The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 295 Ch294 Helen Menzi

Chapter 295 Ch.2 Menqi

Sects and secret societies are not to be confused with each other.

If Roland wanted to set up a gathering like the one that Xander had every week out of boredom (due to a business trip to Bristol, the secret meeting was temporarily taken over by another executive), it would be simple and would not even take much effort.

How much effort does it take to host a salon?

If you are a noble, you can invite people of the same status; if you are a beggar, you can also invite people of the same status.

But sects have more to say.

There are pros and cons and different purposes between the two.

This is what Xander said: Roland obviously hasn't figured out what he wants yet.

"I want a friendly, close-knit family that can die together and sing together."

Xander smiled and touched the small candle he was dozing in front of. He was very satisfied with her smooth scales - mainly the feel: "It's good to value hers as much as you value your own hygiene..."

Rose frowned: "Xander Kratof."

"Ah, I know. So, Miss Vansittart, which one do you think Roland wants?"

Rose glanced at the man next to her.

He understood Roland's thoughts.

Just like when she first faced the gang.

They thought exactly the same thing - a big family, a family that could live together, die together, enjoy together or face danger together.

Although they are not relatives, they are better than relatives.

Emotions turned into invisible blood flowing in each other's veins...


Then it goes bad.

Being led towards destruction.

Flesh and blood turned to mud.

There were irregular lines flowing in the green eyes of the curly-haired girl, like another layer of rapids under the river.

"Small secret gatherings, secret societies."

she says.

"What Roland wants is not a sect, but a group to exchange knowledge and advance and retreat together..." She paused, and then she couldn't continue.

"Obviously you understand that this is unreasonable."

Xander folded his hands in his lap and looked like a 'noble lady' that made Rose roll her eyes.

“All secret meetings only exist at the level of transaction and cooperation. Even though I know that the most closely connected among them are nothing more than the “Wanderer Camp” – a group of wild dogs who think they have been abandoned or have the real ‘secret’. "

"Not mentioning the Holy Cross, they don't even pose much of a threat to the Just Church."

Xander looked at Roland: "For example, blue-blood nobles. Roland, did you know? There are also many blue-bloods who are close to the Inquisition. It's just that they don't want to speak in public and support us hounds who have burned nobles to death... But in private "Who doesn't know that getting to know us is more useful than getting to know ordinary ritual practitioners?"

"But the Ring of Eternal Silence is different. It is a secret society and a sect."

"Their followers can do this and never deal with the executive or the "saints" - as long as the leader says, they will do it. "

"This is the bondage... or influence that the sect has over its believers."

"Those loose groups clearly can't do that."

"If you want a family, Roland." The girl's lake-blue eyes were as enchanting as the depraved marine alien species described in a certain collection of books: "If you want it, then the core must be a sect..."

The dense green leaves outside the window were pattering with water droplets.

After the arc disappeared, the rain began to kiss the earth.

The pattered wool gauze poured into the mud allowed the cold earthy air to penetrate into the house along the cracks in the window.

Roland didn't say anything. He picked up the white snake on the table, kissed her head and put it on his shoulders.

The soft scales rubbed his father's skin.

It spread loosely like a scarf, growing longer and larger, lazily wrapped around the equally lazy man with black hair and golden eyes.

Rose held her breath for too long, then breathed out a filthy breath: "You want me...or the people who come after you to give your faith to...a certain...god? No, that's not right."

Although Rose has only been exposed to mystery for a short time, she has the best teacher.

Roland told her.

Ritualists build sects around the Ten Crowned Gods.

Thinking about it conversely, sects or associations must also rely on the Ten-Crown God to exist.

Existing around "the road".

Xander glanced at Rose approvingly, then directed his gaze at Roland or... the white snake wrapped around his body: "Not necessarily, Miss Vansittart."

"Man is a very strange animal."

"As long as they are in a desperate situation, they pray that there is 'something' that will help them - they hand over some hope to hope itself, hoping that it will give birth to a concrete and understandable 'hope' that will come to them in desperate situations and give themselves true hope. hope. "

There was too much hope in this sentence, and Rose couldn't understand it.

"I always feel that you want me to establish a cult, Xander." Roland tilted his head and stroked his sleepy daughter.

Xander was surprised: "Aren't all sects other than the Ten Crown Gods 'cults'?"

Regarding the sect, even Xander Kratof, who is known as the ‘Library’, doesn’t know much about it. She has never done this with her own hands, and the only fragments of information she knows are only from broken books, from the mouths of dying people, and from her own experience.

She doesn't know much better than Roland, and the knowledge and experience in her head are not enough to support them in creating something that satisfies everyone.

"I can recommend someone to you."

Xander said.

"A woman who caused Holy Cross great losses."

"Regardless of sect or secret society, I think she can give you the answer."

"Helen Menzie."

The name was cold and heavy, and it seemed that just saying it took Xander a lot of effort.

"She once personally controlled a cult organization and trapped and killed dozens of Holy Cross ritualists, including a certain saint."

Helen Menzie.

Roland bit the name, wondering why the church didn't execute the cultists who committed such a heinous crime.

"The church and the Tribunal have somewhat different ways of dealing with cultists," Xander pursed his lips and smiled softly: "For example, 'we' are more willing to burn them so that they can repent in the flames and be purified by the holy fire. …”


"The church has a lot to think about."

Helen Menzie…

Ever since Roland was called a "murderer", or since he sneaked into Chloe's house and sliced ​​the two gentlemen into thin slices, he never thought he could live a stable and stable life—— Although he wanted to, it was obviously not possible.

Whether it's Cherry Chloe's life-and-death hatred, the cradle of flesh and blood to Miss Nina, including Aurora's specious words, the alien species around her neck that relies on her, the "Fantasy Road", the 'prophecy' in Hawkins' mouth, and even Bu The angel of Ristor, the "Saint Delise" I saw in my dream, the challenger mystery box...

He was already on a path from which he could neither turn back nor retreat.

Expect the Inquisition or Holy Cross and other heretics to spare him?

Roland: "How should I meet that lady?"

Xander finally showed a look of satisfaction.

Death after chaos, redemption after death.

Messengers of disaster and hope…

It is also my thorn.

"I will help you. After all, the surname "Kratov" still has some status in Holy Cross..." Xander licked his lips, and suddenly looked Roland up and down with a look on his face: "But there is a problem. "

"Helen Menzie has been imprisoned in a convent."

"And the monastery..."

She could hardly suppress the smile in her words.

"No men allowed in."

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