The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 324 Ch323 A pure human who loves order

Chapter 324 Ch.323 A purebred human who loves order

The Elaite Art Association is not popular either.

This is the unanimous opinion of Randolph and Roland.

They actually selected the most unpopular works and opened a special exhibition hall to all art lovers - this is undoubtedly an insult.

An undisguised insult.

For any creator, for those who yearn for and pursue art, or for any human being, it is also.

"No one likes their children to be insulted."

"Then why do they give birth?" The person in charge was very 'confused' about this.

He opened his mouth slightly and widened his eyes. The degree of shock was no less than hearing that his wife was pregnant with someone else's child: "Oh, you are right. If they don't give birth, I'm afraid they will never know that the child they gave birth to is so ugly."


He no longer lowered the volume because it was not needed here.


He ran his fingers over these painstaking works and let Randolph see the saliva on them.

"Parents will never mention ugly children after they are born. But we are different. We put them here, firstly to warn those who are not suitable and have no talent to embark on this noble path."

"Secondly, it is also to urge and encourage the selected candidates, hoping that they can move their works out of this hall one day and move them to other real exhibition halls."

"What do you think?"

Seeing that Randolph's gloomy face showed signs of anger, he immediately said that this was the decision of the association, and the art exhibition was also jointly organized by multiple sects.

But it has nothing to do with him.

"Remove my friend's work."


Sanders was not happy.

You know, only a small number of people who really like and love art will pay to appreciate famous or not-yet-famous works of art at the exhibition - most people, rather than coming for the art, come for the "clothes".

An expensive piece of clothing, a piece of clothing that is almost naked if you don't wear it.

Decent people have to participate in some high-end activities.

Is there anything more elegant than this?

Yes, but it is not as affordable as this.

If we use the cost \u0026 reward calculation, it is the most economical way to socialize here for an afternoon and show off.

So, how should this dress be worn?

Praise what you praise, and insult what you insult.

Other exhibition halls are used for praise.

Then here, insults are indispensable.

"He is right."


The children in the poorhouse do this...all insult a person they have never dealt with.

"I sympathize with your situation, but I have to say that human beings are always children."

"It's just that the children are older, strong, lawless, and no one can control them."


As a human being, I really don't agree with your description. The world is orderly.

"First of all, the first half of your sentence is incorrect."

"Fairy eyes, angel blood. Perhaps before long, you will find that the cut finger will grow again, Mr. 'human'."

"Secondly, 'The world is orderly' - is there a sentence missing after 'but I don't like order'?"

"A pure human who loves order?"

"Roland Collins?"


"...You are playing dead again, right?"

Randolph was still arguing with the person in charge, but Roland quietly pushed aside, walked through the laughter, and came to the statue - anyway, just like when he was a child, he always did the right thing to fight with the wrench with the idea of ​​'running away if you can't beat it'. This idiot has no memory, and it will be fine in a while.

There are many people around the sculpture, some of whom are making their own comments in a loud voice even though they don't understand it.

One person said something that Roland found very interesting.

He said:

'Although I don't quite understand this ingenious technique, since it is included in such an exhibition hall, it proves that it is definitely not a good work, right? ’

‘It seems that there must be something wrong with it. ’

Of course, there are also those who disagree with this statement and argue with reason.

The lady who impatiently waved her folding fan, the gentleman with a frown, the noisy crowd, the crying woman, and the confused child.

Roland felt that at this moment, the picture was full of artistry.

He saw some people holding leaflets, which seemed to have a large section on Victor Sala’s sculpture, with a lot of annotations below.

When Randolph came over angrily, he was holding the same one in his hand.

‘To be honest, I am not very happy to show you this "artwork" - don't hate it, and don't hate the person who made it. ’

‘Of course I know that it is painful for you to see it with your eyes. ’

There is more below.

‘I am afraid I have to say that I am not familiar with this Victor Sala - of course, I will also praise or use harsh language to comment on artists I am not familiar with. But, please, please don't give me a piece of object that is not as beautiful as my son's feces and force me to admit that it is art, okay? ’

Roland doesn't think Mr. Victor Sala's sculpture is that bad.


'It is reported that our Mr. Victor Sala has refused several visits, thinking that for a small amount of money, he can stain this noble and sacred industry with his own vomit - God benevolent, I am afraid I have to pray one more time every day. Let the Father of all relieve the sinner's suffering. ’

'He stayed behind closed doors and said, "Don't bother me." ’

‘Mr. Victor Sala, “leave me alone”, can you promise? ’

‘If you promise, I will also promise. ’

Roland saw Randolph so angry for the second time - the first time was when Beatrice was abused by the maid... What was the maid's name?

The flower garden at Taylor's house is indeed growing well, and it seems that the lady has a positive effect.

"I killed him, Roland."

Randolph believed that Victor was ostracized and discriminated against because of his money-making publicity method - which was not clever enough.

It should have been through the Ilett Art Association, not the newspaper.

"I admit that I didn't pay enough attention to Victor. During that time, Golden Smoke had some troubles, and I just started to deal with them. There were many things, Roland, I..."

Randolph crumpled the paper in his hand and threw it on the ground.

This caused many people around him to show surprised expressions - using surprise instead of disgust is the most common expression.

They dispersed quickly, very quickly, and stopped chatting around the sculpture.

Roland: "If you were crying right now, went up to hold the child's legs, looked at his mother with him, and wailed loudly, it would definitely be in the newspapers the next day."


Randolph yelled angrily, but found that he turned his head and stared in a certain direction.



"I think I have a way to remove Mr. Victor Sala's sculpture."

A man with long burgundy hair spotted him, greeted him with a smile, and came quickly.

"I don't believe that a work of art would be interested in other works of art." His voice was extremely pleasant, like the sound of a classical piano suddenly drifting from the tranquil lakeside: "Good day, Mr. Collins, you are much taller than last time. "

"Good day."

Roland bowed slightly.

"Mr. Heyman."

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