The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 385 Ch384 Snake and Spider

Chapter 385 Ch.384 Snakes and Spiders

At the stroke of midnight the sound is a door.

Unlock the heart of a binge drinker.

The tongue is a door when the unknown is skipped.

Unlock the hearts of those with evil thoughts.

Young girls with charming smiles spend their lives playing hide-and-seek with the sun, so their pale skin is pampered by lush hair and rotten teeth.

Her door naturally has a lock, and her lock naturally has many keys.

Just like what Roland sees now.

Like what a terminally ill patient sees.

Everywhere is full of things that people cannot believe but have to believe. These pictures will destroy the reason of a rational person and the logic of a logical person - or, increase the happiness of an illusionist.

There are doors everywhere.

It's everywhere.

They come in various shapes, twisted or flat and shriveled, slender or squat.

Made of flesh and blood, made of metal or gems, of sounds or words, of thoughts and memories.

Under the dark lake, he felt as dry and itchy as a desert, and he himself was regarded as an accident after the arrival of thunder and fire in the eyes of a savage in the dense forest who did not communicate with words.

He was treated like a bonfire by the gates, which surrounded him, twisting, dancing, singing and shouting around him.

If you beg: ‘Please let me go. ’

Well, there are millions of teeth hidden behind the door, and the teeth have millions of bloodthirsty owners.

If you shout: 'Let me dance! ’

Then, you are a friend to thousands of doors, the master of the madness that does not need to be resolved, the wounds and the comings and goings.

He saw a door.

Behind the translucent door is the black sea with white waves.

A huge ship, maybe he has never seen such a big ship in his life.

The boat breaks the waves.

Breaking the waves of beetles.

Cinderella, with her hands clasped on her chest, floated in the tide of beetles, peaceful and silent.

Beetles crawled over her body, sucking her skin and blood.

That's... who's coming?

The door twisted open and his vision was squeezed away by another door.

‘Look at me! ’

said another fan.

Its belly is empty, filled with layers of makeup and a white-faced woman. Roland watched her dress up in the mirror, then was slapped on the carpet by the man who broke in and stamped her head with his foot.

She shed tears of blood, which created two lines of ravines on the pink road.

Her skirt was torn off and her wrists were tied.


Suddenly he looked ferociously at the onlookers outside the door.

‘Why don’t you save me? ! ’

Roland took half a step back.

Soon, this door was also squeezed open.

A simple gray brick door popped up.

‘Wait for me, little Roland. ’

'I'll keep you safe...'

The woman with curly hair lowered her eyes and caressed the sleeping boy, leaned over and kissed his forehead again and again. Then, he quietly stood up, wrapped himself tightly in the long blanket, and walked into the night.

‘Look at me! Look at me again! ’

The doors jumped out one after another, making Roland more and more painful.

He howled like a dying deer caught in a trap.

But the pain was mixed with a strange feeling, like an older child who had been sleeping for many years walking into the skirt and getting what he wanted after a hearty sob. The instinct of exhalation blew away the floating petals on the heart table, revealing The original real background color.


The sobbing man, no, it's the boy now.

With short legs and short hands, he curled up and raised his head: the huge python in the shadow could only barely reveal its head.

Between its scales, some multi-legged spiders were crawling around.

'You're right for me. ’

The giant snake tore open the abdominal cavity, opening a narrow door to dust and indifference.

'Come in…'

Its long chirping sound tickled Roland's ears and penetrated into his brain.

'Come in quickly...'

‘Prisoners of the soul. ’

This voice manipulates the out-of-focus boy, or even younger.

He wiped his nose and tears, got up from the ground, took off his long and wide shirt and trousers, and his much too big leather shoes, and tiptoed into the snake's belly - just like when he was exploring when he was a child, stroking the cold scales and asking for help. The spider in the crevices of the scales raised one of its legs to show him the way.

He moved forward like this, into the white night.

Go to sleep.

The little boy didn't know the way.

He was familiar with this place, but he had never left the high wall—perhaps he had left when he was born, produced fruit from the tree, and was chosen by Yam.

But since I have memories, I no longer have them.

It's a dangerous world.

So, he was a little scared...

and excitement.

‘Front for you. ’

The sourness of the friction of metal and the muffled hum in the jar are very close at hand.

The boy was startled.

His messy black hair has its own thoughts, just like a discordant bird couple who insists on fighting in the nest. The hair is the masterpiece of the female bird and the male bird.

Hopefully their kids enjoy tidying up their rooms.

The boy wiped his forehead, brushed away the fallen hair, turned his golden honey-colored eyes in the frame without focusing, and asked in a low voice:

"Who's there?"


Metal looked up.

Little Roland thought to himself: He probably raised his head.

'Your knight. ’

he said.

Sure enough, my knight was protecting me.

Just like the story.

"Do you know the way back?"

A few breaths of silence.

Just when little Roland was getting more and more anxious, he heard Meng Jar speaking:

‘Front for you. ’

he said.

The cold and hard gauntlet was stretched out in front of little Roland, waiting for him to test it like a rat, sniffing here and there with his hands, but he was not impatient, he just stretched it downward, waiting for him to be completely at ease and willing to put his hand in.

Then, hold it gently as if to avoid breaking it.

‘Front for you. ’

He stood up, so little Roland could only hold him up with his hands raised.

"You'll take me home, won't you?"

‘Front for you. ’

"You should say something else, like, 'I am your invincible knight! Always loyal to my master!'"

"How about it?"

After walking for a while, the boy's true nature began to show.

"Do you have a sword? It's beautiful, sharp, the kind Yam said. No one can do anything to you when you swing it."

‘Front for you. ’

But the tin can only said this.

The boy was a little disappointed.

"Do you have a war horse?"

"How tall are you?"

"Can you break down the courtyard wall?"

"Is the armor heavy?"

The young Roland was very happy: "Look, I want a knight to protect me, and I have a knight. You, can you protect Yam with me?"

The knight in shining armor was silent.

But his master is also used to it, and talks cheerfully to himself: "Where are you from? You know I need it, so you came here, right?"

‘Front for you. ’

He just pulled the boy and walked back to their home step by step.

A courtyard that looks nice but smells worse the further you walk into it.

Castrated soil cannot grow wild beasts that dare to rush forward.

People here are very docile.

Standing hunched or leaning on the wall, everyone looked like winter flowers that had been drying for several years, withered and dejected, but helpless against the ever-blazing fireball above their heads.

They hate it as much as they hate the enemy who killed their father, but they dare not act wild while enduring the scorching heat.

They just whispered in the dark to beg them not to be exposed to the sun tomorrow, or to close their eyes for a while - by saying this, they also hinted that they should not go against the bright and brilliant fireball.

'That is its destiny. ’

Just like we also have our own destiny.

Iron Armor stopped.

‘Front for you. ’

They arrived.

Because little Roland heard an annoying voice.

"Oh, what are you carrying?" The woman, holding the nondescript and inferior goods, twisted step by step and looked at the boy's raised hand - there was nothing at the other end of the hand.

Oh, maybe there was, but she couldn't see it.



Little Roland said.

"My knight, you can no longer bully me and Yam."

The conversation between the two people was not quiet, and the woman showed a hint of malice:

"Ah, listen, listen, this blind guy says he has a knight!"

The immature boy smelled a hint of danger in his laughter.

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