Chapter 5 Ch.5 Plan

Roland's behavior made Nina curse in all kinds of ways, from greeting her parents to cursing her offspring.

He quietly packed up the room and left with the barrel.

The next day, the two of them chatted as if nothing had happened.

One tells stories and the other listens to them.

day after day.

Roland felt like a mouse in the dark, cautiously exploring step by step to figure out the patterns of action of those puppet-like servants and housekeepers - and then he couldn't wait to tell Nina what he thought: He wanted to take her and escape.

Run far away.

Nina was very silent.

"Because if I leave this room, I will die."

The woman on the hospital bed told Roland in a very joking tone: What was tormenting her was now sustaining her dying life.

"The ritual started from the day I 'came'. My legs were broken, my eyes were gouged out, and I was bled every day."

"I tried to suggest that the new servants in the house should report what happened here to the church."

"But guess what?"

"In the evening, the servant's head appeared next to my pillow. She slept with me for half a month. I smelled and felt her smelling bit by bit, rotting bit by bit, covered with maggots, and hatched flies."

"There are no ritual practitioners in this remote place, and Thales is very no one will take care of the 'household affairs' of a wealthy businessman."

"I had already resigned myself to my fate, but then you, this little cutie, jumped in without knowing whether to live or die..."

Speaking of this, she laughed very nervously:

"Most...have one characteristic."

"We've all died once."


"I'm especially not afraid of death."

Her strange words made Roland more or less aware that the story meeting of these few days might end from today.

"What can I do for you, Miss Nina."

"I thought you were going to persuade me to 'be more open-minded and everything will be fine'."

Roland frowned: "Why? I know your physical condition. Frankly speaking, everything will not get better. Death may be a relief for you."

"It's just a humorous little joke, I can't always follow it."

Nina recited "The blind man who doesn't understand the charm" several times with dissatisfaction, and then continued:

"I don't want you to end up like that servant. Let me see..."

About half a minute passed.

"Do you have any idea? I need ten grams of Heliotrope, the freshest. A pure sapphire with a sharp point. The oil from the oil lamp that accompanied the woman to cry all night, and ten female cat whiskers, and..."

She paused: "And a glass of your blood."

"If you can find it, I will give you a small gift."

None of these things are easy to obtain except blood.

Roland sighed: "You probably don't have money."

Nina said nothing.

She knew how difficult it was for a blind child from the workhouse to obtain such things.

She had never mentioned it before, except for waiting for the plot that was getting closer and closer... She also had some dark thoughts that were difficult to talk to others - I can't be the only one to bear this pain.

But these days.

This little cutie…

It's just... so nice to her.

William Collins.

There was hope for him to survive.

As long as she doesn't drag him to death together.

As long as she is willing to give her hope to him.

What kind of impact will those strange stories that do not conform to the concepts and opinions of the times have on a young man who is between a boy and a man? Will what she conveys be like the dawn light that dispels the haze above his head? Yes - like oil poured into the flames, it makes the already twisted mind even crazier.

She never considered it.

She is just an ordinary person with vicious and dark thoughts magnified.

Now, she finally made up her mind.

She chose to go alone, leaving this venomous and kind-hearted kitten to suffer in the world.

"You have another option, simpler and more correct: leave."

The woman in the darkness kept coughing, and she became weaker and weaker: "Find a way, find a way to hide. Don't go to the church. There are no ritual practitioners in the town. They can't stop the housekeeper, and they won't believe your words. Old Collins also serves as Sheriff..."

The lower half of Roland's face smiled extremely softly in the light, but the dark golden eyes hidden in the shadows were empty and calm, as dull as water.

"So where do you think I can hide?"

"Where can a blind man with little money in his pocket hide?"

"Everyone in this house is covered in the smell of human blood, and it's getting thicker every day - I don't think they have any legal part-time jobs behind their backs."

"Listen to me, Miss Nina: I will not sacrifice my life for you, or for anyone else. Unless you are sure that you will let me live after some little trick you said."

"I have always just wanted to live, Miss Nina, what else do I want?"

Nina didn't speak for a long time.

After a while, Roland felt someone hit him with a paper ball.

"You are so arrogant, don't learn from the environment." She coughed more and more, and her voice became broken: "I promise, as long as you get these things, you can survive... I promise..."

"There is not much time, those people should be passing by this town soon..."

She started talking to herself again.

"And Lillian, it seems to be mentioned in the plot that Lillian also appeared in this town at the beginning? No... no."

"Be careful...she's not someone to be trifled with..."

Roland held her bony hand and listened to her silently:

"Escape is really not the best option..."

Although Nina also feels that this is also difficult for a blind person.

Her voice became smaller and smaller:

"But if you can avoid getting caught, be smart and go to the bus stop..."

"As soon as you arrive in London, go to the church immediately and tell everything that happened here——

Roland said 'Hmm' and interrupted: "Then, come back to collect the body for you?"

Nina said vaguely: "The blood honey ceremony will not leave a corpse. You can set up a tombstone for me."

Roland smiled and asked what was written on it.


Roland: "...Your humor always appears so inappropriate."

Nina snorted: "Then what do you want to write? 'Thank you, William Collins. A boy who wiped my ass'?"

Roland didn't bother to answer her words when she was having intermittent fits, and stood up slowly.

"I'll take care of it. Can you tell me when that 'ceremony' will end?"

Nina couldn't come up with a specific number: "...but you have to hurry up."

"You are a good person, even though this word..." Nina still didn't think Roland could find the things she needed, "Run and hide outside during the night. During the day, go to the station and run as far as possible... "

Of course Roland thought about running away.


Even if good luck allowed him to evade butlers, servants and even the police and allow him to reach his destination smoothly - could good luck make those priests who only bow to gentlemen listen to him?

Roland didn't know, nor had he dealt with these people.

Once he doesn't get a response, he has to hide like a mouse.

Alone in a strange ghetto...

Still blind.

How long can you live?

His luck has never been very good, and he is not willing to gamble on those people's attitudes towards him.

"I'll find a way."

Roland turned and left the room.

He needs help.

Roland returned to his room and silently took out the full set of clothes the housekeeper had prepared for him from the closet.

It includes a wooden cane with a shiny lacquer finish, and "Collins" is engraved on the handle.

He flipped open the mattress, opened the envelope, and poured out the measly coins inside.

Every time after taking blood, old Collins and the servants in the house would disappear for a while...

So, the blood collection time will be earlier tomorrow.

Roland thought.

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