The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 280 Ch279 Thanks

Chapter 280 Ch.279 Thanks

Rebecca Fiennes, like a seasoned writer, described to Roland and Cinder what had happened in Bristol.

Her descriptions are detailed, the story has ups and downs, and her voice is full of emotion. She really cries and grieves for the people in her stories like a writer - to be honest, to a certain extent, she is not much different from a prostitute.

The former has his soul caressed by a stranger, and the latter has his body caressed by a stranger.

People use the most lofty words to praise what pleases them, and use the most vile and vile sentences to insult what makes them disgusted.

However, they only verbally praise or insult the former, but they can slap the latter when they are not served well.

From this point of view, if a prostitute works harder, like the old man said, 'work hard', she might one day be promoted to a writer.

Just like raising one ring to two, it will have a certain impact and complete some puzzling rituals.

Roland quietly watched the lake she left on her face that reflected the candlelight, and listened to her talk about what happened those nights three years ago. \b

When Fernandez and David Cromwell faced off, they had already suspected something.

Collusion with cultists.

A large number of ritualists died.

Among them is Ram Fiennes’ wife.

A woman who had dealt with a cultist - but she didn't know it. She only allowed the cultist to stay in the pocket watch shop where she worked, let him admire the pocket watch, introduce him to him, and talk to him.

Ram Fiennes killed her.

"My mother, the one who gave birth to me and raised me, she only talked to that man for half an hour... He was a guest! A guest!"

Perhaps Roland and Xander didn't pay, and Rebecca Fiennes didn't have to be as groveling as a guest. She accused her father extremely sharply, trying to penetrate Ram Fiennes' flesh and blood with her words and pierce the silver cross on his back.

"Who would know the 'cultist' in your words? A guest who comes to know about pocket watches!"

"He killed my mother like this..."

She cried until she was dying, but Xander Kratof fell into a drowsy state.

Because she was exposed to "cultists" and "mysteries" earlier than Roland, and her background also made her understand the difference between the former executive and the current executive.

In the days of Keshihai, the executive officers did have greater power.

But it is definitely not as the ignorant citizens say: they wantonly squander their power and burn to death those who are innocent or should be innocent.

Regardless of whether Ram Fiennes repented and summoned the Holy Flame at the last moment, or he started to pursue this matter three years ago, it was not until they arrived that they saw hope from the 'different executives'...

No matter which one, his wife would not be sentenced to death just for chatting with the guest for half an hour.

That can't be the case.

Either someone had lied to Rebecca, or Rebecca knew her mother deserved to die but refused to admit it.

Xander believes more in the latter.

Some people are very good at pretending to be more miserable than anyone else.

Boring techniques, boring story.

"Whether your mother deserves to be executed, Ms. Rebecca Fiennes, I presume you know very well?"

Xander looked at the extremely angry eyes calmly.

Rebecca did not attribute her difficult journey in the first half of her life to her father, but her words clearly indicated that without such a father, she and her mother would not have suffered so much.

A once pious and ruthless executive, a man who later became addicted to gambling and lost his dignity like a rogue.

Rebecca didn't like either one.

"Then, let's-"

Xander is not interested in this story of 'repentance' or 'desperation'. Such things happen all the time in the world.

She was about to stand up with Roland to say goodbye, but was stopped by Rebecca.


She pointed to the cross in Roland's hand, her eyes flickering: "Is this of any use to you?"

Emphasizing the ‘big use’, there must be a ‘big price’.

"Da Yong?"

Roland looked at the badly worn cross and smiled.

This thing is of no use...perhaps, it represents the last choice of a painful and fallen person.

That's all.

Roland would not pay even a penny for this metal product...

But he was willing to give some for the golden flames rising in the forest.

He pondered for a moment and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Xander.

"One pound, Ms. Fiennes. We are willing to pay this money for a former executive, the daughter of an executive who suffered a lot." She couldn't help but take out a golden coin from her pocket and put it on the table. .

Pushed over.

The benefactor is above!

Rebecca was so satisfied!

She originally thought that this thing could only be sold for two or three shillings, and even these people in black clothes didn't have to spend half a penny to 'leave' - luckily she was right.

Beautiful people are much easier to talk to than ugly ones.

"I have to thank you! Sir! Miss! I seem to really feel what the mercy of the Holy Cross is..."

"This represents the Inquisition's compensation to Ram Fiennes, Ms. Fiennes, do you agree?" Xander smiled, "I don't want to see you again in Bristol, a tainted daughter of the Inquisition."

"Of course! Of course! Enough, absolutely enough...I'll leave in time for the afternoon train! Never come back!"

Roland glanced reproachfully at the gray-haired girl beside him.

Of course Roland knew what Xander had done——

According to the rules of the Tribunal, the families of executive officers killed in battle can receive certain compensation from the church and the Tribunal.

Can't say it's more than a pound.

Let’s just say it’s a lot more than a pound.

In particular, Ram Fiennes can be said to have indirectly helped Roland a lot.

This least the compensation from the Inquisition, Roland promised to help her get it.

But Xander is doing this now...

Rebecca had only this pound.

His father's final awakening only got her a gold pound.


Xander was very satisfied with Rebecca Fiennes's attitude and clasped his hands: "May the Father of all things bless you, Ms. Fiennes."

Roland sighed in his heart.

He saw that the excited woman had no tears at all, and her bumpy fate seemed to be calm and clear until today.

She no longer had a droopy face, was not angry, was not sad, and never mentioned her mother and father. Instead, she surrounded Xander Kratof and asked her how she maintained her beauty, praising her for being petite and delicate, which she imagined. Among them, the real upper class people in the mouth of those gentlemen.

Xander looked appropriately shy.

They ignored Roland, chatted and laughed, and were as close as close friends who had known each other for many years.

Suddenly, Rebecca remembered something.

She turned to the dressing cabinet, opened the second drawer, and took out a thick book.

Give it to Xander.

"I found this under the bed of his 'foothold'. Maybe there are some useful secrets written on it for you?" Rebecca was illiterate.

"Where to stay?" Roland was confused.

"Oh, he often hides in a tavern by the port. He is familiar with the boy and sleeps in his room..." Rebecca flipped her hair: "He ran away and didn't leave anything behind. I just I found this book, a few photos, and some scattered coins.”

Until the end, Roland and Xander did not tell Rebecca the true whereabouts of Ram Fiennes.

They agreed that it didn't matter to Rebecca anymore.

Maybe Rebecca isn't that important to Ram Fiennes.

The same goes for the Inquisition.

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