The Secret of the Chaotic Heavenly Emperor

Chapter 1986 The Outer Sect Competition (13)

When the elder of the Deacon Hall who presided over the competition saw this scene, he couldn't help but narrowed his eyes. He was just about to use the magic formula to activate the defensive formation in the arena to capture Meng Huai, when a voice suddenly sounded. got up.

"Deacon Gao, Junior Brother Meng Huai mistakenly took the Magic Scale Fruit in the secret realm of the ancient ruins, that's why this happened. He is not from the Dark Demon Prison. I hope Deacon Gao will be aware of this and never wrongfully accuse a good person."

When Deacon Gao heard this, he immediately turned to look at the voice, only to see that the person making the sound was a warrior in black. Deacon Gao recognized that the warrior in black was named Bei Yan, and he was the fifth prince. Feng Feiyu's subordinate in the outer gate.

"Is this something you just guessed, or is it true?" Deacon Gao looked at Bei Yan and asked coldly.

Although Bei Yan belongs to the fifth prince, this matter is not trivial. Even if he is a member of the fifth prince, if he has an affair with someone from the Dark Demon Prison, he will not let it go easily.

Even once it was confirmed that Meng Huai was indeed involved with the Dark Demon Prison, even the fifth prince himself would not be able to escape the relationship.

Both the Feng Yuan Royal Family and Feng Yuan Academy have always adopted a zero-tolerance attitude towards people from the Dark Demon Prison.

After all, the Feng Yuan Dynasty and the Dark Demon Dynasty were life-and-death enemies. The two sides had fought against each other for tens of thousands of years, during which time they had countless grudges. There was no room for relaxation between the two.

"This is something that the disciple has personally confirmed. Junior Brother Meng Huai once showed the disciple the Magic Scale Fruit, and also told the disciple his experience in the secret realm of ancient ruins. Moreover, Junior Brother Meng Huai belongs to the Meng family in Jingshun City. Disciple, I have a pure background and it is impossible to have an affair with someone from the Dark Demon Prison. I hope that Deacon Gao will learn from this!" Bei Yan said with his hand in hand.

The reason why Bei Yan interceded and testified for Meng Huai was not entirely for Meng Huai, but also for himself, because he had also taken the magic scale fruit.

By telling this matter, he was able to find out how Feng Yuan Academy handled the matter, so as to help him deal with the matter of having consumed the Demon Scale Fruit in the future.

If Feng Yuan Academy adopts the same severe punishment attitude towards Meng Huai just for taking the magic scale fruit, then he will have to carefully consider whether he can reveal that he has taken the magic scale fruit in the future.

But if Feng Yuan Academy takes action on this matter,

If he takes a lenient attitude, he can boldly use the black scales brought by the magic scale fruit when facing enemies in the future.

After all, the defensive power of this kind of black scale armor is too strong. Using this kind of black scale armor to fight against the enemy can greatly increase your strength. At least when you withstand the opponent's attack, you will not be so easily injured. This is a huge advantage. trump card.

Of course, when Bei Yan testified about this matter to Meng Huai, he only represented his own attitude and did not dare to bring up the fifth prince without permission.

After all, the matter could be big or small. If he carried the fifth prince out, if the matter got serious, the fifth prince would even give him up.

But if he only testified on behalf of his own attitude, if something happened, the fifth prince might be able to give him a hand in view of his many achievements in the past.

When Deacon Gao heard this, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought. He didn't know how to deal with the matter for a while.

If Meng Huai had colluded with the Dark Demon Prison, he would have taken down Meng Huai without hesitation, but if Meng Huai was in this situation just because he mistakenly took the Demon Scale Fruit, he would not be able to follow the rules of the Dark Demon Prison. The spies were dealt with.

Deacon Gao immediately asked a deacon disciple to go to the high platform in the center of the martial arts arena to report the matter to the deputy hall leader Maochen, and let the deputy hall master Maochen decide how the matter should be handled.

The deacon disciple took the order and left. After a cup of tea, the deacon disciple returned and conveyed Mao Chen's message.

According to the wishes of Deputy Hall Master Maochen, let the competition continue. After the competition is over, Meng Huai will be handed over to the Law Enforcement Hall for investigation. If the investigation results of the Law Enforcement Hall are really what Bei Yan said, then Just handle it according to the rules of the Law Enforcement Hall.

However, based on the past experience of the Law Enforcement Hall in handling such matters, the Law Enforcement Hall generally will not punish these disciples for any abnormalities that occur when they accidentally take drugs.

After hearing the reply from the deacon disciple, Deacon Gao calmed down and continued to observe the competition in the field without stopping to stop the continuation of the competition.

After Meng Huai displayed the black scale armor, both his defense and attack power increased several times.

For a moment, Meng Xian's pressure increased dramatically.

However, since Meng Xian had received Chu Jianqiu's warning in advance, he did not panic. Instead, he dealt with it more calmly. As long as he waited until the black scales on Meng Huai's body faded, he would win.

Meng Xian no longer clashed head-on with Meng Huai or attacked him, but used his swift body skills to constantly move and dodge, and the long sword in his hand was completely on the defensive.

Under his extremely tight defense, although Meng Huai's strength surged a lot, he could not break through Meng Xian's tight defense for a while.

When Meng Huai saw this scene, he suddenly became more anxious. He also knew very well that although his strength increased sharply after displaying the black scale armor, this state could not last long. Once he could not defeat Meng Xian for a short time, he would Defeat is inevitable.

Meng Huai immediately adopted a more desperate style of play. Relying on the strong defensive power of the black scales he displayed, he no longer focused on defense at all, but only focused on attacking.

He even deliberately opened the door wide and deliberately induced Meng Xian to attack him, so as to seize the opportunity to inflict heavy damage on Meng Xian.

But Meng Xian had been warned by Chu Jianqiu in advance, so he didn't fall for it at all. He turned a blind eye to the flaws that Meng Huai deliberately exposed, and only focused on guarding and guarding, and was not greedy for credit.

However, even though he had adopted the most cautious approach, Meng Xian was still seriously injured by Meng Huai's desperate attack because Meng Huai's strength increased too much after he displayed those black scales.

After Meng Xian's body was pierced with several holes by Meng Huai's long sword, the blood on Meng Xian's body had stained his clothes red, and he looked like a bloody man.

It's just that Meng Xian didn't even frown after suffering such a heavy injury. His sword skills with a long sword were not messy at all, and his avoidance skills were also not affected much by the injury.

Seeing this scene, the onlookers under the ring couldn't help but admire Meng Xian. What a strong will and strong mind it took to be able to sustain such a heavy injury and still maintain such a calm attitude.

It was as if the person fighting was not a flesh-and-blood person, but a machine puppet without the slightest emotion or pain.

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