The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 393 Ch392 Crazy victory and strange pampering

Chapter 393 Ch.392 Crazy Victory and Strange Favor


The wheels drove over puddles.

The awakened young man seemed to have spent several years in the past.

Those childhood memories, the ice surface, the borrowed chisel, Yam who beat him and cried, the twisted door.

Finally, the blurry outlines of Shelley and Rose gradually faded...

It's safe.

Everything melted into the burning flames in his eyes.

"Welcome back, stinky cat."

He didn't bother to respond to the flames because the person who woke him up looked so nervous.

"...Roland, wake up."

Peter Heller opened the door and let the cool air flow into the car.

"Rebecca Fiennes is dead."

he said.

The flesh and blood shattered in the carriage made him extremely vigilant. At the same time, he also ignored the madness flashing in his newly awakened eyes——

Those who dance on the blade finally live to the end.

Welcome back, my snitch.


at the same time.

Shelley's old house.

Two masses of flesh and blood splattered everywhere - the silver mirror inlaid with gems in the room, the ceiling, clothes hangers and closets were all spared.

Some pieces of meat hung on the candle, emitting a disgusting burnt smell.

James Shelley was paralyzed in this room covered with flesh and blood silk mesh, and in the layers of red silk threads trapping him like a cocoon, he quietly stared at the 'prey' on the other wall——

Curly haired green eyed girl.

She also just woke up from her sleep.

On the blood-soaked blanket in the center of the room were fragments of clothing - clothing from John Shelley and Madeleine Tyree.

Their flesh and blood are like springs, and their heads are like hammered melons.

A trap.

The two people who laid the trap could not leave the dream.

This is the fate of explorers.

James Shelley lamented.

He made his choice.

But I don’t know if this is the right choice...

He gave up his son and chose another unfamiliar bloodline.

There is no way.

Because the Shelleys will never, ever associate with cultists.

Never, not even if the world is destroyed.

"John's mother died in an attack. It was a premeditated attack by the cultists against Shelley...or torture." The old man trapped in the blood cocoon began to talk to himself, and told Rose. To herself: "She gouged out her eyeballs and cut off her tongue to save me."

"Honestly, that's what I should be doing."

Shelley said.

"But I thought at the time that there were always other ways. For example, waiting for the church's support, maybe my ritualists could still hold on for a while..."

"She's much more decisive than me."

"She's better than me."

The old man babbled: "Later, I found many reasons to comfort myself. As I said just now, she is more decisive than me - decisive, this is a wonderful word, isn't it?"

"It conceals my cowardice and stupidity."

This is the reason why James Shelley hopes that his son will only walk in the waking world - not only because he has no "qualifications", but also because the world of ritualists is too dangerous, and when he dies, Shelley will never be able to walk in the waking world again. There is no need to participate in these dangers.

"Shelley will decline and lose most of his power and business. This is normal. This is how the world works."

"But as long as John keeps his peace, even if he drinks and makes merry all day long, sleeps in gold and gems, and even kills a few servants and plays with someone's wife when he is free - these are no big problems."

"He will have many children, and someone can ensure that he lives to the end of his life ignorant, stupid, and mediocre."

From then on, the Shelley family would become one of many ordinary surnames.

Gradually marginalized by private alliances.

But, this also means they are safe.

This is James Shelley's request, as a member of the dreamland, as a dragon hunter, in exchange for the alliance.


He was busy with business and road, and ignored John's restless and desire-filled heart.

Maybe he knew it earlier, but always thought that John could conquer his own heart.

"Your son is a coward."

The curly-haired girl opposite suddenly spoke up. Her green eyes were like those of a wild fox in the forest, full of mockery after playing with her prey: "My people and I followed him for several days - to be honest, he didn't even look like a slightly stronger person." Don’t dare to take action, even if it’s a woman.”

"Your son, the heir, only dares to sneak around and stab people in the neck, chest and abdomen with candlesticks while they are sleeping."

"How cowardly."

Rose grinned, not shying away from the fact that the old man had a dead son.

At the same time, her crazy little head full of cake cream could not react in time as to why she was still alive.


Roland helped.

He's always so great.

"If your son was even a little bit like you - for example, if he faced up to his own timidity and admitted his stupidity, maybe he would have known that the best thing to do was to kill Madeleine Tyree first."

"When he was a child, he didn't have a bright mind."

James Shelley said nothing.

