The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 268 Ch267 The Battle of the Arrogant

Chapter 268 Ch.267 The Battle of the Arrogant

Xander had never seen well-trained soldiers.

But these alien species who came in response to Roland's call...

Their spirits seemed to be connected by an invisible thread, and they had a tacit understanding that didn't require command, as if they knew each other's thoughts at any time.

The bows and arrows in their hands can pass through narrow gaps and accurately shoot into the eyes of the enemies behind the wall;

The scimitars in their hands cut through the spider legs like paper, and then drew out a beautiful arc like a dance;

They are as light as birds, flying freely among the branches and treetops, or quietly crawling in the lush rose bushes, waving a wisp of star-speckled sword light when the monsters stagger past.

In their eyes, these alienated, fearless citizens who pushed Roland and Xander into desperate situations were like...

"Like a wild beast."

Xander murmured.

Haldir looked back at the girl and smiled politely, but did not talk to her.

"These monsters similar to orcs have lost their intelligence - in our eyes, they are not even as good as those inferior creatures that breathe out of their nostrils. If you don't mind, I am indeed willing to call them beasts."

Haldir said to Roland.

He listened carefully to Roland's every word and answered seriously, but turned a deaf ear to Xander's voice, only nodded in recognition and smiled - this is the highest level of arrogance: gentleness and courtesy.

'But you don't deserve it. ’

"I respect everyone's little hobby...Kill all the 'monsters' you can see, my friend. The ones that are everywhere, kill them."

Roland said with a pale face.

Haldir raised his head slightly, and the elegant breastplate extended to his neck, which made him look even worse at lowering his head.

He arrogantly hummed an imperceptible cry of obedience, and then gestured towards the shadows around him.

Except for a few guards and the elf holding Fernandez, this group of the best warriors disappeared into the jungle in the blink of an eye.

Haldir and the guards escorted Roland to the direction pointed by Xander - the shortest way out of the city:

If these brave and powerful warriors who were invited can successfully crush the Secret Triangle, then Roland and Xander can leave as quickly as possible the moment the "field" dissipates.

They had to stay as far away from the angel as possible.

He even sought help from the Crown God Sect in the nearest area.

"Where are you from, Haldir."

"Lothlorien, the distant creator."

"Why do you call me Creator?"

Haldir nodded his forehead and made a salute that Roland could not understand: "We were born in this history because of you. You are the spreader of music, Ilúvatar's favorite child."

Roland coughed twice with a strange expression: "Ilúvatar."

"God above gods, the eternal fire who created all things out of nothing. We honor you as we honor him who gave us life again - the distant creator, Roland Collins,"

Listening to their conversation, Xander felt like a country bumpkin.

She had never experienced such treatment.

In London, whether it was a salon for rich people or a meeting for mysterious people - she had never been treated like this, nor had she ever felt like this.


An outsider who knows nothing.

She is now.

"'The God of Gods'?" Xander interjected: "'The Eternal Fire that creates all things from nothingness'? The only one who truly possesses this power is the father of all things, the alien species. What you respect is just a person who does not exist. false god."

Haldir was not angry at all. He raised his chin slightly and glanced at the gray-haired girl.

The child had lived less than one-tenth as long as the youngest child in his clan.

"The eyes of an elf are obviously not comparable to those of a dwarf."

He just said this, but it happened to anger Xander Kratof.

She rarely gets truly angry, and she doesn't think there's anything worthy of her anger - but the alien's behavior is exactly what she hates the most:

How dare you, a despicable alien who pretends to be noble, show your arrogance to humans?

What is a heterogeneous species?

Like the snake on Roland's wrist.

Xander thought this was just the right name: pet.

Just pets, or fodder for rituals.

"Elves? It turns out that alien species can even give themselves names."

Xander's voice was very soft, but she knew the other party could hear it.

Those long ears are not just for decoration.

"Just like you wouldn't call yourselves 'short-lived, fragile humanoid creatures that die in the blink of an eye', don't you also give yourselves a name - 'human'?" Haldir turned his head and said, Xander looked at it funny, took out an arrow, drew the bow and shot!


The leaves in the dense forest moved.

A few seconds later, a huddled spider-like monster fell from the moss-covered roof.

"Humanoid creatures?" Xander's face turned ugly: "We are human beings, the first of all things."

Haldir smiled meaningfully: "The monkey thinks so too."

Roland didn't know what evil he had done.

While the broken box was drawing blood, he had to keep an eye on Xander and Haldir in case they got angry and started drawing guns and arrows.


After passing through a narrow alley and entering an open square.

A group of wandering monsters discovered them.

These alienated citizens have become faster again.

Their faces have lost their original appearance, their lips are missing, and their teeth have become sharp; all the hair on their heads has fallen off, and their scalps have begun to rot, growing a layer of black mane.

There are more eyeballs in their eyeballs.

"Disgusting monster."

Roland watched the elves shoot out arrows that were comparable to gunfire. Every time the bowstring trembled, one or two or three or four monsters would be pierced through the eye sockets. Together with his friends behind him, they were stabbed to the ground by a long arrow. .

Wear in bunches.

"The worst among us are always perfect, Creator." Haldir stared ahead. When the roaring flood rushed up against the rain of arrows, he hung up the long bow and pulled out the strange-looking weapon from his waist. long sword.


The sword light flashes!

Xander saw a girl about less than ten years old, rushing in with teeth and claws, and her head was quickly beheaded by Haldir. After the elf chopped her down without changing his expression, he twirled the sword and pulled it diagonally. Eviscerate the monster on the left!

Those so-called spider legs that are as hard as knives are like slender dead branches that can be seen everywhere under their sword edges, breaking into pieces at a touch.

"As sharp as their words."

Xander gently held Roland's wrist, and the remaining "secret" turned into a comfortable warmth.

"Don't waste your efforts, Xander."

Roland knew what this girl was doing, and she shouldn't use her last strength on herself.

Xander said nothing, looking at the calm-looking young man and the elegant creatures wielding swords and emitting a faint glow.

A strange emotion suddenly emerged in her heart.

Never before.


It seems that he doesn't want Roland to die.


Xander found this idea strange.

"Roland." Her eyes were empty.


"Don't die."


"That's good advice, Miss Kratoff."

Xander thought for a while: "If you die, I will peel off the skin of your little pet. It should be a good ritual material."

The ruby ​​on his wrist came out of Roland's cuff, poked his head out, and hissed at the vicious girl.

"What does it say?"

Roland pursed his lips and said, "She said, so is your skin."

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