The Secret of the Chaotic Heavenly Emperor

Chapter 4175 The Silent Longyuan Sword

Chapter 4175 The silent Long Yuan Sword

Almost all of the one hundred thousand soldiers were seriously injured, and blood spurted out from their mouths.

The ten armored warrior giants controlled by Gong Hanyun, Zhang Qiqi, Meng Xian and others also dispersed one after another at this time and recovered into a famous soldier.

As for those soldiers, although the injuries were not as serious as those of the soldiers controlled by Chu Jianqiu's armored giants, they were still seriously injured.

Seeing this scene, Chu Jianqiu quickly took out the life source beads and a large amount of life source liquid and sprinkled them on the soldiers.

Moisturized by the extremely powerful life force of the Life Source Liquid and the Life Source Pearl, the injuries of those soldiers stopped deteriorating and got better.

After the injuries on their bodies recovered a little, the soldiers quickly took out the Nine-Revolution Life-Reviving Pill that had been prepared and drank it. The injuries on their bodies began to recover quickly.

Seeing this scene, Chu Jianqiu breathed a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, fortunately, there were no casualties among the soldiers of Xuanjian Sect.

The power of the entire formation was gathered before, and that incomparable sword burst out. Although there were millions of Xiaotongxuan realm soldiers, through ten eighth-level mid-level battle formation armor soldiers with a level of 100,000, gathered into the battle formation, They shared the huge pressure together, but the terrifying backlash still caused all of them to suffer heavy losses.

Fortunately, most of the pressure was borne by the battle formation soldiers, so there were no casualties.

However, withstanding such a terrifying backlash, all ten armored soldiers of the 100,000-level battle array were destroyed, and no one was spared.

But Chu Jianqiu didn't care about all this.

As long as people are fine, he doesn't care no matter how many battle formations are destroyed.

"Everyone has worked hard in this battle. Xuanjian Sect will record your achievements!" Chu Jianqiu looked at the soldiers and said with a smile.

"No hard work, no hard work. It is our duty as soldiers of Xuanjian Sect to defend our homeland and resist incoming enemies."

"Yes, yes, all of this is what we, as soldiers of the Xuanjian Sect, should do. Young Master, you are serious!"

"As long as the young master gives the order, we will go through fire and water for the young master, no matter how hard we are, we will not hesitate to do it. There is no need to work hard!"

When all the soldiers heard this, they all said excitedly.

Chu Jianqiu held supreme prestige in their hearts, and with a word of approval from Chu Jianqiu, they felt willing to die.

These officers and soldiers of Xuanjian Sect said that they were willing to go through fire and water for Chu Jianqiu, and their hearts and brains were ruined. These were not polite words spoken verbally, but words from the bottom of their hearts.

Without Chu Jianqiu, they would not be what they are today.

Without the marvelous cultivation resources provided by the Xuanjian Sect, and without the martial arts books provided by the Xuanjian Sect, many of them would still be humble ants, and how could they become powerful men in the Xiaotongxuan Realm.

Moreover, there are many soldiers, if it were not for the protection of Xuanjian Sect, many of them would have turned into innocent souls, and they would not be able to survive until now.

Under the leadership of the young master, Xuanjian Sect became a true holy land of martial arts and a holy land on earth.

Here, as long as they work hard, everyone can get what they need through hard work.

Here, there is no bullying or bullying.

Here, they don't have any worries. Even if they die on the battlefield, their families can still live well in Xuanjian Sect without having to worry about being bullied.

In Xuanjian Sect, those who bully the weak will not only be despised by everyone, but will also be severely punished by the Xuanjian Sect's law enforcement hall.

Anyone here can get the chance of a carp leaping over the dragon's gate.

Here, everything is full of hope and vitality.

In Xuanjian Sect, everyone can live with dignity.

In Xuanjian Sect, you never have to worry that good people will be wronged and evil people will not be punished.

This is a true paradise on earth, a beautiful home worthy of their lives to protect.

They don't allow anyone to destroy their beautiful home. If anyone dares to invade, they will fight to the bitter end, even if they are torn to pieces.

Therefore, in every battle, the soldiers of Xuanjian Sect have extremely high morale.

Especially under the leadership of Chu Jianqiu, everyone is impassioned and fearless of death.

With such a strong will to fight, Xuanjian Sect's army was able to explode with astonishing combat power every time.

"Okay, everyone is seriously injured this time. Let's go back and take a good rest." Chu Jianqiu looked at the soldiers and said with a smile.

"General Liang, make arrangements for all the officers and soldiers. Every soldier's military exploits must be fulfilled. There must be no omissions!" Chu Jianqiu turned to Liang Yanling and said to the side.

In this battle, Liang Yanling did not directly control the battle array soldiers to participate in the battle, but arranged in the middle to assist Chu Jianqiu in commanding the various armies.

"Yes!" Liang Yanling heard this, bowed her hands and said solemnly.

After saying that, she led a group of soldiers back to the military camp to recuperate.

After Liang Yanling left with a group of soldiers, Chu Jianqiu noticed that the rusty broken sword in his hand had been lying silently in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Chu Jianqiu couldn't help but feel a little strange.

Why is this guy Long Yuan so honest today? With his temperament, he should just jump out and cry and take credit now, but until now, this guy hasn't made any movement at all.

"Hey, Long Yuan, what's wrong with you? Why have you become so honest today?" Chu Jianqiu clapped the broken sword in his hand and said, "Stop pretending to be dead, come out quickly!"

However, no matter what he said, the rusty broken sword in his hand showed no reaction at all.

Seeing this scene, Chu Jianqiu immediately panicked. There couldn't be anything wrong with Long Yuan.

Although Chu Jianqiu usually dislikes this guy's lazy look, Chu Jianqiu doesn't want anything to happen to him.

Seeing the rusty broken sword in his hand, which had not made any sound for a long time, Chu Jianqiu suddenly stopped caring about other things and quickly returned to his mansion, summoning the Chaos Supreme Tower, taking the Long Yuan Sword with him. The figure flashed and entered the second level of the Chaos Supreme Tower.

After entering the second level of the Chaos Supreme Tower, Chu Jianqiu threw the rusty broken sword in his hand into the pool formed by a large number of streams from the ancient continent.

When this rusty broken sword was thrown into the pool, the water from the ancient continent in the pool began to be swallowed by whales at an astonishing speed.

Even the rich starlight from the second level of the Chaos Supreme Tower was also swallowed up in large quantities.

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