The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 366 Ch365 Civilized Sweet Girl Lillian

Chapter 366 Ch.365 Civilized and sweet girl Lilian

"The amount of meat is wrong."

"Also, their hearts or brains are missing..."

The assistant did not cover his nose. In this room whose smell could not be described as unpleasant, every second of his calmness showed his professionalism.

There are some words that need not be said, even his boss can understand them.

for example.

The remaining intestines and the feces in them disappeared without a trace - this means that the murderer did not just cut off the intestines, carve out the heart and brain and escape like a rage.

It appears from the intestine segments left at the scene...

There should be someone holding the head...

Suck it with all your might.

It sucked cleanly.

Then cut off the part you like.

This is so disgusting.

"Actually, it doesn't smell bad when chewed." The old policeman took off his gloves and scratched his fingers across the floor, leaving two long scratches in the coagulated blood. "Blood test...what are you doing?"

He turned his head and found his assistant looking at him with horror.

"I was just kidding, idiot."

He grinned, held his knees and stood up again, rubbing two fingers back and forth on his assistant's coat a few times.

"I didn't provoke you." The assistant stiffened: "This cost me thirteen shillings..."

"It just so happens that I haven't wiped my hands with thirteen shillings yet." The old policeman patted his assistant on the shoulder - even though this little bastard pretended to be decent, in fact, he had never seen dead people many times: especially Such a tragic scene.

This is not a vendetta.

It's not some kind of similar, ritualistic murder - he has seen and heard of many: for example, people like to collect tongues, teeth, and even women's hands, men's... things like that. There are quite a few disgusting cases in the archives.

But this time it was different.

Every crime scene is different.

Some lost the flesh on their cheeks, some lost their tongues, and some lost their calves.

Some have lost some of their characteristics.


He's Butch.

Although the flesh and blood of these victims were badly damaged and the scenes were different, the experienced police chief could still find similarities in several murder cases in recent days:

These people all 'worked' before they died.

Women are obvious.

For men...corresponding evidence can also be found by checking some subtleties, surrounding environment and smell.

They all worked.

With whom?

Who played with them and then took away their flesh, eyeballs, hearts and brains - who sucked their intestines, who cut off the most tender parts of their legs...

He didn't want to use the word 'tender' to describe it, but that was the fact.

——When the case first occurred, only a few prostitutes died.

It's no big deal, maybe a vendetta.

Then, several workers carrying bags died.

It's not a big deal, maybe it's the gang.

Then, start killing men and women who have serious jobs, partners and children.

Then young people started dying.

Some even lost babies.

He is an experienced policeman from Scotland Yard, but when he sees these murders, his stomach will turn and he will feel sick.

Not to mention his assistant.

"We have no control over this case."

The old policeman put his hands back into his leather gloves and touched the firearm on his waist. This is the only thing that can give him a slight sense of security here.


"Call me Sheriff, or Mr. Butch, the little bastard who can't wipe shit clean."

"...I told you, someone pushed me." The young assistant rubbed the corners of his eyes, took out the cardboard from his armpit, opened it and read: "According to the investigation, this lady is an employee of the soap factory, and she does not interact with her on weekdays. What kind of contact with a nondescript person? His husband is a blacksmith..."

The old policeman went in and out of one ear and finally lit a cigarette impatiently, puffing away as if no one was watching.

But the assistant still read it word for word.

He had already learned the virtues of his uncle.

"Don't look at me like that, you little bastard. I've solved more crimes than the women your father slept with."

The nephew was a little annoyed: "He is extremely loyal to my mother!"

"Oh, that's for sure. Otherwise, do you think that with his brains, he can bring the girl back to your mother's bedroom every time and then send her away with such arrogance - your mother is not blind or deaf, do you understand?"

It’s self-evident what the words imply.

"Butch! You old bastard!"

