The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 241 Ch240 The Son of the Heiman Family

Chapter 241 Ch.240 The Son of the Heyman Family


The glass smashed against the wall, leaving a bright red stain behind.

Marvolo Heyman sat on the sofa, his chest heaving. His face was sullen, and the flickering candlelight made the figure even more terrifying and terrifying.

Slender soft worms seemed to crawl under his skin, and the folds bulged.

"…Who informed the police?"

What happened in London yesterday almost made the surname "Hayman" a laughing stock in the upper class circles——

It is not a signature on gold foil paper.

But the police's follow-up actions: They were actually ordered to seize gold foil from citizens?

This behavior is extremely stupid.

‘How short of money is the Hyman family? ’

‘You see, some people with noble blood are not necessarily moral. Competing with those workers for a few pennies...sorry, or shillings? Anyway, how much is it worth? ’

There are quite a few people who have been put in jail for this reason.

The people were very dissatisfied with the Hyman family. For this reason, Her Majesty the Queen and Mr. Hever asked him separately - he knew half of the matter.

"It's Sean, dad."

Sean Heyman is the second son of Marvolo Heyman, the younger brother of Andrew Heyman, and the older brother of Judy Amman.

There are many children in the Hyman family.

"...Sean." Marvolo Heyman seemed much older.

So much has happened recently.

Everything was like a sharp knife cutting into the most vulnerable leg of the Hyman family.

Because the group of hyenas in the Inquisition and the parade incident not only caused the relationship between him and the Cradle of Flesh to break down, but also paid an "unimaginable" price to that bitch who has not grown up.

Immediately afterwards, a huge scam took away a large sum of gold pounds from the Heiman family.

Finally, the current 'Golden London' incident gave them another fatal blow.

Sean Heyman.

his son.

"Who gave him the power, Louis."

The man with long burgundy hair lowered his head and stood silently beside his father.

Needless to say, as long as he relied on the surname "Hayman" and added some "facts" - after all, it was indeed written on the gold foil that it belonged to the Heyman family's wealth.

"Stupid. The Hyman family will never stumble because of the money, but his behavior will make us..."

Marvolo Heyman is tired.

The eldest son Andrew and daughter Judy died at the inquisition and were burned.

The second son, Sean Hyman, is a complete idiot who can only see the big benefits in front of him.

The third son, Cliff Hyman, is currently not involved in the family business. As a weight to balance the two ends of the scale, he is active in the Maelstrom and the Gray Party.

Younger son Louis Hyman…

Dao is clear-headed, obedient and well-behaved. Like Sanzi, he is a high-level ritualist.

But it's a pity...

His past means that Marvolo Heyman cannot hand over his family to him - although the blood of the Heyman family flows in his veins, his despicable past may have tainted this pure blood...

It seems.

It's time for him to consider bringing back Cliff Heyman.

The Heyman family was not in a position to bet hedging their bets in the first place. To put it more deeply, when he moved closer to Charles Croy and Paul Hever, he had completely pushed some people away - in return, as long as he did not bring cultists into Buckingham Palace, those two people could keep their jobs. He is fine.

no choice.

He was the same as Anne Vansittart.

The pocket watch born in the brain, the ticking countdown always reminds the aging body:

You don't have time anymore.

As for the Cradle of Flesh and Blood, few people in the upper echelons of the country are actually willing to associate with these dirty cultists who play with flesh and blood - they believe in the Father of All Creation and believe that this behavior of wantonly harming others and seeking personal gain is really not worthy of their noble status. Soul and historic blood.


As long as they live and breathe, they are robbing other people of the possibility of living.

Pedantic and stupid.

As a member of the secret party, Marvolo Heyman does not think that he is old-fashioned. Instead, he feels that those who guard the legacy of the family are really missing out on opportunities.

They don't know what they have lost, and they don't understand how great this power is that can extend people's lives.

"Don't let Sean go out for a while, Louis."

"Keep an eye on him."

Louis was silent.

The room was quiet for a while.

