The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 36 Ch36 The Saint and the Sleeping God

Chapter 36 Ch.36 The Saint and the Sleeping God

Inquisition Chamber, Library Collection Room.

It is still the usual black and gold color, with gorgeous and cold gold decoration.

After getting permission, Fernandez led Roland through the huge bookshelves several feet high.

They are piled up like a hill, and only those with enough strength can push them.

Even the walls of this collection of books and historical materials are designed as bookshelves - extending from the floor to the ceiling.

Like a box full of books.

The ceiling is far away from the ground. If you step hard while walking, the sound of your footsteps will echo for a long time.

Fernandez walked and talked, imparting some basic knowledge to Roland.

Sounds more like a myth.

"...Hundreds of years ago, Lady Delis used her own flesh and blood to promote the ritual that covered the entire world, thus putting the gods into eternal sleep - and since then, humans have been able to walk freely on the earth."

“That’s when we truly became the masters of the world.”

These are the most basic, and they are also the real history that every apprentice who steps into the mysterious world must know.

This is the origin of the so-called ‘Sleeping God’.

They were not sleeping until a hero stepped forward.


Roland read it silently several times.

Face the gods and defeat the gods.

This can definitely be called a saint or a hero.

"Actually," the grid shadow on the bookshelf fell on Fernandez's face, making his features look a little blurry: "Only God knows how to deal with God."

"Daisy got help from a benefactor."

Fernandez said something that surprised Roland.

"Father of All?"

"That's right. It was the Father of All Things who sent down the oracle, and the church was able to grant Delise the "Sleeping Ceremony" in the oracle. So, she uses it, drives it, and thereby liberates humans from the control of the gods. "

Now, Roland finally knew why the Holy Cross Church's status in this land was so extraordinary.

"Except those madmen who always want to awaken the gods, the Father of All is kind to every human being, especially the ritualists."

Roland agreed.

If what Fernandez said is true, then to a certain extent, the more you understand the secret history, the more you should be grateful to the Holy Cross Church, Saint Delis and the Father of All Things.

She and Him, to a certain extent, liberated mankind.


Roland didn't understand.

The Father of All, the Benefactor, the First Light - no matter what he is called, shouldn't He be one of the gods?

Why would He help mankind by handing over rituals that could harm Him?

Roland was not the only one to ask this kind of question.

"Because of His selflessness."

Fernandez walked through the bookshelves, the halo spreading across his silly face.

"He doesn't want to see humans suffer, and he doesn't want the gods to be enslaved and play with us like puppets."

He took out a few books from the bookshelf and hugged them, heading towards the sofa. "In short, when the gods go to sleep, humans can be truly free."

“Although we believe in grace alone, we consider all other gods to be false except Him.”

"But most people still have a very high level of respect for the other nine."

Fernandez sat down, spread the book flat, and read each one.

There was no tea for Zuoshu here, so he could only tell Roland a few words.

"Well, this is it."

He ran his finger across the characters on a certain page and read:

"I wish them to sleep forever, but not to have hatred."

“I rule the world, but I crown Him.”

"People gain strength and authority, and those who sleep gain glory and respect."

"Ten-Crown God——"

"The Holy One who sleeps eternally."

Ten crowned gods.

In other words, on the back side of the world, in the sleeping world.

There are ten sleeping gods?

"Yes, for example, the organization I mentioned before is also the living corpse you encountered - it came from the Ring of Eternal Silence."

Fernandez said.

"Those people believe in the Eighth Crowned God."

"The eighth crown: White Crown Lord of the Wasteland."

"The sleeping god who symbolizes death, winter, silence and the end."

As he talked, he flipped through the books, and the books piled higher and higher.

The pages clattered.

People get nothing.

This is not good news.

Fernandez's two stubby eyebrows are getting closer and closer.

"The empty dense forest you described to me before - oh, apart from feeling wet and touching some trees and shrubs, you didn't find anything else?"

Roland shook his head regretfully.

"Where's the goblin?"


There are no fairies, so stop talking nonsense.

"You can explain it to me now, in detail." Fernandez took his eyes away from the book, pressed his knees with his hands, and faced Roland with a serious face.

If everything is true as his deputy said, then things will be in big trouble.


"Fernandez." Roland pointed to his eyeballs and then to his chest: "I have become sharper after coming out of there. In addition, some words are swirling in my mind..."

Fernandez was not surprised: "We obtain knowledge from the sleeping world. You can only count yourself lucky."

Then, he asked: "How sharp is it?"

Roland tilted his head and thought for a moment. He felt that it would be clearer to show Fernandez.

So, he stared and held his breath, trying to control the tentacle to extend from the heart.

Move forward gently...

