The Secret of the Chaotic Heavenly Emperor

Chapter 6271: Battle with the Golden Crocodile Island Master (Part 2)

"Boy, don't get too proud too soon!"

The owner of the Golden Crocodile Island looked at Chu Jianqiu's golden dragon clone, took a deep breath, and said gloomily, "Do you think you can stop me with just such a Nine Tribulation Realm puppet?"

Chu Jianqiu had such a powerful trump card as the Nine Tribulations Realm Puppet, which was indeed beyond his expectation.

But his strength cannot be overshadowed. ??

Even among the powerful ones in the Nine Tribulations Realm, he is considered to be the top one.

He is not a useless person like Boss Shark who has no cultivation!

"Oh, really? Then you can keep trying!" Chu Jianqiu sneered after hearing this.

If this Nine Tribulation Realm puppet only possesses the strength of the Five Sharks Gate Master during his lifetime, he may not be a match for the Golden Crocodile Island Master.

But this Nine Tribulation Realm puppet has been refined by him and has also absorbed a lot of starlight from the second level of the Chaos Supreme Tower. Its combat power is much stronger than it was in life.

Moreover, when Chu Jianqiu was refining this Nine Tribulation Realm puppet, he also embedded an immortal crystal as its energy driver.

With this immortal crystal as the energy source for this Nine Tribulation Realm puppet, this Nine Tribulation Realm puppet can almost be said to have inexhaustible power.

Even by relying on consumption, it can consume the owner of Golden Crocodile Island to death.

The true energy stored in the body of a Nine Tribulation Realm expert is far from being comparable to the energy contained in an immortal crystal.

You know, the energy contained in one immortal crystal is equivalent to 100 million calamity crystals.

It is impossible for the true energy contained in the bodies of Nine Tribulation Realm warriors to reach such an astonishing level.

It was precisely because of holding such a trump card that Chu Jianqiu dared to fly towards the East China Sea on purpose, deliberately attracting the owner of Golden Crocodile Island.

If he had met the Lord of the Golden Crocodile Island before he refined this Nine Tribulation Realm puppet, he would have run as far as he could. He would never have taken the initiative to attack a strong man of this level, but after refining the puppet, he would have run as far as he could. After this Nine Tribulation Realm puppet, he is not afraid of ordinary Nine Tribulation Realm warriors at all.

Moreover, he also wanted to take this opportunity to find out the details of the Golden Crocodile Island Master and see how strong the Golden Crocodile Island Master was.

If the owner of Golden Crocodile Island doesn't have enough strength but dares to follow him, then he doesn't mind and will take advantage of this opportunity to kill the owner of Golden Crocodile Island!

The owner of Golden Crocodile Island took a deep look at Chu Jianqiu. This time, he did not dare to take it lightly.

He opened his palm, and two pumpkin sledgehammers appeared in his hand.

These two golden melon sledgehammers exuded extremely powerful fluctuations. It was obvious that they were also a pair of Nine Tribulation Divine Weapons.

After taking out the magic weapon, the owner of Golden Crocodile Island rushed straight towards Chu Jianqiu.

When Chu Jianqiu saw this, with a thought in his mind, he controlled the Nine Tribulation Realm puppet and rushed towards the Lord of Golden Crocodile Island.


Soon, the owner of the Golden Crocodile Island and the Nine Tribulations Realm puppet collided with each other, and the two sides started a fierce fight.

The owner of Golden Crocodile Island tried several times to bypass this Nine Tribulation Realm puppet and kill Chu Jianqiu's golden dragon clone.

As long as Chu Jianqiu can be captured, this Nine Tribulation Realm puppet will be defeated without a fight.

But unfortunately, he underestimated Chu Jianqiu.

With such a powerful trump card, how could Chu Jianqiu let him get close!

Moreover, in the hands of Chu Jianqiu's golden dragon clone, there is also a flying magic weapon such as Dun Tiansuo, a half-step immortal weapon, which is completely unreachable.

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Attack, retreat and defend.

Even if his Nine Tribulation Realm puppet really couldn't defeat the Golden Crocodile Island Master, he could still control the Escape Sky Shuttle and escape quickly.

With the flying magic weapon of Dun Tiansuo, a half-step immortal weapon, Chu Jianqiu can be said to be invincible.

It couldn't be easier for him to escape from the master of Golden Crocodile Island.

After the Golden Crocodile Island Master tried several times and found that he really couldn't bypass the Nine Tribulation Realm puppet and attack Chu Jianqiu directly, he gave up on such a plan and concentrated on fighting the Nine Tribulation Realm puppet. Get up and fight.

Since there was no way around this Nine Tribulations Realm puppet, he would smash the Nine Tribulations Realm puppets first.

The owner of the Golden Crocodile Island was furious, and with a pair of golden melon sledgehammers in his hands, he continuously attacked the Nine Tribulation Realm puppet with all his strength.

