The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 55 Ch55 Another history

Chapter 55 Ch.55 Another History

The ink spreads and sticks to the skin.

A lot of mystery is condensed in the hands.

standard thing…

Stories that were never born.

Roland lowered his eyes and stared at the letter, dazed.


How can it be.


Flames leap.

——And continuously, very lively jumping around.

This means:

‘Ask me quickly’.

Roland clasped his hands, closed his eyes, and chanted like a mantra: -

An elegant and strong wrench...

"Don't be disgusted, I'm telling you."

The almost solidified flames stagnated in front of the amber.

It stood still for a long time, and then, it straightened out its twisted flame tips and twisted them into a line...

The words that silenced Roland.


"You know Su Yue doesn't belong here, right."

it says.

The flames slowly approached.

"You should have had a guess, but you didn't dare to confirm it."



Roland's smile gradually faded, and he subconsciously clasped his fingers and clenched the sheets tightly.

He had indeed been thinking about this for a long time - about the colorful stories Miss Nina told her, and occasionally about some strange and magical things that he had never heard of before.

for example:

Flying iron box.


Miss Nina…


She's from another world, right?

"Not quite right."

The character made of flames blinked at him.

"It should be said: another history."

History...another history? -

I don't understand, Wrench.


You mean, in the past? -

Or the future?


"It's 'another history'."

"There's more than just one ward here, Roland."

"Just like the relationship between the room you are in and the room next door."

"The world of sleep is this building."

"It owns and connects every ward, that is, every piece of history."


You mean, Miss Nina comes from other...can I, thread, another 'thread'? Can you say that?

"That's pretty accurate."

"She does not belong to this 'line'. The stories I tell you were also born in the 'other line'."

"What has been born cannot be born again."

"So, for the line you are in, it is indeed a 'story that has never been born' - but it has a huge impact and is recognized by the code."


Miss Nina’s world…


I mean, since she can leave her own 'line' and come to my 'line', then, on the contrary, it is also possible for me...

"That's impossible, Roland."

"At least I can't give you 'hope'."


You said that architecture (sleeping world) connects rooms (multiple histories).

"That's right. Can you go next door now?"

Roland thought for a moment and straightened up with difficulty.

But when I exert myself, my legs tremble.

Apparently, he...can't.

"So, before you can't 'walk', it's best not to entertain this idea. And Su Yue's sleeping world... isn't clear enough."


‘Not clear enough’?

"In her history, the world of sleep is both 'real and illusory'. It exists in a way that you can't imagine and is extremely interesting. It is false, but it is also considered to be 'real'."

Roland held his chin, looking confused.


Okay, I don't understand.

"You'll find out later."


I want to know now.

"I don't want to tell you now."


"Learn to respect your teacher."


I want to punch you.

"I only take left hooks."


You just rely on having some memories of Miss Nina.

"That's right, Catman. Are you angry?"

"I can also turn you into a roasted cat head."

The flames surged up and wrapped around Roland's neck like a scarf.

Roland didn't want to pay attention to it.

But very…

Very curious about this ‘multiple histories’.


It seems that I have discovered a great secret...

"Oh, many ritual practitioners should know this stuff."

Roland:…? -

You mean, Fernandez, Ms. Enid, knew?

"How fresh."

"Multiple histories are no secret, Roland."

"Su Yue is the biggest secret."

"You know what you got from her?"


An important one for you?

"Thank you, that's what I meant: stories."


Well, yes. I, I seem to be able to 'create' standard objects easily...?

"That's right."

"You have absolute dominance over this new and great road."

"I originally thought I was the one with the golden finger..."

"It's so sad."


W-what fingers?

"Roland, I'm going to give you a serious suggestion, listen."


I don't listen.


The flames formed a mouth full of sharp teeth and gave him a mouthful.


I want to lighten the serious atmosphere...

"Listen to me, stupid cat, even if there is no big ceremony on this path, you must choose it. What does it mean to have the power to create standard objects?"


Does this mean I have the power to create standard objects...?

"I'm going to rest. Goodbye."

Roland covered his mouth and laughed so hard that his legs began to shake again.




I understand, you mean, I can rely on it to form a sect, right?


Just like the Holy Cross.

"...That's right. Also, you have to hide it Su - if you interrupt me again, I will disappear for six hours."

The eager man on the hospital bed decisively shut his mouth.

"I'm warning you once."



"Now, the hardest part is solved."


One more wonder, and one more... pas de deux?


A person's.

"You are very close to the first ring."

"To be honest, I'm also quite curious about what kind of power the great road with the principle of 'fantasy' has."

"This is perfect for you."


You mean, do I often fantasize?

"I mean, you're a psycho."


Regarding multiple histories, Roland couldn't squeeze more out of the spanner's mouth. Still, he figured he would learn from Ms. Enid and Fernandez sooner or later.

So, he can, no! On! urgent!

The letter was sent by the nun, and some money was spent on it.

My uncle replied quickly.

Wrench is right, he does have this character.

With Roland's comfort, the slovenly old uncle breathed a sigh of relief, and deliberately told Roland in his reply a day later:

If Fernandez hadn't come to notify him, he wouldn't even have noticed that Roland was missing——

Of course, he also repeatedly confirmed at the end of the reply whether Roland's 'back injury' was really as minor as he said.

