The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 432 Ch431 Visit

Chapter 432 Ch.431 Visit

On the day of the visit to Henry Street, all three changed into formal attire.

But Kingsley could see that something was not right about Rose and Roland's expressions.

The one with green eyes has been laughing non-stop since early morning. No matter whether he is drinking coffee or cutting bacon, there is always a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

The black-haired gentleman is much more complicated, making him difficult to distinguish...

Old Moore died, and his two friends were sad?

Not to mention that along the way, his judgment of them did not fall into this category - even so, the expression didn't look 'sad'...?

Is it some kind of excitement?

Kingsley was extremely curious.

He is eager to explore the secrets of the human heart, even if it will alienate many good friends and bring many stable lives to disaster...

He can't change this problem.

However, he doesn't go so far as to whitewash this problem into a virtue - he admits that his unique hobby, which is bonded to flesh and blood and inseparable from his soul, has become a part of his existence.

He is selfish.

So he was extremely conflicted about Roland and Rose.

The contradiction lies in:

He is eager to explore the secrets hidden behind him and her: where they come from and what their identities are. Their past, their hidden pain and feelings, their character, strengths and weaknesses, the way they behave and act when angry or calm...

How do these two very different people get along in this tight world?

All these desires come from the never-ending flow in his heart.

It's a pity that there is no sea at the end of this rushing stream, which cannot accommodate his increasing control and exploration.

Kingsley knew that if there was an end to the current, he would destroy himself sooner or later.

But he couldn't help himself from being curious.

People are the most interesting things in the world.

Just like he agreed with Miss Shelley and provided some 'intellectual help' to her and Peggy: it all stemmed from his curiosity and desire to explore.

He was curious about the outcome of this matter, curious about Rose's thoughts, curious about the ending of Peggy Street——

People are the most interesting things in the world.

"Miss Shelley." He couldn't help but asked during the meal, "Did something good happen last night?"

This sentence made the other two people at the table raise their heads.

Rose said triumphantly: "A hungry wolf knocked down her prey."

Kingsley blinked and turned to Roland.

The other party just touched his broken lips and grinned: "He was bitten by a dog."

"Ro...Dawson!" The girl raised her knife and gestured: "Are you unable to speak properly?"

Roland: "Buried in a wolf's kiss."


All right.

This secret is so boring.


As for the Street family, they didn't have to write first and then visit.

Since Roland and Kingsley do not have a good identity, the surname that comes to visit must be "Shelley" from afar - this is unnecessary.

Shelley were ready to quit Inns Town and they would not get the chance to deal with Henry Street.

There would be no chance of dealing with a dead man.

Of course, these are all rude remarks.

What Rose really thought was: That would be too much trouble.

Roland wholeheartedly agreed.

"Etiquette is not external, you two. If you are well educated, you should know that respecting others means respecting yourself." Kingsley said that they should send a letter first, wait for a reply, and then come to the door in the afternoon or evening.

Even tomorrow.

I shouldn't have visited so urgently and rudely.

This is the most basic thing to do to each other.

"Even if that's the enemy?"

"Even if that is the case." Faced with Rose's rhetorical question, Kingsley nodded slightly: "You have to do this at all times before you can truly be called a lady... Well, an unmarried lady will not live without a servant. Time walks alone, I take back this sentence.”

Rose glared at him: "You should have guessed that we are not 'high-class big shots', Kingsley is a 'detective'."

"I am indeed a detective, but you may not necessarily know that." Kingsley lowered his head to adjust his cuffs, closed the pocket watch on his leg, and put it into his pocket: "When you didn't know how to play chess, I discovered that maybe there are some The identity is not real.”

"Yes, Mr. Collins."

Roland tilted his head and fell asleep on the backrest: "If you ask directly, we will tell you directly."

Kingsley was not without arrogance, his eyes scanned Roland's fingers like an eagle: "I think I don't have to go through such a link to get the real answer - from some details."


Roland suddenly sat upright.

"Well, since it's now, it doesn't matter if I tell you."

Kingsley's heart suddenly beat twice violently.

"My friends and I are actually engaged in..."

Engaged in…

engage in…

Kingsley held his breath, preparing for the answer that matched his guess——

Roland slowly leaned back again.

He was like a child who was about to kill his mother and heaved a sigh of relief after hearing that his mother had escaped. His whole person looked nervous and ferocious - it was the first time I had seen such an expression on his face.

Rose's laughter echoed in the carriage.

When she follows Roland, there is always happiness - no matter who the happiness comes from.

Kingsley style stone carving.

"...Your words and pace are untrained. You are definitely not a child who grew up in a wealthy family." Kingsley seemed not to feel embarrassed and said to himself: "Your friend can spot thieves at a glance. When talking to miners, subconscious movement habits are also..."

"Although she is disguising, I have to say that this disguise is worse than a leaf used to cover her body."

Kingsley paused: "Maybe you are a theft gang."

Rose suppressed a laugh and turned her head to the side of the window to avoid exposing herself.

Roland's expression was calm: "Mr. Kingsley, you seem to like solving puzzles."

"Because I always have to use this God-given brain, what's the problem?"

"But some questions have no answers," Roland said: "For someone who is eager to uncover the answer, if we never ask, you will never get it."

Kingsley's face darkened.

Rose started laughing again.

"You seem to have endless curiosity."

Kingsley raised his eyebrows: "This is the driving force for mankind to move forward."

"Curiosity is not the driving force for human progress, Mr. Kingsley," Roland said with a smile, "Greed is."

"No, maybe greed is just-"

Kingsley wanted to argue, but Rose slashed him with the palm of his hand between him and Roland.

"Stop, two debaters." The girl crossed her arms: "I think Paige is about to make a decision. How about it? Are you ready? That must be very interesting..."

"Prepare for what?" Kingsley asked, "I have no intention of participating in this immoral mass murder."

Rose's eyebrows almost stood up: "What did you say? You have an idea!"

"It's just a casual chat, miss. I am not responsible for what I say during the chat." Kingsley shrugged: "Who can incite citizens to riot? What's more, why should I get involved in Street's household affairs? ”

Rose was annoyed that he only said it now, but Kingsley replied calmly that you didn't ask earlier.

He is a detective, legal and does nothing illegal.


Rose pointed at his shoulder: "You're lying."

"You just want to watch the fun, but you don't want to put yourself in danger."

Kingsley did not refute, but suddenly said: "You may not have considered one thing, miss. The development of some things is not always as beautiful as you imagined."

These words made the girl couldn't help but turn to Roland.

One night, he said something similar.

These two debaters…

There seems to be the same guess.

But that doesn't matter at all.

"I don't care about the outcome, Mr. Kingsley." Rose twirled her hair and said with sly eyes: "I just want an interesting riot, a shout, a charge. People yelling 'for Street's daughter'—— Then madness swarmed into every house that opposed them."

"Fight! Roar! The bullet hits the blade!"

She danced like a mime on the stage.

"Isn't this exciting?"

“Who would be a sailor if there were no waves in the sea?”

Kingsley stared at her silently.

His eyes swept over the man with a normal expression, trying to figure out what kind of person he had met and what kind of situation he had fallen into.

"Welcome to the asylum, Mr. Kingsley."

Roland said.

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