The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 408 Ch407 Old Collins' unique skills

Chapter 408 Ch.407 Old Collins’ unique skills

Phu Hugh Collins imagined countless scenes after meeting Yam:

For example, what they talked about, how to show a certain degree of stability and knowledge, how to reveal that he "had savings and a lot of them", how to express his appreciation for her - all kinds of things, including another possibility, old Collins all Thought of it.

That is:

James Jones is not as elegant, kind, and gentle as she showed in her letter, and his appearance is not as good as what Roland described -

'Everyone thinks Yam is beautiful. ’

Even if such a situation occurs, Old Collins thinks of how to deal with it, how to deal with it lightly without embarrassing everyone.

You see.

Even the most knowledgeable person can slip and fall.

Collins Sr. is now.

He never thought that since he arrived in Fork County, in this shabby town, he would actually become invisible.

A tavern called "Dog Tooth".

Except for the chaotic chatter in the background, the main tone came from two people other than him and Rose.

"How are you doing in London? Oh, really?"

"Look, you've lost weight again...Is your work going well? Is the money enough? I know, I said I don't want you to send money...I've saved it all for you..."

"Yes, London is great...the air is not so good?"

"Isn't it much dirtier than here..."

"You're a little underdressed, Roland. Have you forgotten how you got sick when you were a child?"

"Why didn't you inform me first?"

"You have made a lot of friends, right? You...let me see your hand. Are you injured accidentally?"

"How much do you usually eat? You need to eat more. Tell me, what did you eat yesterday? Is there anything prepared for you in the car? What time do you usually go to bed? When do you get up in the morning?"


you you you.

It's all fucking Roland.

Old Collins was like a wrinkled walnut, sitting on the chair angrily, squinting at the golden-eyed boy.


James Jones…

Really nice.

Time has given her additional rewards.

——For old Collins, he doesn’t like Lillian very much, a young girl who is ‘frivolous and pretty’.

He liked Yam, the experiences in her mouth and letters, the gentle words and the indifference behind each symbol.

There are indeed traces of time on her face, but that does not make her beauty fade. On the contrary, it attracts someone who wants to be exclusive. He puts his strong arms around her shoulders that melt away when he rubs them, and takes her into his heart. Take.


They communicated incredible feelings through incredible methods.

What would she think of herself?


Old Collins coughed a few times as an excuse.

The three people turned to look at him.

"...the beer here is good, how about some whiskey?"

It was only then that James Jones realized that he had ignored this 'pen pal'.

So, he flipped his hair, called for someone to give him a few glasses of special drinks, and introduced softly: "There are no good places worth visiting in Fork County, Mr. Collins, but the beer is indeed good, and this, a new style. , I think men all drink it from glass bottles.”

"It seems that you really have extraordinary research on wine."

Research shit.

He usually drinks some whiskey and low-quality barrel beer, which is nothing to do with research.

At this moment, the middle-aged man suddenly discovered a problem:

Maybe James Jones is the James Jones in the letter.

But Prue Collins was not the Prue Collins in the letter.

He may have attached too many things that don't belong to him, and now he is extremely nervous and annoyed.

Angry at his own stupidity.

This mouth should be sewn shut.

"...To be honest, this is not really research, madam. I, I usually..." Old Collins scratched his head and said honestly: "Roland knows that I rarely get drunk, I just drink a few sips every night to help me sleep."

James Jones looked at the awkward man in front of him tenderly.

He is the same as in the letter.

He likes to brag and take care of everything, but he is also absolutely honest and outspoken about some things.

He hated those who were half-baked and hypocritical, but he really agreed with her remarks: being elegant does not mean being hypocritical.

He had many thoughts, which were young and shameful to say, but in the letter, he did not hesitate to be judged like this and told her everything.

"You are a little different from what you said in the letter," Yam looked at him and said softly, "You are more handsome than I thought."

Roland said "Oh": "So, you thought a bear would come to meet you?"

Rose couldn't hold it back and smiled like a wild girl.

"Luo, Lan, Ke, Lin, Si..." Pushu Collins gritted his teeth, but he still had to maintain that 'proper' smile on his face - a bit scary.

"Don't talk like that," Yam patted his back and looked at the girl across the corner.

The wild girl's laughter stopped abruptly.

"...I am Vansittart. Lillian Rose Shelley Vansittart, madam. I am Roland's...good friend, um, I am accompanying him to take a look at the family business. I am the heir to the Shelley family, I am literate, and I have recently been taking over the family business little by little..."

Roland held his chin and made a mouth shape in a direction that only she could see:


The girl clenched her fists under the table and smiled brightly: "I see that you are elegant and gentle, so you can teach a considerate gentleman like Roland. You may not know, but we worked together in London, rented a shop together, and built a small industry…"

Small industry?

