The Secret of the Chaotic Heavenly Emperor

Chapter 3282 What the People Want

Hearing Ji Shanqing's words, Ji Shanmei couldn't help but be silent for a while.

In the past, he had always believed that people's hearts were useless and that ordinary people could not make any big waves.

But since living in Nanzhou, Ji Shanmei's view has gradually changed.

Ordinary people also possess unimaginable power.

A comparison between the Jishan Dynasty and Nanzhou is simply worlds apart. There is no comparability between the two.

In Nanzhou under the rule of the Xuanjian Sect, the people's cohesion was so strong that it had never been seen before.

The entire Nanzhou is also full of unimaginable vitality. Everyone is full of hope and everyone is striving to be the first.

Just taking their respective armies as an example, even if the Jishan Army is equipped with the same equipment, it is far from comparable to the Xuanjian Sect's army in terms of combat power.

The invincible and invincible fighting spirit possessed by the Xuanjian Sect army cannot be compared to the Jishan Army at all.

Even if the equipment of both sides is the same, even if the most elite war department of the Jishan Army meets the most ordinary war team of the Xuanjian Sect, if the two meet, the Jishan Army's war department will undoubtedly be defeated.

This is not because the overall cultivation level of the warriors of the Xuanjian Sect army is higher than that of the Jishan army. The most important thing is that almost every soldier of the Xuanjian Sect army has an invincible fighting spirit that is not afraid of death and will move forward in an invincible manner.

The reason why the Xuanjian Sect's army has such a strong and invincible fighting spirit is inseparable from the cohesion of the Xuanjian Sect and its extremely strong sense of belonging.

Every soldier in the Xuanjian Sect's army is willing to fight for the Xuanjian Sect, and every soldier is willing to die for the Xuanjian Sect.

For Xuanjian Sect, they would die without regrets.

Because Xuanjian Sect has never failed them, nor their relatives.

Fighting for Xuanjian Sect is equivalent to fighting for themselves, fighting for their parents, wives and children, and fighting for the homeland behind them.

Even if they die in battle, their relatives can still live a very good life in Nanzhou under the rule of Xuanjian Sect. They don't have to worry about being bullied or being treated unfairly!

On the battlefield, they have nothing to worry about.

Because they believe in Xuanjian Sect, even if they die in battle, they still believe that Xuanjian Sect will take good care of their parents, wives and children.

"The ancestor said it right, ordinary people are the real foundation of a powerful force. Because

Because most of the officers and soldiers in our army come from a huge number of ordinary people. Even if some soldiers become powerful warriors, most of their parents and relatives are still ordinary people. If we can't even guarantee the safety of their parents and relatives, how can we allow those soldiers in the army to fight to the death for us with peace of mind! "After a long time, Ji Shanmei also sighed.

Standing on the steps in front of the palace hall, looking at the entire Jishan Imperial City outside, the cheers everywhere, Jishan Qing and Jishan Meeting, all made me feel complicated.

They could clearly feel that after they eliminated the scourge of those evil-doing borers, the cohesion of the people in the entire Jishan Imperial City was rapidly increasing.

Almost overnight, the world returned to its center.

At this moment, they also deeply felt the powerful power of the people's aspirations.

In the face of this surging trend, even strong men like them in the Great Tongxuan Realm couldn't help but feel suffocated.

It turns out that the power of the people's will is so powerful!

In Fengyuan Imperial City, Chu Jianqiu, who was in white clothes, was setting up a large formation. After receiving the relevant news, a faint smile appeared on his face.

"Ji Shanqing, I thought you were going to wait for the Xuanjian Sect to do it yourself, but you're not really an old fool!"

Chu Jianqiu knew the situation of the Jishan Dynasty very well.

It's just that he has been waiting for the Jishan Dynasty to handle it himself.

But it is a pity that there has been no movement in the Jishan Dynasty in the past few years.

Even without Chu Qingqiu's incident, Chu Jianqiu had already planned to take action against the Jishan Dynasty.

Now that you have taken refuge in Xuanjian Sect, if you can't even achieve the most basic fairness and justice, then what kind of force is Xuanjian Sect? Isn't this a joke!

Fortunately, although Ji Shanqing took action a little late, he still took action after all.

Otherwise, once Xuanjian Sect personally cleans up these scum, things will not be so easy to talk about.

Chu Jianqiu did not interfere in this matter from beginning to end, leaving it completely to the Jishan Dynasty to handle it.

This kind of thing is not enough for him to take action personally.

Regarding the governance of Xuanjian Sect, Chu Jianqiu has always rarely intervened, leaving it to the various departments of Xuanjian Sect. He only needs to control the Xuanjian Sect.

As for the general direction of development, it is enough to prevent Xuanjian Sect from going astray.

Nanzhou, Wanshi City.

Gao Hechang was practicing in seclusion. Suddenly, the communication jade talisman vibrated one after another.

Gao Hechang couldn't help but wonder what was going on and who was looking for him so frequently.

Gao Hechang took out the communication jade charm and read the message inside.

After reading the message inside, Gao Hechang's expression suddenly changed.

He could no longer care about seclusion, and immediately walked out of the room, left Nanzhou, returned to the Gaohe Dynasty, and summoned all the senior officials of the Gaohe Dynasty.

Like Ji Shanqing, Gao Hechang then thoroughly cleaned the Gaohe Dynasty from beginning to end, inside and out.

Gao Hechang's methods were more ruthless than Ji Shanqing's, and he was more thorough in cleaning up the pests.

In this purge of his, no matter whether they were princes, princesses, princes or princes, all the warriors who knowingly violated the Xuanjian Sect's rules after the Gaohe Dynasty promulgated them would be eliminated.

Gao Hechang also adheres to the principle that the guilty will be punished and the innocent will be released.

Gao Hechang would never allow the integration of Gao He Dynasty and Xuanjian Sect to be destroyed because of some borer scourges.

Complete integration with the Xuanjian Sect is the foundation of the Gaohe Royal Family's strength. For this purpose, no matter how many people are killed, Gao Hechang doesn't care. Even though many of these people are the princes and daughters of the Gaohe Royal Family.

After the purges of Jishan Qing and Gao Hechang, the entire Jishan Dynasty and Gaohe Dynasty, both the government and the public were shaken.

After this incident, many warriors who relied on their family background and strength to act unscrupulously no longer dared to regard the Xuanjian Sect's sect rules as nothing.

Only now do they understand that these rules are not just rules on paper, but real swords hanging over their heads.

Once they dare to violate the rules, the sharp sword hanging above their heads will fall down at any time and kill them.

After experiencing this incident, the integration of Jishan Dynasty and Gaohe Dynasty into Xuanjian Sect has been greatly accelerated.

This time's fusion is not only a fusion between high-level warriors, but also a complete fusion of sect rules and ethos.

After this incident, the two dynasties finally began to show the grandeur that only the Xuanjian Sect could have.

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