Touched Fernandez's knee.

The other party was very shocked.

He stared at Roland for a while, then suddenly jumped up and paced quickly beside the sofa, pausing to look at him from time to time, rubbing his hands in excitement.


"Are you an apprentice?!"

"You...could this be-possible?"

"You will be the first and perhaps the only one in history!"

"Absolutely perfect talent..."

"Roland! You don't know what kind of feat you have accomplished!!"

He talked a lot, fast and loudly.

Buzzing like a two hundred pound fly.

"The first day! The first time! The first one! You are actually an apprentice!! Roland, this, this is simply..."


Fernandez couldn't believe it.

Because he felt it!

This kid is not talking nonsense——

He has indeed mastered the "secret".

You must know that from entering the world of sleep, to perceiving the "Great Road", and truly mastering the "Secret" - the gap between each step is very large.

"Is that 'water'?" Roland asked.

"Water? Oh, you can feel it draining, right?"

Fernandez stopped, leaned over and affirmed: "Secret, or mystery, that's what we call it."

"Like why fire burns."

"This kind of power that fills the body comes from the world of sleep. Only those who discover, perceive, learn to absorb and use it can be called apprentices."

"The ritualist manipulates it and replenishes it at night, in the sleeping world - Roland, can really..."

He still couldn't believe it.

Roland nodded very restrainedly: "Within a limit."

"There will be more in the future. As you continue to rise, the more and more "secrets" you can accommodate..." Fernandez carefully looked at Roland's delicate face again, and said with some emotion: "I have never seen you before. Such a talented person…”

"'Look at me,' look at me. How am I doing today?"

Roland complied with his request and manipulated the tentacles to 'look' Fernandez up and down.

Cold tendrils streaked across the priest's coat and trousers.

"You're dressed formally today."

Fernandez was so happy that he grinned: "Very good! Great...!! Lady Enid is indeed right! Roland, you are extremely talented... you are a born ritualist!"

Roland thought he would be disappointed that he failed to embark on the 'right path'.

"That's not disappointment, Roland."

Fernandez didn't have time to dissipate the joy on his face. He crossed his hands and couldn't help but chew his teeth: "...That's worry."

Fernandez did not find a corresponding record in the book about the dream described by Roland.

——There are only ten sleeping gods, and none of the sanctuaries where they sleep correspond to what Roland said.

So, this is probably a brand new one that has not been recorded yet...

And there is no divine path at the end.

what does that mean.

This means that there is no ‘big ceremony’ on this road.

Let’s talk about a question:

Why are people who master the "secret" called "ritualists"?

It’s because different sleeping gods, paths under different principles, each have different and exclusive ‘big rituals’.

These powerful, special rituals that must not be used by fellow travelers enriched their bodies and souls.

It makes them powerful, makes them mysterious, and colors them.

It is the embodiment of principles, a gift left by the gods, and the most important link in every great road.

And there is no way of God…

There will never be a "big ceremony."

Absolutely not.

It's not like Fernandez has never encountered similar situations - this is a fact that almost everyone in the mysterious world knows and can be 100% certain of.

Roland Collins was so unlucky.

You know, a big ceremony is almost like a wheel to a carriage to the ceremonial person.

Although it can still run without one, it is obviously far from a normal carriage.

"Do you know how many "grand rituals" there are in the "Holy Flame" path under the Judgment Code? "

Fernandez was afraid that Roland wouldn't care, so he told him seriously:


"The ritualists of the "Holy Flame" path can obtain twelve major rituals. "

"There are four effects on the body alone."

The solemn-looking priest gave Roland an example.

""Sword of Judgment". "

"The name of a big ceremony I once completed."

"It permanently increased my strength, speed, and even increased my resilience. Minor injuries no longer bother me - this is what sets Ritualists of the Path of the Holy Flame apart from other Ritualists. "

"Only we can use this ritual."

“It’s the foundation of our strength.”

"Other roads also have big rituals that are unique to them and make them 'special,'" Fernandez said.

If there is no great ceremony on a road, then those who set foot on this road are destined to be incomplete.

A long time ago, there were many such people.

An apprentice, or a lucky one.

Those people think they are smart and think they have secretly found a 'different' path - there are so many principles in the world that have not been mentioned, can't I discover a new and great path that has never been traveled by others?

Yes, a lot.

They succeeded.

The explorers were extremely proud and believed that their choice was correct and wise.

Think of yourself as special.

But these people will not understand until they encounter battle.

They have not been "bathed" in the great ceremony, and the collision with the real ritualists is like an egg hitting a stone.

"Don't go this way, Roland."

Fernandez pressed his shoulders.

"Go and talk to Lord Enid, now."

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