

Then I heard him slam the door angrily and walk out.

‘You are just special, not a monster, Roland. ’

Thank you, Miss Nina.

Roland tightened his grip on his cane.

The woman stood up and closed the door, sighed, wrote a few lines in the notebook, and suddenly asked:

"Mestelle didn't deserve to die like that, kid."

There was a sudden silence.

"I know him."

The woman said, "He would not sacrifice his life to protect someone like you."

She knocked on the table and looked at Roland with a cold look in her eyes: "We are looking at the living corpse...the monster you mentioned. We found a piece of porcelain in its head. My child, can you tell me whose it belongs to?" ?”

Roland lowered his head.

"...It's mine, ma'am." The lie was discovered, and Roland had no choice but to tell the truth, "I lied, ma'am... I'm just worried..."

"It doesn't matter, tell me the real process."

The room grew colder.

"He came at me and I don't know, ma'am, I couldn't see - something jumped on me."

"That sharp piece of porcelain?"

"It's Rick Rich. He showed off to me, saying it was a magic fragment, a monster or... I can't remember." Roland raised his head with a sincere expression, "I spent three pennies. Bought..."

Rick Rich…

The woman flipped through the records.

She had actually heard about the alien information reported yesterday and found it in the East District.

It does fit.

This kid…

How lucky?

"I wanted to stab it with splinters... and then - I swear, ma'am, then Mr. Mestre used something to kill the monster. He gasped for breath, very quickly. Then he said a lot more. I heard If you don’t understand - when I touched him along the wall..."

Roland cried: "He has stopped breathing! Please don't hurt me! Madam... I really don't know anything..."

The woman looked at him, thought about it a few times, and then said, "Mestre is a hero."

Roland was stunned for a moment, with tears in his eyes, and then nodded quickly: "Yes, madam. He protected me and died with the monster..."

"very good."

The woman drew another line in the notebook, "As for the fragment..."

The later omission becomes a gaze.

In the silent room, an invisible pressure enveloped the person being interrogated.

Roland seemed unaware. He clenched his fist and slammed the cold metal handrail: "It brings bad luck! If it weren't for it, I don't think I would have met the monster - Madam, please don't let it come near me again. I beg you...please throw it farther away..."

"Very good." The woman was satisfied and crossed out certain details in the notebook.

After a while, she put down the pen.

"There's nothing wrong with you, child." The woman crossed her hands on the table and said, "No one will make things difficult for you, but you have to be observed for thirty days, as long as you stay in the police station."

Thirty days?

"Yes, at least thirty days of observation - Oh, do you have any relatives?"

"My uncle..."

The woman waved her hand: "I don't care what relatives you have, let them pay the deposit and sign a guarantee. If you conceal the facts, he will also bear a certain responsibility..."

She seemed to have nothing else to say to Roland. She took out a pack of cigarettes from the drawer and took one out to light it for herself.

A few minutes later, the male detective came in again.

He slipped in through the crack of the door.

He seemed to have calmed down. He first bowed to the woman and asked for something, then approached her and whispered a few words - the two looked at Roland from time to time.

After hearing this, the woman holding the cigarette looked very strange.

"...I didn't know that you were the survivor."

Roland was puzzled: "What?"

"The survivor of the Collins family, Roland Collins?" She blew out a white mist, stood up and walked to Roland, opened the lock with the key, and pulled him up from the chair.

Roland moved his ankles: "Madam?"

"If you ask me, I don't know whether your luck is good or bad." She took Roland out of the interrogation room.

At the door, the tall woman was waiting there long ago.

She stood there like an iceberg that had been frozen for hundreds or thousands of years, making all passers-by carefully bypass it.

"Lord Enid."

"Thank you, Julie."

"You are too polite," the woman named Julie let go of Roland, holding a cigarette, and teased: "This is the first time that the court has 'taken the initiative' to deal with us..."

Enid raised her eyebrows, pulled Roland over, turned around and left.

Julie crossed her arms and smiled and said goodbye, while the man bowed politely on the side.

The woman was dusty.

Roland smelled the smell of soil on her.

She didn't say much on the way, arranged a newsboy to tell Puxiu Collins the news, and then took Roland to the carriage.

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