The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 70 Ch70 Crow and the sudden confrontation

Chapter 70 Ch.70 Crow and Sudden Confrontation

The time on the carriage was spent chatting with Wrench.

It pestered Roland to change his surname, nagging that 'Collins' belonged to the cultist's father and was unlucky.

He must be changed to Newgate or Edward.


"When it comes to beautiful wishes, this one is much better than your Mars."

"You just have to be careful, when you have a son..."

Roland didn't bother to pay attention to it.

He must be a character in some story again.

"That's what he said about the family."




Tell me about it! -

I'm interested again.

"Su Yue has really developed a bad habit for you."


hurry up.

Following Roland's urging, white sparks jumped up quickly as if they were exploding.

It doesn't list much plot or background - just a few lines about a man's life.

Roland stared at the floating words and finished reading silently.

Looked suddenly.

Wrench waited for a while and then asked:

"How about it?"

How about it…

How to describe it?

Roland looked at the last few solitary characters, but these few words could make the heartbeat of the person reading it quicken like a drum, and the blood get excited.

It’s really…


A loud and free life.

"I thought you would say: 'I'm not that stupid.'"


of course not.


Great story, Wrench.




I also want to be that person.

"He is a wicked man."


What does it have to do with me...huh?


what do you want to say in the end?

"Oh, I was thinking."

Flame considered for a moment:

"Newgate cannot protect his son."


"And you?"


I don't have a son.

"You know what I mean."

"Cherry Chloe may have given you a good dream, Roland. But the world you have stepped into is far more dangerous than what you experienced as a child."

"When you were a kid, your butt would probably bloom."

"Now, it's my head."

"As for me, I do admit that I am a little worried...don't suddenly smile at the glass again."




I will live well.


However, I can’t tell you how far you can go as a ritualist.

"You misunderstood."

"What I mean is: you don't have to make so many friends. If Newgate is a solo traveler, wouldn't everything be fine?"

"To hell with them."



I think...that's part of his charm.


Also, why are your angles always so weird?

"Because I'm inhabiting the soul of a normal do you think you are?"


I'm better than you.

"Oh, 'La la la, dance, dance, sing with the moon'——"


Shut up.

A vivid string of 'hahaha's' appeared in his sight, and he put his hands on his hips and performed a tap dance.

"You really should let those ladies take a good look at your convulsions at night. I think they may be overflowing with maternal love, and our lives will be settled for the rest of our lives."


I hate that term, wrench. Really, I would rather follow Miss Rose. At least I can deceive the police.




I make a lot of money now.

"Only one pound a week for the Inquisition?"


It will become three pounds in the future.

"Then you have to eat the highest quality meat for every meal."


What do I eat—wait.


Wait a moment.




I've been suspecting one thing.


are you…


Can you taste it...?

"Don't you think I'm worried about you now?"


let me see…



you can.


In other words, whatever I taste, you can also taste.


No wonder you make me eat more meat every time.


Do you like meat?

"...That's all I'm enjoying, idiot."


Then I will block you every time I eat.

"Luo! Lan!"


Ha ha.

"You are so annoying."

Fernandez squinted his eyes, straightened his somewhat stiff waist, and yawned.

It was almost dusk when the carriage drove onto the flat road.

The light was not good, so Xander also closed the book.

They are almost there.

"I saw you smiling all the way, Roland. You never smiled like this when you were sitting next to me."

Fernandez rubbed the corners of his eyes and glanced teasingly between Xander and Roland: "What did the two geniuses of the church talk about while I was sleeping?"

"It's a good thing they don't have you to say it, Dwinson." Crow folded his hands and gave him a sinister side glance, "Otherwise, no one would be able to rest."

He really didn't rest during this journey, and his slightly protruding eyes were either staring at the window on the left or the right.

As if they were afraid that some enemy would suddenly rush out of the woods beside the road and attack them.

"He seems a little nervous."


Experience changes people.

Roland was thinking about it when the other party looked at him after mocking Fernandez.

"Boy, this is your first official mission."

Roland said yes obediently.

"You have to be careful, you know? A mediocre teacher teaches mediocre students, but at least he can survive by fooling him; the battle between extraordinary creatures is completely different."

There seemed to be a few squirming gray filaments in his eyeballs. After a flash, his tone became somewhat meaningful:

"Among the extraordinary, life and death are usually decided before the battle."

Crow stared at Roland with a slightly ferocious expression: "Do you know what I'm talking about?"

"Battle is just the last step to verify the speculation. After understanding the enemy, an excellent ritualist will let the opponent follow the pace he has programmed and lead to death step by step. This is what you said - the victory or defeat of the battle. Before the battle." Roland looked at him quietly: "I've finished my answer."

Crow grinned: "You are much better than Dwinson."

"I have reservations about your words."

"Oh, really?" He bared his crooked black teeth at Roland, and suddenly his whole body leaned forward quickly!

A slender scimitar that fit the arm was like a mantis in combat readiness. After being pulled out of the cuff, it bounced horizontally towards Roland's neck!


A crisp metallic sound.

Roland raised his palms in front of his chin, barely blocking the blade.

In the palm of his hand, a narrow dagger was fighting with the scimitar, making a sour sound.

"I just need to pull it up," Crow held the handle of the knife and gestured upward: "When I cut off your fingers, I will also cut the flesh on your face - you don't want your nose anymore, right?"

Roland pursed his lips and motioned for him to look under the table.

The tips of the boy's black boots were touching the edge of the seat, and the tips were aimed between Crow's legs.

"You don't want your big pearl either, do you?"


Fernandez covered his mouth and tilted his head, humming and laughing in front of the glass window.

Xander's cheeks were red, but he couldn't help but lower his head and look under the table.

"You've grown taller, Roland."

"Your legs couldn't reach it before."


I'm curious when you measured it.

"When you and Big Bat were on the carriage."



"Don't worry about it."

"What do you know about carriage Prey?"


You compare me to the protagonist of a dirty fantasy and then tell me to leave it alone?

The flames danced triumphantly.

"Very well, Collins."

Crow did not withdraw the scimitar. But he didn't use 'boy' anymore. Instead, he called Roland by his last name.


Suddenly, he exerted force and tightened his legs together, tightly clamping Roland's feet.

“But you shouldn’t just ‘just talk’.”

It seems that being "general" Roland did not embarrass him, but instead educated him even more: "You should at least stand there, or impose actual threatening pressure on me. Otherwise..."

He weakly raised his right arm.

Stretching his left hand flat, he placed five long black nails on Fernandez's neck.

"I will destroy your face first. The blood spurting out will block your sight. Take this opportunity to slit Devinson's neck."

"After that, the only one left in the carriage who can fight me is Xander Kratof."

"If I were a traitor, you would be dead."



Let me tell you a little secret about my friend:

——His works are finally going to be recommended!

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