And do you need money to hire a better doctor for treatment?

Lovely old man.

Cherie Chloe's reply was very exciting.

Excited as hell.

In her letter, she emphasized and hinted, hinted and emphasized, and in a word, persuaded Roland to give up his job as an executive.

She said that she was familiar with some newspaper companies, and if Roland could ensure that he could write such a similar story...

First, writers have a higher social status.

Secondly, it's not dangerous yet.

The letter explained in detail to Roland what the so-called "social status" is and the income level of writers.

In both respects, they are indeed far superior to executives.

"You can think about it, Roland."


I will not waste the stories Miss Nina left for me. They can all have principles attached to them.


As long as I write it down.




Miss Nina’s story is also not legitimate.

"Make up some stories of your own, legal ones. Maybe you can get some followers and make more money, isn't that good?"

"After hearing so many stories, this won't be difficult for you."


for example…

"For example, "The Little Angel of the East End and the Lady of the West End", "The Blind Man and the Bat", "The Golden-Eyed Cat: A Little Boy Who Likes Rainy Days", etc..."


Now I'm not surprised at all that you can say such a thing.

"Someone must be watching."


If you walk on the street without clothes, people will look at you.

Roland rolled his eyes.

The nun who took care of Roland was quite old. She came to the ward twice a day - once at noon to check the healing of Roland's injuries. She brought Roland a bowl of stewed potatoes and carrots, plus two palm-sized pieces of bread, and emptied the toilet bowl.

Once in the evening, too.

Roland didn't know what kind of ritual Bishop Kratover used on him. His body was 'repairing' itself day by day - originally he had to use a cane to get to the ground, but after two weeks, he could already move around in a small area. Walking stooped around the house.

Enid came twice while Roland was recovering. In addition to feigning anger and accusing Roland of being too impulsive, Enid repeated the 'necessary knowledge' that Fernandez told him that day several times.

For example, what should the executive be responsible for and what should not be managed by the executive;

What can be controlled, but it is best not to control; what cannot be controlled, but if you want to control, how can you find a reason to intervene...

And, please don’t do anything recklessly again.

It can be seen that after this incident, Enid also discovered that Roland was not suitable for a gradual education.

Oh, and by the way, he also left twenty pounds for Roland.

It's said to be injury allowance.

"Private subsidies."

"You're used to it, right?"

"She should have given me an extra kiss."


Don't be so nasty.

"I'm obscene? Your eyes never left that flower that day - the one embroidered on your chest."


You must have read it wrong.

"I understand, you have reached the age where you always subconsciously look at those parts of women."


Which ones.

"Don't ask me knowingly. Don't think I don't know."


I have nothing but gratitude and respect for Ms. Enid.


"The favor has accumulated to the point where it cannot be repaid. How will you repay it?"


Kill the person who needs repayment?


"Su Yue really didn't teach you anything."


It shows that Miss Nina’s story is full of wisdom.

"I am a being with half the wisdom of Su Yue, but I have never seen you respect me more."


Half the truth is equal to falsehood.

"It shows you are reading, right?"



Roland smiled like he could only when he was alone with Wrench.


In the next few days, his correspondence with Mrs. Cherry continued as usual.

One more name gradually appeared in the letter.

Edward Snow.

Snow, Mr. Snow, or Dr. Snow, Dr. Snow.

This doctor, known as "Ice and Snow", was born a commoner in his early years.

He is the son of a coal miner, a vegetarian, and still single. When he was young, his mother used a small fortune inherited from a distant relative to send him to a private school.

After graduation, he worked hard and became an apprentice to a well-known doctor.

He performed well within a few years, showing wisdom, perseverance and thirst for knowledge far beyond ordinary people. Later, through the introduction of a doctor, he entered medical school.

Mr. Ice and Snow is very famous.

This is the doctor hired by Cherry Chloe for treatment - her tinnitus symptoms are getting worse and worse, and what bothers her now is not just tinnitus, but auditory hallucinations.

Even if she walks outside, goes to a cocktail salon, even if she talks to someone...

It was as if he could hear the harsh scratching sound coming from his head.

She told Roland in the letter that after many days of treatment by Snow, she had indeed improved. Although you can still hear annoying noises at night, at least during the day, you can live in peace and do what you want to do.

At the end of the letter, she also specifically noted:

She introduced Roland to Edward Snow and said that if he was seriously injured, she could send someone to the Chloe mansion to find her.

At that time, she will let him treat Roland.

All in all, all is well.

Roland also recovered slowly.

Interestingly, one day while he was recovering from illness, the old nun who delivered meals every day disappeared.

She was replaced by a young girl carrying a small blue leather bag.

Young nun?

Roland didn't know.

Because she's not dressed like a nun.

It wasn't that there was any big change in her clothing, but that the stiff robe didn't quite match her.

She has a pair of lake-blue eyes, and her gray hair flows out from the hat, falls on her chest, and is slightly curled inwards.

When he opened the door carefully, he poked his head in and found Roland turning around in search of a creaking sound.


"Are you Mr. Collins?"

she asked quietly.

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