The Secret of the Chaotic Heavenly Emperor

Chapter 663 Treasure Pavilion (Part 2)

Chapter 663: Treasure Pavilion (Part 2)

In this state, how could they be afraid of these top ten strong men? They wished these people would take action against them so that they could vent the huge and violent power in their bodies.

When they saw the two people like this, Chao Zhengzhi and other top ten warriors on the local list did not want to mess with them. They felt an extremely strong threat from these two people. If they really wanted to fight with them, they would still have to fight with them. You may not be able to beat them.

When Chu Jianqiu saw the appearance of these two people, he couldn't help but be secretly shocked. It seemed that even if these elixirs were to be used in the future, they would need to be used with caution, or at least diluted many times before use.

Even if they are of the same grade, these elixirs are many times more powerful than ordinary elixirs. If one accidentally uses too much medicine, the user may explode and die.

After Chu Jianqiu arrived here, he greeted Huyan Ruize and then joined the team attacking the defensive formation.

This defensive formation was already on the verge of collapse after many days of joint attacks. After Chu Jianqiu joined, it was the last straw that broke the camel's back. It quickly reached its limit. Under everyone's attack Shattered.

After the defensive formation was broken, everyone rushed into the hall.

The space inside the hall is huge. Behind the main hall, there are several corridors. Each corridor is lined with branch halls.

Chu Jianqiu sent out his spiritual thoughts, trying to detect which branch halls contained treasures.

However, after his spiritual thoughts were radiated, he found that the walls of those halls could block his spiritual thoughts, and his own spiritual thoughts could not penetrate at all.

Except for Chu Jianqiu who sent out his spiritual thoughts for detection, the other warriors also sent out their own spiritual thoughts for detection, but soon everyone discovered the fact that their spiritual thoughts could not penetrate the walls of these halls.

So everyone immediately gave up using their spiritual thoughts to detect reality and quickly rushed towards the corridors.

Everyone chose different corridors. After entering the corridor, they opened the doors of the branch halls one by one to explore the situation inside.

After the crowd broke through the defensive formation of the Treasure Pavilion, many warriors who considered themselves to be fairly powerful followed the crowd into the Treasure Pavilion.

Chu Jianqiu also chose a corridor to explore the situation in the branch halls.

On the corridor he chose, in addition to Chu Jianqiu, there were three other warriors who also chose this corridor.

Among these three warriors, one is Lao Zhe who once competed for the sixth level elixir together on Medicine Peak, one is a Blood Shadow Alliance disciple wearing a blood robe, Yang Qi is ninth on the Earth Ranking, and the other is He is the Great Demon Rhinoceros Yuan of the Rhinoceros Demon Clan and the sixth strongest person on the Earth Ranking.

A group of four people pushed open the doors of the branch halls on both sides of the corridor one by one on this corridor. However, what was disappointing was that most of these branch halls were empty and contained no treasures.

"Fuck, what kind of crappy place is this? It doesn't even have a hair on it, and it's even in the Treasure Pavilion! It makes me happy for nothing, and it took me so much effort to break through that big formation." Xi Yuan pushed away several times in succession. When he saw the door of a branch hall was empty, he couldn't help but cursed anxiously.

Yang Qi and Lao Zhe were also curious. It shouldn't be. Shouldn't the Treasure Pavilion be the place where the sect hides treasures? Why are the treasures inside not as good as those in the buildings outside?

one room.

Seeing this scene, Chu Jianqiu felt puzzled in his heart, and asked the old man in black shirt in the Chaos Supreme Tower: "Hey, old man Cangyuan, what's going on with Feiyun Sect's Treasure Pavilion? Isn’t there even half a treasure inside?”

"The war that year lasted for a long time, and the materials consumed were naturally staggering. Most of the materials in the Treasure Pavilion were consumed by the war. However, it is not like there is nothing left. There should still be some family assets left. , Young Master, if you look slowly, you should be able to find some treasures." The old man in black shirt replied.

Although Chu Jianqiu was digging for the treasures of his own sect, the old man in black clothes had to answer. After all, his life was still in his hands.

Moreover, except for him, who still has this residual soul in the Feiyun Sect, the others have long been wiped out. There is no use in leaving these treasures. They might as well give them to Chu Jianqiu as a favor.

Maybe Chu Jianqiu would let him go when he was happy.

Next, the old man in black shirt gave Chu Jianqiu some instructions based on his own memory, telling him which branch of the Treasure Pavilion contained treasures.

Following the instructions of the old man in black shirt, Chu Jianqiu stopped following the three of them and flew forward all the way to the end of the corridor.

When Xi Yuan saw this, he couldn't help but sneer: "You really think you can get treasures by running fast, what an idiot!" He just glanced at Chu Jianqiu and ignored him, and continued to push open the sub-halls one by one. 's door.

Yang Qi also didn't believe that Chu Jianqiu could predict the treasure. If Chu Jianqiu went straight to the end like this, if there was a treasure hidden in any of the branch halls he passed by, wouldn't it be a huge opportunity missed.

Yang Qi also felt disapproval for a while, and like Xi Yuan, he opened the doors of the branch halls one by one to explore.

Among the three, only Lao Zhe had a different view on Chu Jianqiu's actions.

At that time on that medicine peak, he had seen the power of Chu Jianqiu. Not only is his combat prowess superb, his resourcefulness is also superhuman.

Since Chu Jianqiu went straight to the end of the corridor, he must have his own intentions and would never do such a meaningless move.

Lao Zhe glanced at Xi Yuan and Yang Qi again, feeling hesitant in his heart. He was afraid that his judgment would be wrong and he would miss the opportunity for the treasure.

After much hesitation, Lao Zhe gritted his teeth and finally decided to follow Chu Jianqiu and run straight to the end of the corridor.

But while he was hesitating, Chu Jianqiu's figure had disappeared in front of him.

Chu Jianqiu came to the end of the corridor. There was another branch at the end of the corridor. Chu Jianqiu turned to the left and stopped at the door of the third branch hall at the corner.

Chu Jianqiu reached out and pushed open the door of this branch hall. The moment the door of the branch hall was pushed open, a strong aroma of medicine hit his nostrils.

Chu Jianqiu stepped into the door of the branch hall and glanced inside the branch hall. At this glance, Chu Jianqiu was shocked and dumbfounded. He took a deep breath and stared at the scene in front of him.

I saw that this branch hall was filled with huge medicine shelves, and these medicine shelves were filled with bottles of pills.

At a glance, there are roughly hundreds of these medicine shelves, and each medicine shelf is filled with thousands of bottles of elixirs.

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