The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 379 Ch378 The Words of Thirst

Chapter 379 Ch.378 Words of Thirst

"Do you still remember how you got here?"

The abandoned church is littered with cobwebs and snake ants.

The long decaying table, the peeling wall, the upside-down cross.

Only the woman spelled out by the rose window cast a shadow, and the patio was overgrown with weeds.

Roland and the Miss Snitch, who also fell into the dreamland by mistake, circled around the outside and returned to the starting point again - they couldn't get out.

They can no longer push that door open.

"...I...I don't remember..." Rose rubbed her brows: "I seem, like...where..."

She wasn't sure.

Some memories are like being shrouded in fog from outside.

She could only recall a blur.

"I was tracking those two unlucky guys, and then...?"

Can't remember clearly, not sure.

She asked Roland if he had also forgotten.

"No. Later you fell into the manure pit and came to the door crying, asking me to get you some clothes that you can wear..."

Rose kicked after him.

"Dreams have no beginning or end, idiot. You almost couldn't wake up."

"But I'm awake."

"Because you met me."

Rose retorted: "That means I'm lucky enough, and luck is also a kind of strength - besides, how do you know I can't wake up? Maybe I will find out later if you don't come. My anchor is obvious, no It won’t be useful.”

"Your quibbling looks are exactly the same as Beatrice's."

"The one who can't tell the difference between knives and forks?"

"She often drank soup and spilled herself and then lied to Teresa that it was Randolph who did it - you look exactly like her now."

Rose took a shortcut and grabbed the tail of Roland's hair, swinging it around like a whip.

Dreams have no beginning or end.

They fell into an unknown dreamland.

When you fall asleep, first of all, ensure your own safety.

"But where's the danger?"

Rose considered herself a good student, and of course she knew what Roland had told her a long time ago - but she had never been so deep into a dream.

"Is it all true?"

The green-eyed girl was frightened for only a few short minutes.

I was driven around by curiosity.

Either crush the spider in a daze on the web to death, or kick the crumbling bookcase with the toe of your shoe and dig out a book with a missing corner from the collapsed wood pile.

"Look what this is?"

She shook the dusty hard-cover book in her hand and asked for credit.

"Isn't that written?" Roland glanced at the cover of the book, suddenly stared, and his expression became serious: ""How to teach green eyes to escape this dream" - the title of the book says it."


"When I learn to read, you won't be able to ridicule me anymore."

"Then I can still ridicule you for at least fifty years."

"...I might not even be able to live that long." The girl gave his calf a blow, blew the dust on the hard leather, and flipped through a few pages in her hands - although she didn't know the words, every word on it was The characters were all different from what she usually saw.


Soft as a snake.

"Is the name "The Nasty Englishman"?" She was elated and wanted to make a comeback, but she was included in it.

To die together is in line with her character.

Roland took it, closed it, and patted the book cover.

The title of the book was written on it in some script he could understand but had never learned.

"The Notes of Ryan Master"——

This is the name.

Ryan Master.

Roland seems to have heard of this author somewhere...

‘I saw the lake of blood. ’

written on the title page.

This book records what a traveler, the dream traveler, sees and hears throughout.

Like weird riddles.

‘Suck blood to moisten throat, dry mouth and tongue. ’

‘When the cross is upside down, only the Stitchers who live in the tide of the Blood Lake can speak. ’

Such as simple and bloody records.

‘I know how to sew. This problem no longer bothers me. There is no need to worship the supreme mother, there is no need for my ankles to be soaked in blood and my tongue to be castrated. All I need is a wonderful language, a little special knowledge acquired through a special language...'

‘For those who come after me, I leave this immortal memory behind so that you can see the truth clearly. ’

The writer reaches this page without using the usual ink.


The following pages are entirely composed of red.


'If you can learn knowledge from this "Language of Thirst," if you can learn to use it by just looking at these ancient words, then I will tell you a secret. ’

‘Since we are in the same dreamland, I think you should believe in what I believe in. ’

'Let me tell you. ’

'The Holy Cross is a lie. ’

'The whole world is shrouded in lies...'

