Ezlynn's white, silky hair was besmirched in blood as she wiped it off her face. She gesticulated towards Collins to hand her a water bottle, and poured the water on top of her, drowning the blood onto the cement. It didn't wane off easily from her black hoodie but did wash away the blood from her hair, leather jeans, and the stench itself.


"Yes, Boss?"

"Make sure you take care of the body well. The blood stench is revolting." Ezlynn winced, wrinkling her delicate, carved nose.

"You're not selling it to the black market?" Collins questioned as he hoisted the body up.

"No." Ezlynn answered, "The blood stench is too revolting."

The body that lay in front of her was a Venandi, a hunter who chased and murdered the last Werewolves alive. After the Great War with Werewolves, Vampires, and Humans, most humans had believed that Werewolves and Vampires were completely thoroughly defunct, but a gang of Venandis perpetuated to seek the remaining Werewolves, believing that some were still alive. They were surprisingly correct but failed to prove it to the government since they never prospered trying to capture a Werewolf and ended up getting killed by Ezlynn's gang instead. Her gang was entirely consisting of the last Werewolves alive, 300 of them globally. They'd considerably proliferated over the past years since they were immune to aging. Titled "Blood of the Wolf", her gang was the most feared gang that no human knew about, except for the Venandis. They worked to kill any Venandi that dared to carnage any members and sold their organs to the black market for profit.

Collins slowly dragged the body out of Chicago's stenchiest, darkest alley into the back streets, evaporating from Ezlynn's sight before decomposing the body properly. Collins took out another water bottle from his leather jacket and spilled it onto his hands, rubbing them with scrutiny. He ambulated out of the back street back into the alley, where Ezlynn was waiting, her white, silky hair wet, dappled with traces of blood. Her impeccable pale skin was scintillating under the moonlight, reflecting the bluest color of her tempting eyes. She was a creation of allurement and resplendency. Collins gazed at her articulate, consummate figure as he felt a wave of impulse over him. The midnight wind blew to manifest Ezlynn's pale, long neck as Collins slowly approached her, dazzled by her beauty that was slightly stented with blood.

"Boss, you seemed quite bored while killing that Venandi," Collins commented as he leaned his beautiful face closer to her.

"Did I?" Ezylnn smiled, "He was going really easy on me."

Finally, Collins was in enough proximity to stretch out his stalwart, muscular arms, and embrace her shoulders close to his.

"Boss," Collins leaned down his very tall figure and whispered into her ear, half gentle and half chary, "May I?"

Ezlynn gazed at his bright gold eyes that seemed even more flirtatious than the moonlight. His tall and brawny figure was wrapped around her in a smooth position as he bent in more to gently kiss her snow-white neck. Ezlynn placidly rotated and whispered in his embrace,

"I thought that we'd made a deal to keep things professional and liberal at different times. Now you're taking care of my murder, calling me boss, and seducing me under the moonlight." Ezlynn chuckled as she embraced him tighter.

"No one's watching Ezlynn. Our jobs are complete, too." Collins softly held her chin up and kissed her, "so can we just...be a normal couple for just a few seconds, and not a Godmother and her top assistant of the deadliest gang in the history?"

"Just for a few seconds," Ezlynn whispered as she withdrew from his kiss, and connected their lips together again.

Ezlynn, a fresh 18, was the Godmother of the "Blood of the Wolf", originally initiated after the Great War by Collins's parents as an abode and an organization for the remaining Werewolves. They'd incepted her in, trained her to survive in a world that treated them with atrocity, and passed her the Godmother position.

Collins gradually withdrew from their kiss, his silver hair blowing in the zephyr.

"I think we should go," Collins said, checking his phone, "It's an hour and a half before sunrise."

Ezlynn stared at the moon, which was waning expediently and nodded. She squeezed Collins's hand as they exited the alley, checking to see if there was anyone else other than them nearby. She perceived the sight of the antiquated buildings and stores as they walked out to the gloomy streets of Chicago city.

"To be honest, Collins, I always wondered why you surrendered the Boss position and allowed me to be the Godmother."

"Because your eyes were threatening to kill me if I didn't capitulate the position." Collins joked.

Ezlynn chuckled and nodded, then stood on her toes to level his tall height. She leaned in her small, cherry lips on his neck and kissed it.

"I'm hungry." Ezlynn whispered, then added quickly, "Hungry for food, I mean."

"Don't chew me up, please." Collins laughed.

With their astonishing agility and speed, they'd already arrived at Ezlynn's luxury villa. It was an opulent, spacious building implanted in the midst of Chicago's gloomy atmosphere, aloof from the dense buildings. Ezlynn opened the atramentous gate that surrounded her villa with her keys from the loose pocket of her hoodie. Collins followed behind her, for they both concurred that it was for their safety and the gang to live together.

Her and his villa was classical, made out of limestones. Its grandiose structure overshadowed the antique front garden with impeccably symmetrical boxwood and other garden plants. 'A $45 million worth of beauty,' the real estate agent had said. Ezlynn's cunning manner in keeping her ambivalence in being an influential Godmother whose salary was over $9 million and a fresh 18 whose parents had left her a ton of inheritance had enabled her to partially live like a normal girl and purchase such a luxury villa. No one had doubted her when an 18-year-old girl slammed in the prime real estate of Chicago and inquired the $45 million villa.

Collins and Ezlynn opened the French doors of the villa and trudged in.

"I'm taking a shower in the master bath."

"I'll take one in the guest's." Collins sighed. They both were fatigued, despite their nocturnal routines as a Werewolf.

Ezlynn nodded and silently walked up the sumptuous staircase and into the master bath. As she turned on the shower and waited for it to heat up warm enough, she browsed through her messages on her phone.

"42 messages unread." it read.

Ezlynn clicked on the Messages app, manifesting all 42 from Embry, who was in the third-highest stint after herself and Collins.

The first message read,

"How r u doing with that Venandi? Irving and Gwen said that he was pretty challenging to defeat so they wanted u 2 deal with him."

The second one read,

"We just killed a Venandi. His organs were worth $1 million and we sold it for a markup of 20%."

It was how Ezlynn and her gang made a profit, by selling the organs of the Venandis to the black market.

Ezlynn scrolled through all of the messages that were sent over a period of two days sheepishly. The water was still flowing out of the shower, warm enough for her, but she disregarded it and proceeded to check the messages. Then, her swiftness in reading terminated on the 10th one,

"Boss, we have a new member."

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