Deep in the mountains 500 million miles north of Fenwu City.

In the meeting hall.

"Elder Lin, why hasn't Lin Yuqin come back yet? Could it be that she really wants to monopolize the opportunity that our elite disciples of Tianyu Sword Sect sacrificed their lives for?" The cold old man stared at the old woman with an old face and said coldly.

"If Lin Yuqin really escapes with those treasures, you Lin family must pay the price and compensate for the losses of our Lu family and Huang family!" The man sitting opposite the old woman with an old face A middle-aged woman also said with a cold face.

"The Lin family should have compensated our Lu family and Huang family for their losses long ago. In order to cultivate Lin Woyu, our Tianyu Sword Sect paid a huge price! As a result, Lin Woyu's Go, there has been no sound for a hundred years, and all the resources we invested in her have been wasted! The Lin family are all such ungrateful scum of the sect. I suggest that the Lin family be cancelled. The status of the three major clans of the Yujian Sect, from now on, the Tianyu Sword Sect will be jointly controlled by the Lu family and the Huang family!" At this time, Lu Yuan also seized the opportunity to attack the old woman with an old face.

"Little Lu Yuan, how dare you!" After hearing Lu Yuan's words, the old woman with an old face became furious. She stood up from her seat and said angrily, "My ancestor of the Lin family has done so much for the Tianyu Sword Sect. Without the contributions made by my ancestors of the Lin family, you would not be where you are today!"

"Huh, Lin Shu, it's better if you don't say this. As soon as you say this, I will get angry!" The cold old man snorted coldly and said, "You still have the nerve to mention your ancestors of the Lin family, if it weren't for your ancestors of the Lin family Sword Master Ziqing provoked the Xuanwu Mansion. How could our Tianyu Sword Sect end up like this? Even now, we are still hiding in Tibet, not daring to see people or publicizing our Tianyu Sword Sect’s power to the outside world. Name!"

"That's right, the old guy Ziqing Sword Master provoked a big enemy outside, and he dared to come back to our Tianyu Sword Sect and bring great disaster to our Tianyu Sword Sect. Even the ancestors of our Lu family and Huang family were killed. He was so implicated that he died. You, the Lin family, owe us the Lu family and the Huang family so much!" The middle-aged woman also agreed.

"You ungrateful bastards, do you have any conscience at all? Our ancestors of the Lin family brought back countless treasures for the Tianyu Sword Sect, why didn't you tell us? Our ancestors of the Lin family brought countless treasures to our Tianyu Sword Sect. Why don’t you talk about the large number of martial arts classics that came back? Without our ancestors of the Lin family, how could the Tianyu Sword Sect develop from a small sect that didn’t even have a few Datongxuan realm warriors to what it is now? Can you bear it? You don’t want to express your gratitude for the legacy of my ancestor of the Lin family. You actually dare to turn around and slander and insult my ancestor of the Lin family. Has your conscience been eaten by a dog?” The old woman with an old face was struck by the cold old man. The young woman's words made her whole body tremble with anger, she pointed at the two of them and cursed.

"Okay, Lin Shu, these things are from old almanacs from many years ago, what's the point of always mentioning these old things. You, the Lin family, have controlled Tianyu Sword Sect for tens of thousands of years, Tianyu The Sword Sect should have repaid you the Lin family. It has been paid off long ago. Don’t always use the merits of your Lin family ancestors to argue!” The cold old man snorted coldly and said, “Now, Lin Yuqin has taken away our Tianyu. A dozen disciples of the Sword Sect have lost their precious treasures, and you, the Lin family, must account for this. From today on, you, the Lin family, will no longer be part of the Tianyu Sword Sect. You, Lin Shu, are no longer the elders of the Council of Presbyterians. From now on, all clansmen of the Lin family will no longer be allowed to enjoy any resources of the Tianyu Sword Sect, and the lands previously occupied by the Lin family will All resources must be handed over!"

"Lu Bo, how dare you!" After hearing the cold old man's words, the old woman's eyes turned red instantly. She glared at the cold old man and shouted angrily.

If the Lin family is really deprived of the power to control the Tianyu Sword Sect, and the Lin family is really deprived of all resources, then from today on, the Lin family will definitely have no suspense. The land is in decline.

Since the death of the Lin clan leader decades ago, the power of the Tianyu Sword Sect has been lost. The position of the leader of the Tianyu Sword Sect has also been taken away by the Lu family.

The Lin family had previously spent so much resources cultivating Lin Woyu that in Lin Woyu's generation, except for Lin Woyu who stood out, the other disciples were all mediocre. It is far incomparable to the Lu family and the Huang family.

Among the older generation, except for her who could barely support herself, the other strong men of the Lin family all fell one after another because their life span was exhausted.

In order to cultivate Lin Woyu, a peerless genius, the Lin family paid an extremely high price.

Many elders of the Lin family often went deep into the Bingliang Mountains to hunt monsters and collect elixirs. They worked hard to obtain the treasures of heaven and earth. After selling them to Baotong Trading Company, they bought some extremely precious treasures and gave them to Lin Wo. Rain cultivates the roots.

It is precisely because of the Lin family's full training that Lin Woyu's foundation is extremely solid, and her martial arts talent is astonishing, almost equal to that of the Lin family's ancestor Ziqing Sword Master.

The Lin clan placed all their hopes of revitalizing the Lin clan and the Tianyu Sword Sect on Lin Woyu.

Lin Woyu did live up to expectations and eventually became the strongest person in the Tianyu Sword Sect. No matter the younger generation or the elders, no one could compete with Lin Woyu.

However, in order to train Lin Woyu, many elders of the Lin clan also suffered extremely serious hidden injuries because they entered the Bingliang Mountains for many years to hunt monsters and collect elixirs.

This caused many strong men of the Lin clan to continue to fall due to injuries. This was also the most important reason for the decline of the Lin clan.

Otherwise, if it were the time when the Lin family was in its heyday, there would be nothing to do with the Lu family and the Huang family. They would definitely not dare to clamor against the Lin family like they do today.

Ever since Lu Bo, the patriarch of the Lu family, became the head of the Tianyu Sword Sect and took charge of the Tianyu Sword Sect, the villains in the Lu family have become more and more powerful.

But today, Lu Bo actually dared to make such an excessive decision against their Lin family. This was something that she, the leader of the Lin family, could not tolerate at all.

"What dare I not do!" The cold old man Lu Bo said with a sneer, "Today, I will first take down you, an ignorant old pious woman. I want to see if Lin Yuqin, that little bitch, is You really disregarded the lives of the Lin clan and took the treasure opportunity that belongs to our Tianyu Sword Sect!"

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