There are also some practical anatomy skills in the back, as well as the evaluation of which part of the human body is more palatable, and what kind of seasonings are used to make what kind of delicious food or desserts.

‘The cross is upside down, a latecomer. ’

‘There are no treasures worth finding here. I recorded the knowledge I gained in this book and learned it. ’

'One day, we will uproot those hypocrites from the earth. ’

The text stops here.

"Certain kinds of knowledge can only be expressed through certain kinds of silence."

The white flame swayed slowly.

Some knowledge gained from reading appeared in Roland's mind.

"Name": Fucino (Language of Thirst)

"Type": language

"Description": The language mastered by the stitcher.

They live by the vanished blood lake, learning this special language through every wave of blood.

By moistening the throat with blood, the creature can make rare and complex syllables.

It is the basis for reading certain texts and the key to the secret sanctuaries of a certain sect.

The Blood Lake and the Stitcher have long since disappeared in the long river of history.

But the thirst is always there.

"Pretty face?"

Rose softly woke up the young man who was stunned by the serpentine characters.

"...Secret message, Rose." He threw the book down casually, "This is a secret message, recording a kind of text that is about to die."

Rose muttered and picked up the book.

Only to find that the pages inside were ‘melting’.

The name on the cover was blurry, and after a few breaths, the hard-cover book turned into a handful of ashes, falling from her fingers and mixing with the plaster on the floor.

She saw Roland's expression of "Did I throw it right?" and curled her lips: "So, you learned a language?"

"Special." Roland responded: "I can teach you."

He paused and suddenly remembered something.

"You don't really like words, do you?"

Does that mean I don't like it?

Rose glared at him: "You'd better come up with a solution, 'teacher', use your brain to find a solution, don't use your mouth."

In fact, after falling into an unknown dream, if you are safe, you should stay where you are until you wake up - Fernandez said many times.

The most prudent approach, although it won't yield much, is at least safe.

But Roland felt something was wrong this time.

——In Roland's memory, he and Rose did not stay together: the possibility of two ritualists who were not close to each other falling into the same dream at the same time was too small.

There must be something, two "coordinates" pointing to the same place that sent them here.

He doesn't remember.

"We can't wait here forever. Since something has brought us together, it won't watch us chatting for two years..."

Roland stared at the narrow door at the end of the room.

It is open diagonally, and the road behind the door curves to the right, leading deeper into the church.

"...Maybe you're always right."

Rose suddenly tugged on his cloak and motioned for him to turn around.

Where they came from.

At this time, the corridor was as chaotic as blades, and each one seemed to be compressed into a red sharp thin blade by some invisible force.

The space...or this dreamland was roughly torn open, and each sharp line pointed to a bottomless black abyss: they flowed inwards like waterfalls, and kept splitting, more and more.

Slowly approached the room.

Broken space, chaotic sleeping world.

"Can you do it?"

The coiled snake on the wrist popped its head out, and two little red beans looked into the corridor.

Then, nod.

'But it's even more terrifying. ’

It means that she can swallow dreams, but she cannot take people out of dreams. Once she started eating...they were in bigger trouble.

Roland rubbed the forehead of Little Candle with his fingertips, pulled down his sleeves, and blocked the snake head that started to lick his wrist again: "...We should go, Rose."

"How about calling me Miss Jade."


"We are the "Winged Ones", so we deserve a resounding nickname, right? Should I tell strangers my real name? "Not only was she not afraid of the danger behind her, but she was getting more and more excited. She pulled Roland's arm and murmured:

"Look, the emerald stone matches the color of my eyes..."

Roland opened the narrow door and let Rose go first: "We are a tea party, so we should start with a name related to afternoon tea...?"

"for example?"

"For example, pandan cakes and the like... It seems like maidenhair ferns are also green?" The Collins family's herbal shop gave Roland a lot of knowledge about plants.

He could talk about these things for two nights.

His arms were wrapped around the girl, but the topic stopped at the maidenhair fern.



"Which one do you like?"

Rose looked confused: "Which one do you like?"

"...Name, we are not discussing-"

"No, Roland," Rose denied with a straight face: "We didn't discuss anything. In the dream, you and I should both be alert to face unknown dangers."


Xander must have said something bad about me.

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