He just looked at the curly-haired girl quietly, looking at her virtues that no one accepted, and her "my friends and I are the best" look reminded the old man of his own youth.

At that time, he also thought that he and his friends were the most powerful.

The best in the world.

"But you were caught by such a coward." James Shelley mocked mockingly and struck a fatal blow.

It went smoothly, and he irritated those green eyes.

"It's only natural that your son is finished! He should have died long ago! A man-eating monster!"

Rose struggled a few times, but couldn't get out of the blood cocoon, and spat.

"And you, old man. The Shelley family's rotten name can only breed rotten people, and I think you are not much different!"

This made the old man laugh.

And the laughter made Rose difficult to deal with.

Especially the look in the old man's eyes that made her uncomfortable - she didn't know whether it was 'pampering' or a deeper nostalgia, he just cursed, and there were few good words in every sentence, all dirty words.

In the eyes of Miss Snitch, Roland was coming soon, and the Shelley family could do nothing to her.

"I won't hurt you, kid."

Old Shelley tried to comfort him softly: "My foolish son did something wrong, and this is what he deserves, but I want to remind you: it's best not to tell others what happened in the dream."

"I won't hide it from my friends."

"Of course I don't mean your fellow executive, kid, I mean others."

This is about the mystery box, a secret, a strange name.

Saint Archimedes.


Old Shelley had some guesses, but he had to check carefully later.

Perhaps, "bringing the mystery box to my sanctuary" is not that easy.


This sanctuary is likely not in the sleeping world, nor in the waking world.

Not even in their history.

Fifty years.

A long time, Mr. Golden Eyes may have to spend his whole life searching...

He himself can't live for fifty years.

"The people from the Court of Inquisition will be here soon. Once Rebecca dies, your clever little friend will quickly notice and know, and rush to save you."

"Of course." Rose moved her shoulders to try to get her head out of the sticky and smelly blood net: "He is the executive--"

He stopped abruptly.

After saying this, the thief himself realized that he seemed to have exposed something.

Old Shelley was about to laugh until tears came out.

"It seems that you are not an executive."

"At least my friend is!" Rose bared her teeth, and her threatening look was fierce and cute-at least in the eyes of old Shelley, "And me? Let me tell you, I am a robber, a thief, who will sneak into your bedroom at night and cut your throat--"

"Don't think that I don't have that identity, so you dare... dare..."

She suddenly realized that the other party didn't dare to do anything to her.

And this old guy's surname is Shelley. If he did something bad to Roland because of her...

Thinking of this, the fierce skin quickly melted, the green eyes lost their wildness, and began to mutter.

"...Actually, I think John Shelley can't be compared with you." Her voice was delicate and awkward.

Old Shelley tilted his head and said, "Please continue."

"Well, it's not the Shelley family's fault, right? That's his own problem. He couldn't resist the temptation of the cultists-at least you look good, old man. You're pretty...ah, full of energy?"

Now he's an old man.

Ha, full of energy.

"Have you figured it out?"

James Shelley had a teasing look on his face, and his wrinkles were a little cute: "Think it through, even if I have a cultist son, the Inquisition can't do anything to me-but I, the master of the Shelley family, want to do bad things to you and your friends, and you will be in big trouble..."

"Think it through?"

Rose smiled flatteringly: "Hey, how can an old gentleman like you care about an unpresentable woman like me..."

James looked at her and had a strange feeling.

I was like this when I was young, wasn't I?

Vicious, shameless, cunning, and fierce.

You can be humble, and you can also cut the enemy's neck with a knife the next moment you are humble.

The beasts in the jungle have their own survival rules.

They are lawless, and blood is more romantic than roses.

"What's your name?" he asked.

Someone finally behaved: "...Lillian Rose Vansittart."

"Oh, another Vansittart." Old Shelley's eyes moved slightly: "I seem to have heard of this surname, Miss Thug."

The behind-the-scenes manipulator of the Gold Tooth Gang obviously remembered this surname that had caused them a lot of trouble.


You see, fate is made up of countless coincidences.

Maybe, in the last stage of his life, the god of noise still had mercy on him.

James Shelley thought sadly.


If I had found your sister earlier and brought her back, maybe you would all have lived a better life.

Maybe I should have died earlier.

I gave up my son and chose a "clean" wild girl.

The old man hates his own sense of advantage and disadvantage, but a person who is advantaged lives in the midst of advantage and disadvantage, so how can he not be advantaged?

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