The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 400 Ch399 Difficult Teaching

Chapter 400 Ch.399 Difficult Teaching

How difficult is it for an illiterate girl to learn to read, count, and at the same time master simple operations?

Probably as hard as getting old Collins to do a backflip.

Especially when James Shelley paid special attention to Rose, but did not make any expression - he may have considered the safety of the 'last heir', but the other vassals and servants of the Shelley family did not know this.

They all thought that the old patriarch had regained his youth.

Therefore, no fool dared to be disrespectful to their Miss Lillian: who would be foolish enough to offend old Shelley's lover?

The benefactor is above.

Since the death of the wife, no woman has been able to live in the Shelley family - plus the young master has just passed away, this treatment is equivalent to a new 'possibility'.

Maybe the new heir will come from this girl's belly.

Therefore, when she was scheduled to start studying, teaching became extremely difficult.

Who dares to say harsh words?

And for a girl who can play with an inkwell for ten minutes, how do you teach her to read and recognize those paper friends that she is not willing to make at all?

The tutor didn’t dare to say anything, but patiently taught her word by word——

This is nothing.

Teachers who teach arithmetic only have a headache.

It was difficult for this old gentleman who had worked in an aristocratic school to explain to this green-eyed lady that three times nine was twenty-seven, but thirty times ninety was not two hundred seven, but two thousand seven.

'You need to find a better professor, James. ’

In his opinion, every question this girl had was down to the basic theory of mathematics, which was a level that he could not touch at all.

For example, she asked:

Why does one plus one equal two?

The old gentleman didn't know.

Maybe, it will take another, forty-eight years before someone can explain Rose's confusion.

Teachers who teach business have even more headaches.

Since the Shelley family's property was spread widely, the middle-aged man who temporarily served as a tutor but was actually the deputy head of the London district had to tell her from the beginning in a nice voice:

Talk about the relationship between people, how to understand a person's personality, family background, and emotions from the details;

To what class did the Shelleys' business belong, who were their friends and who were their enemies;

Their expansion plans, how to deal with those that are in recession;

The Shelley family's business network includes important expenditures among inputs and important inputs among expenditures.

These complex but wonderful experiences (in the view of the deputy director) are not as boring as the boring number calculations for Lillian Rose Vansittart.

She didn't like these 'experiences'.

"So, can you tell me how to deal with enemies in business?"

The person in charge laid a trap.

He didn't say anything about the business, the occasion, or the enemy - each of these questions has different choices and results, and any answer Lilian will make is bound to make mistakes.

Then the green eyes told him this.

"The enemy? Robbed his shop, stripped him naked, tied him up and hung him from a street lamp!"

"This is also a good idea. The problem is, you can't do it every time." The person in charge trembled at the corner of his mouth, swallowed the curse words that reached his throat, and asked patiently: "What about other than that?"

"Besides? My friend is the executive officer of the Inquisition. Ask him to accuse him of being a cultist."

Person in charge: ...

That makes sense.

He suddenly realized that Mr. Shelley's 'lover' was not one of those uneducated women who only knew art or dressing up.

She has a systematic way of doing things that comes from the streets - rude and arrogant, but at the same time taking into account some leeway, and can move between taming and conquering with ease.

Only then did the person in charge become serious.

The girl needs a more rule-based system than what old Mr. Shelley did when he was young - the Shelley family has risen, and some methods are too crude to be appropriate.


Among the several teachers, only two had a high opinion of Lillian.

One is in this business, and the other...

Is a sewing course teacher.

In fact, regarding female education, whether it is mathematics or reading the words in the book quickly and well-maybe the current gentlemen have a preference for words, but these can only be ranked third or fourth.

What real women need to learn, what women of all walks of life have to learn, what good women master, is a universal, easy-to-learn, hard-to-master lesson.


Just like breathing, simple yet important.

Whether a tutor or a university teacher, a noble girl or a poor girl with muddy toes, these are one of the most necessary abilities for women.

Rose doesn't have to sew her own clothes, but she does need to be proficient in the skill.

——It’s unimaginable to not know how to sew. Even soldiers in the army and sailors on ships will do this twice, at least so that they don’t have to ask for help when a button falls off.

And Rose's talent in this area can be said to be amazing.

Handy girl.

"Did you learn well?"

The awkward girl lay facelessly on the table, tilted her head lazily, and glanced at the old man who walked in through the door.

He had just finished his work and knocked on Lillian's door before he had time to eat.

"Looks like you're as tired as I am."

Old Shelley smiled and pulled out his chair and picked up the manuscript paper on the table.

There are letters written on them one by one.

Some words are like fighting, others are like kissing.

Anyway, don’t stay well.

"This is an art." He nodded as he savored it. The more he spoke, the more ashamed Rose felt.

She stole this identity, and what she enjoyed every day was something she shouldn't have enjoyed. She certainly knew that it was not easy to hire young or old teachers, and she also knew that with her true identity, it would be difficult to get guidance from these people.

"Don't really think of me as your daughter..."

She muttered.


"I said, I'm not your daughter!" Rose's eyes widened, and she suddenly raised her neck from the table. "I'm not your daughter. You've given me too much! I said, I'm just helping you, just pretending to be an heir - you should spread my identity!"

Old Shelley was surprised: "Of course you're not my daughter."

Rose: ...

"I really am not."

"I know, you are indeed not."

"I said, I'm not your daughter, do you understand?"

"I understand."

"... You've been deceived. I don't have a father. I've been an orphan since I was a child."

"Now, do you want me to pity you, child?"

Rose slapped the table.

"Listen to me, Lillian." The old man smiled so hard that his eyebrows drooped and a few fine lines appeared at the end of his eyes: "Listen to me. If you are a smart person, a truly smart person, you should understand - whether you are my daughter or not..."

"This opportunity is extremely rare, right?"

"Whether you are or not, you should drink all these experiences and knowledge like a thirsty traveler. Maybe you can repay me in the future, or maybe you can't."

"But are these harmful to you?"

"Are they harmful?"

He said it sincerely, and Rose didn't know how to start.

Say: You were deceived by the monster in the dream, but in fact, it was Roland who lied?

Your only son, was abandoned by you?

You chose someone who has nothing to do with you? Idiot?

Rose felt tight in her chest when she thought about that scene.

These days, James Shelley treated her very well. Not only did he ask about her well-being, but he also knew the smallest details - which hand she liked to hold water with and how much she drank.

If she really had a father, this is probably all she could do.

Or maybe she couldn't do it.

What should she do?

The girl frowned, but old Shelley didn't pay much attention to her knot.

In his opinion, Rose was very similar to his younger self: in order to avoid the knowledge that he didn't like, he went crazy all day long and no one understood him.

"Maybe I should give you a vacation."

He said to himself.

"Lancashire, the Shelley family's small business... maybe you would like to go there...? Go in person."

Visible vitality filled the two green emeralds again.

She was like a young hound that smelled meat, heard the sound of the fence opening, and washed away the old air in a few breaths.

"Of course I would!"

How could the clever thief give up the opportunity to reappear in the world.

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