But unfortunately, no matter how ferocious his attacks were, they were all resisted by this Nine Tribulation Realm puppet in the end.

As the battle continued, the owner of Golden Crocodile Island became more and more frightened.

Not only did this Nine Tribulation Realm puppet seem to never run out of energy, but he also felt that the power level of this Nine Tribulation Realm puppet seemed to be a level higher than his own.

This discovery made the owner of Golden Crocodile Island even more shocked!

What is the driving energy of this Nine Tribulation Realm puppet? Why is the power level so high?

Could it be that its energy center is still the legendary immortal crystal?

This idea just came up in my mind, but was quickly rejected by the owner of Golden Crocodile Island.


This is absolutely impossible!

The Immortal Divine Crystal, what a precious treasure it is, how could it be used as the energy center of a mere Nine Tribulation Realm puppet!

I don’t know how many Nine Tribulation Realm puppets I can buy with an immortal crystal. Who would be stupid enough to do such a thing!

But what the owner of Golden Crocodile Island didn't expect was that Chu Jianqiu actually did such a thing.

The immortal crystal he got from Xuan Xi didn't dare to spend it directly. Besides giving it to the boy in green to swallow, it could only be used to refine the puppet and use it as its energy center.

If Chu Jianqiu had not met Xuan Xi, he would not have been so extravagant as to do such a thing.

But no matter what, he earned too much immortal crystal from Xuan Xi, a fat sheep. If he didn't use it in this way, he would have nowhere to spend it. In the end, he would only be cheaper than the kid in Tsing Yi.

In this case, why not use some immortal crystals to increase his trump card and improve his strength!

Chu Jianqiu's Golden Dragon clone, after observing the battle between the two sides for a long time, basically figured out the strength of the Golden Crocodile Island Master.

Although the Nine Tribulation Realm puppet he refined has very good combat power, the strength of the Golden Crocodile Island Master cannot be matched.

If we continue to fight like this, we don't know how long it will take to kill the old miscellaneous fish like the owner of Golden Crocodile Island.

Thinking of this, Chu Jianqiu was too lazy to continue entangled with the owner of Golden Crocodile Island. With a wave of his hand, nine more puppets appeared around him.

Of these nine puppets, four are puppets in the Eighth Tribulation Realm, and five are puppets in the Seventh Tribulation Realm.

Of the four puppets in the Eight Tribulations Realm, two were refined using the Eight Tribulations Realm shark monsters from the Five Shark Sect, especially the peak Eight Tribulations Realm puppet made from the corpse of a red shark-headed man. , Chu Jianqiu is also inside, with an immortal crystal embedded in it. "Boy, don't get too proud too soon!"

The owner of the Golden Crocodile Island looked at Chu Jianqiu's golden dragon clone, took a deep breath, and said with a gloomy face, "Do you think you can stop me with just such a Nine Tribulation Realm puppet?"

Chu Jianqiu had such a powerful trump card as the Nine Tribulations Realm Puppet, which was indeed beyond his expectation.

But his strength cannot be overshadowed. .??.

Even among the powerful ones in the Nine Tribulations Realm, he is considered to be the top one.

He is not a useless person like Boss Shark who has no cultivation!

"Oh, really? Then you can keep trying!" Chu Jianqiu sneered after hearing this.

If this Nine Tribulation Realm puppet only possesses the strength of the Five Sharks Gate Master during his lifetime, he may not be a match for the Golden Crocodile Island Master.

But this Nine Tribulation Realm puppet has been refined by him and has also absorbed a lot of starlight from the second level of the Chaos Supreme Tower. Its combat power is much stronger than it was in life.

Moreover, when Chu Jianqiu was refining this Nine Tribulation Realm puppet, he also embedded an immortal crystal as its energy driver.

With this immortal crystal as the energy source for this Nine Tribulation Realm puppet, this Nine Tribulation Realm puppet can almost be said to have inexhaustible power.

Even by relying on consumption, it can consume the owner of Golden Crocodile Island to death.

The true energy stored in the body of a Nine Tribulation Realm expert is far from being comparable to the energy contained in an immortal crystal.

You know, the energy contained in one immortal crystal is equivalent to 100 million calamity crystals.

It is impossible for the true energy contained in the bodies of Nine Tribulation Realm warriors to reach such an astonishing level.

It was precisely because of holding such a trump card that Chu Jianqiu dared to fly towards the East China Sea on purpose, deliberately attracting the owner of Golden Crocodile Island.

If he had met the Lord of the Golden Crocodile Island before he refined this Nine Tribulation Realm puppet, he would have run as far as he could. He would never have taken the initiative to attack a strong man of this level, but after refining the puppet, he would have run as far as he could. After this Nine Tribulation Realm puppet, he is not afraid of ordinary Nine Tribulation Realm warriors at all.

Moreover, he also wanted to take this opportunity to find out the details of the Golden Crocodile Island Master and see how strong the Golden Crocodile Island Master was.