Yam was naturally curious.

"Well, yes, a small industry." Old Collins began to cooperate: "A wonderful perfume, Ms. Jones. I don't take credit, and I can't say so - but occasionally, I mean, occasionally, I do and Roland talked about some-"

"For example, which kind of grass and flower petals come together to extract better and longer-lasting aroma..."

Old Collins held his head high, but had a look on his face that said, "This is not my fault."

"Yes, Ms. Jones, Mr. Collins came up with many ideas. But it must be said that Roland's genius ideas are indispensable among them - me? I just execute them. As a loyal partner who firmly believes in his genius, I am the one who executes him." The idea is to ensure that no one does anything wrong in the whole process.”

Rose said.

"I have to protect Roland and this genius plan. What I did is 'insignificant', madam."

When Rose and Old Collins' eyes met, they both saw the same thing in the other's eyes.

Roland rolled his eyes secretly.

One has only heard of this 'industry' and still plays with his herbs every day; the other, under the guise of a partner, only stays in the shop for twenty minutes a day and can never find anyone.

To say that they have contributed the least to the "Fountain of Youth", they are the two of them.

"Really, Roland?"

Yam looked surprised after hearing this and turned to ask him.

at this time.

Two intense gazes pointed at Roland at the same time.

'You know what to say, boy/pretty face. ’

Roland thought for a while, and while the two of them stared nervously, he touched the rare bottle of wine on the table and pushed it to his uncle.

"They're right, Yam. Without the help of these two, there would be no Fountain of Youth. "

Roland seemed a little excited when he mentioned this matter. He pulled Layam's arm and his eyes were unfocused.

"Not only that, Yam, let me tell you, uncle is not only like that, he has many good tricks that he didn't have time to tell you - about wine? There are few people who know more about it than him."

“He can even tell whether the wine is of good quality or...poor quality by relying on the width of his fingers and the mouth of the glass bottle, the humidity inside the bottle and the residue when the wine is sloshed.”

A look of suspicion appeared on Yam's face.

A feeling that she had not experienced for a long time, but that she was very familiar with, gradually returned.

" that so...?" She looked at Old Collins hesitantly.

How can you retreat at this time?

The man who was being watched by his pen pal rubbed his big hands with a look of pride on his face.

This whiskey doesn't look very good.

Using fingers is a bit much, but he can definitely taste the good stuff.

"Of course, just like Roland said."

Pugh Collins raised his head, opened his palms, and told Yam to stare: He poured part of the wine in the glass bottle into the empty cup, leaving an amount at the bottom of the bottle, and then inserted his index finger into the mouth of the bottle.

The thick fingers twisted left and right, cursing loudly.

But finally got in.


He shook it and pretended to make up a reason: a special method, if you plug it with your finger, then use your other hand to flick the bottle.

Pair it with the wine at the bottom of the bottle.

Many bad wines should be exposed.

The sound is different.

It's all experience.

"That's not entirely true, ma'am. But let me tell you, I haven't made a mistake so far - and while it has nothing to do with 'wine tasting', it's at least an interesting approach, right?"

Yam felt more and more that his 'familiar feeling' was not wrong.

She wanted to give Roland a couple of slaps in front of everyone, or twist his ears like a key.

But he has grown up and cannot do this in public.


"I'll tell you, it's actually not that difficult. I usually don't do that for fear of ruining the atmosphere, and you know, I'm into whiskey..."

"Mr. Collins." Yam raised his voice.

"I'm to whiskey like'am?"

"Your finger."

"Oh, fingers, yes, actually you can use a stick." Old Collins hooked his fat finger through the mouth of the bottle and grinned: "It's a bit unseemly."

"No," Yam rubbed his forehead and said helplessly, "I mean, how should you take out your fingers?"

There was a sudden silence.

Pushu Collins was stunned for a few seconds, and then subconsciously pulled it out.

Didn't come out.

Hold your breath and say 'um--' and pull it out again.

Still not out.

The sound of "pop" when you pull out your fingers is like the Father of All Things - how much you wish He could bless you now, how impossible it is for Him to bless you now.

At this time, Rose beside him pressed her face with both hands and pushed her face to the back of her head with all her strength.

The eyes and mouth are stretched.

Look at Roland again.

He did the opposite.

After holding it down with both hands, push it toward the tip of the nose with all your strength.

It became a wrinkled chicken mouth.

What the two people have in common is that if you can't hear the "squeak", you won't be able to tell that they are laughing.

She smiled as happily as if her dead mother had suddenly come back to life in public.

Phu Hugh Collins:…

Shaking off the glass burden on his index finger.

Like a personal weapon that always accompanies it.

Through the glass, the index finger has gradually surpassed its other brothers.


I will fucking beat you to death.

Roland Collins.

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