The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 270 Ch269 The Woman on the Isolated Island

Chapter 270 Ch.269 The woman on the island

The slowly fading fog was quickly blown away by the wind in the forest.

There was no trace of the elves.

It's like it never happened.

The tall creature with wings on its back had already come to Roland and to Xander - because it also stepped over Fernandez, it was really difficult for the girl to control her laughter.

Although her fate will be the same as Roland's.

However, she is not afraid of death.


That's relief.

She pulled out her gun and pointed it at Fernandez, who was not far away, hoping that the next moment Roland would be killed, she could put a bullet through the captain's brain.

But the angel made no move.

It only stared at the sleeping young man with its sharp eagle eyes.

I watched it for a long time.

The giant python next to his feet stood up alertly.

Xander thought for a moment, bent down, and used his other hand to pick up a feather that had fallen and was as long as his forearm.

Turning it over and over again.

There are no more spider-shaped monsters, no white flames burning the forest, no roars and miserable wails from the citizens.

Several living creatures silently observed what they wanted to observe.

Until the setting sun finds its beloved horizon.

Until the metal mystery box kept dripping bronze liquid, it became soft and slipped from the young man's palm like watered mud, feeding the withering roses on the ground and the flesh and blood under the thorns.

Only then did the angel slowly speak.

This time it was not Carlotta's voice.

It's a foreign language that's similar to an eagle's cry, but not harsh.

Xander didn't understand.

"You choose your destiny."

Like Haldir, it also knelt half-kneeling in front of Roland.

“It’s about accepting the pain and the gift of choice.”

it says.

Then, he raised a sharp claw and lightly touched his neck.

The gray-white scales shattered.

Hot golden liquid gurgled from under the skin.

Under Xander's gaze, it slowly approached the 'dead' Roland, getting close to, or it could be said to embrace, him.

This alluring liquid, as bright and viscous as honey, quickly awakened a soul that was about to sleep forever.

But not in a decent way.

Because the next scene made Xander think of cultists, babies, needles, and those lazy people on the street who never had enough to eat.


The soul has no concept of time when walking in the dark night.

Roland only remembered that he encountered a wheat field and saw several paralyzed black cats walking through a lightless corridor.

He was immersed in a bottomless ocean, and his whole body was covered with deep-sea parasites.

He was helpless and drifted along with the waves. Many years later, he turned into a decaying white bone - a light, relieved bone.

He followed the currents almost everywhere.

Waiting for the end of a huge wave, he was pushed into the shallow sea by the tide of green algae.

Being led by the fish, we said goodbye to the snails and crabs.

He was washed up on the beach and greeted by a jovial woman.

She said: 'I thought it was meat that would fill my stomach. ’

Roland said: 'Grind my bones into powder. ’

She was reluctant: 'That would be too laborious. ’

She cut wood on this uninhabited island and made a swing.

When Roland arrived on the beach, she was swinging and smiling happily.

The face is blurred, the hair cannot be seen clearly, but the voice is really gentle.

'where are you from? ’

she asked.

'deep sea. ’ Roland said: ‘A sea that I can’t remember clearly. ’

She said the sea is the sea, and there is nothing she can remember clearly.

She asked Roland what he wanted to eat.

Roland said that the bones cannot be eaten.

He had been with the woman on the isolated island for many years - just like Roland couldn't remember which sea, he couldn't remember how long they had been together.

The swing was not rotten by the salty sea breeze, but looked like new every day.

Most of the time, it accompanies women's laughter.

‘Why are you here? ’

Roland asked.

'Because I'm supposed to be here. ’

the woman answered.

‘You are just a person. ’ Roland asked again.

'I won't be alone forever. ’ She said, ‘I was waiting for someone, a hero, and he came to me. ’

‘How long? ’

'soon. ’ She looked at the sea level with great expectation, those black waves that kept rolling, the storms that swept across from time to time, the lightning and thunder, the unknown islands that closed and split, split and closed again.

Roland was curious about what kind of hero she was talking about. He thought that he would not leave while he was on this island. He would not leave.

He wanted to see what the hero looked like and whether he also liked swings.

One day.

The woman told Roland shyly.

'Actually, he is more than a hero. ’

she says.

'Still my lover. What I am attached to, what I cannot forget, what I am waiting for. ’

Roland was even more curious.

‘I won’t leave, I want to watch the hero. 'He said. ‘But the island is too lonely. Don’t you plan to grow something outside the swing? ’

The second day.

The island is still an island, but it is full of flowers.

Colorful and gorgeous flower beds.

Swings and laughter sway in the fragrance.

'too long. ’ Roland said.

Maybe a hundred years later, two hundred years later?

too long.

Where are the heroes?