It wasn't until Louis refilled the drink for the third time that Marvolo Heyman's overly dehydrated throat crackled:

“What do the ritualists of the Path of Destiny say. "

Louis Hyman put the glass decanter away, took a few steps away, and said slowly: "There are too many people who have come into contact with those gold papers. Father, I guess the gold went through the process in a short period of time before the citizens picked them up." There are many hands, and the other side is already prepared.”

"As for the letters... it's pretty clear - the prophecies point to India."

Marvolo Heyman almost laughed.


What a joke.

Seeing his father's impatient expression, Lewis paused and made a more feasible suggestion - after all, compared to the illusory prophecy that failed completely with little preparation, the high-circle ritualists of a certain road could directly read it. memory.

"If it was that person who took action, maybe it would be possible..."

Marvolo Heyman shook his head: "Mr. Chloe is still sleeping..."

"So Mr. Heffer..."

Louis was about to say something, but Marvolo interrupted him.

"I should have known that those blabbering lunatics are unreliable at critical moments."

"This matter ends here. The Heyman family has been embarrassed enough. Louis, even if we want to hang that gang, we will no longer be the first to speak. Watch out for Sean and don't let him do anything that embarrasses the family again. thing."


The man with oily hair and pink face was very impatient.

He waited in the reception room for two hours, and in the end, except for three elderly maids, the only person serving him was the pot of tea on the table that he was not willing to touch.

Without even looking at him, his father took the bastard to the study room to talk in detail...



Louis Heyman pushed in the door with an expressionless face, not even observing the most basic etiquette.

"You should knock first, brother."

"I think you don't have time to think about this matter, brother." Louis moved the corners of his mouth and glanced at the untouched cup on the table: "The family has lost face because of you."

Sean Heyman is an irritable person, and the person who said this——

"Your mere existence has brought shame on the family, Mr. Bastard."

Sean fiddled with his curly red hair, and his expression was exactly the same as the old man in the other room's gloomy expression: "I'm just trying to recover losses for the family - because of that 'business', we lost 40,000 pounds..."

"I remember," he stood up slowly while holding on to the tea table, and came to Lewis. His narrow eyes were slightly narrowed, and his voice was squeezed into a slender snake: "I remember, it seems that you were the first to tell your father about this business. …”

Louis Heyman did not shy away from it: "It is true, but I need to remind you who all decisions come from... Is it me? Or is it our father? What's more, if you can reveal your stupid idea in advance before notifying the police If you give it to him, I don’t think the situation will become so serious.”

Sean Heyman shook his lips, grabbed Louis by the collar, and tried to lift him up from the ground: "You'd better be careful, red-haired bastard. You are not from the Heyman family..."

Lewis said frankly: "In fact, Heyman's blood is flowing in my body."

Sean tilted his face slightly, and his voice was very joking: "That's impossible to say, the old guy has lost his mind... Otherwise, how did Andrew and Judy die?"

He let go of Louis, shook his hands in disgust, lifted the teapot, and poured the still warm tea onto the palm that had just touched Louis.

"The Heyman family will fall because of two people."

He lowered his head and concentrated on washing his hands.

"Marvolo Heyman, and you, Louis Heyman."

He said.

"We should not have followed those two old guys with no future a long time ago, and should not have listened to these stupid words coming from rotten throats..."

Louis was speechless.

He watched Sean wash his palms repeatedly and then throw the empty pot on the carpet.

"We should take back what belongs to us, never give anything, never charge into battle - ritualists? I think if we become a royal party, then the girl on the throne will also protect us, right?"

Sean Heyman doesn’t know why Marvolo Heyman made such a choice, but he knows that this is definitely a path that may not be beneficial after victory.

My father's actions were not so much for the family as for himself - cleverly, this red-haired bastard was always provoking him from the side, making his father more convinced of himself, foolish and willful.

What do these two people want to do?

"Son of a bitch."

He scolded.

Lewis smiled: "Brother, I must remind you again, we are all..."

Sean waved his hand impatiently: "Get out, Master Ritualist."

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