"The fact that I can take you in proves that I am a qualified relative. Also, your father should really treat your mother well. Just with his cigarette skills, he can make your mother die - she was lovely when she was young. See people love it.”

"If she hadn't always said nice things to me, I would have come to your door in the middle of the night and beat the shit out of your father who was suspected of being a flea."

He took a deep drag on the cigarette and defiantly blew the smoke and stench from his mouth into his nephew's face.

"Don't imitate his sense of justice, the fool who is famous far and wide."

"If he learns to lower his head early, he can save his left leg."

The assistant's eyes widened: "Because he would never do it! That's why he saved my mother!"

Smoke billows.

"...Yeah. That's why I didn't beat the shit out of him." The old police chief grinned, took two more puffs, threw the cigarette butt into the corpse's open abdomen, and patted the assistant's shoulder hard: "You You have to live, you have women, you have money, you have wine.”

"When you work under me, you have to listen to me."

The young assistant, like his father, has a heart that helps the strong and the weak.

But this organ is not used well and can easily stop beating.

"We can't control this matter."

he said.

"But more than a dozen people have died, and we are just watching like this?" the assistant retorted: "We have found the key key - Mr. Batch. These cases all occurred in the East District and South District, which already means one thing. ”

"Besides, we can also find those wandering the streets..."

Butch raised his hand: "We can't control this matter, don't let me say it a fourth time."

The old sheriff knows a few secrets.

There are some things that they shouldn't interfere with.

Justice also has scope.

"Inform the people of the Tribunal." He wiped the soles of his shoes a few times on the broken nightgown at the door, "The Tribunal, do you know? Trial, judgment, court, people in black clothes, those monsters who are afraid of exploding when they smile. , inform them.”

The old sheriff cleaned his shoes and glanced at the silent assistant.

"...No, I'll go there myself."

He thought about it.

If a kid like me, who has an excessive sense of justice, is too smart, this will be even more troublesome.

Those man-eating monsters won't let anyone go just because of their clothes.

Those are a bunch of lunatics.

"Starting today, report to my office every morning. I happen to have a lot of files to sort out."

As he spoke, he pushed the door open, only to find a girl leaning against the window, holding a mirror in her hand to look around.

Years of experience have given him a canine-like sense of smell - a sense of smell for those who are dishonest and those who are their enemies.

These people smell different.


Old Bach stroked the handle of the gun and turned slightly sideways, with a look of sleepiness on his face. "Nice weather, isn't it."

The girl had nondescript curly hair and a black ribbon around her neck.

No matter how you look at it, you are not a serious person.

What's more important: she has beautiful green eyes.

"I'm waiting for someone." The girl looked at her face, closed it with a snap, and glanced at the slowly approaching old tree bark - she also had the same sense of smell as him.

"Who are you waiting for?"

"Wait for someone I can't tell you and you don't have the right to ask, old man." Rose smashed the wall with her boot heel. "Don't look for trouble. I am a law-abiding citizen. I am law-abiding and legal. I can stay wherever I want." place to stay.”

Butch discovered that this girl seemed to be not as big as his nephew with a shit ball.

"Get her away!" the police chief yelled, calling back the idle police officers around - some of them were hiding in the corner smoking, some hiding in the unoccupied room next door to keep warm, and some even just Doesn’t show up anymore…

Or he took leave early and went to a casino or some pub to kill time.

"Someone proposed to abolish Scotland Yard. I think this person is really discerning. Don't you think the salary is too much?" Old Batch cursed and spat thick-smelling spit at the sullen young people: "Give her to me." Go away, who let her get close to the scene?"

His voice suddenly exploded in the curly-haired girl's ears, making her tremble.

The mirror in his hand fell to the ground and broke into several pieces.

"You fucking blind thing is not as big as an acorn—"

The sound stopped suddenly.

The girl coughed a few times and took back the words that were not finished or were already finished.

Look up again.

Civilized and sweet, they are completely different.

"...Hi, Roland." She blinked her left eye.

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