When the purple-haired woman and others saw this scene, they immediately panicked. They continuously attacked Yunzhou's defensive light curtain, trying to break through the formation's light curtain and escape from Yunzhou.

Yunzhou, which was originally the safest place for them, has now become a dangerous place for people's lives.

If they were captured by Chu Jianqiu's Yunzhou formation, I'm afraid they wouldn't end up well either.

When the blood contract was signed, the content of the blood contract only stipulated that they could not take action against Chu Jianqiu and others, but it did not stipulate that Chu Jianqiu and others could not take action against them.

After all, they would not have thought at the beginning that a few small divine transformation warriors could pose any threat to them, so in order to allow Chu Jianqiu and others to feel at ease from being deceived, they did not make regulations in this regard.

Chu Jianqiu ignored the seven Qinqianshi for the time being. Although Yunzhou's formation had been modified and upgraded by him, it was still a bit difficult to withstand the full attack of more than a dozen Zun-level warriors at the same time.

On the warship opposite, the bearded man couldn't help but look confused when he saw this scene. He didn't know what happened on the Yunzhou opposite.

No matter how it seemed, the bandit leader Scar, Qin Qianshi and others were all in a state of panic, while the three targets who were about to be captured were watching the show over there, looking very relaxed and comfortable.

"Qinqian Shi, Dao Scar, what the hell are you doing? You're not doing business, what kind of tricks are you doing?" The bearded man yelled dissatisfied at Qinqian Shi and Dao Scar, the bandit leaders on the opposite cloud boat. .

"Boss Lei, please come over and help. We fell into this guy's trick and were trapped by his formation using Yunzhou!" Qin Qianshi shouted to the bearded man in a hurry.

When the bearded man heard this, he couldn't help but feel confused again: "Qinqianshi, you are so damn funny to me. Wasn't this Yunzhou given to you by the fifth prince? How could this kid control Yunzhou's formation? , is he also a member of the fifth prince!"

When Qinqian heard this, he also said with a broken face: "How the hell do I know what's going on? You should use the warship to come over and help. Don't stand there in a daze. Damn it, Scar and the others are about to collapse. Can’t stand it anymore!”

While they were talking, two more

The human-level bandits were knocked to the ground and tied up by the light ropes controlled by Chu Jianqiu.

These light ropes are extremely tough. Once bound by these light ropes, there is no way to break free.

When the bearded man saw this scene, although he didn't know what Qinqian Shi was doing, it seemed that their situation was very bad, so he shouted to the bandits around him: "Children, prepare for artillery fire. That cloud boat is bombarded!"

When the bandits heard the words of the bearded man, they couldn't help but be startled. What the hell is this? Didn't that Yunzhou belong to Qinqianshi? What was going on with the bombardment of the Yunzhou? Could it be that the boss was having trouble with Qinqianshi and the others? flipped.

But they didn't dare to ask. Since the boss gave the order, they just did it. So the bandits on each warship began to turn the cannons on the warships, aiming at the cloud boat. Bursts of light lit up on the warships, and a large number of The energy gathered towards the artillery and was about to bombard the cloud boat.

Seeing this scene, even the bearded man felt extremely depressed. Even now, he still feels how dreamy this operation is.

Marder, just to deal with three mere ants in the God Transformation Realm, they actually had to use the war weapons on the warship.

If this matter were told, it would make people laugh out loud.

"Junior Brother Chu, they are going to bombard us!" Gong Hanyun said nervously when he saw this scene.

Judging from the terrifying power emitted by the light of those warship formations, the level of these warships has at least reached the level of the B-class warships used by the Feng Yuan Dynasty War Department.

Gong Hanyun is no stranger to the power of war weapons. If a warship of this level is fired, warriors below the earthly realm will definitely be blown to pieces.

It's just that the cost of building a warship of this level is extremely expensive. Gong Hanyun couldn't figure out how a mere bandit group could get so much money to buy such a high-level warship.

Since warships are specially used to participate in large-scale wars, the cost of building them is many times higher than the transportation type Yunzhou.

Like those second-level warships opposite, the cost of one is at least 20 million, starting from the seventh-grade spiritual stone.

Gong Hanyun

I was very worried about whether the defensive formation of the Yunzhou controlled by Chu Jianqiu could withstand the bombardment of those warships.

Chu Jianqiu glanced at the warships that were shining with the formation's light, and said calmly: "Don't worry, they can't do anything to us! I guarantee they won't even be able to fire a single shot!"

As soon as Chu Jianqiu finished speaking, a high-pitched cry came from the horizon.

Immediately afterwards, an incomparably huge cyan bird flew from the horizon at an unimaginable speed. The cyan bird flew over the warships, and its huge wings like clouds hanging from the sky moved towards those few warships. A warship shot.

There was a loud bang, and the warships were caught off guard. They received this extremely heavy blow, and the bandits on the warships were shaken to pieces.

Because the bandits did not expect such a change to happen, the defensive formations were not activated at all on the warship. Moreover, because they were preparing to fire at the Yunzhou opposite, all the energy on the warship was directed towards the bow of the warship. The artillery is gathering, and the warship's defense at this time can be said to be the weakest.

Receiving this huge cyan bird's slap, most of the bandits below the Venerable Realm on the warship were shocked to death. Even the several bandit leaders at the Human Venerable Realm were struck by the impact of the huge wings. They were all seriously injured.

Even the bearded man, the leader of the bandit group, was also extremely embarrassed under the attack of the giant blue bird, but his strength was not trivial after all.

Even though the giant blue bird attacked very suddenly, he also avoided a frontal blow at that critical moment and did not suffer much injury.

When the bearded man saw that most of his minions were dead and wounded, he looked at the giant cyan bird in shock and anger and shouted: "Where did the flat-haired beast dare to attack my bandit group? Damn it, you are so tired of living." Got it!"

He calmed down at this time and could see that this giant blue bird was larger in size, but its cultivation level was only in the late human realm, which was one level lower than him.

Therefore, the bearded man was not too afraid of the giant blue bird. He held the giant ax the size of a door leaf in his hand and struck the giant blue bird with an axe. A sharp ax light spanned the sky and the earth from the giant axe. Sweep out and chop down at the giant blue bird.

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