If the owner of Golden Crocodile Island doesn't have enough strength but dares to follow him, then he doesn't mind and will take advantage of this opportunity to kill the owner of Golden Crocodile Island!

The owner of Golden Crocodile Island took a deep look at Chu Jianqiu. This time, he did not dare to take it lightly.

He opened his palm, and two pumpkin sledgehammers appeared in his hand.

These two golden melon sledgehammers exuded extremely powerful fluctuations. It was obvious that they were also a pair of Nine Tribulation Divine Weapons.

After taking out the magic weapon, the owner of Golden Crocodile Island rushed straight towards Chu Jianqiu.

When Chu Jianqiu saw this, with a thought in his mind, he controlled the Nine Tribulation Realm puppet and rushed towards the Lord of Golden Crocodile Island.


Soon, the owner of the Golden Crocodile Island and the Nine Tribulation Realm puppet collided together, and the two sides started a fierce fight.

The owner of Golden Crocodile Island tried several times to bypass this Nine Tribulation Realm puppet and kill Chu Jianqiu's golden dragon clone.

As long as Chu Jianqiu can be captured, this Nine Tribulation Realm puppet will be defeated without a fight.

But unfortunately, he underestimated Chu Jianqiu.

With such a powerful trump card, how could Chu Jianqiu let him get close!

Moreover, in the hands of Chu Jianqiu's golden dragon clone, there is also a flying magic weapon such as Dun Tiansuo, a half-step immortal weapon, which is completely unreachable.

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

Attack, retreat and defend.

Even if his Nine Tribulation Realm puppet really couldn't defeat the Golden Crocodile Island Master, he could still control the Escape Sky Shuttle and escape quickly.

With the flying magic weapon of Dun Tiansuo, a half-step immortal weapon, Chu Jianqiu can be said to be invincible.

It couldn't be easier for him to escape from the master of Golden Crocodile Island.

After the Golden Crocodile Island Master tried several times and found that he really couldn't bypass the Nine Tribulation Realm puppet and attack Chu Jianqiu directly, he gave up on such a plan and concentrated on fighting the Nine Tribulation Realm puppet. Get up and fight.

Since he couldn't bypass this Nine Tribulations Realm Puppet, he would smash it to pieces first.

The Golden Crocodile Island Lord was furious, holding a pair of golden hammers in his hands, and continuously attacked the Nine Tribulations Realm Puppet with all his strength.

But unfortunately, no matter how fierce his attack was, it was eventually blocked by the Nine Tribulations Realm Puppet.

As the battle continued, the Golden Crocodile Island Lord became more and more frightened.

Not only did this Nine Tribulations Realm Puppet seem to have energy that would never run out, but he also felt that the power level of this Nine Tribulations Realm Puppet seemed to be one level higher than his.

This discovery made the Golden Crocodile Island Lord even more shocked!

What exactly is the driving energy of this Nine Tribulations Realm Puppet? How can the power level be so high?

Could it be that its energy center is still the legendary Immortal Divine Crystal?

As soon as this thought came to his mind, it was quickly rejected by the Golden Crocodile Island Lord.


This is absolutely impossible!

Immortal God Crystal, what a precious treasure, how could it be used as the energy center of a mere Nine Tribulations Realm puppet!

One Immortal God Crystal can buy so many Nine Tribulations Realm puppets, who would be stupid enough to do such a thing!

But what the Golden Crocodile Island Master did not expect was that Chu Jianqiu really did such a thing.

He did not dare to spend the Immortal God Crystal he got from Xuan Xi directly, except for swallowing it by the green-clothed boy, he could only use it to refine puppets and use it as the energy center of the puppets.

If Chu Jianqiu had not met Xuan Xi, the sucker, he would naturally not be so extravagant as to do such a thing.

But he earned too many Immortal God Crystals from Xuan Xi, the fat sheep, and if he did not use it this way, he would have nowhere to spend it, and it would only benefit the green-clothed boy in the end.

In this case, why not use some Immortal God Crystals to increase his trump card and improve his strength!

After observing the battle between the two sides for a long time, Chu Jianqiu's golden dragon clone basically understood the strength of the Golden Crocodile Island Master.

Although the combat power of the Nine Tribulations Realm puppet he refined was very good, the strength of the Golden Crocodile Island Master was not to be underestimated.

If the battle continued in this situation, it would take an unknown amount of time to wear down the old bastard Golden Crocodile Island Master.

Thinking of this, Chu Jianqiu was too lazy to continue to tangle with the Golden Crocodile Island Master. He waved his hand and nine more puppets appeared around him.

Among these nine puppets, four were puppets of the Eight Tribulations Realm and five were puppets of the Seven Tribulations Realm.

Two of the four Eight Tribulations Realm puppets were refined using the Eight Tribulations Realm shark monsters of the Five Shark Sect, especially the Eight Tribulations Realm Peak puppet refined using the corpse of the red shark-headed strong man. Chu Jianqiu also embedded an immortal divine crystal in it.

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