The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 308 Ch307 Little Candle's New Friend

Chapter 308 Ch.307 Little Candle’s New Friend


This red-haired woman wants to be friends with me.

I am an alien.

The famous...of...

Anyway, an alien.

How can an alien be friends with humans?

Except for my father, all other humans are-oh, my father can’t be considered a human, right?

Recently, he has a little alien ‘smell’...


‘I won’t be friends with people. ’

The snake head raised its head arrogantly.

But when she found that the gold had dimmed and stared at her...


At least her eyes are very similar to my father’s...

She also washed me...

I have to rely on her to leave.

‘Okay. ’

The snake head dropped a few degrees slightly.

‘Okay. ’She said: ‘I can only be friends with you for a period of time. When I grow up a few years, I don’t want to be your friend anymore. ’

She had to make it clear in advance to save trouble in the future.

She has always been so decisive, calm, meticulous and clear.

‘For a period of time. 'She shook her tail, and the rose-red bow was faintly visible: '... for a short time. '

Erentira still had no expression, but from her movements, it could be seen that she was indeed very happy - she stretched out an index finger and touched the snake's tail.

"I am Erendira, you are Little Candle, we are friends."

After that, the room seemed to be much quieter.

Her yellow sand eyes and two small red beans stared at each other.

Inhale, exhale.

"Then, what should friends do?" She hesitated, fearing that after eating the thick film on the milk, she would find that the milk under the film was not delicious. "There are always some fun things to do, right?"

"Friends are very interesting."

I don't know if she is convincing herself or comforting the other party.

Little Candle swept her tail impatiently, feeling that she had to change her impression of this woman - at first she thought she was a smart egg, but now...

Only a face that was acceptable?

‘Then I will tell you about my father’s great deeds…’

Erentira was obviously not interested in this ‘father in the story’ whom she had never met and would never meet in the future - but she believed that if they were friends, she had to accept everything about the other person...

At least she had to listen to the story carefully, right.

“Okay.” She responded softly, pushed the wheels, moved herself next to the little candle, found a suitable position, folded her arms on the table, and propped up her chin: “I’m ready.”

What is there to prepare for?

The snake head shook.

‘It was late at night…’

In fact, the little candle was born not long ago, and she didn’t know much about her father - but every night, when she went to bed with her father, they would chat for ten minutes.

Every day, soon, she knew what her father had experienced in the past.

From encountering zombies when she first arrived in London, facing cultists at the banquet, fighting in dreams, and the ‘collapse’ of Bristol.

Countless dangers.

She admired her father too much!

How could anyone not admire him?

A red-haired female with missing legs!

I am a snake that can speak well!

The sound of "hehe haha" rang out in the house again.

But to outsiders, it was just "hissing".



For a girl who has never seen the world, is fragile, delicate and always protected, what kind of protagonist can attract her?

A protagonist who walks alone in the dark, has a tragic past, but still perseveres and strives to live - instead of having convulsions from time to time, dancing barefoot, digging someone's body out of the grave and hanging it on the street lamp with a carrot...

The little candle selectively told a story: the story of being attacked by zombies.

This was enough to make Erendira feel pity and admiration.

"He's awesome..."

Talking about Roland Collins using a cane, Roland Collins encountering zombies, and the irresponsible, hateful detective giving him a gun without bullets -

Talking about Roland Collins escaping danger and stumbling into the night...

Erentira had no expression throughout the whole process, sad or happy, nervous or anxious - she just stared blankly at the snake with its fangs and claws, watching it straighten and bend, bounce on the table, and swing its tail left and right...

But when the story came to the end, when Roland Collins left with a cane, she let out a long breath.

- The whole person relaxed as she exhaled.

An attack, a story of ups and downs, attracted the girl in the wheelchair.

Her eyebrows softened a lot.

"This is different from many of the ones I've read." Erendira looked at the book on the table - as a friend, the little candle shared a story with her, and she also wanted to return one.

"Do you want me to read it to you?"

The little snake nodded its head.

Erentira coughed twice, straightened her back, and carefully opened the book.

It was her treasured little book, with many crooked words densely written on it - not written by her, but left by Lila.

"...God loves us."

Her eyes were a little cold, her face expressionless, but her voice imitated the ups and downs of a small candle, trying to reproduce the story of a lonely boy walking alone in the dark night.

It's a pity.

God's love can't arouse the curiosity of an alien.

"We must dedicate our bodies and souls to God." She also imitated the lofty and pious way of chanting that Hannah taught her on weekdays, and told her sleepy friends at the table: " He knows everything. If something happens on earth, He knows it.”

"He, give us orders."

"Whoever says, if you are thirsty, come to me and drink. Whoever believes in Him, come to an inexhaustible fountain of living water..."

She talks about the knights who were resurrected, about the devout and immortal elect, about the man who exchanged red bean soup for the right to the birthright, about the "bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh" in Eden.

Until it was time to talk about Adam, Little Candle finally couldn't stand it anymore.

She really didn't like hearing such shabby stories and was naturally disgusted with them.

‘That’s a lot of ribs. ’

Erendira paused and asked, What rib?

‘One rib can make one, so why Adam and Eve. ’ The little candle said disdainfully: ‘It should be Adam and Eve, Eve, Eve, Eve, Eve…’

‘Humans have a lot of ribs. ’

Erendira opened her mouth, but could not refute the words of the little candle. In the end, she could only say that it was the thoughts of the gods. How could a mortal understand the thoughts of the gods?

Snake shook his head: 'A dry story, I'm leaving...'

Erendira blinked: "If you tell me another Collins story..."

You can hear the reluctance in the words.

It's not impossible, but Little Candle knows that she can't stay here for too long. She has to find a way to get back on her father's wrist...

"I can help you."

‘Of course you have to help me, I even told you a story. ’

"Next time, tell me something more?" She held both sides of the small book with both hands and made finger marks: "Stories about Collins..."

'We won't meet again. ’ Little Candle swept his tail, feeling a little unhappy.

For the first time, without her father by her side, she made friends.

You don't need anyone's help.

She has grown up.

Just do it yourself.


'If you can find a way to stop me from walking on that smelly tube...' She would not take anyone to Dreamland without her father's permission.

Even though she was making friends, she didn't want to go into that smelly pipe again...

Erendira thought for a moment, then lowered her hands to hold the wheel.

Creak, creak...

She transported herself to a standing cabinet.


'What? ’

"Behind is——"

White Snake slid from the table to the floor and got behind the cabinet.

‘Hey there’s a hole here…rat! Die! ’


The sound of bones breaking.

Then, there was a long swallowing sound...

After about ten minutes, Little Candle, who had eaten and drank enough, poked his head out from behind the cabinet again: "There is a mouse in your house. As a friend, I will help you solve it——"

Erendira nodded: "It's Mr. Lawrence."

Little candle:…

'What? ’

"Mr. Lawrence, the gentleman who moved in last week, but didn't talk to me... you told me."

How can such an inferior creature compare to me?

Little Candle flicked her tail and warned: ‘Don’t tell anyone about me. ’

Erendira said the same thing: "Tell no one about me."

'Why? ’

Erendira suddenly smiled softly, as vividly as a blooming rose bush: "I don't know either, but..."

Little Candle thought for a while and said, then you can't tell anyone about me.


'friend. ’

"This hole goes to Hannah's room."

Little Candle looked back at the hole, 'I'm usually very busy, and my father can't do it without me. Therefore, I can only come to you when I have free time...'

Erendira looked at her seriously: "You and your father are both powerful."

'of course…'

The little candle raised its head high.

Finally someone other than my father understands how powerful I am.

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