‘Why don’t you have any patience? ’ The woman was very angry: ‘My hero will definitely come. ’

'How did he come? ’ Roland stopped the woman and kept sarcastic: ‘Come like me and turn into a bone? ’

She didn't refute, but whispered:

‘As long as you come, it’s okay. ’

Another two hundred years, three hundred years.

Roland was a little tired.

Basking in the sun in a flower garden is not as good as being free in the sea - at least the waves will take him to many places.

‘Tell me a story. ’ Roland said: ‘I seem to remember a lot, but I have forgotten everything. ’

The woman laughed at him for having no brain, and he said that I had no brain in the first place.

‘Then what am I going to tell you? ’

She thought about it.

'How about telling "Ruthless Mercy"? ’

'What a terrible name. ’ Roland said.

‘Are you good at naming names? ’

'Maybe I should be really good at it. ’ Roland is confident about this.

This is how the story begins.

"Moisten your bones," the woman picked up a fallen tree fruit from the ground - a golden tree fruit, and threw it to Roland.

She sat back on the swing, swayed again, and started talking.

‘I was once on another island, not here, but another one, far away, very beautiful, very big. ’

she says.

'But I discovered a secret. ’

She spoke.

Roland asked what the secret was, but accidentally pierced the yellow fruit, letting its juice pour all over his skull.

He felt hungry for the first time in thousands of years.


The golden, viscous liquid exuded an extremely alluring aroma.

He couldn't suck it with his mouth, so he simply poured the juice on all the bones in his body.

'I discovered a secret. ’

The woman watched him turn golden and continued.

'The island is sinking. ’

'oh. ’ Roland was dripping with juice and answered casually: ‘So you changed to another island, came to this lonely place, and built a swing. ’

She said: 'I was meant to be here, I made a deal with the hero - no, this is not a part of the story, don't interrupt me. ’

Roland stopped talking.

She continued.

'The island is going to sink, an island is going to sink. ’

she says.

'I heard that there seems to be a hateful monster that is ready to eat the treasures on that island and sink the big and beautiful place. ’

'But there is a way, a good way to save the island. ’

she said to herself.

‘Bones, bones, what should I do? ’

Roland said, this is your story, not mine.

'yes. ’ The woman sighed: ‘So I left a bear trap—do you know a bear trap? ’

Roland said the clamp would kill the monster.

‘Maybe, maybe not. ’

The woman said this was not necessarily the case.

If the clamp killed it, the island wouldn't have had to sink; if it hadn't...

Roland said, obviously not.

Because if you change an island, it proves that the big and beautiful one before has sunk.

'No. ’

said the woman.

'I don't know if it's going to sink. I didn't know that the monster would be killed by the trap, or kill the trap and get the treasure under the trap that I would use to reward its bravery. ’

Roland was confused.

If you're going to kill the monster that's destroying the island, why reward it?

The woman was silent for a long time.

‘Because it has nothing to do with me anymore. ’

she says.

'I had to get off that island. ’

‘After I left, is the island still related to me? ’

Roland said of course, that was the island you once lived on, and no one would want the place they lived to be destroyed by monsters.

The woman looked at him.

Those golden juices dyed the light white bones heavy and tight.

It was almost dazzling, like a gorgeous object made of gold.

'I heard that half of the island may be destroyed, and the other half may be destroyed by the monster that destroyed the island. ’

‘It’s half possible to do both. ’

‘That’s what I heard. ’

The woman's voice became softer and softer, almost being drowned out by the sea breeze.

'So, I respect what I heard and let the monster choose its own path -'

'Destroyed by the trap, leaving behind a beautiful and eternal island... although the creatures on the island will not thank me, nor will they thank the dead monster. Or, destroy the animal trap and go towards your own destiny...'

Hear, hear.

Heard that.

Roland asked the woman, who did she listen to?

A clear and melodious laughter came from behind the blur.

She swung on the swing, faster and faster.

"Listen to the road."

she says.

"The road told me so."

the way…

Roland seemed to recall some familiar words.

That ‘road’ in memory…

"It's time for you to go, Roland Collins."

On the woman's skin, Roland saw burning, golden flames.

It was more powerful than the flames in his vague memory, and more terrifying than any scene.

The whole black ocean boiled with her laughter.

Then, a ray of strong sunlight passed through the corner of the curtain blown by the wind.

Hit his wrinkled eyelids.

The fine dust in the ward danced along the path of the sun.

"Good morning, idiot."

The familiar flame in his eyes danced a tap dance and greeted the person on the hospital bed.

Roland quietly stared at Lie Yan who was as excited as he was.

He wanted to cry loudly, but he was too excited to cry, so he just shed tears quietly.

"I'm so glad to see you again..."


Flame was silent for a moment.

"Me too."

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