The Secret of the Chaotic Heavenly Emperor

Chapter 687 Stanka takes action

Chapter 687 Stanka takes action

In countless cold and dark palaces of the underworld, Stanka felt extremely angry after receiving the message from Galeo.

What a bunch of rubbish. They couldn't even deal with a group of ants in the Yuan Dan Realm, and they took so many lives.

Stanka could no longer stay in the Nether Palace, so he flew out of the Nether Palace and personally went to intercept the human warriors who entered the secret realm.

Because the current situation has forced him to pay attention to it. Up to now, a total of three hundred people from the Nether Clan who went to intercept and kill the human warriors who entered the fragments of this world have died.

There are three hundred Nether Clan members, which is close to one-third of the Nether Clan members stationed in this fragment of the world.

While Stanka was setting off, he had already ordered all the Nether Clan patrolling other places to rush to intercept and kill the human warriors.

Stanka was angry, but he also felt a great sense of vigilance.

Because from the messages sent by Gallio, Stanka learned that the reason why those human warriors were able to kill so many Nether Races was mainly because of a strange young man.

This weird young man not only possesses the power of thunder and fire, which are specially designed to restrain their Nether Clan, but there is also a terrifying force in this boy's body that can swallow the power of the Netherworld.

Not only that, this weird boy can also refine two kinds of spiritual talismans, one can resist their Netherworld Death Qi, and the other can get rid of Netherworld Death Qi.

It is precisely because of these two kinds of spiritual talismans that the human warriors no longer fear the Netherworld Death Qi of their Netherworld clan. After losing the Netherworld Death Qi, the most important means, the Netherworld clan faces many human warriors. There is no overwhelming advantage.

Because this group of human warriors who entered this world fragment are not ordinary warriors. Each one of them is the pride of heaven with extremely terrifying combat power. In addition, there are so many of them. Without the deterrence of the Netherworld’s death energy, they, the Netherworld clan, cannot take much advantage. .

After receiving these messages from Gallio, Stanka decided to kill the weird boy himself.

Because from Galeo's description, this young man was almost born to be the enemy of their Nether Clan, and all the powers he possessed were the nemesis of their Nether Clan.

Stanka still doesn't know where these human warriors come from, but no matter which force he belongs to, since he has so many powers to restrain the Nether Tribe, Stanka cannot let him live.

Otherwise, once this young man is allowed to grow up, he may become the Nether Clan's formidable enemy in the future.

Chu Jianqiu didn't know that the most terrifying existence in this secret realm had already set his sights on him, and was still selling spiritual talismans while rushing on his way.

It should not be far from the entrance of the secret realm now. It takes at most three days to reach the entrance of the secret realm and return to Nanzhou through the secret realm passage.

However, even though he was close to the entrance of the secret realm, Chu Jianqiu did not feel relaxed at all.

Because during this period of time, more and more Nether Tribes have attacked them. Although they have the Nether Breaking Talisman to resist the erosion of Netherworld Death Qi, the strength of these Netherworld Tribes themselves is not weak, even without the Netherworld Death Qi. , is still an extremely difficult opponent.

When the opponent's number is still relatively small, they can still win by relying on their numbers.

But with the Nether Clan’s

Once their numbers increased, they were immediately at a disadvantage.

Under the constant attacks of the Nether Clan, they walked extremely slowly every day. The distance that originally only took three days to complete has now been walked for three days, but they have only walked half of the distance.

According to the current speed, if they want to reach the entrance of the secret realm, they must continue walking for three days.

However, in the past three days, they successively encountered warriors from the Blood Shadow Alliance and warriors from the Monster Clan.

The warriors of the Blood Shadow Alliance and the Monster Clan are in no better condition than the warriors of their Southern Continent Alliance.

When they first entered the secret realm, there were nearly 8,000 warriors from the Blood Shadow Alliance and nearly 7,000 great demons from the demon clan.

But now, there are less than two thousand warriors left in the Blood Shadow Alliance, and the demon clan also has less than a thousand great demons left.

There are only a little more than a thousand warriors left in the Nanzhou Alliance, which is worse than the Blood Shadow Alliance and better than the Monster Clan.

Now the combined number of the three forces is less than 5,000. When they first entered the secret realm, there were more than 20,000 warriors, and the number of people lost reached three-quarters.

In this secret realm training expedition, the losses suffered by the warriors of Nanzhou were not unbearable.

After meeting the warriors from the Blood Shadow Alliance and the Monster Clan, Chu Jianqiu naturally started his business of selling talismans again.

Many people in the Nanzhou Alliance were opposed to Chu Jianqiu selling the Ghost-breaking Talisman and the Ming-Dispelling Talisman to the warriors of the Blood Shadow Alliance and the Monster Clan.

After all, the Blood Shadow Alliance and the Monster Clan have always been the life and death enemies of the South Continent Alliance, especially the Blood Shadow Alliance, which has a deep grudge with the South Continent Alliance.

The more warriors of the Blood Shadow Alliance lose, the more beneficial it will be for their Southern Continent Alliance, and these talismans should not be sold to help them.

However, these objections were quickly suppressed.

Because now their biggest enemy is not the Blood Shadow Alliance, but those cold and evil creatures.

Now, whether they are warriors from the Blood Shadow Alliance or the Southern Continent Alliance, the most important thing is to get out of this secret realm alive.

Under such a situation surrounded by foreign enemies, the Blood Shadow Alliance would not be stupid enough to attack the people of their Southern Continent Alliance under such circumstances.

Now sell these talismans to the Blood Shadow Alliance and the Monster Clan to enhance their strength. It will also help to deal with the Nether Clan together and increase everyone's hope of survival.

Of course, the price Chu Jianqiu sold the spiritual talismans to the Blood Shadow Alliance and the Monster Clan could not be the same as the price he sold to the warriors of the Nanzhou Alliance.

The Ghost-Breaking Talisman sold to the warriors of the Southern Continent Alliance is a fifth-level top-grade magic weapon or a treasure of the same value. However, the Ghost-Breaking Talisman sold to the warriors of the Blood Shadow Alliance and the Monster Clan requires a fifth-level top-grade magic weapon or a treasure of equal value. They are treasures of equal value.

Everyone in the South Continent Alliance looked at the livid faces of the Blood Shadow Alliance and the Monster Clan warriors, and suddenly couldn't help but feel pity. At the same time, they realized that Chu Paipi had been merciful to them.

Although Chu Jianqiu's spiritual talisman sold for a sky-high price, for the sake of their own lives, these warriors had to buy Chu Jianqiu's Nether Breaking Talisman with blood dripping from their hearts.

If it were before entering the secret realm, it would be impossible for them to afford Chu Jianqiu's Nether Breaking Talisman even if they had lost all their money.

Because before entering the secret realm, most of them did not even have fifth-level low-grade magic weapons, let alone fifth-level top-grade magic weapons.

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